Ron and Rand Paul, 11/06/09
No Compromise

On Friday, Congressman Ron Paul and Dr. Rand Paul appeared on The Glenn Beck Show with guest host Andrew Napolitano to discuss the Republican Party's future, third parties, and the importance of putting principle over politics.


Blog entries

90,000 American Casualties

Thanks for helping the Judge!

Operation Health Freedom - Tom Woods

Washington University Rebuilding the Wall Event

"A Red Ink Train Wreck"

How We Win

Ron Paul in South Carolina TONIGHT

Nov. 9, 1989

11/11/09by Doug Bandow
Another good reason for America First.

11/11/09by Art Carden
And why they're all wrong.

11/11/09by George C. Leef
Review of Stealing from Each Other: How the Welfare State Robs Americans of Money and Spirit by Edgar K. Browning.

11/10/09by Ron Paul
And a threat to the dollar.

11/10/09by Robert Murphy
On the hysteria resulting from some economists' attempt to show how, even if prevailing climate change theories are true, much cheaper solutions exist than the common big-government proposals.

11/10/09by Chuck Baldwin
Another state introduces Firearms Freedom Act, to protect gun rights against federal usurpation.

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90,000 American Casualties

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Posted by Anthony Gregory on 11/10/09

Since the beginning of the war on terrorism. How many will be killed, injured and psychologically damaged before the horror is put to an end?

Categories: Foreign Policy, War/Military

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Thanks for helping the Judge!

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Posted by Matt Hawes on 11/10/09
Last updated 11/10/09

We have received word from a producer at FOX News that the last two Glenn Beck shows guest-hosted by Judge Napolitano were the third highest rated programs in all of cable news!

Thanks for tuning in and for spreading the word.  Check out the show today at 5 pm eastern and let's keep helping the Judge get out the liberty message on a high-profile stage!

Categories: Campaign For Liberty, Education, Grassroots News, US Constitution, History, Current Events
Tags: Judge Napolitano

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Operation Health Freedom - Tom Woods

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Posted by Matt Hawes on 11/10/09
Last updated 11/10/09

As part of our Operation Health Freedom series, bestselling author Tom Woods gives a historian's perspective on the health care debate.

For a version without edited clips, click here.  Click here for a transcript.

Categories: Campaign For Liberty, Education, Media, Domestic Policy, Health Freedom, History, Current Events, Congress
Tags: Tom Woods, health care

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Washington University Rebuilding the Wall Event

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Posted by PChristo on 11/10/09
Last updated 11/10/09

Today, commemorating the fall of the Berlin wall 20 years ago, Washington University Young Americans for Liberty (WUYAL) staged an event on campus that incited great controversy.  In order to demonstrate the consequences of socialism, WUYAL crafted a Soviet-style gulag.  The four walled, 10 foot high stockade was displayed prominently in the middle of campus for most of the day.  Around the prison marched guards dressed in Soviet regalia and inside were abused prisoners who had resisted the socialist regime.  Playing in the background was the Soviet National Anthem and a speech containing propaganda to which the prisoners were forced to listen. 

Students had a wide range of responses to the event.  Some were amused, some were inspired and began arguing the merits of capitalism with our soviet guards, some regarded the event as petty, and others remarked that it was offensive to Russian Americans.  The gulag drew a local radio station, the campus newspaper, and many bloggers who interviewed participants and passers by.  Flyers were distributed with information regarding the realities of socialism and the destruction which it has caused in the 20th century. 

It was not long before for some professors decided they were unpleased with this sort of political protest.  A few walked by and remarked that they would "make some calls" in order to ensure that we were shut down.  About two hours into the event, a university official approached the guards and demanded that we provide him with our paperwork.  After successfully demonstrating that we were authorized by event services, he marched off.  An hour or so later came a police officer following up on a complaint about the event which she received.  After being assured that our event was peaceful, she too left.  Finally, the University brought out the big guns.  They came with several armed officers and a university official and instructed us to take down our protest on account of the fact that our tools were not inspected prior to the erection of the gulag. 

