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American Fifth Column
Constitutional Literacy
Islamist Terrorism
American Fifth Column
Constitutional Literacy
Islamist Terrorism
American Fifth Column
Constitutional Literacy
Islamist Terrorism
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Welcome to
It is difficult to value something when its worth is unknown. This truth brings to mind the old adage about two children who had received the same bike, one given the bike, the other made to earn the bike. Invariably, the child who was given the bike was more prone to neglecting it, not understanding its worth, while the child who was made to earn the bike, who understood its worth, maintained it. This basic truth applies to our American Heritage and the continued welfare of our nation. Without a solid understanding of the basic principles used by our Founding Fathers in establishing our Constitutional Republic it is sometimes difficult for Americans to recognize the worth of the American ideal. When the full value of freedom and liberty are not realized it becomes easy to incrementally relinquish rights guaranteed under the Constitution. Today, our country faces both a threat from abroad and a threat, in the form of ideological conflict, from within. While some among us choose to accentuate the imperfections of our nation, others condemn our culture or literally champion our nation’s defeat and demise. We at understand that there is a direct correlation between understanding the principles, ideology, history and meaning behind our founding documents – the Charters of Freedom – and the proclivity to value and, therefore, advance our American Heritage to the next generation and beyond.

We invite you to study, use and disseminate the information you find here at As an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt entity we provide this basic knowledge -- and links to organizations and literature that provide a more in-depth analysis of the subjects -- free of charge. But like any non-profit organization we do need your financial support to maintain our programs and refine our research. Please consider making a tax deductible contribution or purchasing one of our educational CDs. And please, tell your like-minded and open-minded friends about us. Our goal is grassroots, fact-based education and you are a major part of what will make our endeavors successful.

Constitutional Literacy Islamist Terrorism The American Fifth Column

Many Americans know the preamble to the United States Constitution and the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. They also may be able to recite at least some of the enumerated Bill of Rights. But few know these documents are considered our Founding Documents, documents that carry equal importance in the creation and execution of our government. Even fewer understand the principles, history and philosophy surrounding the creation of these remarkable documents. To be an American is to understand and to have a reasonable commitment to the ideas in America's founding documents.

It is the mission of Basics Project to make sure that every American is afforded the opportunity of understanding these remarkable documents, the covenant between citizen and the uniquely American form of government. We believe that through a greater understanding of the principles on which our government was built our citizenry will better understand that e pluribus unum, the idea that we are out of many, one.

Keeping a Republic
by Nancy Salvato
This book by Nancy Salvato, the Director of Constitutional Studies for, examines the issue of American sovereignty and how it relates to the continued well-being of our Republic. From the deliberations undertaken during the framing of the US Constitution to the challenge of maintaining national sovereignty in a time of Progressive globalization, Keeping a Republic examines the philosophy and ideology that served the Framers in creating the United States of America, ideals valid to this very day.

Understanding Our Government
Many people in the United States -- and around the world -- believe that the United States is a Democracy. It is not, and for good reason. Our Framers and Founders bequeathed to the citizens a Constitutional Republic, doing so for some very good reasons, chief among them was to avoid the tyranny of the majority, or mob rule.

The United States Is Not a Democracy

A produced downloadable podcast segment from our upcoming educational CD series on our system of government and sovereignty.

There can be little doubt that terrorist organizations have arrived on the shores of the United States of America. The thousands of lives lost on September 11, 2001 stand as testimony to this undeniable fact. But the truth of the matter is that terrorists have been migrating to the United States, establishing their organizational cells, infiltrating and fading into our communities for decades; laying in wait for the correct moments to strike. These are precisely the events that preceded the flights that delivered the nineteen 9/11 hijackers and thousands of innocent people to their destinies.

Today, 72 terrorist organizations with thousands of operatives exist and operate within the borders of the United States. Many counterterrorism experts, including former CIA Director James Woolsey and founding member of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, Dr. Bruce Tefft, agree, it is not a question of “if” there will be another attack on American soil, it is a question of “when.” The only questions left unanswered about this future attack are how lethal it will be, where it will take place and whether we will have had enough foresight to have acquired the information needed to literally help save our own lives.

Declassified: The Taliban
Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, a war against Al Qaeda and the Taliban has been ongoing. This is the declassified story of how the pieces turned on the players and how jihad came to the world.

A God Who Hates
by Dr. Wafa Sultan
For the first time, Dr. Wafa Sultan tells her story and what she learned, first-hand, about radical Islam in A God Who Hates, a passionate memoir by an outspoken Arabic woman that is also a cautionary tale for the West. She grew up in Syria in a culture ruled by a god who hates women. She believes that the god who hates is waging a battle between modernity and barbarism, not a battle between religions. She also knows that it’s a battle radical Islam will lose.

Homegrown Terrorists in the US & UK:
An Empirical Examination

This study addresses the present gap through an empirical examination of behavioral manifestations of the radicalization process in 117 homegrown “jihadist” terrorists from the United States and United Kingdom.

With roots emanating from the ideology of the Marxist/Leninist Era, the American Fifth Column presents a menace from within, a threat to the longevity of our uniquely American way of life. These roots, nurtured and further developed during the counter-culture revolution of the of the 1960s and 1970s and now taught in classrooms across America as “tolerance,” "multiculturalism" and "diversity" have evolved into a unique yet visionless ideology, which holds that our most basic constitutional tenets are the central cause for many of the social ills here in the United States and around the world.

The Secular Progressive, Democratic Socialist and/or neo-Marxist American Fifth Column ideology embraces the philosophies of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. It is a product of the Frankfort School of pre-World War II Germany and employs the democratic process to promote moral relativism, multiculturalism and political correctness, in an effort to silence fundamental American ideals and pursue an American form of socialism in their place.

This system of beliefs serves not only to grotesquely blur the lines between good and evil, bad behavior and civic responsibility, it goes to great lengths to negate the concepts all together.

The The Cloward-Piven Strategy
First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.

Tiananmen Square &
The Progressive Left

Congressman Thad McCotter (R-MI) comments
on the anniversary of the slaughter of pro-democracy protestors by the Chinese military in Tiananmen Square.
Support the Efforts of

As a 501(c)(3) qualified tax-exempt organization, your contributions to Basics Project are fully tax deductible for federal income tax purposes, subject to appropriate limitations. You can help us achieve our goals by taking advantage of the tax savings available to you through your financial support of our organization. Whether it’s an individual contribution or building Basics Project into your corporate financial structure, the options remain the same, you can pay taxes to the federal government and hope Congress spends it wisely, or you can affect that amount by contributing to Basics Project with a guarantee it is going to help preserve our American Heritage.

Click here to find out how you can help or to make a donation is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)(3) research and educational initiative. Opinions expressed by those not directly affiliated with are expressly their own. Responsibility for the accuracy of cited content is expressly that of the contributing author. may or may not agree with opinions and/or content presented unless expressly cited. All content offered by is copyrighted.’s goal is the liberation of the American voter from partisan politics and special interests in government through the primary-source, fact-based education of the American people. © 2010
PO Box 583, Downers Grove IL 60515-0583  
(877) 660-2902