



Database wiped - reinstall
Written by Richard Kastelein   



Hi all,

My apologies for the downtime over the past 12 hours and now a backdated chris-floyd.com.

But I awoke this morning in Holland to find that the database for chris-floyd.com was completely wiped and our technicians don't have a clue how it happened.

It was simply gone.

The most recent backup I have is back to the 4th of December so I hope you will all be patient as Chris places the articles back in one by one (sorry Chris).

Lesson learnt is a daily db backup is imperative, and that's now happening. So this won't happen again.

Once again, My Sincerest Apologies

Richard Kastelein
Web Guy for Chris

UPDATE from Chris: Just wanted to voice my thanks to Rich and the server guys for all the yeoman service on restoring the site, which appears, upon preliminary investigation, to have been hacked, although that's not definite yet. Thanks again for your patience.

UPDATE II: The restored pieces will be running below this post for the time being. I want to leave this one on top for awhile to explain what's been going on.

Comments (1)add comment

Kenneth Fingeret said:

I know that Rick and his assistants have done a great deal of work to keep the website up as much as possible. This should be a lesson to the rest of us that a backup of information is a necessary evil as anything can cause the loss of information at any time. We tend to ignore things when they are good and go into panic mode when things go awry.
December 23, 2008
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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 23 December 2008 10:53 )