Program Area

  • Nuclear Energy Guide


    Explore the past, present, and future of nuclear energy with this new online interactive.

    The Global Oceans Regime

    GG Monitor

    Explore the international oceans regime with a new interactive from CFR's program on International Institutions and Global Governance.

    New Council Special Reports

    Strengthening the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime

    Nuclear Nonproliferation CSR cover imagePaul Lettow proposes a comprehensive agenda for improvements to the nonproliferation regime, including tougher sanctions against transgressors, a criteria-based system to limit the spread of enrichment and processing technologies, and expansion of International Atomic Energy Agency authority.

    The Russian Economic Crisis

    The Russian Economic Crisis cover imageJeffrey Mankoff argues that Russia's need to focus on repairing its economy during the global crisis gives the West an opportunity to deepen its economic engagement with Russia, which could bind Moscow more firmly to the liberal global economic order and encourage reform in both Russia and neighboring states.

    Complete list of Council Special Reports

    New Books

    Paradise Beneath Her Feet cover In Paradise Beneath Her Feet, Isobel Coleman shows how Muslim women and men are fighting back with progressive interpretations of Islam to support women's rights in a growing movement of Islamic feminism.

    How Enemies Become Friends cover In this compelling book, Charles A. Kupchan explores how adversaries can transform enmity into amity, and exposes prevalent myths about the causes of peace.

    Start-Up Nation cover With the insights of geopolitical experts and investors, the authors examine Israel's adversity-driven culture to offer prescriptions for a global economy on the rebound.

    Complete list of CFR Books

    David Rockefeller Studies Program Contacts

    For more information on the David Rockefeller Studies Program, contact:

    James M. Lindsay
    Senior Vice President, Director of Studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg Chair
    +1.212.434.9626 (NY); +1.202.509.8405 (DC)

    Janine Hill
    Deputy Director of Studies Administration


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