Australian Islamist Monitor

Islam Under Scrutiny

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Islam’s death cult women: Baida’s story

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If you read Islam’s last written and over-riding Medina text you will be in no doubt that Islam is a death cult and this is reinforced by the hadiths, sira and laws.    Islam desires the death of non-Muslims and it rewards those who die while ‘making all the religion allah’s.’  It threatens those who don’t fight for allah with punishment and even declares them hypocrites who will go to hell.  Women populate hell---very, very few reach paradise.  Martyrs on the other hand are guaranteed paradise and miss the ‘torment of the grave.’  Paradise is a brothel for men filled with endlessly available young girls and boys like pearls so there is little there for women but it still beats hell.  Islamic text and laws are monstrously misogynist and any ‘respect’ women may gain is dependent on them complying with Islamic dictates and being a ‘good Muslim.’   The female ‘martyrdom’ bomber at least gains recognition and paradise.   Those too scared to blow themselves up can vicariously gain ‘respect’ and paradise by turning their children into martyrs who can intercede for them.  There is nothing greater than being a martyr for allah and even tiny children are trained to desire death.   Baida is a devout Muslim martyrdom bomber who desires death. 



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In line with the growing world-wide Anti-Semitism movement, it is sad that University campuses are getting into the act with their “Apartheid Week”. It seems to be lost on this University Intelligentsia that it is Islam and Not Israel that practises Apartheid. The week-long anti-Israel propaganda event began five years ago at the University of Toronto and has spread to 40 other campuses around the world.  The apartheid week website states next week’s events take place “in the wake of Israel’s horrific attacks and continued siege on the people of Gaza.” Its stated aim is “to educate people about the nature of Israel as an apartheid system and to build a global movement of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaigns."

In this article we will look at the growing phenomenon of Apartheid Week and how it is distorting the truth to induce hatred towards Israel.


Islam’s jihad against India 7th-16th century: part J in Islam’s genocidal slavery:

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Despite India’s (Hind va Sind) ancient religions (Hinduism, Buddhism etc) and culture, and its great intellectual achievements in mathematics (zero, algebra, Hindu numerals, geometry, decimal system etc), science, medicine, art and architecture , music and philosophy which it shared with others by allowing others to study in its universities or taking its knowledge to the courts of others (eg Baghdad in the early phase of Islam)  it was regarded as pagan/polytheist and therefore unacceptable to Islam.  

Under Islam, paganism, idolatry and polytheism must be destroyed and the booty distributed amongst Muslim fighters for allah.  India deserved jihad to turn it to Islam and the jihad continues today. 

“The tongue of the sword of the Khalifa of the time, which is the tongue of the flame of Islam, has imparted light to the entire darkness of Hindustan by the illumination of its guidance.”

From sea to sea the “capitals of the gods of the Hindus, in which Satanism has prevailed since the time of the Jinns, have been demolished”  (Muslim chroniclers, Bostom, p 641-2).  The slaughter of Hindus (Jains, Buddhists etc) was/is an act of genocide.


A Reply from the ACT Chief Minister

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Jonathon Ronald Stanhope (born 29 April 1951) is the current, and longest serving, Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory, representing the Australian Labor Party. He is the only ACT Chief Minister to have governed with a majority in the ACT assembly (The ACT Labor Party achieving this between 2004 and 2008). Stanhope was born in Gundagai, New South Wales but moved to Canberra to study at the Australian National University. After graduating in law, he became a legal officer for the public service and a staffer for a number of senior ALP figures, including former federal leader Kim Beazley.

On the 16th December 2009 we wrote to Jon Stanhope, the Chief Minister for the ACT in relation to the pending approval of a new Islamic school. We received his reply on Wednesday 10th March 2010.

Our letter is given below.


