Employment Situation Summary

Transmission of material in this release is embargoed            USDL-09-1583
until 8:30 a.m. (EST) Friday, January 8, 2010

Technical information:
 Household data:       (202) 691-6378  *  cpsinfo@bls.gov  *  www.bls.gov/cps
 Establishment data:   (202) 691-6555  *  cesinfo@bls.gov  *  www.bls.gov/ces

Media contact:         (202) 691-5902  *  PressOffice@bls.gov

     NOTE: This version of the release was reissued to replace the 
     incorrect table A-13 which had May 2007 and May 2008 data instead 
     of December 2008 and December 2009 data. The PDF version of the 
     release was not affected. This correction did not affect any 
     analysis in the release.

                     THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION -- DECEMBER 2009

Nonfarm payroll employment edged down (-85,000) in December, and the unem-
ployment rate was unchanged at 10.0 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statis-
tics reported today. Employment fell in construction, manufacturing, and
wholesale trade, while temporary help services and health care added jobs.

Household Survey Data

In December, both the number of unemployed persons, at 15.3 million, and the
unemployment rate, at 10.0 percent, were unchanged. At the start of the re-
cession in December 2007, the number of unemployed persons was 7.7 million,
and the unemployment rate was 5.0 percent. (See table A-1.)

   |                                                                      |
   |         Revision of Seasonally Adjusted Household Survey Data        |
   |                                                                      |
   |Seasonally adjusted household survey data have been revised using up- |
   |dated seasonal adjustment factors, a procedure done at the end of each|
   |calendar year. Seasonally adjusted estimates back to January 2005 were|
   |subject to revision. The unemployment rates for January 2009 through  |
   |November 2009 (as originally published and as revised) appear in      |
   |table B, along with additional information about the revisions.       |
   |                                                                      |

Unemployment rates for the major worker groups--adult men (10.2 percent),
adult women (8.2 percent), teenagers (27.1 percent), whites (9.0 percent),
blacks (16.2 percent), and Hispanics (12.9 percent)--showed little change in
December. The unemployment rate for Asians was 8.4 percent, not seasonally
adjusted. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

Among the unemployed, the number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27
weeks and over) continued to trend up, reaching 6.1 million. In December, 4 in
10 unemployed workers were jobless for 27 weeks or longer. (See table A-9.)

The civilian labor force participation rate fell to 64.6 percent in December.
The employment-population ratio declined to 58.2 percent. (See table A-1.)

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes re-
ferred to as involuntary part-time workers) was about unchanged at 9.2 million
in December and has been relatively flat since March. These individuals were
working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were
unable to find a full-time job. (See table A-5.)

About 2.5 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force in
December, an increase of 578,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not sea-
sonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force, wanted and
were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12
months. They were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for
work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey. (See table A-13.)

Among the marginally attached, there were 929,000 discouraged workers in
December, up from 642,000 a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally ad-
justed.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work be-
cause they believe no jobs are available for them. The remaining 1.6 million
persons marginally attached to the labor force had not searched for work in
the 4 weeks preceding the survey for reasons such as school attendance or
family responsibilities.

Establishment Survey Data

Total nonfarm payroll employment edged down in December (-85,000). Job losses
continued in construction, manufacturing, and wholesale trade, while temporary
help services and health care continued to add jobs. During 2009, monthly job
losses moderated substantially. Employment losses in the first quarter of 2009
averaged 691,000 per month, compared with an average loss of 69,000 per month
in the fourth quarter. (See table B-1.)

Construction employment declined by 53,000 in December, with job losses
throughout the industry. Employment in construction has fallen by 1.6 mil-
lion since the recession began.

In December, employment in manufacturing decreased by 27,000. The average
monthly decline for the last 6 months of 2009 (-41,000) was much lower than
the average monthly decline for the first half of the year (-171,000). Since
the recession began, manufacturing employment has fallen by 2.1 million; three-
fourths of this drop occurred in the durable goods component (-1.6 million).

Wholesale trade employment declined by 18,000 in December, with the majority of
the decline occurring among durable goods wholesalers. Employment in retail
trade was little changed over the month, although general merchandise stores
lost 15,000 jobs.

Temporary help services added 47,000 jobs in December. Since reaching a low
point in July, temporary help services employment has risen by 166,000.

Health care employment continued to increase in December (22,000), with notable
gains in offices of physicians (9,000) and home health care services (8,000).
The health care industry has added 631,000 jobs since the recession began.

