The mission of the Center for Inquiry is to foster a secular society based on reason, science, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values.

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The Sweetest Words the President and I Ever Hear Are When People Grab Us

The Morning Heresy  with Paul the Morning Heretic
December 04, 2017

The Morning Heresy is your daily digest of news and links relevant to the secular and skeptic communities. 

BBC radio highlights the voices of atheists in Pakistan who are trying not to get tortured or killed for their nonbelief. It's dizzying. 

Meanwhile, Pamela Constable at NYT reports on the Pakistani government's capitulations to Islamic extremists over the past couple of weeks.

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The True, Heartwarming Story of the Mall of America’s Black Santa

A Skeptic Reads the Newspaper  with Benjamin Radford
December 01, 2017

One year ago today an ugly and widely-reported episode of racial hatred tainted the beginning of the 2016 holiday season. Fortunately it didn't happen.

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Made of Life-Stuff

The Morning Heresy  with Paul the Morning Heretic
December 01, 2017

The Morning Heresy is your daily digest of news and links relevant to the secular and skeptic communities. 

Not that it matters, but I turn 40 today, and I'm not handling it well at all.

Our government affairs office has a new action alert to save the Johnson Amendment, so that churches don't become de facto superPACs for candidates.

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Mars Has Been Observed to Be Round

The Morning Heresy  with Paul the Morning Heretic
November 30, 2017

The Morning Heresy is your daily digest of news and links relevant to the secular and skeptic communities. 

While nothing should surprise us anymore, plenty of things should still make us sick to our stomachs. It's kind of why Roy Moore exists in the first place. For example, ThinkProgress found the course material for a 2011 class on "Law and Government" co-authored by Moore, in which students are instructed that women should not be allowed to hold public office, and maybe shouldn't vote either.

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