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Color Of Change helps you do something real about injustice.

We design campaigns powerful enough to end practices that unfairly hold Black people back, and champion solutions that move us all forward. Until justice is real.
  • Fire the Officers who Killed Breonna Taylor

    Because of your outcries for #JusticeforBre, the FBI has announced an investigation into the murder of Breonna Taylor. But that's enough. Louisville's Mayor Greg Fischer needs to fire the officers now!
  • Hold Your Local Prosecutor Accountable

    Prosecutors are the most powerful people in the criminal justice system. To protect our communities, we need to start holding these elected officials accountable before another tragedy occurs.
  • #JusticeforFloyd: Charge the Officers with Murder

    On May 25, George Floyd was murdered in broad daylight by Minneapolis police. Officers held their knee on his neck. Bystanders pleaded with them to let Floyd go as he gasped “I can’t breathe.” Help us get justice.
  • Demand Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

    25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery was jogging near his home in Georgia when he was chased, shot, and killed. His death is like a modern-day lynching. A grand jury will hear his case on June 2. We're demanding the two DAs who obstructed his case resign now.
  • Support Our Black Patients’ Guide to COVID-19

    Black people are still being denied tests and turned away from hospitals across the US while misinformation on COVID-19 is spreading on social media. Color Of Change created a guide to getting care. Help us get it out and into newspapers across the country.
  • Fighting Back During Pandemic

    See what we're doing -- on economic relief, criminal justice, and access to healthcare -- to stand up for our communities and make sure leaders address the ways COVID-19 is hitting Black, Brown, and poor people the hardest.
  • Tell Congress to Protect Black-owned Businesses

    Too many Black businesses have been locked out of federal coronavirus relief funds. Nearly half say they'll only be able to stay afloat for 6 months. Congress is working on the PPP, the financial relief program for small business owners. Let's make sure they include us.
  • COVID-19: Protect People in Prison

    It is not a matter of if but when Coronavirus will hit prisons and jails. Outbreaks will spread like wildfire due to close quarters and unsanitary conditions, endangering everyone inside and out. If federal and state officials act now, they can help protect us all.
  • Don't Make Communities Under Attack Pay for COVID-19

    Coronavirus is causing massive unemployment and forcing part-time, hourly, and contract workers to lose months of wages. We can’t stay silent as millions are unable to cover housing or healthcare. It’s time for universal, basic income.
  • Let's Get Counted in the 2020 Census!

    There is a disturbing history of Black people being undercounted. Those who work hard to suppress the voices and the votes of our communities are also working hard to keep us from participating in the census. And when we’re undercounted, our communities get underfunded and underserved. But together we can change things.


  • Criminal Justice

Charges Dropped Against Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend After Cops Killed Her

Breonna Taylor was brutally shot and killed when cops showed up at her door unannounced in the middle of the night. Her boyfriend Kenneth Walker heard police ramming open their front door and fired a shot in self-defense, eliciting a barrage of gunfire from cops, who hit Taylor and left her dying on the floor of her hallway. Police had come to the wrong house, with no warrant, and tried to coverup their fatal mistake by acting like they were on a drug raid. After 45,000 Color Of Change members created a public outcry, Louisville’s Commonwealth Attorney agreed to drop attempted murder charges against Walker.  We continue to fight for #Justice4Breonna. The FBI is now investigating her murder.

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  • Tech Justice

Zoom Hires Chief Diversity Officer After Meeting with Color Of Change

As part of our ongoing work to protect Black people online, more than 35,000 COC members signed our petition raising concerns about cyber terrorism targeting Black people on Zoom. This especially matters now, with so much of life being conducted online during the pandemic. After Color Of Change reached out to the Zoom’s CEO with our demands, the company hired Damien Hooper-Campbell as its first Chief Diversity Officer. Now we expect the company to follow through on our other demands to make the platform safe for Black users.

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  • Criminal Justice

GoFundMe Takes Down Pages to Raise Money for Ahmaud Arbery’s Killers

In the wake of Arbery’s brutal murder, we did some research and found 26 pages on GoFundMe dedicated to raising money in defense of his killers, the McMichaels. Color Of Change immediately called GoFundMe out on Twitter, reached out execs at the company, and the media. GoFundMe agreed to take down the pages within an hour. This is part of our ongoing work to make sure tech platforms don’t funnel money to white nationalist and hate groups. Companies must take a side when it comes to stopping racist violence and cannot give murderers a platform to profit. Ahmaud, who was 25 years old, Black, and simply out for a run in his neighborhood, was unarmed when the McMichaels chased him down and shot him. 