In December, the average workweek for production and nonsupervisory workers on
private nonfarm payrolls was unchanged at 33.2 hours. The manufacturing work-
week, at 40.4 hours, and factory overtime, at 3.4 hours, were unchanged over
the month. Since May, the manufacturing workweek has increased by 1.0 hour.
(See table B-2.)

In December, average hourly earnings of production and nonsupervisory workers
on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 3 cents, or 0.2 percent, to $18.80. Over
the past 12 months, average hourly earnings have risen by 2.2 percent, while
average weekly earnings have risen by 1.9 percent. (See table B-3.)

The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for October was revised from
-111,000 to -127,000, and the change for November was revised from -11,000 to
The Employment Situation for January is scheduled to be released on Friday,
February 5, 2010, at 8:30 a.m. (EST).

   |                                                                      |
   |       Upcoming Changes to The Employment Situation News Release      |
   |                                                                      |
   |Effective with the release of January 2010 data on February 5, 2010,  |
   |the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics will introduce several changes to |
   |The Employment Situation news release text and tables. Two new sum-   |
   |mary tables--one for the household survey and one for the establish-  |
   |ment survey--will replace the current table A. In addition, three new |
   |household data tables will provide information on the employment sta- |
   |tus of veterans, persons with a disability, and the foreign born. Al- |
   |so, the establishment data tables have been largely redesigned to in- |
   |clude information on all employee hours and earnings, women employees,|
   |and production and nonsupervisory employees. The ordering and format  |
   |of some tables also will change. Additional information is available  |
   |at www.bls.gov/bls/upcoming_empsit_changes.htm.                       |
   |                                                                      |

   |                                                                      |
   |              Revisions in the Establishment Survey Data              |
   |                                                                      |
   |With the release of January 2010 data on February 5, 2010, the Current|
   |Employment Statistics survey will introduce revisions to nonfarm pay- |
   |roll employment, hours, and earnings data to reflect the annual bench-|
   |mark adjustments for March 2009 and updated seasonal adjustment fac-  |
   |tors. Not seasonally adjusted data beginning with April 2008 and sea- |
   |sonally adjusted data beginning with January 2005 are subject to revi-|
   |sion.                                                                 |
   |                                                                      |

   |                                                                      |
   |                 Revisions in the Household Survey Data               |
   |                                                                      |
   |Effective with the release of data for January 2010, revisions will   |
   |be introduced into the population controls for the household survey.  |
   |These changes reflect the routine annual updating of intercensal popu-|
   |lation estimates by the U.S. Census Bureau.                           |
   |                                                                      |

