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 Read full coverage of The Wall Street Journal/Harris Interactive Business School Survey, including expanded academic rankings and a Business-School Search tool. Listen to a podcast of Ronald Alsop on how competitive the M.B.A. job market is for companies right now and watch a video with Troy Eggers, an associate dean at Columbia Business School, on what's behind companies' increased investment in executive education. Plus:

~ What's New ~
 Recruiters Take Hip Path
To Fill Accounting Jobs
Hiring at the Big Four firms is running at record levels, and recruiting efforts are being ramped up as growing demand collides with a talent shortage.

Managing Remote Workers
And Jealous Office Employees

Sue Shellenbarger on supervising staffers in different locations, returning to work after taking time off for elder care, and finding after-school programs.

How a Chinese Power Couple
Balances Business and Family

A husband and wife in Beijing discuss running a business together and making time for their two children.

Ask for a Pay Raise --
In a Second Language

For many professionals, investing the time and money to learn a foreign language could pay off in terms of career advancement and salary.

WORKING ABROAD: U.S. Expatriates Get Additional Tax Relief

B-SCHOOL GUIDE: Closer to Home: More B-schools Break Ground in the Middle East

B-SCHOOL GUIDE: Schools Create Courses To Fit Employers' Needs

 ~ How Can We Help You? ~

 ~ CareerJournal Reports ~
 CareerJournal Report on Sales Careers: Thinking about a career in sales or business development? See a roundup of the latest developments for professionals in this area.
 Careers in Finance: Thinking about a career in the finance sector? See a roundup of the latest developments for professionals in this area.
 CareerJournal Report on Financial-Services Careers: Thinking about a career in the finance sector? See a roundup of the latest developments for professionals in this area.

 CareerJournal Report on Careers in Health Care: Thinking about a career in health care?
See a roundup
of the latest developments for professionals in this industry.

 Pursuing a More Satisfying Work Life: Learn how to advance your career and still have a personal life and how to clear away the obstacles to success. Putting in too many hours? Check for five signals you may be a workaholic. If you're thinking about job hunting, find out about the outlook for managers and professionals.
 Drinking and the Workplace: A look at alcohol's impact on careers. Learn the do's and don'ts of drinking at office parties. Plus, what to do when an employee is a problem drinker, and whether to disclose your alcohol abuse. Find out about employee assistance program resources. Listen to a podcast, and join a discussion.
 Money and Happiness: A spotlight on how finances can influence career choices. Sarah E. Needleman offers five tips on positioning yourself for a more lucrative line of work, and interviews a former executive who's earning more money running his own business. Plus, Rewarding Transitions pairs up high- and low-paying jobs that may be well-matched for career changers.
 Best Careers: See's Best Careers 2006 report, featuring our eight Best Careers, snapshots on many more careers and full coverage.
 The 50+ Job Hunt: Is age bias prolonging your search? Find out why it's OK to tell prospective employers how old you are. Plus, see how an experienced executive's resume summarizes early-career jobs.

 ~ Quizzes and Tools ~
 Compensation Calculator: Compare your current pay with up to two job offers.
 Resume Gallery: A tool to help you choose the right format.
 Self-esteem: Can confidence boost your career?
 Self-expression: Can you be yourself at work?
 Activist quotient: Are you in control of your career?

 ~ Career Events ~
 Calendar of Career Events: Free and low-cost workshops and seminars nationwide.

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$100K+ Jobs -- Access to thousands of unpublished executive jobs from The Ladders.


 ResumeEdge Services  Career Counseling
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 SuccessFactors  OHSU needs O.R. RNs
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 ~ Discussions ~
 The Job Market: Do you think the employment scene is improving?
 The Search: Share your obstacles -- or help other readers with theirs.
 Readers Respond

 ~ Podcasts ~

Entrepreneur V. Cheryl Womack on going solo and what it takes to be successful.

Sarah E. Needleman on finding a recruiter in your niche.

Google's human-resources chief on qualities the company seeks in new hires.

Dana Mattioli discusses what applicants need to know about identity theft.

Ronald Alsop on the new types of graduate business degrees.

Jaclyne Badal on why job hunters shouldn't rule out past employers.

Perri Capell discusses the kinds of raises you might typically expect when you change jobs.


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