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Economic News Release
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State Employment and Unemployment Summary

For release 10:00 a.m. (ET) Friday, December 16, 2022	                         USDL-22-2310

Technical information: 
 Employment:    (202) 691-6559  *  *   
 Unemployment:  (202) 691-6392  *  * 

Media contact:  (202) 691-5902  *

                      STATE EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT -- NOVEMBER 2022                     

Unemployment rates were higher in November in 12 states, lower in 3 states and the District
of Columbia, and stable in 35 states, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.
Thirty-six states and the District had jobless rate decreases from a year earlier, 3 states
had increases, and 11 states had little change. The national unemployment rate, 3.7 percent,
was unchanged over the month but was 0.5 percentage point lower than in November 2021.

Nonfarm payroll employment increased in 8 states and was essentially unchanged in 42 states
and the District of Columbia in November 2022. Over the year, nonfarm payroll employment 
increased in 44 states and was essentially unchanged in 6 states and the District.

This news release presents statistics from two monthly programs. The civilian labor force
and unemployment data are modeled based largely on a survey of households. These data 
pertain to individuals by where they reside. The employment data are from an establishment
survey that measures nonfarm employment, hours, and earnings by industry. These data pertain
to jobs on payrolls defined by where the establishments are located. For more information
about the concepts and statistical methodologies used by these two programs, see the 
Technical Note.


Utah had the lowest jobless rate in November, 2.2 percent. The next lowest rates were in 
Minnesota and North Dakota, 2.3 percent each. The rate in the District of Columbia 
(4.6 percent) set a new series low. (All state series begin in 1976.) Nevada had the 
highest unemployment rate, 4.9 percent, followed by Illinois, 4.7 percent. In total, 17 
states had unemployment rates lower than the U.S. figure of 3.7 percent, 6 states and the
District had higher rates, and 27 states had rates that were not appreciably different 
from that of the nation. (See tables A and 1.)

In November, 12 states had over-the-month unemployment rate increases, the largest of 
which were in Nevada and Oregon (+0.3 percentage point each). Three states and the District
of Columbia had over-the-month decreases, the largest of which were in Maryland, New Mexico,
and the District (-0.2 percentage point each). Thirty-five states had jobless rates that
were not notably different from those of a month earlier, though some had changes that were
at least as large numerically as the significant changes. (See table B.)

The largest jobless rate decrease from November 2021 was in New Mexico (-1.9 percentage
points). The next largest decreases occurred in California and New Jersey (-1.7 percentage
points each). The largest over-the-year unemployment rate increase occurred in Oklahoma 
(+0.6 percentage point). (See table C.)

Nonfarm Payroll Employment

Nonfarm payroll employment increased in 8 states and was essentially unchanged in 42 states
and the District of Columbia in November 2022. The largest job gains occurred in Florida
(+28,100), Illinois (+17,500), and Massachusetts (+17,300). The largest percentage increase
occurred in West Virginia (+1.0 percent), followed by New Hampshire (+0.6 percent) and
Massachusetts and Oklahoma (+0.5 percent each). (See tables D and 3.)

Over the year, nonfarm payroll employment increased in 44 states and was essentially 
unchanged in 6 states and the District of Columbia. The largest job increases occurred in 
California (+675,000), Texas (+657,600), and Florida (+428,200). The largest percentage 
increase occurred in Texas (+5.1 percent), followed by Florida (+4.7 percent) and Hawaii, 
North Carolina, and Oregon (+4.3 percent each). (See table E.)

The Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment news release for November is scheduled
to be released on Thursday, December 29, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. (ET). The State Employment 
and Unemployment news release for December is scheduled to be released on Tuesday,
January 24, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. (ET).

|											|
|			     Household Data for Puerto Rico     			|
|											|
| Due to Hurricane Fiona, Puerto Rico was not able to conduct normal data collection 	|
| for its household survey for September 2022. Data collection started again in 	|
| October, and BLS resumed publication of the not seasonally adjusted data effective 	|
| with the release of October estimates. Publication of seasonally adjusted data for 	|
| Puerto Rico will resume at a later time, pending further research. 			|

|											|
|	    Update to the 2022 North American Industry Classification System    	|
|											|
| With the release of January 2023 data on March 13, 2023, the Current Employment 	|
| Statistics (CES) State and Area division will revise the basis for industry 		|
| classification from the 2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to |
| NAICS 2022. The conversion to NAICS 2022 will result in revisions reflecting content 	|
| and coding changes within the mining and logging, manufacturing, wholesale trade, 	|
| retail trade, information, financial activities, and other services sectors. The 	|
| majority of the changes associated with the 2022 NAICS update impact levels of detail |
| not published by CES State and Area. Details of updated titles and new, discontinued, |
| and collapsed industries resulting from the NAICS 2022 update, as well as changes due |
| to the annual benchmarking process, will be available on March 13, 2023. For more 	|
| information on NAICS 2022, visit				|

