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Daily Links - 7/30/10

New Kindles - Looks like the iPad hasn't killed the Kindle just yet. Amazon releases new, lighter, cheaper Kindles.

Dancing Zombie - Plants vs. Zombies gets complaints from Michael Jackson's estate over dancing zombie.

Cthulhu Movie - del Toro to direct Lovecraft movie with backing from James Cameron who has more money than god.

Nerdcore Video - If you're a fan of YT Cracker you'll probably like this 8-bit video.

LEGO Train Crashes - Seriously, WTF?

Chewbacca Fights Nazis - In pictorial form.

Knockout Science - The science behind getting your head knocked off.

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Rome Again, Home Again

(For some reason my server wiped out the work I did yesterday, so I'm reposting this BBlog entry, sorry for the duplication if you've already seen it).

I'm back in the US, back in the US, back in the US of A.

After two amazing weeks in Europe, the BBspot family has returned to reality. I'm slowing catching up on email and other technical things I ignored on our trip. Amazingly, Mrs. BBspot and my daughter spent more time online than I did during this vacation. Though, to be fair, my daughter was completing an online math class in the evenings and early mornings (yes, she's just as much of a nerd as I am).

I'm not sure how I'm going to chronicle the epic journey we took through 4 countries (France, Monaco, Italy and Vatican City), but it will definitely be a multi-parter. Thanks to my friend Francisco for keeping the links going while I was gone, and thanks to those of you who are still around after 2 weeks of no new stories.

It'll take me a little bit just to get unburied, but I should be back to posting normally soon. Until then, au revoir.

That's all for now. Stay geeky!

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Daily Links - 7/29/10

Thanks Facebook - 100 million profiles leaked in a torrent file.

eWaste - This is where your old iPhone goes.

Tattooed Lego - A company has released a cool ad featuring some intricately tattooed LEGO.

Last to Surrender - These people wanted the war to go on and on and on.

Technology for Spies - It's making the life of a spy harder.

Nerd Protests - Brought to you by Paul and Storm.

Ceiling Height - Looks like I should be working outside.

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Daily Links - 7/28/10

Word Patterns - A quiz for all you Scrabble champs.

Sea Monsters - And their real-life equivalents.

Star Wars Clock - A clock with Star Wars ships.

Locust Swarms - The math of locust swarms.

Robots.txt - knows what the robots.txt file is really for.

Cave Tour in Klingon - Self-guided tours in Klingon coming to the Jenolan Caves.

Invention of the Leatherman - Patent gallery of the Leatherman multi-tool.

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Daily Links - 7/27/10

Ghibli Museum - A visit to a museum designed by Hayao Miyazaki, with exhibits about animation and Miyazaki's movies.

Video Game Art Gallery - A set of pictures from a video game art gallery.

Google Dictionary - Google now adding a definition to its list of search results when searching for one word. Pretty handy.

Geeky Nesting Dolls - Some geek-themed matryoshka dolls.

35mm - Animation that simplifies 35 movies into 2 minutes. Can you recognize them all?

Legal Jailbreaking - And other DMCA-related stuff.

Ninja Facts and Myths - No, they don't flip out and kill people.

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Daily Links - 7/26/10

Escher 360 - A 360 degree tribute to Escher.

Mass Extinctions - A history of mass extinctions.

AA Sued - American Airlines sued for losing baggage and not returning the $25 baggage fee.

Cheap Tablet - A $35 tablet computer from India could start production next year.

Moonlets - Saturn's moon is spawning moonlets.

Lego Restoration - Learn how to restore the color of your old Lego bricks.

Polkaface - Weird Al's latest polka medley.

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Daily Links - 7/23/10

Tron Mouse and Keyboard - Exactly what it sounds like. Shiny!

Megastar - A star 256 times the mass of our Sun has been found.

Sales Not Down - NPD kept saying video game sales were down because they weren't tracking digital downloads. Whoops.

Cellcraft - Build a cell and save the Platypus species.

Autonomous Vehicle - An autonomous vehicle will drive from Italy to China. Autobots, roll out!

Geeks Strike Back - Geeks show up to protest the Westboro Baptist Church at Comic-Con.

