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Welcome to CARM. The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry equips Christians and defends the faith. We do this by analyzing religions such as Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Roman Catholicism, Universalism, Wicca, etc., and comparing them to the Bible. We also analyze secular philosophies such as abortion, atheism, evolution, and relativism. In all our analyses we use logic and evidence to undergird the truth of the Bible which is the inspired word of God. If you want to learn, get answers, and be able to defend the faith, CARM is your place.spacer

Online Schools

couple at laptop

  • Do you want to learn Christian theology?
  • Do you want to learn how to defend the Christian faith?
  • Do you want to learn critical thinking?

If yes, then CARM offers three online schools for you to learn your Theology, Apologetics, and Critical Thinking. The schools are arranged logically, very easy to use, and effectively teach you what you need to know.  They were written by CARM's president Matt Slick who drew on his 25+ years experience in teaching, preaching, and defending the Christian faith. More information on CARM Online Schools »

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Were Adam and Eve saved?

The Bible does not state explicitly whether Adam and Eve went to heaven, but we do know in at least two instances later in the Genesis narrative where Eve exhibited faith in God.  In our first example, Eve believed that God was going to send her a promised child, referring to Cain, "Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, 'I have gotten a manchild with the help of the LORD (Gen. 4:1).'" From this first passage, we see that Eve trusted in the promise of God to provide a child.

What happens to babies or infants who die? Do they go to heaven or hell?

by Ryan Turner

The Bible does not say explicitly where young children go when they die in infancy.  However, Scripture seems to support the idea that they go to heaven.  Everyone is guilty before God because of our sin which we inherited from Adam (Rom. 5:12; cf. 1 Cor. 15:21-22).  In fact, there is not a single righteous person (Rom. 3:10-11).  Therefore, everyone is guilty before God no matter how young or how old.

Women as Model Disciples in the Gospel of Mark

by Ryan Turner 

The following is a paper that I wrote for seminary titled "Women as Model Disciples in the Gospel of Mark."  All of the Scripture references below come from the NKJV Bible.

When to use Gospel Tracts in Evangelism

One effective way for Christians to share their faith is through the use of gospel tracts. Tracts are helpful to use in situations where it is difficult to actually talk to a person in depth about the gospel and/or when after having a conversation with someone, you would like to leave the unbeliever with some follow up material.

Situations where Tracts are Effective

When you do not have the opportunity to have a conversation

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