Friday, March 19, 2010

Stand Up and Fight - Contact these Representative NOW!

It is crunch time people.  Courtesy of the Hugh Hewitt Show these are the Fence Sitting Democratic Congressmen.  Call them and tell them you are opposed to a Government Takeover of Health Care.  You like a majority of Americans do NOT want Obamacare.  We have the best Health Care in the world and keep you hands off our Health Care!

Harry Teague (NM-2)
    D.C. Phone:   (202) 225-2365
    Hobbs: (575) 393-0510
    Las Cruces: (575)-522-3908

Michael McMahon (NY-13)
    D.C. Phone: (202) 225-3371
    Staten Island: (718) 351-1062
    Brooklyn: (718) 630-5277

Brian Baird (WA-3)
    D.C. Phone: (202) 225-3536
    Olympia: (360) 352-9768

Marion Berry (Arkansas-1)
    D.C. Phone: (202) 225-4076
    Jonesboro: (800) 866-2701

Stephen Lynch (MA-9)
    D.C. Phone: 202-225-8273
    Boston: 617-428-2000

Jerry McNerney (CA-11)
    D.C. Phone: (202) 225-1947
    Pleasanton: (925) 737-0727

Jim Costa (CA-20)
    D.C. Phone: 202-225-3341
    Bakersfield: 661-869-1620
    Fresno:  559-495-1620

Nick Rahall (W.VA-3) – Is now leaning ‘No’
    D.C. Phone: (202) 225-3452
    Huntington: (304) 522-6425

Republican Joseph Cao:
Washington Office
2113 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6636
Fax: (202) 225-1988
. New Orleans Office
4640 So. Carrollton Ave. Suite 120
New Orleans, LA 70119
Phone: (504) 483-2325
Fax: (504) 483-7944

VIDEO - Rush Limbaugh in his own words.

Rush Limbaugh has been spot on this week with his cogent monologues.   Common Cents proudly brings you three of these lessons in democracy.

The CBO Numbers are a fraud - they are preliminary.

"Third World President"

Rush gives out Phone Numbers to the Capitol Hill Switchboard and urges people to call.

Capitol Hill Switchboard - Call your Congressman:
Keep Trying to Call If It's Busy (That's the Point!)
  • Dial: 877-762-8762 or 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121
  • Code Red: NRCC's List of Targeted Congressmen
  • Focus: Wilson (D-OH) | Cao (R-LA) | Altmire (D-PA)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Required Readings:

Sunday Bloody Sunday:
House set to vote on Health Care Bill Sunday

Congressional Budget Office report on the Bill

Whip Count(s) - Is Pelosi in Trouble?

Washington Times (Hat Tip T Marley)
President Obama surrenders Gulf Oil to Moscow

Fox News Poll:
55% OPPOSE Health Care Reform

Gateway Pundit (Code Red Rally)
Greet Pres Obama at Northern Virginia Rally Friday - DC Rally Sat

  1. Porsche 110 (problems per 100 cars)
  2. Lincoln, 114
  3. Buick 115
  4. Lexus, 115
  5. Mercury, 121
  6. Toyota, 128
  7. Honda, 132
  8. Ford, 141
  9. Mercedes-Benz, 142
  10. Acura, 143.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

VIDEO: Fox News Brett Baier interviews President Obama

On Wednesday Night Fox New's Brett Baier interviewed President Obama on Health Care.  Baier attempted to pin The President down on the details of the bill and whether or not he supported the Slaughter Plan (Deem and Pass).

Full Transcript of the President Obama interview on "Special Report with Brett Baier" about the Health Care Debate

After Action Report
"I've never seen Barack Obama on the defensive for such a sustained period of time"

10 Minute Ticker:

Global Warming Update:
Deadly Cold Weather killed record number of Manatees

Rush Limbaugh:
Listeners shut down House Phone & Email Systems

Hope 'N Change Update:
Joblessness Rate to be elevated for "Extended Period" of time

Billboard seen in MN:
"Remember Real Hope and Change?"

Monica Crowley:
What the Democrats are really saying

It's Here:
Microsoft releases beta version of IE 9

Sarah Palin:
A 'reset' needed with Israel

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Video Vault:

Say What?
Pres Obama: "Premiums will decrease by 3,000 Percent"

The Gibbs Shuffle
Watch as he can't answer NBC's question

Glenn Beck
"Obama says No More Fishing"

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
"We are not governing here today - we are greasing the skids"

Monday, March 15, 2010

UPDATE: The Democratic Congressmen to Call:

The US House of Representative is set to vote on the Health Care Diasaster this week.  Despite the fact that on 25% are in favor of this Crap Sandwich (CNN Poll).  Rasmussen Has support at 43% - 53% against.  The Democratic Leadership is determined to ram this "crap sandwich" down America's throats at all costs.

Investor's Business Daily published a fantastic list of 15 Reasons to be Against Obamacare.