Table A.  Major indicators of labor market activity, seasonally adjusted        
(Numbers in thousands)                                                          
                         |                 |                          |         
                         |    Quarterly    |                          |         
                         |     averages    |       Monthly data       |  Nov.-  
        Category         |_________________|__________________________|  Dec.   
                         |        |        |        |        |        | change  
                         |  III   |   IV   |  Oct.  |  Nov.  |  Dec.  |         
                         |  2009  |  2009  |  2009  |  2009  |  2009  |         
     HOUSEHOLD DATA      |                 Labor force status                   
                         |        |        |        |        |        |         
Civilian labor force ....| 154,235| 153,544| 153,854| 153,720| 153,059|    -661 
  Employment ............| 139,339| 138,138| 138,242| 138,381| 137,792|    -589 
  Unemployment ..........|  14,895|  15,406|  15,612|  15,340|  15,267|     -73 
Not in labor force ......|  81,858|  83,195|  82,696|  83,022|  83,865|     843 
                         |                 Unemployment rates                   
                         |        |        |        |        |        |         
All workers .............|     9.7|    10.0|    10.1|    10.0|    10.0|     0.0 
  Adult men .............|    10.1|    10.4|    10.6|    10.4|    10.2|     -.2 
  Adult women ...........|     7.7|     8.1|     8.1|     8.0|     8.2|      .2 
  Teenagers .............|    25.4|    27.2|    27.6|    26.8|    27.1|      .3 
  White .................|     8.9|     9.2|     9.4|     9.3|     9.0|     -.3 
  Black or African       |        |        |        |        |        |         
    American ............|    15.1|    15.8|    15.7|    15.6|    16.2|      .6 
  Hispanic or Latino     |        |        |        |        |        |         
    ethnicity ...........|    12.7|    12.9|    13.1|    12.7|    12.9|      .2 
  ESTABLISHMENT DATA     |                     Employment                       
                         |        |        |        |        |        |         
Nonfarm employment.......| 131,262|p130,965| 130,991|p130,995|p130,910|    p-85 
  Goods-producing (1)....|  18,595| p18,313|  18,379| p18,321| p18,240|    p-81 
    Construction ........|   6,100|  p5,951|   5,987|  p5,960|  p5,907|    p-53 
    Manufacturing .......|  11,786| p11,660|  11,692| p11,657| p11,630|    p-27 
  Service-providing (1)..| 112,667|p112,652| 112,612|p112,674|p112,670|     p-4 
      Retail trade (2)...|  14,720| p14,634|  14,647| p14,633| p14,623|    p-10 
    Professional and     |        |        |        |        |        |         
      business services .|  16,628| p16,751|  16,675| p16,764| p16,814|     p50 
    Education and health |        |        |        |        |        |         
      services ..........|  19,307| p19,420|  19,384| p19,421| p19,456|     p35 
    Leisure and          |        |        |        |        |        |         
      hospitality .......|  13,172| p13,117|  13,134| p13,121| p13,096|    p-25 
    Government ..........|  22,470| p22,480|  22,484| p22,488| p22,467|    p-21 
                         |                  Hours of work (3)                   
                         |        |        |        |        |        |         
Total private ...........|    33.1|   p33.1|    33.0|   p33.2|   p33.2|    p0.0 
  Manufacturing .........|    39.9|   p40.3|    40.1|   p40.4|   p40.4|     p.0 
    Overtime ............|     3.0|    p3.3|     3.2|    p3.4|    p3.4|     p.0 
                         |   Indexes of aggregate weekly hours (2002=100)(3)    
                         |        |        |        |        |        |         
Total private ...........|    99.0|   p98.9|    98.5|   p99.1|   p99.1|    p0.0 
                         |                     Earnings (3)                     
Average hourly earnings, |        |        |        |        |        |         
  total private .........|  $18.64| p$18.77|  $18.74| p$18.77| p$18.80|  p$0.03 
Average weekly earnings, |        |        |        |        |        |         
  total private .........|  617.10| p621.91|  618.42| p623.16| p624.16|   p1.00 
   1 Includes other industries, not shown separately.                           
   2 Quarterly averages and the over-the-month change are calculated using      
unrounded data.                                                                 
   3 Data relate to private production and nonsupervisory workers.              
   p = preliminary.                                                             
   NOTE: Seasonally adjusted household data have been revised. See note below.

           Revision of Seasonally Adjusted Household Survey Data         
   At the end of each calendar year, BLS routinely updates the seasonal  
   adjustment factors for the labor force series derived from the Current
   Population Survey (CPS), or household survey. As a result of this pro-
   cess, seasonally adjusted data for January 2005 through November 2009 
   were subject to revision.                                             
   Table B shows the unemployment rates for January 2009 through November
   2009, as first published and as revised. The rates were unchanged in 7
   of the 11 months and changed by one-tenth of a percentage  point in   
   the remaining 4 months. Revised seasonally adjusted data for other    
   major labor force series beginning in December 2008 appear in table C.
   An article describing the seasonal adjustment methodology for the     
   household survey data and revised data for January 2009 through       
   November 2009 is available at www.bls.gov/cps/cpsrs2010.pdf.          
   Historical data for the household series contained in the A tables    
   of this release can be accessed at www.bls.gov/cps/cpsatabs.htm.      
   Revised historical seasonally adjusted monthly and quarterly data     
   for additional series are available on the Internet at                

Table B.  Seasonally adjusted unemployment rates and changes due to 
revision, January-November 2009

   Year and month         As first           As          Change
                          published       revised


January ...............      7.6             7.7           0.1
February ..............      8.1             8.2            .1
March .................      8.5             8.6            .1
April .................      8.9             8.9            .0
May ...................      9.4             9.4            .0
June ..................      9.5             9.5            .0
July ..................      9.4             9.4            .0
August ................      9.7             9.7            .0
September .............      9.8             9.8            .0
October ...............     10.2            10.1           -.1
November ..............     10.0            10.0            .0

Table C.  Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age, seasonally adjusted