Table A. States with unemployment rates significantly different
from that of the U.S., November 2022, seasonally adjusted
                State                |          Rate(p)
United States (1) ...................|           3.7
Alabama .............................|           2.7
Alaska ..............................|           4.5
California ..........................|           4.1
District of Columbia ................|           4.6
Florida .............................|           2.6
Georgia .............................|           3.0
Idaho ...............................|           3.0
Illinois ............................|           4.7
Indiana .............................|           3.0
Iowa ................................|           3.1
Kansas ..............................|           2.8
Michigan ............................|           4.3
Minnesota ...........................|           2.3
Missouri ............................|           2.7
Montana .............................|           2.9
Nebraska ............................|           2.5
Nevada ..............................|           4.9
New Hampshire .......................|           2.6
New York ............................|           4.3
North Dakota ........................|           2.3
South Dakota ........................|           2.4
Utah ................................|           2.2
Vermont .............................|           2.5
Virginia ............................|           2.8
   (1) Data are not preliminary.
   (p) = preliminary.

Table B. States with statistically significant unemployment rate changes
from October 2022 to November 2022, seasonally adjusted
                                |          Rate         |
                                |-----------|-----------| Over-the-month
             State              |  October  | November  |    change(p)
                                |   2022    |  2022(p)  |
California .....................|     4.0   |     4.1   |       0.1
District of Columbia ...........|     4.8   |     4.6   |       -.2
Iowa ...........................|     2.9   |     3.1   |        .2
Maryland .......................|     4.5   |     4.3   |       -.2
Massachusetts ..................|     3.5   |     3.4   |       -.1
Minnesota ......................|     2.1   |     2.3   |        .2
Nebraska .......................|     2.4   |     2.5   |        .1
Nevada .........................|     4.6   |     4.9   |        .3
New Hampshire ..................|     2.4   |     2.6   |        .2
New Mexico .....................|     4.3   |     4.1   |       -.2
                                |           |           |
North Carolina .................|     3.8   |     3.9   |        .1
Oregon .........................|     4.1   |     4.4   |        .3
Rhode Island ...................|     3.4   |     3.6   |        .2
Vermont ........................|     2.3   |     2.5   |        .2
Virginia .......................|     2.7   |     2.8   |        .1
Washington .....................|     3.8   |     4.0   |        .2
   (p) = preliminary.

Table C. States with statistically significant unemployment rate changes
from November 2021 to November 2022, seasonally adjusted
                                |          Rate         |
                                |-----------|-----------|  Over-the-year
             State              | November  | November  |    change(p)
                                |   2021    |  2022(p)  |
Alabama ........................|     3.1   |     2.7   |      -0.4
Alaska .........................|     5.5   |     4.5   |      -1.0
Arkansas .......................|     3.3   |     3.7   |        .4
California .....................|     5.8   |     4.1   |      -1.7
Colorado .......................|     4.3   |     3.5   |       -.8
Connecticut ....................|     5.2   |     4.2   |      -1.0
Delaware .......................|     4.8   |     4.4   |       -.4
District of Columbia ...........|     6.1   |     4.6   |      -1.5
Florida ........................|     3.5   |     2.6   |       -.9
Georgia ........................|     3.3   |     3.0   |       -.3
                                |           |           |
Hawaii .........................|     4.4   |     3.3   |      -1.1
Illinois .......................|     5.1   |     4.7   |       -.4
Indiana ........................|     2.7   |     3.0   |        .3
Iowa ...........................|     3.9   |     3.1   |       -.8
Kentucky .......................|     4.6   |     4.0   |       -.6
Louisiana ......................|     4.5   |     3.3   |      -1.2
Maine ..........................|     4.2   |     3.7   |       -.5
Maryland .......................|     5.4   |     4.3   |      -1.1
Massachusetts ..................|     4.8   |     3.4   |      -1.4
Michigan .......................|     5.2   |     4.3   |       -.9
                                |           |           |
Minnesota ......................|     3.1   |     2.3   |       -.8
Mississippi ....................|     4.7   |     3.9   |       -.8
Missouri .......................|     3.9   |     2.7   |      -1.2
Nevada .........................|     5.3   |     4.9   |       -.4
New Hampshire ..................|     3.0   |     2.6   |       -.4
New Jersey .....................|     5.1   |     3.4   |      -1.7
New Mexico .....................|     6.0   |     4.1   |      -1.9
New York .......................|     5.4   |     4.3   |      -1.1
North Carolina .................|     4.2   |     3.9   |       -.3
North Dakota ...................|     3.1   |     2.3   |       -.8
                                |           |           |
Oklahoma .......................|     2.8   |     3.4   |        .6
Pennsylvania ...................|     5.5   |     4.0   |      -1.5
Rhode Island ...................|     4.7   |     3.6   |      -1.1
South Carolina .................|     3.6   |     3.3   |       -.3
South Dakota ...................|     2.9   |     2.4   |       -.5
Texas ..........................|     4.9   |     4.0   |       -.9
Vermont ........................|     3.1   |     2.5   |       -.6
Virginia .......................|     3.3   |     2.8   |       -.5
Washington .....................|     4.5   |     4.0   |       -.5
Wyoming ........................|     4.0   |     3.6   |       -.4
   (p) = preliminary.

