Books for Any Season

Over the past week TAC highlighted “persons of interest,” some of the most thought-provoking profiles and character sketches from our archives. The articles we featured in our slideshow on the main page came from “front of the book,” articles, but I’d like to draw attention here to terrific reviews that we included elsewhere in the [...]

No Thanks

I have often wondered what Richard Spencer means by the term “alternative right.” His defense of Stacy McCain’s “puerile, splenic rantings” leads me to the conclusion that it has a lot to do with attitude and style. He likes “ballsy” and hates “wishy washy.” That leads him to endorse R.S. McCain; and even more dubiously, [...]

Obama’s Torture Coverup

Does President Obama have a vested interest in covering up the crimes of the Bush administration?
His decision to block the release of photos of U.S. troops abusing detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan is a reminder that the nation may still be running on “Cheney time.” As long as the photos are not released, former Bush [...]

Justice Denied?

Ben-Ami Kadish, the US Army engineer who spied for Israel in the same ring that included Jonathan Pollard, was finally sentenced today in New York City.  Kadish had pleaded guilty after his arrest in December but for reasons not entirely clear his sentencing was repeatedly postponed.  He received no prison sentence and only a $50,000 [...]

Weapon of Mass Disruption

Obama has announced that he will create a new “cybersecurity czar” to protect us all from hackers, identity fraud and online terrorism — or, as he put it, “weapons of mass disruption.” Fair enough. Yet will the appointee be able to affect the fate of poor Gary McKinnon — aka “the biggest military hacker in [...]

Obama’s Justice

When you think about it, Sonia Sotomayor is the perfect pick for the Supreme Court — in Barack Obama’s America.
Like Obama, himself a beneficiary of affirmative action, she thinks “Latina women,” because of their life [...]

Death & Stimuli

My favorite story of the week so far? The Australian government has been sending out stimulus checks — (US) $12.5 million’s worth — to dead citizens.

“Grateful dead get a raise from Kev,” said one headline, referring to Kevin Rudd, the prime minister, who signed off on the scheme.
There’s been much talk of how stimulus schemes [...]

El Camarada Cameron

Inspired by R.J. Stove’s article on Evelyn Waugh, I have been looking through Robbery Under the Law  again, and have come across, in the introduction, a very comprehensive credo that defined his conservatism:
“I believe that man is by nature, an exile and will never be self-sufficient or complete on this earth; that his chances of [...]

Ralph Peters Questions the Army’s Instincts for Blood

I missed this from Tuesday, but it’s worth noting. It seems that Ralph Peters is skeptical of the new Petraeus-franchised COIN doctrine — but not for the same reasons say Prof. Andrew Bacevich is.
Andrew Exum, the fresh face of COIN and moderator of a blog dedicated to its acolytes, took rigorous notes at an exclusive [...]

Reagan Revisionism - Do you like the New Deal or don’t you?

I first want to thank all those who linked to or posted on my TAC piece on Jimmy Carter’s infamous “malaise” speech. I appreciate your thoughts and comments.
It’s been said that my piece is part of the Reagan “revisionism” by some on the right and it’s something I wish to address. The dictionary defines revisionism as “one who proposes [...]