Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Insights & Analysis

Political Crises but Few Alternatives in Algeria

Mahmoud Belhimer March 17, 2010

Reports of corruption, political power struggles, and questions about Bouteflika’s health reignite speculations about Algeria’s political future.

Interview with Dr. Rola Dashti, Member of the Kuwaiti Parliament

Michele Dunne March 9, 2010

Kuwaiti Parliamentarian Rola Dashti discusses the inner workings of the National Assembly, the role of women deputies, and the fragile truce between parliament and cabinet.

Iraq’s Quest for Democracy amid Massive Corruption

Abbas Kadhim March 3, 2010

Impunity and lack of accountability fuel corruption in Iraq. The parliament to be elected March 7 will need to address these issues to gain the public trust.

Iraqi Elections and Prospective Government Scenarios

Salem Mashkour March 3, 2010

In the lead up to March 7, machinations that include Iraqi and non-Iraqi players are beginning regarding government formation.

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan: Revival or Mere Survival?

Ahmed Ali February 24, 2010

Intra-Kurdish politics will be particularly intense in the March 7 Iraqi parliamentary elections. The results will show whether the longstanding KDP-PUK balance is still relevant or Gorran is here to stay as a political force.

Sunnis and Iraq’s Elections: An Evolving Balance of Power

Muhammad Abu Rumman February 24, 2010

The March 7 Iraqi elections will show how far Sunnis have progressed in their evolution from armed resistance to political participation, and whether they can unify to improve their strategic standing vis-a-vis the Shi'i community.

Egypt’s New Brotherhood Leadership: Implications and Limits of Change

Husam Tammam February 17, 2010

Contentious leadership elections and recent arrests of major figures are testing Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, which might face internal splits and be less able to play a leadership role among Islamist organizations.

Iraq’s Elections Highlight Gap in U.S. Policy

Brian Katulis February 16, 2010

March 7 parliamentary elections will be an important test for the new Iraq that is emerging; meanwhile the U.S. administration has not yet considered what role Iraq will play in the region.

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Arab Reform Bulletin

Michele Dunne, Editor

Intissar Fakir, Assistant Editor

The Arab Reform Bulletin is a monthly on line journal covering political, economic, and human rights developments in Arab countries as well as U.S. and European policy toward the region.


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Upcoming Political Events

  • Iraq: Parliamentary Elections, March 7, 2010
  • Sudan: Presidential and Legislative Elections, April 4, 2010
  • Egypt: Shura Council (Upper Legislative House) Elections, June 2010
  • Bahrain: Parliamentary Elections, September 2010
  • Egypt: People's Assembly (Lower House) Elections, November 2010
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