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Last Updated: 11/10/09


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The Cuba Program will host a conference on U.S.-Cuban Cooperation in defending against Hurricanes on November 23 in New Orleans
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"Report Card on Obama's Foreign Policy," American Council on Foreign Relations - Indianapolis Chapter. November 19, 7pm.

Author of Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA
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The Ethnic Split, op-ed by Selig Harrison in The Nation, 10/21/09

Honduras Revisited, commentary by CIP President Ambassador Robert E. White, 11/09

Chavez tells Venezuela to ready for war with Colombia, Adam Isacson quoted in Bloomberg, 11/09/09

Obama's timid use of the "reset button," commentary by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 11/05/09

En America Latina no hay carrera armamentista, Adam Isacson quoted in El Tiempo, 11/05/09

My Thoughts on Honduras, commentary by CIP President Ambassador Robert E. White, 11/09 (version en español)

US to Karzai on Afghan elections: congratulations, now shape up, Selig Harrison quoted in the Christian Science Monitor, 11/02/09



U.S. Cuban Cooperation in the face of Hurricanes and other Natural Disasters, IPR by Ted Carroll and Wayne Smith, November 2009

The Twilight of the North American Treaty Organization , chapter from "Nato After Sixty" (Kent State Press, 2009) by Mel Goodman (August 2009)

New Policies for a New Administration - Partnership with Haiti,
Policy Report by Robert Maguire, Spring 2009



Featured Interview

Expert Faults U.S. Strategy In Afghanistan, NPR All Things Considered host Robert Siegel interviews Selig Harrison, 09/24/09



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Program Highlights

US to Karzai on Afghan elections: congratulations, now shape up, Selig Harrison quoted in the Christian Science Monitor, 11/02/09

Pakistan's other problema area: Baluchistan, Selig Harrison quoted in Time, 11/01/09

The Ethnic Split, op-ed by Selig Harrison in The Nation, 10/21/09

Selig Harrison, CIP Asia Program director, testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on 06/17/09. Click here for transcript of testimony

Central America
Honduras Revisited, commentary by CIP President Ambassador Robert E. White, 11/09

My Thoughts on Honduras, commentary by CIP President Ambassador Robert E. White, 11/09 (version en español)

The Return of Mel Zelaya, commentary by CIP President Ambassador Robert White, 09/22/09

Honduras' coup must not stand, op-ed by CIP President Ambassador Robert White and Glenn Hurowitz in the LA Times, 08/31/09

The Embargo on Change, Wayne Smith quoted in Foreign Policy, October 28, 2009

Galveston major learned a lot from Cuba trip, Wayne Smith quoted in Fox 8, 10/22/09

Domestic Challenges put brake on U.S.-Cuba thaw, Wayne Smith quoted in Reuters, 10/09/09

Resentencings in U.S. Reignite Passions over the 'Cuban Five,' Wayne Smith quoted in the Washington Post, 10/12/09

Global Financial Integrity
Foreign Tax Cheats find U.S. banks a Safe Haven, GFI program mentioned in Time, October 29, 2009

Getting Personal: From Switzerland to Panama, with Cash, Tom Cardamone quoted in The Wall Street Journal, 09/15/09

The GFI program co-sponsored: "The Link between Iran and Venezuela: A Crisis in the Making?" Briefing by Robert Morgenthau New York County District Attorney on September 8. Click here for Morganthau's remarks

US tax investigators win fight to force UBS to disclose accounts worth $18bn, Tom Cardamone quoted in The Guardian, 08/19/09

Latin America Security
Chavez tells Venezuela to ready for war with Colombia, Adam Isacson quoted in Bloomberg, 11/09/09

En America Latino no hay carrera armamentista, Adam Isacson quoted in El Tiempo, 11/05/09

In Latin America, weapons buying spreads mistrust, Adam Isacson quoted in The Miami Herald, 11/01/09

"Piedad Cordova too close to Chavez," Adam Isacson quoted in Colombia Reports, 10/09/09

Outcry in South America over US bases military pact, Adam Isacson quoted in The Guardian, 08/27/09

Read and participate in the Colombia Program's weblog.

National Security
Obama's timid use of the "reset button," commentary by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 11/05/09

Obama's choises in the Afghan War, letter to the editor by Landrum Bolling in the New York Times, 10/30/09

Defense Secretary Gates is not a Diplomat, op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 10/28/09

The Washington Post Creates Its Own Facts to Support Afghan Nation-Building, op-ed by Mel Goodman in Truthout, 10/22/09



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