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Welcome to People for Peace Group Please join us and our work for WORLD PEACE. Everyone has to learn once again to "LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS" and become beautiful, good, friendly, joyful, PEACE LOVING PEOPLE. We have to work to give a chance of hope
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Join our Prayers and Join our People-for-Peace-Group ________________________________________________________________________ Please join our People for Peace Group's prayers that the people of the world once again learn to "Love their neighbors as they Love God." Through our prayers be must remind the people of the world that the Ten Commandments are the basis of the Law and are treasured as words of Life for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. ________________________________________________________________________ Jesus, Moses and Mohammad all taught that the Chief Commandments were not only to Love God but also to Love one's neighbor and Love is the Basis of all Obedience to God's Commands.* I have joined People for Peace Group especially with the Care International Web system on October 23, 2004 to show our support for the immediate release of Margaret Hassan, who heads CARE International work in Iraq. She was kidnapped in Baghdad on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 as she was heading to work at CARE International. Hassan has joint British, Irish and Iraqi citizenship and has spent nearly half her life delivering food and medicine in Iraq. On November 16, 2004 it was announced by Care International, "It is with profound sadness that we have learned of the existence of a video in which it appears that our colleague Margaret Hassan has been killed." Care ________________________________________________________________________ The flame of Hope should never go out from our lives only through prayer can each of us live a life with Peace, Faith and Love. click on Join us in also Warning the Iraqi insurgents, people for Afghanistan, Palestine, Syrian and Lebanon who become Suicide bombers that their action is against the Teaching of the Prophet Muhammed and is forbidden in the Koran. If you continue your actions you will be like one who was made to dwell in the fires of Hell forever and ever. ________________________________________________________________________ People for Peace Group which I founded in Rome, Italy will now be also using this new Care International site to organize world support for mass prayer for World Peace. ________________________________________________________________________ Please join our call for neighbor to show mercy and love toward their neighbor. Everyone should remember they should fear God, because one day they all will be judged by God on their deeds and actions during their life. On that day of Judgment God will judge all of us on our deeds and actions and if those created for Heaven will dwell in Heaven forever and ever and those created for Hell will be punished in the fire of Hell, wherein where they shall dwell forever and ever. We a urging people of the World to have a change of Heart and all become real Angels of Mercy and Love. ________________________________________________________________________ People for Peace Group is an Interfaith Group of mult-national individuals many active and retired Government,United Nations Employees. and people of faith throughout the world. ________________________________________________________________________ Also visit: ________________________________________________________________________ To see photos of the Real Victims from my visits to Baghdad's Children's Hospital in 2001. I am testimony to the over 1,490,000 Iraqi men, women and children that Saddam Hussein would not purchase Medicine or Medical equipment for with his Billions of Dollars. Saddam Hussein chose to just watch million of poor Iraqi’s die without helping them or caring for them. Saddam Hussein chose only to use them as victims to blame on the Iraqi Sanctions. ________________________________________________________________________ I am Dr. Jack Shepard, founder of People for Peace Group :Presently I am working to end the present wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine, Syrian and Lebanon by teaching through our faith in God by working together is the only way to bring peace to the Middle East. ________________________________________________________________________ My present editorial campaign is to inform the world and especially the militant insurgents and extremists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Israel, Syrian and Lebanon that these edicts or fatwa published by spiritual leaders or religious scholars are false doctrines. The Prophet Muhammad taught that the Koran was the infallible Word of God and the Koran is complete and edicts can not be added to the Koran. ________________________________________________________________________ The Prophet taught that choosing the scholars or the dictionary over Allah reflects a disbelief in Allah and His word (Koran) " They have set up their religious leaders and scholars as lords; instead of Allah.."9:31 " So after the truth (Koran ), what else can thee be, save error?" Koran 10:32 These edicts are blaspheme against God and the Prophet Muhammad taught to follow these edicts or fatwa is evil. If a kidnapper uses these edicts of fatwa for example cut the head off a hostage aid worker or become a suicide bomber; the Holy Koran, guarantees punishment, "In the fires of Hell, wherein they shall dwell forever." ________________________________________________________________________ Just