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Color Of Change helps people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by 1.7 million members, we move decision makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people, and all people. Until justice is real.


May 30, 2020

Why COVID-19 Is Trump’s Hurricane Katrina

In his latest column, Color Of Change President Rashad Robinson explains how the planning and response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been a flood of bad decisions. 15 years after Hurricane Katrina, the pandemic is showing us just how careless President Trump and his administration are about Black lives. Black people have been forced to expose themselves to the coronavirus for a paycheck, as a disproportionately Black, low-wage workforce pleads for living wages, affordable health insurance and paid sick days.

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May 22, 2020

How We Can Build Power & Accountability in This Moment

Join us each week until the pandemic is over as Black leaders talk about the ways we can build power in this moment. We’re proud to partner with Blavity to deliver an honest, Black-led discussion about the pandemic and its impact on Black people. You’ll hear from Color Of Change’s criminal justice, economic justice, voting rights, and media and culture change experts on all the ways coronavirus is affecting us and what we can do about it.

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May 22, 2020

How Coronavirus Is Hurting Black Communities

The coronavirus pandemic is impacting every aspect of our society and exposing deep, systemic inequalities that mean Black communities will be hit harder than most. As the news changes minute-to-minute, BET and Color Of Change are teaming up to make sure Black people have the clear and focused information we need to take action, protect ourselves, and support the most vulnerable in our community.

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May 10, 2020

Racial Justice & Advocacy Groups Call for Health & Safety Protections for Amazon Workers Amid COVID-19

Color Of Change joined dozens of social justice groups calling on Amazon to protect their frontline workers after the company fired staffers who spoke out about health and safety concerns on the job. The coalition continues to pressure major corporations that’ve been putting profits above people to improve protections for the people keeping the country going through the pandemic.

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May 7, 2020

The Racism that’s Pervaded the US Health System for Years Is Even Deadlier Now

In his latest Guardian column, Rashad explains how the failed and corrupt response to COVID-19 is killing Black businesses, jobs, votes, and people. That’s why Color Of Change’s Black Response and activism are critical now. He writes, “Even with factories shut down all across the country, one thing America never stops manufacturing is widespread racial injustice.”

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May 7, 2020

Why the Virus Is a Civil Rights Issue: ‘The Pain Will Not Be Shared Equally’

This article talks about Color Of Change’s and other groups’ digital and distance organizing work to ensure the COVID-19 response takes care of Black people and all those hardest hit. Rashad is quoted, “It’s really hard to overstate the critical moment we are in as a people, given how this virus has ripped through our community. We know the pain will not be shared equally.”

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Strategic Initiatives

Democracy & Census

Black people have the power to shape our democracy and set the agenda when they speak up and turn out in elections. Through our Black Brunches we have brought together more than 20,000 people across 20 cities—including many new to politics. Going into 2020, we have tremendous opportunities to register new voters, protect voting rights, and make sure our communities are counted and represented in the 2020 Census. We are engaging local leaders and our 1.7M members to help set a progressive agenda around criminal justice reform and boost civic participation in Black communities.

Winning Justice

No one holds more power in our justice system than prosecutors. They decide who to prosecute, what the charges will be, and routinely make decisions that destroy Black people’s lives. We are ushering in a new era of prosecutor accountability by mobilizing Black communities across the country. Already, we've pushed prosecutors and candidates in a dozen cities make pledges to cut incarceration. We continue to build momentum to end the most unjust, destructive and racist practices in our system from money bail to over-sentencing, over-policing, and sending our children to adult prisons.

COC Hollywood

TV and film play a profound role in shaping American culture. Yet, when it comes to representation of Black people, culture, and issues, far too much of the content Hollywood produces promotes dangerous misunderstandings that holds back racial justice in the real world. COC Hollywood is our initiative to change the rules in Hollywood by ensuring accurate, diverse, empathetic and human portrayals of Black people onscreen. We consult on film and TV projects, partner with changemakers inside the industry, work to raise standards around hiring and diversity, and elevate Black stories.

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