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Organizing Blog

  • "Nowhere is reform more needed than when it comes to our health care system."

    posted March 11 3:36:17 PM
    Speaking on health reform in Missouri yesterday, President Obama made the case for why we can't wait any longer for reform, and he made it clear that he is pushing forward to get this done: “We’ve seen years -- decades -- where Washington just puts off dealing with our toughest challenges because it’s too hard, because we don't know how the politics works.  And the will and the capacity to act, to do serious things in this country,…


  • 625/Hour

    posted March 11 11:34:19 AM
    Today, the White House announced the third in a series of numbers that make the case for why we need health reform: 625 . That's the number of people who lost their health insurance EVERY hour last year. If you're on Twitter, Organizing for America has put together a quick and easy way for you show your support for reform. Click here to change your Twitter icon and then update your status with today’s number. You can also check out the…


  • "Day 2: Call for reform"

    posted March 11 9:53:27 AM
    From Organizing for America Director Mitch Stewart: President Obama has called for the House to vote to move health reform forward as early as next week. Today, across the country, supporters of President Obama are calling their representatives to thank them if they've been fighting for reform, and ask them to support it if they haven't made up their mind. The final vote will be very close, and we need to let members of Congress know that voters at home…


  • "People have been hit with a lot of bad information"

    posted March 11 7:09:01 AM
    Speaking in Missouri yesterday, President Obama talked about the misinformation on reform that he sees in the letters he reads from everyday Americans each night: "When the health care reform debate was really heating up, one of the things that I heard from a lot of seniors was, “Keep your government hands out of my Medicare.” They say, “I don’t want your government-run health care plan, and don’t touch my Medicare.”And…


  • The Final March for Reform

    posted March 10 9:50:49 PM


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