Working for International Dialogue and Peace

The Iran Threat in the Age of Real-Axis-of-Evil Expansion

by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson (source: Monthly Review) March 18, 2010

In short, while nuclear-armed Israel and its patron commit aggression, dispossess, and threaten more of the same, they have managed to transform nuclear-weapons-free Iran into the "threat" that the UN and IC worry about. ››read more

An appeal to anti-war organizations & activists to oppose the increasing threats against Iran

(source: CASMII) March 7, 2010

Around the world, anti-war activists are preparing for major protests this spring to oppose the continuing U.S.-led occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. Meanwhile, a storm of developments is dramatically increasing tensions between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In response, the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII) is issuing this appeal to the anti-war movements in the United States, United Kingdom and other countries to raise the demands of “No war, no sanctions, no internal interference in Iran!” ››read more

Russian prime minister lectures Clinton in front of TV cameras

by Mary Beth Sheridan (source: Washington Post) March 20, 2010

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin greeted Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday with a volley of complaints about trade, while another top Russian official voiced caution about the Obama administration's campaign for tough sanctions on Iran.

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Is the U.S. "Offer" to Iran on Medical Isotopes a Pretext for More Coercive Action?

by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett (source: The Race for Iran) March 19, 2010

Earlier this week, journalists highlighted U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Poneman's statement that the Obama Administration had "offered to facilitate Iran's procurement through the world markets of the medical isotopes its citizens need," but that "Iran's leaders apparently prefer to reject the most responsible, cost effective, and timely options to ensure access to medical isotopes in order to advance their nuclear program." ››read more

In Iran, Leader assails hypocrisy in US approach

(source: Press TV) March 21, 2010

Ayatollah Khamenei lashed out at the US president for supporting the unrest erupted after last year's June presidential election, saying the enemies had plans to start a "civil war" in the country. ››read more

The myth of Obama engaging Iran

by Cyrus Safdari (source: Iran Affairs) March 20, 2010

So on occasion of Obama's Persian New Year (NoRuz) message to Iran, it is claimed that Obama offered an "open hand" to Iran only to be met by a "clenched fist". Rubbish. In fact, Khamenei responded to his letter by stating plainly that Iran would judge Obama's offer of engagement on the basis of actions not talk. And, the action has plainly been a continuation of the same old Bush policies. ››read more

Iran Is Paranoid and Israel Is Not (You're Kidding, Right?)

by Rostam Pourzal (source: MRzine) March 17, 2010

"A country whose political culture is characterized by paranoia." What country would that be? Israel, which has claimed victim status through seven decades of vicious land grab? The United States, which has devastated Iraq pretending to look for imaginary weapons of mass destruction? ››read more

        Editor's note: Rostam Pourzal is a Washington, DC-based political analyst specializing in the politics of human rights and a member of CASMII International Steering Committee.


Powell Says New Sanctions on Iran Won’t Stop Nuclear Program

by Chris Dolmetsch (source: Businessweek ) March 19, 2010

Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said new sanctions on Iran to persuade it to stop enriching uranium won’t work because the Islamic republic is “determined to have a nuclear program.”. He made the distinction between nuclear programme and nuclear weapons and called for negotiated settlement.
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Israel attack on Iran could ignite Middle East: Hezbollah

by Mariam Karouny and Laila Bassam (source: Reuters ) March 19, 2010

Violence could spread across the Middle East with Israel paying a "heavy price" if it launched military action against Iran, the deputy leader of Hezbollah said on Thursday. ››read more

Will There Be A False Flag Operation To Implicate Iran?

by Paul Craig Roberts (source: March 19, 2010

The next step will be a staged "terrorist attack," a "false flag" operation as per Operation Northwoods, for which Iran will be blamed. As Iran and its leadership have already been demonized, the "false flag" attack will suffice to obtain U.S. and European public support for bombing Iran. The bombing will include more than the nuclear facilities and will continue until the Iranians agree to regime change and the installation of a puppet government. The corrupt American media will present the new puppet as "freedom and democracy." ››read more

Ambassador: IRI supports ME without WMD

(source: IRIB News Agency) March 18, 2010

akhoundzadehakhoundzadehAkhoundzadeh said that Iran always supports a Middle East without nuclear and mass-destruction weapons and tries to establish justice, peace and security in the region and the world. ››read more

Tehran to host nuclear disarmament conference in April

(source: Mehr News Agency) March 18, 2010

nuclear disarmamentnuclear disarmamentIran will host an international conference on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation in April. ››read more

5+1 group should avoid repeating mistakes: Rafsanjani

(source: Mehr News Agency) March 18, 2010

Ali Akbar Hashemi RafsanjaniAli Akbar Hashemi RafsanjaniThe Expediency Council chairman also stated that Iran does not seek anything beyond its own rights and neither should the 5+1 group. ››read more

UN: Noruz can promote world peace

(source: Tehran Times) March 18, 2010

nowruznowruzTEHRAN - On the eve of the first International Day of Noruz, the United Nations secretary general expressed hope that “people around the world will draw on this festival’s history and customs to promote harmony with the natural world and foster global peace and goodwill.” ››read more

Iran set to sign non-aggression treaty with regional countries: Official

(source: ISNA) March 18, 2010

no warno warIran's Parliament Speaker Advisor on International Affairs Hossein Sheikholeslam said Iran is ready to sign non-aggression treaty with all regional countries. ››read more

Iran’s Natural Gas Riches: US Knife to the Heart of World Future Energy

by Finian Cunningham (source: Global Research) March 18, 2010

A major realignment in the world’s energy economy – one where there will be a continuing diminished role for the US – Washington’s blustering rhetoric about democracy and peace and war on terror or alleged Iranian nuclear weapons can be seen as a desperate attempt to conceal its fear that it stands to be a big loser.

Encircling Iran with wars and threatening gas supplies to possibly the world’s top future gas customer – China – is the real deal. US actions are more accurately seen as putting a knife to the energy arteries of a world economy that it will no longer be able to dominate. ››read more

Iran ready for nuke fuel exchange inside country

(source: Afp, Ap, Tehran/ Beijing ) March 18, 2010

Iran has said it is ready for a one-shot nuclear fuel exchange on its own soil, edging closer to the conditions of a plan drawn up by the UN atomic watchdog last year as major powers mulled a new round of sanctions. ››read more

Iran nuclear programme 'solely civilian' - Turkish PM

(source: BBC) March 17, 2010

ErdoganErdoganThe Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has told the BBC that he believes Iran has no intention of developing nuclear weapons. ››read more

This US-Israeli Crisis Has Yet To Peak: Diverging Interests Never Clearer

by Sharmine Narwani (source: Huffington Post) March 17, 2010

 Narwani NarwaniEvery time Obama has sought to advance his Mideast agenda, Israel has managed to put a new cog in his wheels. The US president started off his term insisting that Arab-Israeli peace be dealt with before Iran's nuclear issue, and has had to reverse his plan due to Israeli pressures.

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Brazil steps between Israel and Iran

by Pepe Escobar (source: Asia Times) March 17, 2010


Lula and Obama had seemed to be in synch on Iran, starting from their meeting on the sidelines of a Group of Eight plus five meeting in L'Aquila, Italy, nine months ago. Then, Obama even encouraged the Brasilia-Tehran dialogue, as long as Brazil pressed on Iran the commitment to a strictly civilian nuclear program. That's exactly what Lula told Ahmadinejad when they met in Brazil. It is the Obama administration's position that has substantially hardened.

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