New Immigration Research

Immigration and the SPLC: How the Southern Poverty Law Center Invented a Smear, Served La Raza, Manipulated the Press, and Duped its Donors
By Jerry Kammer

After the collapse of the Senate amnesty bill in 2007, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) joined with the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) and others to launch a campaign to smear the three largest mainstream groups making a case for tighter enforcement and lower immigration. To compliment the Backgrounder, CIS held a panel to discuss the issues with panelists Jerry Kammer, Ken Silverstein, and Carol Swain. The Backgounder, transcript, and videos are all now available. Read More...

Unmanageable and Unsustainable:
A Review Essay on "The Latino Education Crisis: The Consequences of Failed Social Policies"

By John Wahala

In their book, The Latino Education Crisis: The Consequences of Failed Social Policies, Professors of Education Patricia Gandara and Frances Contreras provide a rare and candid look at how Hispanic students — both immigrant and native-born — are faring in the United States. Read More...

Illegal Immigration and Immigration Reform: Protecting the Employment Rights of the American Labor Force (Native-Born and Foreign-Born) Who Are Eligible To Be Employed
By Vernon M. Briggs Jr.

Ever since the latter half of the 19th century when the United States began to use its legal system to regulate both the size and the composition of the flow of foreign-born persons into its population and labor force, policymakers have had to confront the issue of what to do about those who defy the ensuing limitations, restrictions, and exclusions. Read More...

An Examination of Minority Voters’ Views on Immigration
By Steven A. Camarota

While it is sometimes assumed that minorities, particularly Hispanics, favor increased immigration and legalization for illegal immigrants, a new Zogby survey finds that minority voters’ views are more complex. Read More...

Immigration, Political Realignment, and the Demise of Republican Political Prospects
By James G. Gimpel

To determine the political ramifications of mass immigration, this report examines the Republican share of the vote and the foreign-born share of the population over three decades in all 3,000-plus counties in the United States. Read More...

How Obama is Transforming America Through Immigration
By Mark Krikorian
Encounter Broadsides, 2010

In this penetrating Broadside, Mark Krikorian lays out the details of Obama's open-borders approach to immigration and its political consequences. Krikorian, one of the leading critics of current immigration policy, examines the Administration's record of weakening enforcement and describes how legislation crafted by the president's supporters in Congress would ensure new waves of illegal immigration. Krikorian also explains how continued high levels of immigration, regardless of legal status, would progressively move the United States in the direction of more government and less liberty. Read More...

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