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Knowledge-Nation Israel:
A New Unifying Vision

Carlo Strenger

In its quest to create a “new Jew,” Zionism demanded that Jews no longer make a living through their brains, but by their sweat of their brow. Today, however, as global economy becomes increasingly dependent on knowledge and creativity, Israel must reclaim the Jewish tradition of intellectual excellence, reinstating it into the heart of its ethos. Knowledge-Nation Israel thus proposes a new form of Zionism, linking the rich cultural heritage of the Jewish past with the new socioeconomic turn of the Israeli future. More »


Knowledge-Nation Israel: A New Unifying Vision

Carlo Strenger | To prosper in an interconnected world, the Jewish state must undergo a paradigm shift.

The Holocaust and the Trial of Modernity

Yaki Menschenfreund | Radical thinkers are all too eager to portray the Final Solution as a byproduct of Western rationality.

Of God's Love and Jealousy

Yehuda Liebes | The dangers of divine affection.

Hitler's Unwilling Partners

Boaz Neumann | Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany by Francis R. Nicosia

The War that Keeps on Teaching

Shmuel Rosner | Lessons in Disaster: McGeorge Bundy and the Path to War in Vietnam
by Gordon M. Goldstein

A Job Badly Done

Benjamin Kerstein | A Serious Man Written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen

From the

Jews and the Challenge of Sovereignty

Michael B. Oren | Is "Jewish state" a contradiction in terms?
Operation Cast Lead and the Ethics of Just War

Asa Kasher | Was Israel's conduct in its campaign against Hamas morally justified?
Secret of the Sabbath

Yosef Yitzhak Lifshitz | It isn’t about R&R. It’s about how to be a creative human being.
The Jews’ Right To Statehood: A Defense

Ruth Gavison | A new look at Zionism from the perspective of universal rights.
How Great Nations Can Win Small Wars

Yagil Henkin | Iraq, Northern Ireland, and the secret strength of democratic peoples.
Locusts, Giraffes, and the Meaning of Kashrut

Meir Soloveichik | The most famous Jewish practice is really about love and national loyalty.
Civilians First

Assaf Sagiv | Only in Israel does concern for the safety of soldiers override the state’s obligation to defend its civilians.
Israel's Electoral Complex

Amotz Asa-El | Israeli politics needs a system overhaul.

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A Strategy of Tactics: Population-centric COIN and the Army
Gian P. Gentile

Israel is back
Guy Bechor

Terms of Engagement
James Traub
Foreign Policy

The Deadly Price of Pursuing Peace
Evelyn Gordon

Is Iron Dome worth it?
Alex Fishman

Let’s Talk About Faith
Ross Douthat
NY Times

America's Terrorism Amnesia
Lee Siegel
The Daily Beast

The Real Rules of War
Warren Kozak
Wall Street Journal

Faith, Fear & Cormac McCarthy
Christopher Badeaux
The City

Heaven and Nature
Ross Douthat
NY Times

Ahmadinejad, the Blogger
David Keyes
Wall Street Journal

America vs. The Narrative
Thomas L. Friedman
NY Times

Why They’re Really Scared of Heidegger
Tim Black

The Images Dancing in David Gelernter's Head
Evan R. Goldstein
The Chronicle

Economic Prosperity: A Step of Faith
Joseph Loconte
The American

How Einstein Divided America's Jews
Walter Isaacson
The Atlantic

Is Turkey Leaving the West?
Soner Cagaptay
Foreign Affairs

Looking for an Honest Man
Leon R. Kass
National Affairs

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