Open Day at Vipers’ Nest

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A recent so called ‘open day’ at Lakemba Mosque in Sydney became the ‘try it out’ place for suggesting Australia adopt Shariah law. ‘Broad support for Shariah law’ ran one headline. You may wonder about the ‘broad’ part – and the fact that there are about 340,000 Muslims in Australia, or 1.7 per cent of the population, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics figures. And yet this 1.7 percent (unless there are some hidden wives under the bed or in the wardrobe or in the boot ) would like to dramatically alter the traditional system of law practised in this country. It was reported that:

THERE'S broad Muslim community support for aspects of Sharia law being adopted in Australia, a leading spokesman for the religion says. (source) 


Killer Veil

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It is fortunate that we are constantly reminded how Islam liberates women and how the veil is a symbol of freedom. Otherwise, we might jump to erroneous conclusions.

Three cases in Australia since Christmas (oops sorry, Winterval!) nearly misled me into thinking Islam was bad for women. So I am indebted to Wal and Sherene for setting me on the straight path.

Wal, in Behind the hijab of a gender jihad, explains:


Caught in the crossfire? But.. who was shooting?

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Yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald greeted as with a heart-wrenching story about maltreatment of the Jamal family by various Australian authorities.

Apparently, all  problems and misfortunes happened to the poor, but fiercely proud Muslim family,  because of the prejudice towards Muslims and not because of their own doing.


US : PC and fear of Islamic violence:

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The Arizona prosecutors have been scared off seeking the death penalty for a Muslim who in cold-blood, killed his daughter, because it would look bad for ‘Christians’ to execute a Muslim!  

An old piece from December 2007 shows a well known political commentator in the US, Lawrence O’Donnell admitting that he was afraid to criticise Islam.

In October 2009, an Iraqi father (Faleh Almaleki) drove a two ton jeep over his daughter  (Noor) in Arizona, killing her for being “too westernized”.  He then headed to Mexico and caught a plane to London!  Amazingly he was denied entry  (don’t they let Muslims flood in and only stop rational critics of Islam like Dutch politician Geert Wilders??).


Mystery BABYLON and the Scarlet WHORE

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What is inescapable today is the rising influence of Saudi Arabia to the world fuelled by oil revenue. We witnessed last year the ultimate act of submission when the leader of the free world, President Obama, bowed down in humility to the king of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah. Of course it all started in the seventh century with Mohammed and the rise of Islam centred around Mecca which is now in the country called Saudi Arabia. Mecca which is controlled by the Saudi Royal family is the spiritual home of the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims whose duty it is to visit Mecca and walk 7 times around the Kaaba and rub and kiss the black stone. Mohammed with his revelations contained in the Quran started a Holy War against the Jews and Christians and so began a ruthless campaign to rid the world of “the People of the Book”. The conquest of the Middle East and Europe following Mohammed is one of the bloodiest in all History. With the world’s largest oil reserves, Saudi Arabia is literally holding the West to ransom. They are spreading their Wahhabi form of Islam and funding education facilities throughout the Western world. All the major universities now rely on oil money to prosper. From Arabia too we have UAE and Dubai ports which now control the gateway to many Western nations with the obvious ability to corrupt. Many would like to see the demise of Saudi Arabia and its corrupting influence, and maybe they will if prophecy comes true.


Postcard from Israel

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I'm here in Israel, a land surrounded by jihadis who want to destroy this amazing, sometimes infuriating, but always fascinating country. Infuriating because with a vibrant mix of people from many lands, there are bound to be aspects which grate, such as the Israeli habit of asking strangers all sorts of personal questions and their penchant for rushing in rather than queuing. But this apart,Israel has a buzz and a liveliness that is palpable: Israelis love life and are determined to live it to the full, despite the formidable array of enemies surrounding them and often amongst them.


Inching towards sanity

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This is an article about Kevin Rudd’s announcement, via a “Counter Terrorism White Paper”, that muslims, their  beliefs and practices, are ….a bit of a worry.

I have entitled it “Inching towards sanity” but I hasten to point out that this is in no way an endorsement of KRudd and his “policies or “initiatives”. Nor of his predecessors, I might add. If this man and his “government” are heading towards sanity it is only because they are being dragged, kicking and screaming all the way.


