Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc


This statement is being made collectively by the Executive Board of Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.

We are deeply saddened to have to make this public statement but feel it’s in the best interest of the public and our Organization to do so at this time. It has been brought to our collective attention back in January 2017 that our organization was being linked to Identity Evropa a white supremacist group established in March 2016. Part of the broader alt-right movement, the group is identified as a white supremacist organization by the Anti-Defamation League.

Our Organization has a rich 75 year history of serving our veterans and military personnel and have no ties to this group, nor do we condone its message of hate. The reputation of Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. and our nonprofit status as well as our congressional charter and good name are too valuable to not make this public statement of denouncing any involvement or support of Identity Evropa or any similar organizations.


BSMA, INC. Constitution, Article I, Section I

Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc., the “Corporation,” is a federally chartered Corporation. The
Corporation shall be a non-political , non sectarian , nondiscriminatory , and non-profit organization ,
and shall not be used for personal or partisan purposes.

Article II
The mission of the Corporation shall be:

● To support the Armed Forces of the United States of America and its Veterans
● To advocate for America’s Armed Forces and those men and women who have served their
country with honor
● To maintain allegiance to the United States
● To educate our members and others not to divulge military or other government information
● To assist and participate in ceremonies which honor, remember and support our military men and
women, and veterans
● To honor those families whose children have died in service to our country
● To assist in the care of unsupported mothers who gave their children to the service of the Nation
● To foster true democracy
● To assist in Homeland Security
● To uphold the American principles of freedom, justice and equal rights, and to defend the United
States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.



National Convention 2017~ New York City







        National Board 2017-2018









Office BSMA  
President Cyndi Bretz Ventura  
1st VP Anne Parker
2nd VP Teresa Bullock
3rd VP Christine Cromeenes Boyd  
4th VP Lori Thueme  
Recording Secretary Kade Rutherford  
Financial Secretary Brenda Ternullo
Treasurer Carla Brodacki




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