We need to make our voices heard.  This is the current Whip Count of the leaners and Representative who are Undecided on Health Care.  Call them now:  (202) 224-312.  You can find the phone number of any Congressional Member hereTell them majorities of American's oppose it.  Tell them Medicare is broke.  Tell them Socialized Medicine has failed in Europe.  Tell them Canadians get some of there health procedure here.  Tell them this will bankrupt the country.  Tell them it is unconstitutional to mandate every American buy a product.  Remember, A NO vote for Obamacare is a Yes vote for Liberty, Freedom of choice and Capitalism. We do not need the kind of "Fundamental Change in America" that Obama and his Progressives are forcing on Americans. Socialism and total Government control is UNAMERICAN. VOTE NO on Obamacare.

This is the current list of Whip Count on who is on the fence on Health Care "Reform".

If every member votes and all GOP lawmakers vote no, the maximum amount of Democratic defections to pass a bill is 37, which would lead to a 216-215 tally.

Firm No, Leaning No, Likely No (37)
John Adler (N.J.) (N) Citing cost containment, Adler told the Courier-Post that he will vote against Senate measure
Michael Arcuri (N.Y.)
(Y) Some reports have him as firm no, but Rules Committee member hasn't closed the door yet
John Barrow (Ga.)
* (N) Voted no last year in committee and on floor. Likely no
Marion Berry (Ark.)
* (Y) Has been critical of the president since announcing his retirement. Strong backer of Stupak language. Voted yes in Budget Committee markup on March 15
Dan Boren (Okla.) * (N) Won't be changing his mind — firm no
Rick Boucher (Va.) (N) GOP target who has told local press outlets in Virginia he has major problems with Medicare cuts and "unsavory dealmaking" that benefited Nebraska, Louisiana and Florida. Leaning no
Bobby Bright (Ala.) * (N) Voted against House health bill, stimulus and climate change. Firm no Allen Boyd (Fla.) (N) Facing primary challenge. Voted no on education reform bill expected to move with healthcare reform as part of reconciliation. Voted no on March 15 during Budget Committee markup
Chris Carney (Pa.) * (Y) Carney told the Scranton Times-Shamrock, "As I said publicly, I can't vote for a bill that will publicly fund abortion."
Ben Chandler (Ky.) * (N) His office told The Hill on March 15: “Congressman Chandler’s position on the bill remains the same. He expects to vote against the legislation.”
Travis Childers (Miss.) * (N) In toss-up reelection race
Jerry Costello (Ill.)
* (Y) Told the Akron Telegraph March 14 that White House and leadership "bungled" healthcare reform. Most of the calls, e-mails and letters he has received have advised a no vote. Says he opposes Senate bill, but doesn't sound like an absolute no
Artur Davis (Ala.) * (N) Running for governor, but will make sure to return to D.C. to vote no
Lincoln Davis (Tenn.) * (N) Voted no first time, and most expect him to vote no again. He has not commented publicly.
Joe Donnelly (Ind.) * (Y) Among the Stupak dozen — will vote no unless abortion language in Senate bill is changed, according to The Rochester Sentinel
Steve Driehaus (Ohio) * (Y) In toss-up race in November who is ardent backer of Stupak language. Now sounds like a very firm no. Told the Cincinnati Enquirer, "They are going to have to do it without me and without the other pro-life Democrats."
Chet Edwards (Texas) (N) Perennial GOP target. Edwards spokesman told CNN he will vote no. Votes no at March 15 Budget Committee markup
Luis Gutierrez (Ill.) (Y) Citing immigration language, Gutierrez said on MSNBC that "I can't support this bill." Lawmaker has lambasted the president on not moving immigration reform yet. Warned that other Hispanic lawmakers will also vote no
Larry Kissell (N.C.) (N) GOP target, but reelection chances on the rise. Firm no
Frank Kratovil (Md.) (N) Voted for climate change; says he will vote no
Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) (N) Progressive was on the fence before House vote last fall. He has said he is a firm no this time around. An undeterred President Barack Obama publicly called on him to back the bill on March 15 and gave him a ride on Air Force One
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (S.D.) (N) Congresswoman told the Rapid City Journal she's a no, noting she is not a fan of reconciliation. She also voted no on education reform bill expected to move in reconciliation with healthcare reform
Tim Holden (Pa.) * (N) Voted against healthcare and climate change in 2009. Told The Republican Herald that he is a no, citing abortion and "significant" cuts to Medicare and Medicaid
Daniel Lipinski (Ill.)
* (Y) Will not vote for abortion language in Senate bill, but has other concerns as well. Democratic leaders cannot count on Lipinski
Jim Marshall (Ga.) * (N) Perennial GOP target, but favored to win reelection. Told The Hill he's a no
Jim Matheson (Utah)
* (N) President Obama this year tapped brother for post, but Matheson still a likely no
Mike McIntyre (N.C.) * (N) Seven-term lawmaker rejected House health bill and climate change. Spokesman tells The Hill McIntyre is a no. Expected to win reelection easily even though Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) won district
Mike McMahon (N.Y.)
(N) Suggested last month he was a no to the Staten Island Advance. McMahon told The Hill on March 12 he is leaning no. Voted no on education reform bill that is expected to move with healthcare reform in reconciliation
Charlie Melancon (La.) * (N) Senate hopeful voted no in November and no in committee. Likely no
Walt Minnick (Idaho) (N) One of the House's most conservative members. Firm no
Collin Peterson (Minn.) * (N) Ag chairman not shy in bucking leadership. Firm no
Mike Ross (Ark.) * (N) Voted for bill in committee, but not since. Firm no
Heath Shuler (N.C.)
* (N) CNN reporting Shuler is a no. Doesn't hold his tongue when he opposes Democratic leaders. Critic of reconciliation
Ike Skelton (Mo.) * (N) GOP targeting his seat. Armed Services Committee chairman is a firm no
Bart Stupak (Mich.)
* (Y) No deal with leadership on abortion = no vote on final bill for Stupak and other Democratic opponents of abortion rights
Gene Taylor (Miss.) * (N) Has been a firm no all Congress. Constituents last summer urged him to get others to vote no
Harry Teague (N.M.) * (N) Told The Hill that he will review bill to see if final bill brings costs down. If "we are in the same place — a no"
Firm Yes (4) 
Dale Kildee (Mich.) * (Y) Not one of Stupak's Dozen
Steve Kagen (Wis.) (Y) Told Fox 11 in Wisconsin that he prefers more incremental approach. But on March 13 he said, "We're going to find and secure enough votes to pass healthcare..." Dan Maffei (N.Y.) (Y) On March 16, Maffei said, "I'm proud to support this legislation."
Silvestre Reyes (Texas) * (Y) Intelligence panel chairman on board