as important suicide bombers, I am warning YOU that the Koran taught any person who intentionally kills themselves, "they certainly will be punished in the fire of Hell, wherein they shall dwell forever and ever." ________________________________________________________________________ May God Bless the Middle East with Peace, please join us in our Prayers for Peace. ________________________________________________________________________ "God will only answer our prayers and Blesses us with World Peace once again when we learn to Love our neighbors" Dr. Jack Shepard, Founder of People for Peace Group ________________________________________________________________________ THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ________________________________________________________________________ ARE THE BASIS OF THE LAW AND ARE TREASURED AS WORDS OF LIFE*. ________________________________________________________________________ JESUS TAUGHT THAT THE CHIEF COMMANDMENTS WERE NOT ONLY TO LOVE GOD BUT ALSO TO LOVE ONE'S NEIGHBOR AND LOVE IS THE BASIS OF ALL OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S COMMANDS. IF WE DON'T LEARN TO LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR IT COULD BE OUR FINAL DAYS? PUNISHMENT IS NOT, HOWEVER, GOD'S LAST WORD! ________________________________________________________________________ GOD DOES NOT WANT HIS PEOPLE TO PERISH UTTERLY; A "REMNANT" WILL BE ALLOWED TO SURVIVE. THERE IS IN THE PROPHETIC MIND NO PERSPECTIVE TO DISTINGUISH GOD'S IMMINENT PUNITIVE INTERVENTION FROM HIS REMOTE AND FINAL JUDGMENT; HENCE THE "REMNANT" IS AT ONE AND THE SAME TIME THOSE WHO SURVIVE THE IMMEDIATE PERIL AND THOSE WHO ARE TO WIN FINAL SALVATION. THE COURSE OF CURRENT HISTORY WILL MAKE THAT DISTINCTLY CLEAR. IF WE SURVIVE AS A SACRED EARTH? WE ARE DIVINELY ASSURED OF A GREAT FUTURE. IN OUR AGE WE CAN HAVE SUCH HAPPINESS THAT THE WORLD HAS NEVER KNOWN. WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF GOD; WE ARE ALL AT THE HEART OF THE PROPHETIC HEART OF PROPHETIC HOPE FOR PEACE AND JOY. ________________________________________________________________________ OUR ONLY CHANCE FOR PEACE AND SURVIVAL IS BY A RENEWED COMMITMENT TO THE REALIZATION OF THE KINGSHIP OF GOD. FOR THIS, THE ESSENTIALS OF HOPE IMPLY A PROFOUND NEW SPIRITUAL OUTLOOK OF VIRTUE AND HOLINESS WHICH ENTAILS A NEW MODE OF LIFE. WE MUST ASK FOR DIVINE FORGIVENESS BY BEGINNING TO LEARN THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. BY LEARNING THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD; THEN AND ONLY THEN CAN WE BEGIN TO ENJOY PEACE AND HAPPINESS. MORALITY IS BASED ON THE LAW ENUNCIATED BY GOD BUT NOW IS OFTEN BROKEN. IF ANYONE IS TO ESCAPE PUNISHMENT FOR THEIR SINS THEY MUST SEEK GOD. THE MORAL CONDUCT OF THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAT THE RITUAL PRACTICE. ________________________________________________________________________ GOD ASKS FOR A RELIGION OF THE HEART; THIS IS TO BE THE CONDITION OF THE CONVENT THAT IS TO COME. PRESENTLY SIN INFECTS ENTIRE NATIONS, CORRUPTING THEM AND IT SEEMS BEYOND HOPE AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME. TODAY WICKEDNESS IS RIFE AND INVITES THE VENGEANCE OF GOD ON ALMOST ALL. MUCH OF THE SIN TODAY IS NATIONAL AND COLLECTIVE SO MAY BE GOD'S PUNISHMENT. EVEN SO WE CAN HOPE AND RENEW OUR PRAYERS FOR INDIVIDUAL PUNISHMENT BY DEEPENING AND LEARNING TO APPRECIATE WHAT GOD DEMANDS. THAT THE CHIEF COMMANDMENTS ARE NOT ONLY TO LOVE GOD BUT ALSO TO LOVE ONE'S NEIGHBOR AND LOVE IS THE BASIS OF ALL OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S COMMANDS. WE MUST WORK TO CHANGE OUR PRESENT PATTERN OF NATIONAL AND COLLECTIVE WICKEDNESS OR WE WILL INVITE THE VENGEANCE OF GOD. ________________________________________________________________________ GOD ASKS FOR RELIGION OF THE HEART ________________________________________________________________________ THIS IS A CONDITION OF THE COVENANT THAT IS TO COME IF WE WISH PEACE NOW. WE MUST BEGIN TO LIVE BY THIS SPIRIT AND LET GODS SPIRIT INTO OUR HEART. WE MUST CHANGE OUR PRESENT MORAL PRACTICES OF HOSTILITY BETWEEN NATIONS OR WE SURELY WILL PERISH! THE COURSE OF HISTORY ITSELF MAKES THIS DISTINCTION VERY CLEAR. ONLY IN SHARING OUR MATERIAL PROSPERITY AND POWER CAN WE HOPE THAT IN THIS AGE THERE WILL BE SUCH HAPPINESS THAT THE WORLD HAS NEVER KNOWN. AT THIS TIME OUR IMMEDIATE PERIL COULD EASILY HAVE NO SURVIVORS. OUR ONLY CHANCE FOR SURVIVAL IS THE COLLAPSE OF PRETENSIONS TO POLITICAL DOMINATION. DR. JACK SHEPARD, FOUNDER PEOPLE FOR PEACE GROUP ________________________________________________________________________ Want Peace Please God! ________________________________________________________________________ Vengeance is the Lord’s alone! ________________________________________________________________________ Not Israeli nor Palestinian nor the People of Iraq, Afghanistan Syrian or Lebanon! ________________________________________________________________________ To Kill to Glorify Nationalism–is Displeasing to Yahweh–Allah-God! For Yahweh has seen how very bitter the affliction in the Middle East is. For it to end all Yahweh asks is all to do what he considers right! I, Dr. Jack Shepard insists on God's role as preordainer and determiner of all that takes PLACE!. ________________________________________________________________________ All three major religions date back to Abraham and God speaking to him; are based on prophesy. Prophesy is simply God speaking to his seer as they were called in olden days or prophets as we call them today. ________________________________________________________________________ By the nature of the prophetic function; the prophet is one who has an