Islamic danger in US government and security:

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Well the heading isn’t a surprise to anyone following the decline of the US under Obama.   Two interviews with people involved in the white house and security reveal the deep infiltration of Islam, the destructive wilful, blindness and ignorance of military leaders (remember Fort Hood) and others regarding Islam and the deliberate promotion of Muslims to positions of power and influence plus ongoing meetings to ‘team up’ with America’s enemies.


The ENEMY Within

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After seeing this newspaper article in the Daily Express, I was struck by how it reflected perfectly the way I was feeling about the erosion of our national security in every possible way. We have just digested the ramifications of the Fort Hood massacre where 13 innocent people were gunned down by a good Muslim who was just obeying the dictates of Islam. This was followed by a pathetic explanation from the Military and also the White House that absolved Islam from any blame. Read this recent article “Fort Hood and Fitna: is America insane?” by Circe (here).

However for those following similar such events, this is a world-wide pattern of behaviour and Australia cannot be immune from similar attacks. Sedition is a word that is seldom used today in our Multicultural PC world, but Islam is behind the erosion of our society in so many ways. From our Government, to our Military, to our Police, to our Legal system, to our Education system, Stealth Jihad is alive and flourishing. But we should not be surprised. 


Interfaith Agenda

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ABC Radio National produces Encounter, "a highly acclaimed series which explores the connections between religion and life...invites the listener to make connections intellectually, emotionally and intuitively across a broad spectrum of topics. ..and regularly reflects on the religious experience of multicultural Australia."

On 20 December, they ran "Interfaith Agenda: Parliament of the World's Religions."
I would like to highlights parts of the transcript and have added my views in places.

Please feel free to add yours.


Islam’s Indian slave trade Part I in Islam’s genocidal slavery:

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India has a deep, long cultural history.  Hinduism began there around 1,500 BC and Buddhism around the 6th century BC.   This culture had evolved impressive intellectual, religious and artistic pursuits. Pre and post the early days of Islam, Indian scholars took their works in science, maths (zero, algebra, geometry, the decimal system, so-called ‘Arabic’ numbers are actually Hindu ones!), medicine, philosophy etc to the courts of others (including Muslims eg Baghdad).   

Others came to study in India’s established universities.  Indian children (boys and girls) were educated in the relatively widespread education system in a wide variety of subjects eg science, medicine and philosophy.  India’s  art and architecture was magnificent.  They were a prosperous people.  Then came Islam - slaughter, slavery, rape, violence, pillage; destruction of religious sites, art and architecture; poverty, exploitation, humiliation, famine, forced conversion, decline in intellectual pursuits, social destruction and a worsening of social ills.  To Islam, anything that is not Islamic is from a time of ignorance –Jahiliyya- and must be destroyed (or appropriated and called Islam’s!).  The onslaught created the Roma (gypsies), destroyed ‘Hindu’ Afghanistan and formed Pakistan (Kashmir) and Bangladesh .


Sharia Compliant Finance is Sharia law

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The letter enclosed below was sent by one of our members and supporters to over forty Federal Senators and MPs. (Web Administrator)

The Hon xxxx xxxx
Parliament House
RE: Sharia Compliant Finance is Sharia law

Dear ...
We are greatly concerned about moves from the Federal government to encourage and support Sharia Islamic finance In Australia. Wall Street in the USA is calling it the hottest sector of the financial market but is ignoring the great risk and this at a time when it is dealing with the global financial crisis.


Murderers pay no price under Sharia

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A YOUNG woman has been found not guilty of murdering her mother and attempting to murder her father.

Kaihana Tahseen Hussain, 20, had pleaded not guilty to the attacks, in a Gold Coast apartment in October 2006, when she was 17.

Prosecutors had alleged that she wanted to convert from Islam to Christianity and wanted to move to Sydney to be with her older boyfriend, but her parents disapproved.


Muslims Take Over Cocaine Trade

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For some time now Muslim underground has dominated illegal heroin trade.
Heroine from South East Asia still trickles into the country but since Dubai Port World controls Australian ports and a large part of our airport security is also under strong Muslims control, the SE Asian competition lost its  significance.