Leaning Yes or Likely Yes (16)
Joe Baca (Calif.) * (Y) Must-have for leadership. Said recently country can't wait any longer for reform. Voted for Stupak language
Russ Carnahan (Mo.) (Y) In competitive race this fall, but should win
Gerry Connolly (Va.)
(Y) If he votes no, bill will not pass. Likely yes. Voted yes in Budget Committee markup on March 15
Joe Courtney
(Conn.) (Y) Wary of excise tax, but likely yes
Bob Etheridge (N.C.) * (Y) Passed up Senate run. Voted yes in Budget Committee markup on March 15
Jim Himes (Conn.)
(Y) Must-have vote for leadership. Likely yes
Jim Langevin (R.I.) * (Y) Langevin's seat not in danger this fall. He has previously fended off primary challenges. Voted yes in March 15 Budget Committee markup
Mike Michaud (Maine)
* (Y) Likely yes
Dennis Moore (Kan.) (Y) Retiring this year. New Budget Committee member voted yes in March 15 markup
Jim Oberstar (Minn.) * (Y) Wants to vote yes, but also wants Stupak language. Oberstar sounds like a firm yes vote
David Obey (Wis.)
* (Y) Waiting to review bill language; likely yes
Vic Snyder (Ark.) * (Y) Not seeking reelection. Snyder said on Fox News he is leaning yes
John Spratt (S.C.)
* (Y) Budget Committee chairman is in competitive reelection race. Spratt will soon be trying to collect votes for his budget resolution. Voted yes in Budget Committee markup on March 15
Anthony Weiner (N.Y.) (Y) On March 12, Weiner noted that 290 times this Congress, the Senate has failed to act on bills passed by the House, adding, "Fool us once, shame on you, fool me 290 times, shame on us." Regardless, Weiner is a very likely yes
Charlie Wilson (Ohio)
* (Y) Considered less vulnerable this fall than other Ohio Democrats. Sounds like a yes vote, telling CQ he is willing to vote for Senate bill
John Yarmuth (Ky.)
(Y) Considered a team player. Likely yes. Voted yes in Budget Committee markup on March 15
Undecided (57)
Jason Altmire (Pa.) * (N) On March 16, Altmire told Fox Business Network that he has major problem with Democrats' apparent "deem and pass" strategy, calling it "wrong." Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told McClatchy he is targeting Altmire, who many view as key to passage. Voted no in committee and on floor, but bottom line is his yes vote is gettable.
Brian Baird (Wash.) (N) Retiring member who bucked party on Iraq war surge. Another target of Clyburn
Melissa Bean (Ill.) (Y) Conservative Democrat well-positioned for midterm election
Shelley Berkley (Nev.)
(Y) Told Politico she does not like the Senate bill
Sanford Bishop Jr. (Ga.) * (Y) Favors Stupak provision
Tim Bishop (N.Y.) (Y) Must-have vote for leadership. Bishop's office told CNN that the New York lawmaker wants major changes to Senate bill. Voted yes in March 15 Budget Committee markup
John Boccieri (Ohio) * (N) In a bad sign for the White House, Boccieri did not appear with President Barack Obama at his March 15 speech in Ohio. Boccieri, a GOP target, told, "I'm not afraid to cast a tough vote..." Clyburn has publicly said he is leaning on Boccieri, whose vote could go a long way in determining whether healthcare reform will pass
Michael Capuano (Y) Wanted to be a senator, but doesn't trust the Senate. TPM reported that Capuano is leaning no. In an e-mail to supporters, Capuano said he has many problems with Senate measure
Dennis Cardoza (Calif.) * (Y) Secured language for district before last year's vote
Jim Cooper (Tenn.) * (Y) Has had up-and-down relationship with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
Jim Costa (Calif.) * (Y) Secured project for his district before November vote
Henry Cuellar (Texas) * (Y) Cuellar backs Stupak language but undecided. Cuellar's vote has been one of rampant speculation, but the office told The Daily Caller he is undecided. Under pressure from Speaker and the president, Cuellar backed the climate change bill and House healthcare measure last year.