Duct Tape Festival - Pictures from a visit to the Duct Tape Festival.

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Daily Links - 7/22/10

Cow Clicker - Facebook games stripped down to their bare essence. And people still pay for it.

End Call - The End Call button for the iPhone4.

Better With Charity - Everything is better with charity, including the Pay-What-You-Want business model.

Minimalist Album Covers - Classic album covers, redone in a minimalist style.

Autocomplete Flaw - Your browser's autocomplete functionality may be putting your personal information at risk.

Forest Height Map - Made with NASA satellite data.

Stop Motion Metamorphosis - A Lego stop motion metamorphosis video.

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Daily Links - 7/21/10

Pirate ISP - The Swedish Pirate Party starts its own ISP.

Recycled Island - Can we make an island out of recycled plastic?

Awesome Physics Engine - Video created with a pretty neat physics engine.

BP Can't 'Chop - Badly photoshopped image of crisis command center posted on BP's main site, and is thoroughly dissected here.

Sketch - Online sketching tool.

Mobile MOG - MOG launches their unlimited music service for iPhone and Android. Kupo!

Nature Sounds - Combine nature sounds to make a soothing soundtrack. Or something really annoying.

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Daily Links - 7/20/10

Cthulkhelele - Cthulhu + Ukelele

Liquid Wood - Moldable plastic that behaves and looks like wood.

Bad Job - This is not a job I would like to have.

Optimus Junk - Replica of Optimus Prime made from car parts and scrap metal.

Vaccine Patches - Researchers are developing patches with microneedles that will reduce pain from injection.

Effects of Caffeine - What caffeine actually does to your brain.

Where's Waldo? - Spot the real-life Waldo wandering about.

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Daily Links - 7/19/10

Leia's Hair - Mythbusting Princess Leia’s hair.

For Nintendo Fans - Nintendo's stance on fans using their intellectual property.

Make Glowsticks - The science of glowsticks.

Food MRIs - Magnetic Resonance Imaging of different fruit. I particularly like the one for broccoli.

Geek Galaxy - If all your favorite fake planets were in our solar system.

Brick Fan Castle - I'll comment on this once I stop drooling.

HTML 5 Game of Life - The Game of Life, made with HTML 5.

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Daily Links - 7/16/10

Interview with Billy West - You may know him as the voice of Philip J. Fry, Professor Farnsworth and Dr. John Zoidberg.

My Little Modded Pony - A bunch of geeky My Little Pony mods.

Relativity... in... space! - Escher's Relativity. In space. With Lego bricks.

DIY You - How to make a paper clone of yourself.

Which Came First? - The chicken and egg problem solved.

Made in Omicron Persei 8 - Human creations attributed to aliens.

Obscure Wildcats - A list of eight species wildcats you may not know about.

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Daily Links - 7/15/10

Name That Video Game Theme - Can you name the video games based on theme music clips?

Infrared Trees - Infrared photographs of trees.

Steampunk Mr. Potato Head - Arts and crafts gone horribly right.

Star Wars Cereal - Part of this complete breakfast.

I Write Like - Find which author you write like. I got a wide range depending on which text I used, but at least I never got Stephenie Meyer.

Rebel Alliance Subway Car - This is not the improv video you are looking for.

Lovecraft Destinations - Everything is better with Cthulhu.

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Daily Links - 7/13/10

Water Warfare - A couple suggestions for improving your water gun fights.

Hot Gas - When black holes attack!

Dragon Age 2 - Announced.

No Cyberwar - I'm not too worried about a massive cyber attack either.

The App Inventor - Make your own Android app.

Kicking Machine - I wonder how long this took to set up?

Air Bender - The real image.

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The One Where BBspot Takes a European Vacation

Now marks the portion in the summer where we'll be away from home more than we are in it. We didn't exactly plan it this way, but it's how it happened.

Tomorrow the BBspot family and our traveling buddy will be heading to Paris for two weeks in Europe. The kids and I have never been to Europe save for a stop over in Amsterdam on our way to Iran, so we're very excited to see the many sites. This vacation has been made possible through the modern conveniences of airline miles and hotel points. Our airline miles have paid for the tickets and our friends hotel points are taking care of most of the hotels while we're abroad.

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