Additionally, very “affordable” prices of heroin from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran make the SE Asian merchandise “uncompetitive”.


Non-Muslims banned in Maldives

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In the island group of the Maldives trouble is brewing. In 2008, a new constitution was introduced preventing non-Muslims from becoming Madivian citizens. Articvle 9d states that “a non-muslim may not become a citizen of the Maldives.” This sees those of other faiths stripped of their existing Maldivian citizenship with the strong posibility of abusive treatment and imprisonment without a trial!   
Barnabus Fund reported in their January 2010 E-mail newsletter the Maldives People's      Majlis (Parliament) now had another more drastic bill that will effect non-Muslims  worshipping in their country.

Wikipedia has the following information on the Maldives. Maldives or officially the Republic of Maldives is an island country of 1,192 islets; 200 are inhabited.

  • Total area of  the 26 atolls is 90,000 square kms.
  • The Capital city is Male (with a stroke on the top of the E).
  • Population total 2009 : 396,334.
  • Situated about 700 kms south west of Sri Lanka.
  • The Maldives is the lowest country in the world, with a maximum natural ground level only 2.3 metres (7ft 7in) above sea level.

Full Body Scans for Everyone?

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In the wake of the recent failed attempt by an Islamic terrorist Nigerian man, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to blow up a plane full of people on Christmas Day 2009 on the Northwest Airlines flight 253 above Detroit.-Al-Qaeda later claimed responsibility – full body screens of passengers will be introduced into many airports around the world. Australian airports are to adopt the full body scans in 2011.

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News from OZ

Let's not blow things out of proportions

Their strategy is simple but effective. When Australian Navy vessel gets close enough they  make a hole in their boat, set it on fire or better still blow the boat up in style.

After that,  brave Muslim welfare  seekers must be "rescued" by the Aussie sailors, delivered to the detention centre and provided with food and shelter.

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And the saga continues

As predicted earlier in this section, sheik Mansour Leghaei has his "visa" extended for another month as his "case" is being reviewed again.

The Immigration Department yesterday granted Dr Leghaei a bridging visa, valid until April 19.


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Muslim Terrorist wins his case for defamation

Muslim terrorist Mamdouh Habib had more luck with a senile NSW  judge than he had ever had in pursuing  his jihadi career.

FORMER terror suspect Mamdouh Habib has won his case for defamation against The Daily Telegraph.

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Australia! Here I come!

Rudd blames "global trend" for the growing numbers of illegal welfare seekers arriving by "boatloads" to Australia, however this "global trend" is not reflected by increased number of Muslim "refugees" reaching the shores of Saudi Arabia, UAE or Kuwait.

SEVERAL hundred boat people are expected to arrive within days aboard two illegal vessels, triggering a mass transfer of refugees from Christmas Island to the mainland. (source)

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Sheik Mansour Leghaei: I'm not going anywhere

It makes us puzzled and confused why an illegal  welfare recipient and a immigration cheat   is still here, in Australia and gives teary interviews to the media.

"I have never doubted that I am going to win this case, not only because I believe I am innocent and very unfairly treated. There have been many innocent people before me and after me as well." (source)

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Mullah Janan Andewahl captured

Muslim terrorist Mullah Janan Andewahl  has been captured by the Afghan National Security Forces and Australia's Special Operations Task Group in the Mirabad Valley, located in the Oruzgan Province (Afghanistan).

Andewahl was responsible for organizing  attacks and roadside bombings against Afghan civilians, military and ISAF assistance forces.

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Keep out of it Smith!

Smith should keep out from Israeli internal affairs.
It's only a matter of time before building in “Muslims only” zones becomes a problem here in Australia.

Just imagine Indonesia telling us we cannot build homes in Greenacre or Lakemba because it upsets local Muslims.

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One billion dollars for Illegal Welfare seekers

Since KRudd took over the helm of this country Australian taxpayers had to cough up $AU 1 billion to cover expenses related to the processing of illegal welfare receivers (aka asylum seekers).