Kathy Dahlkemper (Pa.) * (Y) GOP target. Her yes vote could be key to passage. Strong backer of Stupak language
Mike Doyle (Pa.) * (Y) Must-have vote for leadership; not politically vulnerable
Brad Ellsworth (Ind.) * (Y) Senate hopeful who is big supporter of Stupak language
Bill Foster (Ill.) (Y) GOP target
Marcia Fudge (Ohio) (Y) Fudge is undecided, according to Obama lobbying for her vote, giving her a ride on Air Force One on March 15
Gabrielle Giffords (Ariz.) (Y) GOP target
Bart Gordon (Tenn.) * (N) Retiring committee chairman. Clyburn especially wants his vote
Raul Grijalva (Ariz.) (Y) Despite many threats, Arizona liberal expected to vote yes
John Hall (N.Y.)
(Y) Democratic leaders may lose other Dems from N.Y., but need to keep Hall on board
Debbie Halvorson (Ill.) (Y) Politically vulnerable, but favored to win her reelection race
Baron Hill (Ind.) * (Y) Passed up Senate run
Paul Kanjorski (Pa.) * (Y) GOP target. Also voted with education reform bill that will move with healthcare reform in reconciliation
Marcy Kaptur (Ohio) * (Y) Voted with leadership first time around, but doesn't toe the party line. Wants Stupak language but that's not a deal breaker. Voted yes during Budget Committee markup. Likely to move to lean yes category soon
Mary Jo Kilroy (Ohio) (Y) In toss-up race this November
Ron Kind (Wis.) (Y) Represents competitive district. Voted against bill in committee
Ann Kirkpatrick (Ariz.) (Y) GOP target
Ron Klein (Fla.) (Y) GOP target
Suzanne Kosmas (Fla.) (N) President Obama urges her to vote yes in the Oval Office, according to March 16 AP report
Betsy Markey (Colo.) (N) Was a late no last time. In early March, Markey declined to be interviewed by Denver Post on her position on bill. Likely target for Democratic leaders
Jerry McNerney (Calif.) (Y) Waiting for final language. There are false reports of him being a firm no
Harry Mitchell (Ariz.) (Y) GOP target
Alan Mollohan (W.Va.) * (Y) In November, seat was considered safe. Now, he's in a tight race
Chris Murphy (Conn.) (Y) GOP target
Scott Murphy (N.Y.) (N) President Obama urges Murphy to vote yes in Oval Office meeting, according to March 16 AP report. Reelection race looks good, for now. Told local media he might vote yes
Richard Neal (Mass.) * (Y) Better vote yes if he wants to take Ways and Means gavel; fan of Stupak language
Glenn Nye (Va.) (N) In toss-up race
Solomon Ortiz (Texas) * (Y) Was a late yes last time around
Bill Owens (N.Y.) (Y) One of first votes in Congress was yes on House health bill; media reports have him as undecided
Tom Perriello (Va.) * (Y) In toss-up race this fall; Pelosi had long talk with the Virginia Democrat on March 10 on the House floor
Earl Pomeroy (N.D.) * (Y) Voted against bill in committee, and for it on the House floor
Nick Rahall (W.Va.) * (Y) Another panel chairman on the fence
Ciro Rodriguez (Texas) * (Y) Considered by Cook Political Report to "likely" retain seat
Tim Ryan (Ohio) * (Y) Opposes abortion rights; voted for Stupak language
John Salazar (Colo.) * (Y) GOP target
Loretta Sanchez (Calif.) (Y) Was a late yes in November
Mark Schauer (Mich.) (Y) In toss-up race this fall
Kurt Schrader (Ore.)
(Y) Budget Committee member didn't vote during March 15 markup. In competitive reelection race.
Carol Shea-Porter (N.H.) (Y) In toss-up race, according to Cook Political Report
Zack Space (Ohio) * (Y) Voted yes in committee and yes on the floor last year
Adam Smith (Wash.) (Y) Was a late yes in November
Betty Sutton (Ohio) (Y) GOP target
John Tanner (Tenn.) * (N) House deputy whip not running for reelection, but he still will need to be convinced to get to yes. Voted no in committee and on floor
Dina Titus (Nev.) (Y) Her office told The Hill the congresswoman is undecided. Voted no in committee and yes on the floor last year
Paul Tonko (N.Y.) (Y) Waiting for Congressional Budget Office numbers David Wu (Ore.) (Y) Was undecided for three hours during 2003 Medicare drug vote, then voted with the GOP