Table D. States with statistically significant employment changes from
October 2022 to November 2022, seasonally adjusted
                              |             |             | Over-the-month change(p)
            State             |    October  |   November  |---------------------------
                              |     2022    |    2022(p)  |    Level    |   Percent
Florida ......................|   9,534,800 |   9,562,900 |      28,100 |      0.3
Illinois .....................|   6,089,900 |   6,107,400 |      17,500 |       .3
Massachusetts ................|   3,710,800 |   3,728,100 |      17,300 |       .5
New Hampshire ................|     685,300 |     689,700 |       4,400 |       .6
Oklahoma .....................|   1,691,900 |   1,700,300 |       8,400 |       .5
Oregon .......................|   1,982,800 |   1,991,300 |       8,500 |       .4
Washington ...................|   3,543,100 |   3,556,200 |      13,100 |       .4
West Virginia ................|     710,400 |     717,300 |       6,900 |      1.0
   (p) = preliminary.

Table E. States with statistically significant employment changes from
November 2021 to November 2022, seasonally adjusted
                              |             |             |  Over-the-year change(p)
            State             |   November  |   November  |---------------------------
                              |     2021    |    2022(p)  |    Level    |   Percent
Alabama ......................|   2,052,800 |   2,102,700 |      49,900 |      2.4
Alaska .......................|     316,300 |     323,300 |       7,000 |      2.2
Arizona ......................|   2,995,400 |   3,106,700 |     111,300 |      3.7
California ...................|  17,077,600 |  17,752,600 |     675,000 |      4.0
Colorado .....................|   2,798,500 |   2,901,900 |     103,400 |      3.7
Connecticut ..................|   1,636,300 |   1,672,800 |      36,500 |      2.2
Delaware .....................|     452,200 |     462,600 |      10,400 |      2.3
Florida ......................|   9,134,700 |   9,562,900 |     428,200 |      4.7
Georgia ......................|   4,651,400 |   4,833,600 |     182,200 |      3.9
Hawaii .......................|     594,800 |     620,600 |      25,800 |      4.3
                              |             |             |             |       
Idaho ........................|     803,600 |     827,400 |      23,800 |      3.0
Illinois .....................|   5,922,000 |   6,107,400 |     185,400 |      3.1
Indiana ......................|   3,133,900 |   3,209,800 |      75,900 |      2.4
Iowa .........................|   1,543,300 |   1,586,100 |      42,800 |      2.8
Kansas .......................|   1,378,000 |   1,414,700 |      36,700 |      2.7
Kentucky .....................|   1,914,600 |   1,975,100 |      60,500 |      3.2
Louisiana ....................|   1,888,200 |   1,937,400 |      49,200 |      2.6
Maine ........................|     623,800 |     645,100 |      21,300 |      3.4
Maryland .....................|   2,685,000 |   2,734,800 |      49,800 |      1.9
Massachusetts ................|   3,583,900 |   3,728,100 |     144,200 |      4.0
                              |             |             |             |       
Michigan .....................|   4,274,300 |   4,384,100 |     109,800 |      2.6
Minnesota ....................|   2,862,000 |   2,961,000 |      99,000 |      3.5
Missouri .....................|   2,867,500 |   2,940,300 |      72,800 |      2.5
Nebraska .....................|   1,011,500 |   1,042,300 |      30,800 |      3.0
Nevada .......................|   1,418,900 |   1,476,100 |      57,200 |      4.0
New Hampshire ................|     671,800 |     689,700 |      17,900 |      2.7
New Jersey ...................|   4,103,400 |   4,257,900 |     154,500 |      3.8
New Mexico ...................|     832,700 |     857,600 |      24,900 |      3.0
New York .....................|   9,249,600 |   9,553,600 |     304,000 |      3.3
North Carolina ...............|   4,639,000 |   4,838,100 |     199,100 |      4.3
                              |             |             |             |       
Ohio .........................|   5,393,800 |   5,509,900 |     116,100 |      2.2
Oklahoma .....................|   1,654,600 |   1,700,300 |      45,700 |      2.8
Oregon .......................|   1,909,200 |   1,991,300 |      82,100 |      4.3
Pennsylvania .................|   5,832,600 |   6,021,800 |     189,200 |      3.2
Rhode Island .................|     486,000 |     498,100 |      12,100 |      2.5
South Carolina ...............|   2,166,200 |   2,246,100 |      79,900 |      3.7
South Dakota .................|     442,200 |     457,600 |      15,400 |      3.5
Tennessee ....................|   3,148,900 |   3,268,300 |     119,400 |      3.8
Texas ........................|  13,015,300 |  13,672,900 |     657,600 |      5.1
Utah .........................|   1,634,400 |   1,677,700 |      43,300 |      2.6
                              |             |             |             |       
Virginia .....................|   3,986,800 |   4,095,100 |     108,300 |      2.7
Washington ...................|   3,422,300 |   3,556,200 |     133,900 |      3.9
West Virginia ................|     691,300 |     717,300 |      26,000 |      3.8
Wisconsin ....................|   2,894,600 |   2,958,500 |      63,900 |      2.2
   (p) = preliminary.

Last Modified Date: December 16, 2022