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60 Minutes
Complete Episodes every Sunday, 11pm EST

Get the biggest scoops and best storytelling on television from 60 Minutes, the most succesful broadcast in television history with 82 Emmys under its belt. The correspondents for 60 Minutes are Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric, Lara Logan, Scott Pelley, Morley Safer, Bob Simon and Lesley Stahl.

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DHL, Gaza, Long Life | 01/25/2009
The people of Wilmington, Ohio are being hit hard this winter as DHL package delivery service cuts thousands of jobs there. Correspondent Scott Pelley has more. Can a Two-State deal bring peace to the Gaza Strip? Correspondent Bob Simon investigates. These stories and more on 60 Minutes.
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Sleep Research, Happiest Country | 01/18/2009
60 Minutes Correspondent Leslie Stahl investigates breakthrough research on sleep and how it affects the human body; 60 Minutes Correspondent Morley Safer takes a look at the happiest country in the world and 60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney shares some of his thoughts...
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oil; Wyclef Jean | 01/11/2009
Were the changes in last years oil prices due to speculation rather than supply and demand? 60 Minutes correspondent Steve Croft investigates. Wyclef Jean is an international celebrity but some in Haiti believe he is something more. Scott Pelley reports. These stories and more on 60 Minutes.
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Drunk Driving; Football | 01/05/2009
Drunk driving kills thousands of people a year, and despite vigorous enforcement, the number has not gone down. But should the penalties for drunk drivers be tougher? Bob Simon has more. Why is the Texas Tech coach being called the mad scientist of football? Scott Pelley has the answer. This and more on 60 minutes.
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60 Minutes: President-elect Barack Obama | 12/28/2008
60 Minutes and CBS News Correspondent Steve Kroft have chronicled President-elect Barack Obama's journey to the White House for close to two years. This week's 60 Minutes includes never-before-seen footage and exclusive interviews with Mr. Obama's family and advisors.
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Schwarzenegger , Airport Security | 12/21/2008
On this edition of 60 Minutes Scott Pelley speaks with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger about the state's budget woes. Lesley Stahl interviews airport security consultant Bruce Schneier and Transportation Security Administrator Kip Hawley, who have differing opinions about the value of current security measures. Bob Simon visits a orphanage for abandoned elephants in Kenya and Andy Rooney responds to an influx of Christmas catalogs.
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Barney Frank, Economy, Pete Carroll | 12/14/2008
Barney Frank, chair of the House Financial Services Committee, tells Lesley Stahl that an auto bailout would benefit people more than car companies. Scott Pelley speaks with investment banker Whitney Tilson about a second wave of toxic mortgages expected to hit the economy. Byron Pitts talks to USC football coach Pete Carroll about his unique coaching style and how he is trying to expand his skills outside the football field. Andy Rooney responds to some letters he's received in the mail.
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60 Minutes Oil Schnabel Saudi Arabia | 12/07/2008
On this edition of 60 Minutes Lesley Stahl visits Saudi Arabian oil facilities and speaks with officials who are gearing up to produce more. Morley Safer sits down with painter and Academy Award nominated director Julian Schnabel.
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Phelps, Silver Star, Gambling | 11/30/2008
Anderson Cooper talks with Michael Phelps about his success, Lara Logan reports on Silver Star winner Monica Brown, Steve Croft reports on online gambling and Andy Rooney talks about thriftiness.
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Nuclear, Widows, Rex Lewis-Clark | 11/27/2008
On this edition of 60 MINUTES Scott Pelley investigates the most serious assault on a nuclear site in South Africa. Bob Simon explains why foreign women who married Americans may have to leave the country if they become widows. Lesley Stahl rekindles the spark with Rex Lewis-Clark, a musical savant born blind and mentally imparied. 60 MINUTES spoke with him three years ago.
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60 MINUTES | 11/16/2008
This week on 60 Minutes CBS Correspondent Steve Croft has the first sit-down interview with President-elect Barack Obama since he was elected as the country's 44th President. Andy Rooney comments on the need for the newspaper industry.
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E-Waste, Obama's Brain Trust, Ted Turner | 11/09/2008
Scott Pelley reports on e-waste in China that is illegal and dangerous, but first Steve Croft interviews the people behind Barack Obama's campaign and Morley Safer looks at the life of Ted Turner.
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Jobs, Narcotics, Brain Power | 11/03/2008
Leslie Stahl reports how many military reservists and guardsmen are returning home to demotions and unemployment. Katie Couric speaks with Bill Jakob, the man who fooled a small town into thinking he was a federal agent. Scott Pelley reports on new technology that will help paralyzed people communicate through a computer attached to their brains. Andy Rooney says he wants to hear the Presidential candidates concession speeches.
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Economy, T. Boone Pickens, Gorongosa | 10/26/2008
Steve Kroft examines the role credit default swaps play in the current economic crisis. Morley Safer speaks with T. Boone Pickens about his proposed energy plan to relieve America's dependence on foreign oil. Scott Pelley speaks with wealthy entrepreneur Greg Carr about his efforts to stabilize Gorongosa, a national park in Mozambique.
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Afghanistan, Bank of America, matador | 10/19/2008
Lara Logan reports on the growing need for more troops in Afghanistan. Lesley Stahl speaks with the head of Bank of America Ken Lewis about the Treasury Department's plans for the economic crisis. Bob Simon speaks with star matador Cayetano Ordonez about his dangerous profession just minutes before he is critically injured in the ring. Andy Rooney gives his take on the presidential candidates.
