Plea to respect differences in capacity of key developing countries to commit to emissions limitations

An open letter addressed to Members of the Environment Committee of the European Parliament by Christian Egerhofer (CEPS), Jason Anderson (WWF) and Jonathan Holslag and Duncan Freeman (BIICS) argues that a distinction should be drawn between China and Brazil on the one hand and India on the other when calling for limitations on emissions growth and emissions intensity, in recognition of their markedly different levels of economic development.

Who drafts better EU regulation?

A new Commentary by Jacques Pelkmans advises the new Barroso Commission to maintain the ‘Better EU Regulation’ strategy that was initiated in 2005 and has proven especially effective in narrowing the scope and options for ideological approaches, or the discretion to allow or exploit regulatory ‘capture’ within the Commission.

ECMI releases latest capital markets statistics

The CEPS co-ordinated ECMI just released its 2009 Statistical Package, which presents a comprehensive collection of relevant data on the dynamics of various segments of the European capital market, complete with graphical representations and explanatory commentary. An extremely useful tool, it offers users the most up to date information on the state of European capital markets in the aftermath of the financial crisis (e.g. 1H 2009 for derivatives). The PDF and Excel versions of the package are only free of charge for ECMI members.

On the road to Copenhagen: CEPS climate change contributions

All eyes are now on Copenhagen as government officials, heads of state, scientists, environmental and consumer NGOs and global industry representatives descend on the city over the next 10 days to engage in the UN climate talks. CEPS will be there, hosting two major side events on the 10 and 12 of December and disseminating several of its most recent research reports covering both the policy and technical aspects of the post-2012 regime. You can find all of CEPS’ contributions to this momentous gathering in a special dedicated section of our website.

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