Six Social Policy Myths
Jennifer Buckingham, Andrew Norton, Phil Rennie, Jeremy Sammut, and Peter Saunders
Policy experts often think alike, even when the evidence contradicts them. This is how billions of dollars get spent on government programs that don’t work, argue CIS researchers.
Autumn 2008

Why Capitalism is Good for the Soul
Peter Saunders
Capitalism provides the conditions for creating worthwhile lives

Summer 2007-08

Who is the Fairest of Them All?: Liberal and Labor Industrial Relations Policie
Des Moore
Both parties have paid insufficient regard to the circumstances in which bargaining occurs in today’s competitive economy. How do they compare?
Spring 2007

Not So Big Government
Peter Costello
We are now the second lowest government spending country among the 28 countries in the OECD.
Winter 2007

The Rise of Big Government Conservatism
Andrew Norton
The centre-right’s policy agenda killed hopes of smaller government.
Summer 2006-07

When will the Leviathan fade away?
Des Moore
The federal government has failed to curb discretionary spending.
Spring 2006

The CIS at Thirty
Andrew Norton
interviews Executive Director Greg Lindsay on the CIS's work and influence.
Autumn 2006

Out of position: Against the politics of relative standing
Will Wilkinson
Zero-sum positional conflict is avoidable in a liberal market society.
Spring 2006

The Scientist's Pursuit of Happiness
Johan Norberg
For centuries, philosophers and poets have tried to understand what happiness is, and what might contribute to it. In recent decades, scientists have started to come up with the answers.
Spring 200

Unfinished Business: Reforming Our Intelligence Agencies
Peter Jennings
If Australia is to detect and precent the next terrorist atrocity, or to make the right judgement calls over issues of war and peace, then the starting point must be to have the best possible intelligence.
Summer 2004-05

The Economics and Etiquette of Tipping
Steen Videbeck
Unfortunately for tipping, a number of studies point toward a positive but weak relationship between service quality and the amount tipped.
Summer 2004-05

Punching Above our Weight:
Maintaining Australian Power and Influence

Paul Kelly
The relative decline of Australia's 'hard power' will have serious consequences for our future influence in the region and the world. Economic and population growth will be vital to maintaining our international strength.
Winter 2004

Environmental Fundamentalism
Jennifer Marohasy
Predetermined beliefs rather than science are driving public policy on environmental issues. Spring 2004

Interview with Francis Fukuyama, author of 'The End of History' and most recently, Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution. Winter 2003




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Why Would an Economic Liberal Set Minimum Wages?
Ian Harper
Given Australia’s history, there will always be a minimum wage. The only question is whether it will be set well or set badly.

After the Wall: Twenty Years On
Oliver Marc Hartwich
Germany turned a revolution for freedom into an evolution of the welfare state.

The Complex Politics of Climate Change
Andrew Norton
Most Australians want policy action on climate change but oppose higher energy costs and nuclear power.

For the full list of contents in this issue
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