Answers to Objections When You Talk About Islamic Supremacism

Sunday, April 11

BELOW IS a list of responses you are likely to get when talking about the terrifying brilliance of Islam to someone who knows little about it. Most of the responses link to an article giving you suggestions about how to effectively respond. In the next few months, we will add answers to the unlinked ones.

If you ever come across a response not on our list, and you have difficulty answering it, please let us know; we'll work on it and add it to the list.

The good news is that the responses you will typically get are a fairly small number. You'll hear the same few objections over and over. When you have some good answers to these objections ready at hand, you will be able to answer smoothly and with poise, without feeling tense or antagonistic.

We're hoping you will add more possible responses or advice in the comments on the articles linked below. And if you have any possible answers to the unlinked responses below, we'd love to hear them (email us).

When you talk about Islamic supremacism with people, they are likely to say one of the following:

1. But it is just a small minority of extremists.

2. My friend is a Muslim and he's really nice.

3. What you're saying is racist.

4. Aren't you being religiously intolerant? People in this country have a right to worship as they please. Isn't religious tolerance one of our most important principles?

5. Christianity is just as bad.

6. Not all Muslims are terrorists.

7. We can't go to war with 1.3 billion Muslims!

8. Are you an Islamophobe?

9. Isn't this bigotry?

10. Are you a hatemonger? I don't believe in promoting hatred.

11. You should really talk to some Muslims. You're getting all this from books.

12. There are peaceful passages in the Qur'an too.

13. People take what they want from any writings. You can pretty much justify anything if you quote it out of context.

14. There are millions of Muslims in America and they're not blowing things up.

15. My family and my community is Muslim, and none of us are terrorists.

16. Fundamentalism is fundamentalism.

17. Haven't mosques and churches and synogogs sat side-by-side in the Middle East for a thousand years?

18. What can we do about it?

I also have an all-purpose response to any objection you get. Simply ask: "How did you learn about Islam?" Your question will probably reveal to both of you how little the other knows about Islam, and that is a good place to start.

For more good responses, check out Frequently Asked Questions from Islam 101. The author, Gregory M. Davis, provides some good answers.


A Cry of Despair From Malaysia

Sunday, April 4

WE RECENTLY received another email from Jasmine in Malaysia. We've posted something from her before. This time she wrote:

I just cried when I read from Stop Islam's Relentless Encroachment the article called You Will Be Muslim" posted Feb 10 2009.

Why some American schools allowed Islamic teachings when Christian teachings are sidelined? Why Oh Why?

Why not Christian values, passages from the Bible (and also Christian History, like the inquisition & crusades); Islamic ideology, passages from Koran and Islamic History taught in shcools?

Christians have learned from the Inquisition & Crusades. But Muslims? Keep on persecuting infidels?

Ya, I read that Islam was in Spain 800 years and Christians survived. Sure, survived at a heavy price like higher taxation & I guess some other injustices as well.

Why do Americans allow this??? I just can't believe what I read!!!

I'm so disillusioned - like there is no hope. I also viewed all the 7 youtubes forum by Brigitte Gabriel. She knows better as she was from Lebenon.

Here in Malaysia, all we can do is pray. We cannot question. At least in America there is still freedom to voice out like what Brigitte is doing.

As for the Geert Wilders trial, I am watching very closely.

Have the West & America give in to Islam??? If they have, then the whole world is gone.

I answered her with this simple statement: "No we have not given in. There are those who are actively fighting against it, and there are those who are completely ignorant of it. Very few who are
aware of it have given in. Very very few."

This is similar to the situation on board Flight 93. The three other planes flew into buildings, killing everyone on the plane. The passengers believed the Islamic supremacists who said they would land the plane safely, so they stayed in their seats. They didn't know any better.

But the passengers aboard Flight 93, with only a
little more information, realized what they were up against and they fought back. It took the Muslims two years to plan their attack; but forty strangers were able to defeat their plot in a half hour.

What is needed is more people who
know the goals of Islam and the method (waging jihad by gaining concessions). Once enough people know, the rest will be easy. Wield your freedom of speech and get the word out now. Start here: Just One Thing.


Free Societies Exaggerate Their Vices

Friday, March 19

"Totalitarian societies exaggerate their virtues. But free societies like ours somehow seize the temptation to exaggerate their vices. The negativism of our press and television reporting are, of course, the best evidence of our freedom to scrutinize ourselves."


Article Spotlight

One of the most unusual articles on is Pleasantville and Islamic Supremacism. It illustrates the Islamic Supremacist vision by showing the similarity between what happened in the movie, Pleasantville, and what devout fundamentalist Muslims are trying to create in Islamic states like Syria, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia. Read the article here.


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