BBC Nature 15 June 2012 Last updated at 07:40

RSS feed

Great tit (c) University of OxfordSocial secrets

See the tiny data loggers fitted to great tits' legs that are revealing the importance of social networks in the bird world

Common sundew catches lacewingPollutant turns fly-traps veggie

Predator plants may cut back on flies if they can access key nutrients elsewhere, researchers say.


  • DurianFreaky fruit

    How does the "papple" measure up against the world's other strange fruits?

On TV and Radio

  • Cameraman Toby Strong with a meerkat (c) BBCPlanet Earth Live

    The ultimate global wildlife drama. Real animals, real lives, in real time.

  • Rageh Omaar with elephant tusks (c) BBCIvory Wars: Out of Africa

    Rageh Omaar investigates the plight of Africa's elephants.

  • Wolf and Gordon BuchananLand of the Lost Wolves

    Following a pack of wolves as they return to North America's west coast.

  • landscapeNature

    Radio Four's unique insight into the natural world and the rich variety of creatures inhabiting it


  • Rodent filmed by webcamWebcams

    Webcams are now off but you can still catch up on the last day of drama

  • Red kite (c) FreefotoukThings to do

    Find Springwatch-related activities near you

  • Chris Packham, Michaela Strachan and Martin Hughes Games present SpringwatchOn TV

    Clips and blog posts from the team in Wales

  • Secret egrets

    Great white egrets have been filmed nesting in the UK for the first time

  • Garden wildlife

    Fantastic video of the wildlife found in your closest green space

  • Star profiles

    Find out more about the wildlife stars of Springwatch

I managed to get some footage of a polecat in my garden using an infra-red camera trap!

Amy Gallagher on Facebook discussing the UK’s 'hidden' wildlife.

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