
Message for Grown-ups

CBeebies iPlayer

CBeebies iPlayer

Watch CBeebies shows in your own time.

Play Games

Tinga Tinga Tales games

Tinga Tinga Tales

a Chametoise Play

Grown-ups information

Encourages imagination and creative thinking.

Song Time

dig it


dirtgirl Sing

Grown-ups information

Introduces simple vocabulary and ideas.

Make and Colour

Book Record

Jackanory Junior

Book Record being coloured in Make

Grown-ups information

Promotes literacy and enjoyment of reading.

Watch and Listen

Hot Stuff Safety Hoovie

Nuzzle and Scratch

An alpaca with a burnt hoovie from hair straighteners Watch

Grown-ups information

Comic adventures which give insight into the wider world.

CBBC CBeebies iPlayer

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