Sunday, March 14, 2010

10 Minute Ticker:

Make those calls!  Capital Hill Switchboard:  202-224-3121
WHIP Count.  The Democrats who can make or break Obamacare

Your Government at work:
IRS Raids Car Wash Business in search of 4 cents

Thousands rally in MN to "Kill the Bill"

Weekend Box Office:
Alice in Wonderland #1 Again

Gateway Pundit:
March For Freedom. Tuesday March 16, 2010 Washington DC

Investor's Business Daily Editorials:
Why Health Bill Make No Sense - 15 Reasons

Mark Levin's speech at the Reagan Library - March 5, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

VIDEO: Scott Brown lays down the law on Health Care

"An entire year has gone to waste"

WASHINGTON (AP) - Newly arrived Republican Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts accused President Barack Obama and Democrats on Saturday of a "bitter, destructive and endless" drive to pass health overhaul legislation that Brown warned would be disastrous.
"An entire year has gone to waste," Brown said in the weekly GOP radio and Internet address. "Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and many more jobs are in danger. Even now, the president still hasn't gotten the message.
"Somehow, the greater the public opposition to the health care bill, the more determined they seem to force it on us anyway."
Brown himself can claim responsibility for the Democrats' failure to pass health overhaul legislation to date. They were on the verge of doing so before Brown claimed the late Edward M. Kennedy's Senate seat in a special election upset in January, depriving Democrats of their filibuster-proof supermajority and throwing the health care effort into limbo.

Saturday Readings:

Light Blogging this weekend.  In the meantime please visit these friends of Common Cents:
Happy Saturday!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Night Videos

Fox New's John Stossel on "Fat Politics"

Rep Bart Stupak mocks Democratic Leadership

St Louis:  2,300 shop up to protest Obamacare

Global Warming - The Other Side:
This is the first part of the new one-hour TV special that John Coleman and KUSI-TV put together to refute the Global Warming Hoax and the recent Copenhagen Climate Conference.
Global Warming - The Other Side Part 2

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Are you looking for Full or Part Time Work??

Common Cents realizes that many people are looking for Full or even Part Time work.  The NUMBER 1 way to find employment is by Networking (that is to tell everyone you know you are looking for work) and thus expanding your network of contacts.

The number two method to find a new job is via online job postings.  Too that end Common Cents is proud to bring you the following list:
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Other money making ideas:

VIDEO: Karl Rove on Fox New's Hannity

Karl Rove was on Fox New's Hannity's show at 9 PM Eastern where he talked about his new book "Courage and Consequence".  Karl also did a brilliant job defending the Bush years including the debate over the now infamous "Weapons of Mass Destruction". 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Best Online Editorial Page you will find

is Investor's Business Daily.  IBD publishes a superlative brand of easy-to-read common sense editorials that are fascinating.  If you can't get the print edition the online version of IBD are some of the best editorials that you will find anywhere.

They Call it "Trade":  For an administration that touts "export-led growth," it's a bad sign to see huge markets in Europe and Brazil pulling up the drawbridges over the one-sided U.S. policy. "Trade" means imports, too.  Read the editorial here.

All Aboard the Red-Ink Express: The fantasy of 200-mph bullet trains speeding between American cities is heading for a collision with reality, with a cost explosion in California not far down the line.
Read the editorial here.

Health Care a Right?  More like a wish:  Most politicians, and probably most Americans, see health care as a right. Thus, whether a person has the means to pay for medical services or not, he is nonetheless entitled to them. Let's ask ourselves a few questions about this vision.
Read the editorial here.

California Greenin'  Remember the promise that green jobs would flourish in California? Well, here's the reality: The cost of going green is actually lost jobs.
Read the editorial here.

The Dem's defining silence on Tax Cuts:  Who killed the economy? Those on the left want to frame the previous administration, with George Bush fronting every lineup and most scenarios implicating the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003.
Read the editorial here.