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Susilo Bambang not offended

Australia has avoided a serious diplomatic row over a shocking show of disrespect towards President Susilo Bambang by Liberal MP Peter Slipper.

Indonesia's president was not offended after reports that an MP fell asleep during a landmark parliamentary address, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Thursday insisted. (source)

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Dead terrorist and a hand made guitar

DNA tests helped to identify Dalmatin as “the dead terrorist” however Indonesia can produce many more devout Muslims who are ready to die for Allah at any time.

Tuesday's raids, which came just a day before President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was to address the Australian parliament, set forensics experts scrambling to quickly confirm the Jemaah Islamiah leader's identity.

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Dalmatin shot dead

Indonesian police believe they shot dead one of the Muslim terrorists responsible for 2002 Bali bombing. There were also 19 arrests accross Indonesia of Muslim terrorists linked to Dulantin's Aceh cell.

Police say they are waiting on DNA results but believe a man shot dead in a South Jakarta internet cafe yesterday was Dulmatin, who had a $10 million reward on his head from the US Government. (source)

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We All Must have a Commitment to this Country

NSW State Cabinet moved in the right direction and decided to change the rules of so called  multiculturalism.

Until now  all institutions and people in NSW  had to “respect” and “cherish”  the culture, language and religion of others.

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Apartheid after Death

The latest  Muslim demands for “Muslim Only” cemetery in Sydney should demonstrate loud and clear even to our politically correct journalists that Islam cannot co-exist with other faiths in a secular society.

It should also convince even the most blinded supporter of “multicultural” society that Islam can accept compromise only on Islamic terms.

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Iranian Mullah - just "a little" security threat

Overstaying your visa illegally for 16 years entitles you to become an Australian citizen according to a bunch of social visionaries who wish to transform  Australia into another violence and poverty ridden Islamic region.

Despite ASIO's security assessment Sheikh Mansour's supporters do not consider him “a serious threat”.

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Nine boats per months under Krudd

Rudd's policy on alien  welfare seekers (aka "asylum seekers") bears great results as we  are getting 9 boats and 484 applicants a month now.

Although there are only 70 beds left at the Christmas Island detention but the government can always bring any surplus of refugees to the mainland Australia as it has already done in the past.

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Shariah for Australia

If you had any doubts about the true Islamist intentions to introduce Shariah in Australia you should be left reassured that this is indeed their goal after attending an open day at Lakemba Mosque, in Sydney  on Saturday, March 5.

Zachariah Mathews, the president of the Australian Islamic Mission (Australian version of CAIR) announced these intentions to the visitors and even discussed his vision with the media.

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Caught in the crossfire? But.. who was shooting?

Yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald greeted as with a heart-wrenching story about maltreatment of the Jamal family by various Australian authorities.

Apparently, all  problems and misfortunes happened to the poor, but fiercely proud Muslim family,  because of the prejudice towards Muslims and not because of their own doing.

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Sheik Yahya Safi takes Sydney for a ride

Yet another Da‘wah day in Sydney.

This time it is Sheik Yahya Safi of Lakemba mosque, who is trying to deceive Australians about Islam and its goals.

ISLAM comes from the Arabic word Salem meaning peace but for Sydney's Lebanese Muslims the past few years have been anything but peaceful. (source)

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Rumours don't count as evidence

A former officer with Israel's National Fraud Unit deputy commander Boaz Guttman, branded (correctly) the inquiry by the the Australian Federal Police team into the “Australian passport fraud” as a political stunt and a waste of Australian taxpayers money.

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Sanctions agaist Israel?

No, it's sanctioning of anti-Semitism.
Dubai moves bravely into a new stage in its rich history of bigotry, oppression, slavery  and racial discrimination by banning Jewish Australians from entering its territory.
Israelis are already banned from Dubai as the emirate does not have diplomatic ties with Israel so now the Dubai authorities will decide who's a Jew by:  "physical features and the way they speak". 

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