Litmus Tests

“For years, many in the conservative world have wished for an ideologically purer GOP. Their wish has been granted. Happy?” - David Frum (H/T Sullivan)
Yes; I seem to remember some people like that. Funny how the shoe fits less comfortably when it’s on the other foot.

How Maliki Won

A very interesting piece by Nir Rosen on who has come out on top in Iraq’s civil war, which Rosen believes is over (for now).

Creating a Monster

Remember last year’s story about Samantha Power calling Hillary Clinton “a monster?” No? Well, that’s no surprise. It wasn’t exactly “scoop of the year,” was it?
Except that, hang on …
The Scottish Press Awards ’scoop of the year’ gong has been given to Gerri Peev, a reporter on the Edinburgh-based Scotsman, who wrote up a [...]

Tax Cuts & Torture

I see (via John Cole) that South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint greeted the departure of Arlen Specter by stating that, “I would rather have 30 Republicans in the Senate who really believe in principles of limited government, free markets, free people, than to have 60 that don’t have a set of beliefs.”
It sounds nice, but [...]

Sam Brownback Votes to Confirm Sebelius

The Senate just confirmed Kathleen Sebelius as Obama’s secretary of Health and Human Services. Eight Republicans, plus Specter, joined the Democrats. Notably, in addition to the usual suspects (Collins, Snowe), anti-abortion Sen. Sam Brownback voted to confirm his fellow (but abortion-supporting) Kansan. He wants her job as governor of the Sunflower State, but with votes [...]

Uncle Sam Mines Your PC

Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, who writes in the May Atlantic about government mining of Internet searches, would make a good Stasi agent, if only there were still an East Germany. He writes:
In fact, some searches could be viewed as a form of dialogue between citizens and their government. Why shouldn’t what constituents are exploring online be the [...]

Immigrants and foreign policy

Here’s a piece I wrote for World Affairs on immigration and foreign policy. It’s the kind of thing that should prompt disagreements among TAC readers, since it argues that sensible immigration and foreign policies don’t necessarily follow one from the other.  A jokey alternative title might be “How I learned to stop worrying and love [...]

Oink-Oink, Achoo!

We all remember the dark, deadly days of 2003, wearing our breathing masks, struggling for air, dragging the bodies of our loved ones to the incinerators amid the terrible bird flu pandemic. Oh, you don’t remember that? Well, how about Jerry Ford’s Swing Flu Epidemic, which killed a million Americans in ‘76?
There is evidence there [...]

Specter Switches

The Fix is reporting that Arlen Specter will switch parties today. Dramatic, but it makes sense: not only is he more philosophically in tune with the liberal party, but as he notes in his statement, some 200,000 Pennsylvania Republicans have recently switched registration to the Democratic Party. Those were “Specter Republicans,” presumably, who turned coat, [...]

The Buckley Way of Death

Christopher Buckley’s memoir of his parents’ last days, Losing Mum and Pup, is already causing indigestion in some circles. The NY Times ran a (very good) distillation this past weekend. Or if you just want the scandalous bits, see Howard Kurtz in the Washington Post. Certain pundits, such as David Klinghoffer in a particularly nasty [...]