A big Snow Job:  As the economy continues to destroy jobs, we hear a new excuse. Frigid weather, the White House says, made the jobs report look worse than it is. Actually, even without snow, it's worse than you think.
Read the editorial here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Glenn Beck:
VIDEO - "Sorry for wasting your time America"

Michelle Malkin:
"Weapons of Massa destruction.  Cold showers & hot conspiracies

Gateway Pundit:
Call to Arms.  Help protest against Obamacare in St Louis

Nancy Pelosi
VIDEO - "We have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

Toyota Quality Update:
Runaway Prius prompts new safety probe

Washington Times:
The Wind Energy Coverup

What it takes to be Number 1. - Vince Lombardi

Mr and Mrs Common Cents saw this in a Northern Virginia restuarant over the weekend.  Is it not one of the most inspirational things you've ever seen?  Liberals will hate it but it should be posted on every school in America.
Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't win once in a while; you don't do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.
There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game, and that's first place. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay, and I don't ever want to finish second again. There is a second place bowl game, but it is a game for losers played by losers. It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win, and to win, and to win.
Every time a football player goes to play his trade he's got to play from the ground up-from the soles of his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their heads. That's O.K. You've got to be smart to be number one in any business. But more importantly, you've got to play with your heart, with every fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second.
Running a football team is no different than running any other kind of organization-an army, a political party or a business. The principles are the same. The object is to win-to beat the other guy. Maybe that sounds hard or cruel. I don't think it is.
It is a reality of life that men are competitive and the most competitive games draw the most competitive men. That's why they are there-to compete. To know the rules and objectives when they get in the game. The object is to win fairly, squarely, by the rules-but to win.
And in truth, I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline. There is something in good men that really yearns for discipline and the harsh reality of head to head combat.
I don't say these things because I believe in the "brute" nature of man or that men must be brutalized to be combative. I believe in God, and I believe in human decency. But I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious.
...Vince Lombardi

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Hurt Locker:

Yesterday "The Hurt Locker" won Best Picture at the 2010 Academy Awards.  This is one of the best pro-military movies in recent times, easily since "We Were Soldiers".  The movie is about an Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) team in Iraq.  Highly intense and edge-of-your seat suspense we highly recommend you try and see it.  Congratulation to the cast and crew of this fabulous movie:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Reads (update: SNL spoofs Pres Obama, Pelosi and Reid)

Global Warming Update:
At least 51 ships stranded because of Frozen Baltic Sea Ice

No Surprise Here:
Federal pay surpassed Private Sector Pay

55% say Congress should start over on Health Care

Democratic Party Ethics Update
Scandals piling up: Rangal, Patterson and now Rep Massa resigning Monday

Hope and Change Update:
Jakarta, Indonesia students protest Pres Obama visit

Saturday Night Live Does it again!
SNL spoofs Pres Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid on Health Care
Obama: "Now Senator Reid I'll admit is in a different situation, he's up for re-election this fall where health care is especially unpopular,I'm not sure why but it is, really, really unpopular, angry mob unpopular. Lets be frank, Harry Reid could lose this November but let me make something clear, I don't think he will or at least it won't be because this unpopular bill.

Health care could poll at 100% and Harry Reid would still have problems, I think even Harry would agree he is not the most intelligenic or charismatic guy around. Plus he has been hurt by some of the sleazy deals he cut with other Senators in order to get health care passed, I mean you have to acknowledge they were sleazy, I mean the cornhusker kickback, it just smelled bad"
 Hat Tip to Hot Air Pundit

Saturday, March 6, 2010

VIDEO - Glenn Beck Special: "The Indoctrination of our Kids and American Epidemic"

March 5th Fox New's Glenn Beck televisied an fascinating show "The Indoctrination of our Kids - an American Epidemic".  Beck lays out how our kids are being brainwashed into worshiping government and how they are furthering a radical agenda that makes people a Slave to Government.  Some of this stuff is truly scary!  Tell a friend please...

The Indoctrination of our Kids - Part 1

The Indoctrination of our Kids - Part 2

The Indoctrination of our Kids - Part 3

The Indoctrination of our Kids - Part 4


Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Night Videos:

Senator Clueless Strikes Again
"Today is a big day in America - only 36,000 people lost their jobs which is really good"

Fox New's Hannity
Frank Luntz "You will see democrats defeated in places that haven’t elected a Republican since 1994. "

Newsbusted - March 5, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Toyota Quality Updates:

Some "Repaired" Toyota's Still Accelerating:
Have Toyota's record recalls solved its sudden acceleration problem? Maybe not. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is contacting Toyota owners who have taken their cars to dealers to undergo the prescribed repair and so far, 10 consumers have reported the fix hasn't ended the problem. NHTSA made it clear the reports have not been verified but said the agency would follow up. It also said it would continue to communicate with owners of affected Toyotas. "If Toyota owners are still experiencing sudden acceleration incidents after taking their cars to the dealership, we want to know about it," said NHTSA administrator David Strickland.  Read the rest of the story here.
  Previous Toyota Quality Updates

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

VIDEO: Sarah Palin on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Yesterday Sarah Palin was a guest on the Tonight Show.  She was interviewed by Jay and even did a stand-up comedy skit.  Funny Stuff...