(Numbers in thousands)
                                           2008                                                2009                                             
    Employment status, sex, and age                                                                                                             
                                           Dec.    Jan.    Feb.    Mar.    Apr.    May     June    July    Aug.   Sept.    Oct.    Nov.    Dec. 
Civilian noninstitutional population (1) 235,035 234,739 234,913 235,086 235,271 235,452 235,655 235,870 236,087 236,322 236,550 236,743 236,924
  Civilian labor force.................. 154,587 154,140 154,401 154,164 154,718 154,956 154,759 154,351 154,426 153,927 153,854 153,720 153,059
        Participation rate..............    65.8    65.7    65.7    65.6    65.8    65.8    65.7    65.4    65.4    65.1    65.0    64.9    64.6
    Employed............................ 143,188 142,221 141,687 140,854 140,902 140,438 140,038 139,817 139,433 138,768 138,242 138,381 137,792
        Employment-population ratio.....    60.9    60.6    60.3    59.9    59.9    59.6    59.4    59.3    59.1    58.7    58.4    58.5    58.2
    Unemployed..........................  11,400  11,919  12,714  13,310  13,816  14,518  14,721  14,534  14,993  15,159  15,612  15,340  15,267
        Unemployment rate...............     7.4     7.7     8.2     8.6     8.9     9.4     9.5     9.4     9.7     9.8    10.1    10.0    10.0
         Men, 20 years and over                                                                                                                 
Civilian noninstitutional population (1) 105,083 104,902 104,999 105,095 105,196 105,299 105,412 105,530 105,651 105,780 105,906 106,018 106,125
  Civilian labor force..................  79,108  78,769  78,859  78,680  79,106  79,339  79,246  78,984  79,196  78,977  79,024  78,901  78,402
        Participation rate..............    75.3    75.1    75.1    74.9    75.2    75.3    75.2    74.8    75.0    74.7    74.6    74.4    73.9
    Employed............................  73,237  72,625  72,266  71,667  71,665  71,552  71,354  71,255  71,142  70,861  70,662  70,662  70,391
        Employment-population ratio.....    69.7    69.2    68.8    68.2    68.1    68.0    67.7    67.5    67.3    67.0    66.7    66.7    66.3
    Unemployed..........................   5,871   6,144   6,593   7,013   7,441   7,787   7,892   7,728   8,055   8,116   8,362   8,239   8,011
        Unemployment rate...............     7.4     7.8     8.4     8.9     9.4     9.8    10.0     9.8    10.2    10.3    10.6    10.4    10.2
        Women, 20 years and over                                                                                                                
Civilian noninstitutional population (1) 112,825 112,738 112,824 112,908 112,999 113,089 113,189 113,296 113,405 113,522 113,636 113,737 113,832
  Civilian labor force..................  68,904  68,793  68,914  68,972  69,105  69,060  68,984  68,910  68,847  68,686  68,687  68,742  68,620
        Participation rate..............    61.1    61.0    61.1    61.1    61.2    61.1    60.9    60.8    60.7    60.5    60.4    60.4    60.3
    Employed............................  64,744  64,391  64,238  64,110  64,147  63,847  63,741  63,685  63,552  63,280  63,133  63,269  62,998
        Employment-population ratio.....    57.4    57.1    56.9    56.8    56.8    56.5    56.3    56.2    56.0    55.7    55.6    55.6    55.3
    Unemployed..........................   4,160   4,402   4,676   4,863   4,957   5,213   5,243   5,225   5,295   5,406   5,554   5,473   5,622
        Unemployment rate...............     6.0     6.4     6.8     7.1     7.2     7.5     7.6     7.6     7.7     7.9     8.1     8.0     8.2
       Both sexes, 16 to 19 years                                                                                                               
Civilian noninstitutional population (1)  17,126  17,098  17,090  17,083  17,076  17,064  17,053  17,044  17,031  17,020  17,008  16,988  16,967
  Civilian labor force..................   6,575   6,578   6,628   6,512   6,507   6,557   6,529   6,457   6,383   6,264   6,143   6,077   6,037
        Participation rate..............    38.4    38.5    38.8    38.1    38.1    38.4    38.3    37.9    37.5    36.8    36.1    35.8    35.6
    Employed............................   5,207   5,205   5,183   5,077   5,089   5,039   4,943   4,877   4,740   4,627   4,448   4,450   4,403
        Employment-population ratio.....    30.4    30.4    30.3    29.7    29.8    29.5    29.0    28.6    27.8    27.2    26.1    26.2    25.9
    Unemployed..........................   1,368   1,373   1,445   1,435   1,418   1,518   1,586   1,581   1,643   1,637   1,696   1,627   1,634
        Unemployment rate...............    20.8    20.9    21.8    22.0    21.8    23.2    24.3    24.5    25.7    26.1    27.6    26.8    27.1

   1 The population figures are not adjusted for seasonal variation.
   NOTE:  Seasonally adjusted data have been revised to reflect updated seasonal adjustment factors.

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Last Modified Date: January 08, 2010