Despite the University's antagonism, our message got out.  Though we were forced to take down our gulag, we were able to distribute hundreds of flyers and reveal the destructive side of socialism to many students.  It is unfortunate that universities believe in free speech only for the far Left.  Thankfully, we were able to elude their bureaucratic system long enough to make an effect. 

The following link is to a local radio station which covered the event.  More pictures and videos will be attached as I receive them.   


Another media report here.

*Update 2*

More pictures and video can be found here.


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"A Red Ink Train Wreck"

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Posted by Matt Hawes on 11/10/09

In this Center for Freedom and Prosperity video, CATO's Dan Mitchell looks at the higher deficits and bloated government that will result from the ObamaCare plan and lists twelve reasons why it is guaranteed to be a budget buster.

Categories: Education, Domestic Policy, Health Freedom, Federal Legislation, History, Current Events, Congress
Tags: health care

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How We Win

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Posted by Heather D on 11/10/09

Over the weekend we witnessed the continued assault on our Constitution, and liberty in general, when the Democrat majority in the House rallied their troops, twisted (or nearly broke) some arms and passed "The Affordable Health Care for America Act". If you are anything like me, you sat glued to your television set, intently watching C-Span, knowing in the pit of your stomach that Speaker Pelosi would never have brought the bill to the floor if she did not have the votes to pass it.

Some in this country want to believe that the assault on our rights will be stopped simply by replacing the Democratic majority with Republicans. These well-meaning Americans do not understand that establishment Republicans of today are merely Democrat-lite. They preach limited government out of one side of their mouth, yet vote for bigger government and less freedom, seeking more power for themselves and satisfying their most generous donors, dismantling the Constitution in the same manner as the Democrats that they claim to stand in opposition to.

One shining example of this is Senator Lindsey Graham, who has launched a very public war against Ron Paul, Ron Paul Republicans, and in reality, any Republican who supports the Republican platform, rather than paying lip service to it. Senator Graham recently teamed up with Senator John Kerry in an Op-Ed proclaiming the need for cap and trade policies, despite the fact that the bill would serve no real purpose other than to transfer wealth to a few and further destroy an economy that is already imploding. After a public outcry over this, it remains unclear where Senator Graham stands on this dastardly bill, but you can be certain that the danger of this legislation becoming law is still very real.

Taking this example (which is just one of many) into account, what are liberty-loving Americans who bleed red, white and blue supposed to do?

Believe it or not, the assault on our liberties did not begin 9 years ago with George W. Bush as president. It did not begin under Bill Clinton, John Kennedy or even Woodrow Wilson. Indeed, our very first president presided over the country when the first assault occurred when he signed the "Whiskey Tax" into law. Then Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, justified the tax "more as a measure of social discipline than as a source of revenue". In other words, this was a SIN tax, meant to punish those who participated in activities that some felt were socially unacceptable. This sin-tax rightly infuriated American citizens, having just lost blood and treasure fighting to be a free people, and they revolted in what is known as "The Whiskey Rebellion".

While it is disheartening to know that it took such a short time for the trampling of our rights to begin, the "Whiskey Tax" served to put the people on notice; when Ben Franklin warned that we had "a Republic if (we could) keep it", he truly meant that as a people, we had to be ever vigilant about guarding our rights.

Much time has passed since the first attacks on our rights were launched, and the passage of time has not been a friend to liberty. The further we got from our founding, the less involved the people became, until many readily and eagerly accepted the loss of freedoms as being a necessary evil. In fact, many do not recognize what is happening today as being a loss of freedoms at all; rather, they believe that they are powerless to "do" for themselves and could not survive without the benevolent hand of government to intervene on their behalf.

The loss of liberty at the hand of a power-hungry government is not new, but the reawakening of the American public is something that has not happened to the degree that it is today in a VERY long time. The key to winning any war is to go into every battle well-armed, and make no mistake, we are truly involved in a war for the hearts and minds of our countrymen, and for the survival of our Republic. We must understand that it has taken over 200 years for us to get to the point we have arrived at today, and the damage is not going to be undone overnight. There will be battles won and battles lost, bad bills passed and the wrong people elected to office along the way. While these losses cause pain to those of us who are dedicated to bringing our country back to it's Constitutional roots, we can not let the losses demoralize or stop us.