immediate experience of God, he is one to whom the holiness and will of God have been revealed; he contemplates present and future through the eyes of God; he is sent to remind men of their duty to God, and to bring them back to obedience and love. ________________________________________________________________________ The Prophet Mohammad told their listeners that God has said to him, "I have created this family for Hell and their actions will be like unto those of the people of Hell." ________________________________________________________________________ To Adam God has said, "I have created this family for Paradise, and their actions will be like unto those of the people of Paradise." ________________________________________________________________________ Both the Prophet Mohammad and Adam taught even though man thinks he has control over his actions from the time of birth until his death it is God's role as preordainer and determiner of all that takes place and it is only the true believers who truly believe. When the God created the world he wrote with a divine pen all that was, and all that will be as the Prophet Mohammad taught. In the Old Testament we find the same quote in "The Prayer of Judith"-” O God, my God now hear this widow too; for you have made the past, and what is happening now, and what will follow. What is, what will be, you have planned; what has been, you designed. In the New testament we find this same quote in the "Revelation of John" - “ Now write down all that you see of present happenings and what is still to come.” I say the same thing that, "God created every individual thing. That God created all that was, all that is happening and all that will happen" ________________________________________________________________________ The view that man does possess free will and God's in His divine justice allows man the freedom of actions upon which he will be judged is how God preordained and determined some men to think; while all the time God knows all that will take place. The term "bondage of the will" is the correct term for the true believer and term "free will" is use by nonbelievers who do not fear God. As God said to Jeremiah I knew you before you were born. The same holds true for every living thing, including and especially Man. ________________________________________________________________________ The present tendency of man to believe in his "predetermined role" does not lead him in most cases to his fulfillment of his moral and religious obligations, which should be "to act as a person created to act like God created the people for Paradise". Being God created every individual thing and that God created all that was, all that is happening and all that will happen we must never forget this. ________________________________________________________________________ If we are ever going to have World Peace we must act like God, "We must welcome the ones who seek Him, even those who on their journey to God may have committed some mistakes along the way. Man will earn his rewards on the basis of his faith and good deeds he does because of God's mercy and benevolence. The person who does not stretch his arms out to his neighbor and occupy himself with good deeds will be left alone. All is foreknown by God, we can not change the past. ________________________________________________________________________ The things that have happened were preordained and determined by God. So if we all learn to accept this we can all have a change of heart and reach out with the same mercy and benevolence which God offers to man on his journey to Him. Then and only then we will have World Peace in our life time. ________________________________________________________________________ Being the past was preordained and we can not change it. All that has happened was God's plan if we are going to survive we must look at every new day as a chance to for give and reach out to our neighbors and like God we have to learn how to forgive them; letting God be their final judge because in all truth God is. ________________________________________________________________________ Once we accept the fact that "man is totally dependent in all aspects of belief and deeds on God as author of virtues and vices, crimes and punishments." Once this is accepted one has no choice but to forgive the things that happened in the past, remembering Judith’s Prayer; “for you (GOD) have made the past.” Vengeance is the Lord’s alone. If we sin to take revenge one others our actions will be like unto those of the people of Hell where we will dwell forever." We have to only occupy ourselves with good deeds and our actions will be like unto those of the people of Paradise. We have to once again learn to “Love our neighbors” and live by the Lords Commandments. ________________________________________________________________________ Those who do not believe and continue their cycle of hatred and revenge will act like those who are on the evil path as one's God created for the fire, his actions will be like those of the people of Hell, when he dies he will enter therein. ________________________________________________________________________ May God Bless the World with Peace, by opening the eyes of the non believers and giving them a change of Heart to remember vengeance is the Lord’s alone. ________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Jack Shepard, founder of People for Peace Group ________________________________________________________________________ also visit:________http://www.shepardusgov.com_________
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      Message: Global Peace Festivals,aug 9,USA-nov 22,U.K.,2008  