Part 2:  Jay Leno interviews Sarah Palin

Hat Tip Story Balloon

Sarah Palin: Thank you, Jay. Thank you. Thank you. I am so happy to get to be here. This is the thrill of a lifetime, really. And Alaska, being so different from Los Angeles — here when people have a frozen look on their face, I find out it’s Botox.
[Laugh break]
It is so beautiful here, though, so warm and beautiful. Back home, oh, it was freezing. It was 5 degrees below Congress’ approval rating.
[Laugh Break]
But great show tonight, Shaun White on the show. Oh, what an amazing athlete! I watched him do a Double McTwist 1260, and the only other people to do a Double McTwist 1260 was last week — the White House, on health care.
[Laugh Break]
It will be great to be on the same show as Shaun White. Last time I was this close to the Flying Tomato was when someone threw one at me at a book signing. And they did, it’s true.
[Laugh Break]
It’s not funny. It’s true.
I watched the Winter Olympics: skiing, fighting on the ice, skating, bob-ledding. In Alaska, that’s our morning commute.
[Laugh Break]
And how about that amazing closing ceremony? It was beautiful. The minute I saw the giant moose, I remembered, hadn’t cooked anything for the kids’ dinner.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness:

Who is happy and who isn't?  Today's post delves into that area.  Are Conservative more happy than liberals?  Or the other way around?  How about the connection between happiness and religion?  Consider...
To bemused conservatives, it looks like yet another example of analytic overkill by the intelligentsia -- a jobs program for the (mostly liberal) academic boys (and girls) in the social sciences, whose quantitative tools have been brought to bear to prove the obvious. A survey by the Pew Research Center shows that conservatives are happier than liberals -- in all income groups. While 34 percent of all Americans call themselves "very happy," only 28 percent of liberal Democrats (and 31 percent of moderate or conservative Democrats) do, compared with 47 percent of conservative Republicans. This finding is niftily self-reinforcing: It depresses liberals. Election results do not explain this happiness gap. Republicans have been happier than Democrats every year since the survey began in 1972. Married people and religious people are especially disposed to happiness, and both cohorts vote more conservatively than does the nation as a whole. People in the Sun Belt -- almost entirely red states -- have sunnier dispositions than Northerners, which could have as much to do with sunshine as with conservatism. Unless sunshine makes people happy, which makes them conservative.  Read the rest of the story here.
 Also consider religious people.  Did you know:
If you believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, a research suggests you will live a more contended life. I agree to this discovery because we will no longer aspire for material riches alone since true happiness can not be seen at them. At the same time, it would be easier to cope with life struggles as religious individuals depend to a Higher Being who will support and guide the weakening souls of the believers. Frustration, anger, grief and sorrow become too lightly to handle for people who believe in God. This has been shown in a study presented at the Royal Economic Society conference. According to the study, Europeans who believe in God experience a higher level of life satisfaction compared to those who merely depended on themselves. By yourself, you are always burdened of thinking ways to survive the challenges of life. Unlike if you lay down your worries and anxieties to someone whom you feel is the greatest in the universe, all fears become too easy to solve. For researcher Professor Andrew Clark of the Paris School of Economics, other factors of religious upbringing that may not necessarily be dependent on belief may promote future happiness. There is a sense of satisfaction to every blessing and a gratitude of thanksgiving for the little good things being achieved every day. People who believe in God, especially among Christians and Protestants, have a longer tenacity of handling pressures. They never give up to disappointments and continue life even at risk with grace and poise. On issues of unemployment, according to Dr. Orsolya Lelkes from the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, religion serves a "buffer" to protect people from sudden shifts of attitudes resulting in manic depressions and disappointments.  Read the rest here.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday Readings:

Chile Earthquake:
8.8 Magnitude Earthquake hits Chile

Democrats are acting irrationally on Obamacare?

Where's the protest?  The controversy?
President Obama signs a one-year extension of the Patriot Act

Al Gore "World to End" Fox News to Blame

Winter Olympics:  USA vs Canada for the Gold Medal
Follow the game here in real time at the NBC Olympics Official Site

Gateway Pundit
Tea Party rally across country on One-Year Anniversary

President Obama Approval Index - February 27, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Investors Business Daily - Thomas Sowell: Intellectuals and Society

Smart people should make smart decisions. So why do the best and the brightest always seem to create more problems than they solve?  This is not just an academic question, precisely because academics dominate the Obama administration and its approach to such key issues as health care and Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons. Renowned economist Thomas Sowell argues that intellectuals have strong incentives to step out of their area of expertise and "off a cliff." Ultimately, everyday people pay the price when intellectuals and abstract concepts trump real-world specifics.  Sowell explores these topics and more in a wide-ranging IBD interview regarding his latest book, "Intellectuals and Society."
IBD: How do you define intellectuals?
Sowell: I define intellectuals as persons whose occupations begin and end with ideas. I distinguish between intellectuals and other people who may have ideas but whose ideas end up producing some good or service, something that whether it's working or not working can be determined by third parties.
With intellectuals, one of the crucial factors is their work is largely judged by peer consensus, so it doesn't matter if their ideas work in the real world.
IBD: What incentives and constraints do intellectuals face?
Sowell: One of the incentives is that, to the extent that intellectuals stay in their specialty, they have little to gain in terms of either prestige or influence on events. Say, an authority in ancient Mayan civilization just writes about ancient Mayan civilization, then only other specialists in ancient Mayan civilization will know what he is talking about or even be aware of him. So intellectuals have every incentive to go beyond their area of expertise and competence. But stepping beyond your area of competence is like stepping off a cliff — you may be a genius within that area, but an idiot outside it.  As far as the constraints, since their main constraint is peer consensus — that's a very weak constraint on the profession as a whole. Because what the peers believe as a group becomes the test of any new idea that comes along as to whether it's plausible or not.