This war has many fronts; neglecting even one of them not only makes our jobs harder, it makes winning nearly impossible. Petitioning our elected officials on legislation is one important function that we must not neglect, but that act alone will not advance the cause of freedom. We must educate ourselves and our neighbors about the Constitution and demonstrate to them how a particular bill is in violation of the law of the land, and at the same time, we must offer them solid solutions to the problems we face.

We cannot focus on federal issues and candidates to the exclusion of state and local issues and candidates. Remember, "all politics is local" and it does no good to attempt to reform a federal government run amok while ignoring the bodies closer to home that have been infected by the same disease.

We must stop "fighting City Hall" and focus on BECOMING City Hall. In many cases, changing out the "cast of characters" is our only real option, and while running for office may not be glamorous, or anything (you) may have desired to do in the past, we ignore this important "front" at our own peril. Our Founders envisioned a citizenry that would keep our elected officials honest and compliant with the Constitution by voting the bad eggs out of office, and at this point in time, there are far more bad eggs running than good ones. To ignore the need for liberty candidates at all levels of government guarantees that those seats will be filled by the same old tax-and-spend lawless breed that has infected our country and brought us to the point we find ourselves at today.

We must be more visible than our adversaries. The Tea Parties and Town Halls are a great start, but we can't stop there. We must attend City Council and County Board meetings, sit in the audience during legislative sessions, and personally visit legislator's offices often; in short, we must be a constant thorn in their sides.

Rather than constantly "chasing the ball" and trying to prevent bad bills from becoming law, we must be a part of lobbying for good bills to become law, allowing us to nullify the attempts of legislators to further erode our freedoms. At the federal level, HR 1207 is a shining example of bills we should fight for, and at the state level, we need to address states rights legislation that will nullify federal laws that overstep the dictates set on the federal government by the Constitution.

If we are to win elections and possess the ability to influence our neighbors, we have no choice but to get involved in local politics. Whether you choose to work with the Democrats, Republicans, LP, CP or some other party is entirely up to the individual, but simply showing up at the polls to vote every couple of years limits you to having a vote ONLY on issues or candidates that others have chosen FOR you.

In order to win our freedoms back, we must be committed to leading the way. Ignoring any front in this battle will greatly impair our ability to win. The passage of "health care reform" in the House was disturbing, but the war is not over yet. Recall Samuel Adams famous words, "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."



Categories: Education, Current Events, Revolution, Miscellany

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Ron Paul in South Carolina TONIGHT

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Posted by Matt Hawes on 11/09/09
Last updated 11/09/09

Update: You can watch the event live here at 7 pm eastern.

Frustrated about the state of our country (as well as the passage of the Pelosi bill) and wanting to join with like-minded people in loudly proclaiming your support for liberty? 

If you're close to Columbia, South Carolina, be sure to head to the University of South Carolina tonight for a free and open to the public event starting at 7 pm eastern.

The event is hosted by Campaign for Liberty, Young Americans for Liberty, the USC Honors College, and the Carolina Debate Union.

Congressman Paul will speak on "The Politics of Tolerance," highlighting the importance of civility and tolerance in politics and everyday life.

Click here for more details.

If you can make it out tonight, bring along some family and friends to hear a freedom message that offers true solutions for the problems facing America.

Show the establishment that we are not going away with the passage of yet another monstrous government encroachment and that we are more determined than ever to restore our Republic.  Rally together in South Carolina!

Categories: Ron Paul, Campaign For Liberty, Grassroots News, Current Events, Congress

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Nov. 9, 1989

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Posted by Matt Hawes on 11/09/09
Last updated 11/09/09

Today marks the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  What a powerful sight to watch the looks on the faces and to hear the stories of those who been denied freedom for so long as the barrier came crashing down.  The world is a dramatically different place twenty years later, but the fight for liberty is still as critical as ever.

Check out some of the ABC News coverage from November 9 and 10, 1989 here and here.

Categories: Education, History
Tags: berlin wall

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