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FBI, Iraq, Italian wine | 10/12/2008
An FBI agent tells CBS News Correspondent Armen Keteyian how he put his life at risk infiltrating one of the most ruthless crime organizations in the nation. 60 Minutes Correspondent Leslie Stahl reports on how technology helped the U.S. Military win an important battle in Iraq and Correspondent Morley Safer visits an Italian family in the wine business for centuries.
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Bailout, Osama Bin Laden, Electric Car | 10/05/2008
In this week's edition of 60 Minutes, CBS News Correspondent Steve Kroft takes a look at the unregulated shadow market that helped lead to Wall Street's financial meltdown, Correspondent Scott Pelley interviews a former mission commander in Afghanistan whose only order was to kill Osama Bin Laden, Correspondent Leslie Stahl reports on Silicon Valley's newest product, electric cars, and Andy Rooney talks about simplifying financial jargon.
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Paulson, Odierno, The Collider | 09/28/2008
60 Minutes Correspondent Scott Pelley reports on the economic crisis and the man behind the $700 billion plan, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson. 60 Minutes Correspondent Leslie Stahl takes a look at the state of Iraq today with General Ray Odierno. 60 Minutes Correspondent Steve Croft reports on the machine that scientists say will create conditions similar to those less than a second after the Big Bang.60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney takes a look at Vice Presidents over the years.
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60 Minutes; Steve Kroft; Presidents | 09/21/2008
As presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain prepare for their first debate, 60 Minutes takes an in-depth look at their positions on the country's economic crisis, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, healthcare and other issues impacting Americans today. Correspondents Steve Kroft and Scott Pelley have more.
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Justice Department, Antonin Scalia | 09/15/2008
On this week's edition of 60 Minutes: Lesley Stahl examines the life of one of the country's most influential Americans: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Steve Croft investigates shortcomings in the justice system and Andy Rooney considers kitchen tools.
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Bob Woodward, Alec Baldwin, tuna | 09/07/2008
60 Minutes Correspondent Scott Pelley speaks with Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward on his new book which reveals the secret behind the success of the troop surge in Iraq. 60 Minutes Correspondent Morley Safer speaks with actor Alec Baldwin about his attraction to controversy. 60 Minutes Correspondent Bob Simon reports on the high demand of bluefin tuna from Tokyo. Andy Rooney explores why so many people carry so much "stuff."
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Obama/Biden, Afghanistan, Awakening | 08/31/2008
CBS News Correspondent Steve Kroft talks to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. CBS News Correspondent Scott Pelley reports on the air force control center that is responsible for air strikes in Afghanistan. CNN's Anderson Cooper on assignment for 60 Minutes reports on the effects of drugs like Ambien on semi-conscious and vegetative patients. CBS News Correspondent Andy Rooney discusses the quirky things he receives in the mail.
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Iraq Killings, Quaid Twins, Magazine Ads | 08/24/2008
60 Minutes Correspondent Scott Pelley sits down with Sgt. Frank Wuterich, the man at the center of investigations into the killing of twenty-four civilians in Haditha, Iraq. Dennis Quaid and his wife Kimberly talk to 60 Minutes Correspondent Steve Croft about the accidental overdose of a blood thinner that almost killed their twin infants. 60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney talks about the way women are portrayed in magazine advertisements.
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Valerie Plame Wilson, Anderson Cooper | 08/17/2008
Former CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson sits down with CBS's Katie Couric, appearing in her first interview since she was the center of a national scandal. Women are bering the brunt of the civil war in Congo. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports. A detective thinks he has solved the mystery of the missing Leonardo DaVinci masterpiece, The Battle of Anghiari. 60 Minutes Correspondent Morely Safer reports.
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Israeli Air Force, Carl Icahn | 08/10/2008
If any country takes the nuclear threat from Iran more seriously than the United States, it's Israel. Bob Simon reports. Lara Logan explores the case of murderer Greg Thompson, who cannot be executed based on his mental state. However, medication may soon stabilize his condition, allowing his sentence to be carried out. Leslie Stahl speaks with billionaire Carl Icahn to discover how he continuously turns company losses into his profits.
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Kingdom of Dubai, Andy Rooney | 08/03/2008
The Kingdom of Dubai finds success in the Middle East. 60 Minutes Correspondent Steve Kroft reports. 60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney shares his feelings on combining flavors.
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Bruce Sprinsteen, NASA, John Matorano | 07/27/2008
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band talk with Scott Pelley; Steve Kroft interviews Boston mobster John Martorano; Bob Fuss on NASA's preparationo for a manned flight to mars; Andy Rooney on food labels.
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Darfur, Venezuela, Cancer Research | 07/20/2008
60 Minutes Correspondent Scott Pelley crosses over the border from Chad into Sudan in search of a boy displaced during ongoing ethnic cleansing in Darfur. 60 Minutes Correspondent Lesley Stahl reports on how one man's invention may bring researchers one step closer to finding the cure for cancer. 60 Minutes Correspondent Bob Simon reports on Venezuela's music program that is keeping kids off the streets. 60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney takes a look at the state of travel today.
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Gays in Military; Medical; Beckham | 07/13/2008
This week on 60 Minutes, Leslie Stahl reports on how the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy has been impacted by the war on terror, Scott Pelley reports on Remote Area Medical, an organziation bringing free medical care to millions of Americans that lack medical insurance, and finally Anderson Cooper tells the human story behind a world class athlete, soccer superstar David Beckham.
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Gorillas, Iraq War, Pennies | 07/06/2008
Anderson Cooper visits the Congo, where mountain gorillas trapped in the cross hairs of a decade-long civil war are threatened with extinction. Meanwhile, former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith tells Steve Kroft that the war in Iraq was a preemptive move. Morley Safer asks whether keeping the penny is pennywise. And finally, Andy Rooney takes an old fashioned approach to contemporary art.
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