Read the rest of the story here.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Night Videos:

Health Care Summit
"Stop segregating"

Obama and McCain rematch:

Lt Col Allen West:  Define the Enemy.  What it takes to Win in Anghanistan
Hat Tip:  Tom M in Northern Virginia

John Stossel
Hands off my Meds
"The cost of FDA Approval"

US Men's Gold Medal Figure Skater Evan Lysacek

Thursday, February 25, 2010

FOX NEWS by the numbers. Total Domination

TV by the numbers published the total Cable TV viewership everyday.  Even with the Winter Olympics on Fox Continues to eviscerate its competition in the Cable News Ratings, sometimes beating all of its competition combined.  These are the results for February 24th.:

P2+ Total Day
FNC – 1,301,000 viewers

CNN – 431,000 viewers
MSNBC –451,000 viewers
CNBC – 610,000 viewers
HLN – 310,000 viewers

P2+ Prime Time
FNC – 2,433,000 viewer
CNN – 450,000 viewers
MSNBC –902,000 viewers
CNBC – 2,196,000 viewers
HLN –570,000 viewers

25-54 Total Day
FNC –351,000 viewers

CNN –121,000 viewers
MSNBC –146,000 viewers
CNBC – 276,000 viewers
HLN- 136,000 viewers

25-54 Prime Time
FNC – 576,000 viewers

CNN – 151,000 viewers
MSNBC –288,000 viewers
CNBC – 1,083,000 viewers
HLN – 194,000 viewers

35-64 Total Day
FNC – 628,000 viewers

CNN – 186,000 viewers
MSNBC – 222,000 viewers
CNBC – 301,000 viewers
HLN – 172,000 viewers

35-64 Prime Time
FNC –1,132,000 viewers

CNN – 226,000 viewers
MSNBC –465,000 viewers
CNBC – 1,142,000 viewers
HLN –281,000 viewers
Morning programs (6:00AM-9:00AM) P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
FOX & Friends- 1,042,000 viewers (374,000) (639,000)

American Morning- 291,000 viewers (95,000) (113,000)
Morning Joe- 374,000 viewers (105,000) (206,000)
Squawk Box- 156,000 viewers (59,000) (88,000)
Morning Express w/ Meade- 310,000 viewers (190,000) (210,000)

5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Glenn Beck – 2,482,000 viewers (695,000) (1,256,000)

Situation Room—653,000 viewers (133,000) (206,000)
Winter Olympics – 1,042,000 viewers (409,000) (525,000)
Fast Money —253,000 viewers (64,000) (87,000)
Prime News —219,000 viewers (102,000) (127,000)

6PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Special Report w/ Bret Baier – 2,050,000 viewers (423,000) (772,000)

Situation Room—502,000 viewers (138,000) (236,000)
Winter Olympics —1,042,000 viewers (409,000) (525,000)
Mad Money — 241,000 viewers (87,000) (110,000)
Prime News – 239,000 viewers (81,000) (125,000)

7PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
The Fox Report w/ Shep – 1,873,000 viewers (454,000) (856,000)

Situation Room – 588,000 viewers (134,000) (202,000)
Winter Olympics – 1,042,000 viewers (409,000) (525,000)
Winter Olympics – 1,779,000 viewers (813,000) (864,000)
Issues – 414,000 viewers (127,000) (198,000)

8PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
The O’Reilly Factor – 3,348,000 viewers (770,000) (1,499,000)

Campbell Brown – 461,000 viewers (137,000) (201,000)
Countdown w/ K. Olbermann – 917,000 viewers (308,000) (492,000)
Winter Olympics — 1,888,000 viewers (959,000) (993,000)
Nancy Grace – 697,000 viewers (221,000) (302,000)

9 PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Hannity – 2,188,000 viewers (504,000) (1,008,000)

Larry King Live —383,000 viewers (138,000) (197,000)
Rachel Maddow Show —953,000 viewers (264,000) (470,000)
Winter Olympics — 1,888,000 viewers (959,000) (993,000)
Joy Behar – 613,000 viewers (157,000) (305,000)

10 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
On the Record w/ Greta—1,753,000 viewers (454,000) (880,000)

Anderson Cooper 360 — 506,000 viewers (178,000) (278,000)
Countdown w/ K. Olbermann – 563,000 viewers (172,000) (270,000)
Winter Olympics– 1,888,000 viewers (959,000) (993,000)
Nancy Grace –442,000 viewers (214,000) (258,000)