    Im looking for contributors to these ongoing Multi-Belief International Global Peace Festivals culminating by 2012,ANY OFFER OF publicity,media,TV,promoting these events would be fantastic,TO UNITE ALL humanitarian organisations,Green Peace,Unicef,Bob Geldof,LIVE8 INVITE THEM ALL to the 22 november festival would have a huge inffluence to change the world overnight,WHY WAIT FOR SLOW PROGRESS,lets do it all NOW,as John Lennon attempted to do.


    On my BLOGS page titled (Korean War Veterans - Rev.Moon Messiah - WWII
    1945) info about Hitler,Stalin,Jesus and most kings,presidents,leaders
    from history in the spirit world now follow Rev.Moon as the Messiah
    KING of KINGS and even Satan the angel but not everyone connected to
    him surrendered in 1999 and now follows Rev.Moon but you would need a
    spiritualist to proove this.

    On my BLOGS page on title Korean War Veterans there are speech's of
    Rev.Moon giving providential reasons for WWII,Korean War and all wars
    since Cain killed Abel which is where all wars and killing began on a
    physical level.
    The Communist and Democratic Empires were Cain And Abel on a worlwide
    level who must be restored and united to end all killing forever,thats
    what Rev.Moon teaches.

    This is the 1960s,PEACE/LOVE revival with 100% chance to succeed this time.

    Global Peace Festivals,aug 9,USA-nov 22,U.K.,2008

    Muslims,Jewish,Christians,Buddhists,Native American Indians or all
    beliefs will be attending including politicians,senators,leaders. Main FFWPU website.
    The Second Coming of Christ
    Interview with Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, Jr., Founder of
    Imani Temple African-American Catholic Congregation of Washington,
    Archbishop George Stallings,Pastors testimonies on Rev.Moons 2006 World Tour.
    Testimonies from Pastors,Senator Donzella James.
    Strategies for Transforming Gang Culture
    Interview with Gayokla Nichi, Native American Traditional Healer &
    Executive Council Member of the Native American Leadership Alliance.
    Interview with Michael Brown, author of "The Presence Process: A
    Healing Journey into Present Moment Awareness.

    Im trying to revive the late 1960s period which will culminate on
    JANUARY 2013 when the messiah and perfected Adam and Eve will be
    announced worldwide by political and religious leaders,this should of
    happened by the late 1960s but failed to happen mainly because of


    the Messiah after 1952 to 1960s,1970s so that they could lead the
    world masses to be married by God through Rev.Moon back into THE TRUE
    LINEAGE OF GOD,this perfect lineage will produce perfect beautiful
    exotic children free of disease and illness,but this failed to happen
    and was postponed until after JANUARY 2013,THIS WAS THE GREATER
    PURPOSE OF people like Elvis Presley,The Beatles,Eric Clapton,Jimi
    Hendrix,Jim Morrison,The Who,Led Zeppelin,etc and all famous
    people,THEY WERE LEADING THE LINEAGE OF GOD (but not fully aware of
    it) but the Messiah Rev.Moon WHO IS FULLY CONNECTED WITH GOD was
    postponed from connecting with them because Rev.Moon was not accepted
    by the NECCESARY political and religious leaders of the 1950s,1960s
    WHO WERE PREPAIRED BY GOD to then be accepted by other famous people
    in the USA,Europe and the rest of the world.((THIS WAS THERE GREATER
    PURPOSE)) and the reason most of them are dead is because they were
    possibly sacrificed by God for the 1960s revival which I TOTALY ASSURE
    YOU 100% gauranteed by God will happen after 2012 which is the end of
    the Mayan calendar.

    Posted: Oct 4, 2008 5:13am | (0) | (0) |    
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