
The internet company said it is to stop censoring internet search results in China and direct all traffic from its servers there to Hong Kong

The law protects those responsible for thousands of killings and disappearances during the country's armed conflict from 1980 to 1992.

Andrei Zhuk and Vasily Yuzepchuk were sentenced to death in 2009 for separate crimes but had been sharing a death row cell in Minsk.

Good news

Egypt releases blogger facing trial by military court

Ahmed Mostafa was facing jail after he after he published a post alleging nepotism within the armed forces.

In focus

Roma face forced evictions
Amnesty International meets the Roma communities affected by Italy's controversial 'Nomad Plan'

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Appeals for Action

Stop forced evictions of Roma in Italy

A new plan to close down many Roma camps in the city of Rome, paves the way for the forced eviction of thousands of people and for most (but not all) of them to be resettled on the outskirts. 

54014 appeals have been sent from this site.

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