Syria Massacre Dead Bodies

Muslims of Syria are calling us

Syria is soaked with blood. The ongoing rampage has left hundreds, including women and children dead. Women are raped, properties are razed, and blocks upon blocks of residential areas are bombed to debris. Unfortunately, there is no foreign power involved in this massacre and brutality. There are no invaders, no occupying forces. Its Syrians turned [...]

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Nawaz Sharif in Medina

Nawaz Sharif in Medina, doing what he does in Pakistan

Nawaz Sharif, the ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan who has the habit of fleeing away when there is some tension going on back home, is currently in Saudi Arabia. The apparent reason for visiting KSA is to perform Umrah and spent the last Ashrah (10 days) of Ramadan there. Above picture shows Nawaz Sharif and his [...]

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Syria Crisis

Syria Crisis: Pakistan joins Iran and China to reject Bashar al Assad regime change

On 9 August 2012, Pakistan formally joined the group of countries rejecting prospects of foreign intervention in Syria in favor of the Syrian government. The decision came in the international consultative meeting hosted by Iran and attended by representatives from Russia, China, Belarus, Mauritania, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Benin, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, [...]

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Karachi school 23 percent fee raise

Fee Extortion by Karachi Schools

Quality education is expensive to acquire anywhere in the world. However, schools and educational institutions do follow some professional ethics. Even if they consider education as a business, they do not go out and skin their customers in one go. Come to Karachi, Pakistan, and you will find schools of all sorts – from Pinglish [...]

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Karachi Blackout

Karachi Blackout as KESC Transmission Lines Tripped

Major part of Karachi plunged into darkness on Saturday night as some of the KESC transmission lines tripped. Reportedly, two 220 kilovolt (KV) lines and three 132 KV lines stopped working, disrupting power at 20 of KESC’s 60 grid stations. Express Tribune quoted a KESC spokesperson, citing the reason for the blackout as, “(It can [...]

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CPLC ad ransom kidnapping awareness

CPLC warns public not to fall for a friendly female voice on phone

CPLC, The Citizen Police Liaison Committee, has launched a public service ad to increase awareness about recent wave of kidnapping for ransom in Karachi and elsewhere in Pakistan. According to the CPLC, the modus operandi of such kidnappers is that they approach their targets through attractive women. The friendly female voice on phone helps in [...]

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Prince Bandar bin Sultan - Saudi Intelligence Chief

Saudi Intelligence Chief Prince Bandar Bin Sultan assassinated?

It has been reported that Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Intelligence Chief of Saudi Arabia, has been allegedly assassinated. This news has yet to be confirmed from official / Saudi sources. Voltaire Network, an Independent French news source, reports that Prince Bandar has been assassinated by Syria. Prince Bandar was recalled [...]

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News One Website Hacked

A hacker by the name of ‘No Swear’ defaced the News One website in response to insufficient coverage of Burma killings by the media. The website was not harmed, and has currently been restored. The message can be read below: Op#Inqilab E Pakistan | Burma Awareness No Swear Was Here …! This hack is demonstrated [...]

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