'This is Life We’re Talking About' — Abortion and the Health Care Bill
Ground Zero for the sanctity of human life is now the U.S. House of Representatives, where the Democratic leadership is pulling all the levers to come up with the 216 votes necessary to pass the Obama health care bill. -- Albert Mohler
  • Lessons From the Rescuers -- Paul Coughlin
    Our "ideal Christian kid," boy or girl, is pusillanimous (lacking courage and manly strength), having the character and nature of a small animal, small-souled.
  • Spring Training...Where Hope Springs Eternal -- David Burchett
    Today I get to live a little boys dream and go watch spring training baseball. Sure it is my job. But it is still magic. There is much to learn in my spiritual journey from this boy’s game. I watch athlete’s...
  • Who Do You Say That I Am? -- Dr. Ray Pritchard
    Does it matter what we believe about Jesus? Yes, it does. The truth about Jesus is the difference between heaven and hell.
Be Still

"Be still and know that I am God..."

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Dr. Adrian Rogers



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