
  • Phil Mattingly is CNN's Chief White House correspondent covering the Biden Administration.

    Mattingly previously served as senior White House correspondent covering the Biden administration where he reported in depth on the policy and personnel driving the administration's first two years in office. Mattingly consistently broke important news around the administration, including the news that Biden would sanction Russian President Vladimir Putin, details on a new multinational coordinated effort to target Russian supply chains, important developments in Biden's OPEC negotiations, and more.

    Prior to moving to the White House beat in January 2021, Mattingly was a congressional correspondent. In that role, Mattingly was one of the lead reporters contributing to CNN's extensive coverage of the Republican attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare, the Capitol Hill spending and shutdown battles, as well as each step of the process to overhaul the U.S. tax system. As part of that effort, he secured an exclusive interview with Speaker Paul Ryan on the details of the GOP tax bill on the day it was first released.

    Mattingly joined CNN in December 2015 as a New York-based correspondent and spent 2016 on the campaign trail covering Republican presidential candidates Chris Christie, John Kasich and Donald Trump, which included a series of investigative pieces into Trump's business history, finances and taxes. 

    Previously, Mattingly worked at Bloomberg Television in Washington, where he served most recently as a national political correspondent and before that, as the network's White House correspondent. In that capacity, Mattingly covered all of the major presidential candidates and reported on the domestic and foreign policy actions of the Obama administration. He secured the first interview with then-Attorney General Eric Holder in the wake of the Edward Snowden revelations and throughout his tenure landed a series of exclusive interviews with top cabinet, administration and congressional officials. While covering the White House, Mattingly broke news on several elements of the administration's foreign, economic and legal policy and was a finalist for the Scripps Howard Distinguished Service to the First Amendment award for an investigation into the Obama administration's crackdown on government whistle-blowers. 

    Prior to joining Bloomberg Television, Mattingly served as a print reporter with Bloomberg News in Washington. An award-winning journalist, Mattingly has also covered Congress, economics and finance policy, the Justice Department and Washington's lobbying industry. He helped lead the Bloomberg News coverage of the federal response to the financial crisis, as well as the legislative, lobbying and legal battles that followed. In that role, he received a Society of American Business Editors and Writers award for breaking news. His work has appeared in the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the New York Times, the New York Post and the Chicago Tribune. Throughout his time at Bloomberg, he wrote regularly for Bloomberg Businessweek magazine.

    Mattingly graduated from the Ohio State University in 2006, where he was a scholar varsity athlete. He received his Master's Degree in journalism from Boston University in 2008.