    1. Obama's Enemies List
      Peter Wehner
    2. Islamist Extremism and the Murder of Daniel Pearl
      Joseph I. Lieberman
    3. Why Obama Is Wrong on Missile Defense
      Steven Price
    4. How Politics Destroyed a Great TV Show
      Jonah Goldberg
      October 2009
    5. Why Are Jews Liberals?—A Symposium
      David Wolpe, Jonathan D. Sarna, Michael Medved, William Kristol and Jeff Jacoby
      September 2009


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Health Care: A Two-Decade Blunder

Tevi Troy

SPECIAL PREVIEW from the April issue: The tale of the Democratic party’s great political miscalculation.

In "Obama and Israel: Not Smart," John Podhoretz questions both the diplomatic and the political wisdom of the administration's emotional response to Joe Biden's recent trip to Israel, and whether anyone bothered to count the cost.

Fomenting a Crisis Was Obama’s Choice, Not Israel’s

1:01 PM, 03.18.10

You can’t get any more establishment than Leslie Gelb. The former New York Times columnist worked ...


11:56 AM, 03.18.10

Steny Hoyer notwithstanding, CBO didn't actually, finally score the bill. CBO says it completed ...

Re: Don’t Be Morose! Get Even!

11:44 AM, 03.18.10

Jen , the best part of Brooks’s V8 moment is the line about how Obama really could have changed ...

Making It Hard for His Side

10:55 AM, 03.18.10

If ObamaCare passes, it will be in spite of and not because of Obama. Let's review what he has ...

Did We Really Condemn the Palestinian Call to Violence?

9:13 AM, 03.18.10

In his interview with Bret Baier on Fox News yesterday, Obama said : And what we’ve said is we ...

Smearing Theodore Roosevelt

Jonathan S. Tobin

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Two new books launch an attack on a beloved president, making him out to be a precursor of the neoconservatives.

The High Cost of Jewish Living

Jack Wertheimer

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The recession has hastened an affordability crisis and highlighted the perverse refusal of the American Jewish community to look after its own first.


John Podhoretz

From the Editor

The High Cost of Jewish Living

Jack Wertheimer

The recession has hastened an affordability crisis and highlighted the perverse refusal of the American Jewish community to look after its own first.

Smearing Theodore Roosevelt

Jonathan S. Tobin

Two new books launch an attack on a beloved president, making him out to be a precursor of the neoconservatives.

Going After Joe Lieberman

Jennifer Rubin

How the Left’s war against one of America’s most famous politicians may have contributed to its undoing.

Denying Shakespeare

John Gross

The 150-year history of conspiracy theorists and their efforts to “prove” that the Man from Stratford was not the author himself.

Skeptics, Quacks, and Denialists

Kevin Shapiro

Fear of the known—and the unknown—has created irrationally skewed expectations of risk.

La Juive

Elizabeth Dalton

Decades later, it’s Madame’s apartment they’ll remember—the light filtering in from the rue de Vaugirard, the fringed lampshades, the piano with its flowered Spanish shawl, the smells of cooking and musty furniture. More than the Seine or Notre Dame or the Louvre, this layered, redolent dimness will be Paris for them.

The Middlebrow on Sunday Night

Terry Teachout

The debt we owe to Ed Sullivan

You Can Keep a Goodman Down

Andrew Ferguson


A Lethal Obsession, by Robert S. Wistrich
Reviewed by Wilfred M. McClay
The Relentless Revolution, by Joyce Appleby
Reviewed by John Steele Gordon
Heidegger, by Emmanuel Faye
Reviewed by Tod Lindberg
The Death of American Virtue, by Ken Gormley
Reviewed by Kevin D. Williamson
Sonic Boom, by Gregg Easterbrook
Reviewed by Cheryl Strauss Einhorn
Yehuda Halevi, by Hillel Halkin
Reviewed by Frederic Raphael
A Good Talk, by Daniel Menaker
Reviewed by Liam Julian
Settlement Rights and Wrongs

Letters in response to David M. Phillips's "The Illegal-Settlements Myth.”

Spanish-American War?

Letters in response to Dan Griswold’s “Higher Immigration, Lower Crime?”

Berlin, East & West

Letters in response to Robert A. Slayton’s article “The Most Precious Cargo.”

Enter Laughing

Jewish Jokes by Joseph Epstein

Tangling with Tehran
