 Ross Munro Award
 Journalism Courses

Recently published newspaper articles and commentaries written by our Fellows. Click here for PDF versions.

Defining Canada's role in Congo - Jack Granatstein, The Globe and Mail, April 6, 2010
Canada still needs NATO--but NATO needs change - Jack Granatstein, National Post, March 24, 2010
Canada and NATO - mutually dependant - Thomas S. Caldwell (CDAI), The Toronto Star, March 31, 2010
Power Play: What is Canada's Arctic Position? (VIDEO) - CTV News, March 26, 2010

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The Newly Emerging Arctic Security Environment
by Rob Huebert

Despite the assurances of all the Arctic states that there will be peaceful cooperation in the region, their actions speak otherwise. They are all rebuilding their Arctic military capabilities and as a consequence, the strategic value of the Arctic is growing. This paper examines the arms build-up and what Canada should do in the face of it.

Commentary by Ron Wallace

Whatever Happened to Peacekeeping?
The Future of a Tradition

by Jocelyn Coulon and  Michel Liégeois, PhD

The Harper Government and Defence
After Four Years

by Jack Granatstein

A Marshall Plan for Haiti? Think Again
David Carment and Yiagadeesen Samy

Security in an Uncertain World:
A Canadian Perspective on NATO's New Strategic Concept

This major study by the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute and the Conference of Defence Associations Institute sets out 10 hard-hitting recommendations for significant reform of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This study from a Canadian perspective is meant to influence the formulation of NATO's new Strategic Concept that will be delivered at the next NATO Summit in Lisbon this fall.

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April 2010
Do We Really Want to go to the Congo?

  by Jack Granatstein

Now Available:
Winter 2009 Edition of
"The Dispatch"

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