Campaign Promises

Republicans plan to win in 2010 by

campaigning to repeal health care legislation

His two pence - The Daily Caller

A DC Interview: Indiana Rep explains claim that 'Slaughter Solution' is unconstitutional
Inspecting the inspectors - The Daily Caller
Issa challenges Department of Health and Human services on Inspector General recommendations

Health-care bill won't be released until Thursday - THE DAILY CALLER

The health care bill will not be scored by the Congressional Budget Office and released to House Democrats and the public until Thursday
The Closer - The Daily Caller
Clyburn says he can get 216 yes votes for Obamacare by Saturday

GOP senators want to see Aponte's background check - The Daily Caller

Republicans are upping the pressure on Obama diplomatic nominee Mari Carmen Aponte

The 10 hottest Irish women - The Daily Caller

Go Green for St. Patty's Day (but not for the environment) - The Daily Caller
Take measures to ensure your day is as green as possible


Photo of Larry Kudlow
Is Dodd ending ‘Too Big To Fail’? - Larry Kudlow
Surprise, surprise. Sen. Chris Dodd’s financial-regulation proposal raises the possibility of substantial progress on the road to ending “Too Big To Fail” (TBTF) and bailout nation for banks and other financial institutions
Photo of Douglas Holtz-Eakin
An opportunity for tax reform? - Douglas Holtz-Eakin
The road to tax reform includes the recognition of the importance of low marginal tax rates, the need to support the upward mobility of Americans, and the danger of inefficient tax-subsidies to favored forms of consumption
Photo of William Pierce
Health care reform—down the rabbit hole? - William Pierce
Whatever you think of the health care reform bill now moving to a final vote, this most current strategy makes a mockery of our history and our form of government
Photo of Augustine Brehon
Diary of a pre-certified teacher, Vol. IX: Camelot and punitive liberalism - Augustine Brehon
I am taking a class to become certified as a teacher, and this week we are learning about the different school curriculums.
Photo of Ed Goeas and Leslie Sanchez
National Hispanic survey reveals key info on demographic - Ed Goeas and Leslie Sanchez
Hispanic voters are favorable to conservative fiscal and national security messages. It is widely expected that the 2010 Census will show the U.S. Hispanic population continues to be our nation’s largest, fastest growing minority group, surpassing the present totals of 47 million people or over 15 percent of the population
Photo of Ben Clarke
Make room at the table - Ben Clarke
Make no mistake, if Republicans make gains in this year’s midterm elections—as it appears they will—it is due in no part to what they stand for, but rather against
Photo of Eric Singer
Out of control: Runaway congresses, their stock markets and our wealth - Eric Singer
The stock market does much worse when filibusters are not available. Since 1934, in the 15 years whenever the Senate Democrats held a filibuster proof majority, the Stock Market (using just the price change of the S&P 500 Index to measure) went up on average by 2.6 percent. In contrast, in the 60 years where the minority could successfully filibuster, the market appreciated 7.6 percent, an annual difference of 5 percent
Photo of Rep. Aaron Schock
Free trade equals free jobs - Rep. Aaron Schock
Last week, President Obama declared his plans to double domestic exports over the next five years and announced a renewed push on the pending free-trade agreements with Panama, Colombia and South Korea that are currently pending
Photo of Tim Phillips
Earmark victory shows power of one persistent voice - Tim Phillips
A few years ago in Congress, one man—Rep. Jeff Flake from Arizona—stood and waged a principled battle to stop earmarks
Photo of Lenny McAllister
Bruno Pelosi and Harry the Horrible - Lenny McAllister
As we continue to see the arm-wrestling by Democratic leadership to bring about health care “that the American people want”, perhaps the American people and tentative members of Congress have grown immune to their tactics in a way that jeopardizes the plan
Photo of Ron Hart
Massa of his domain: Political intrigue and tickling - Ron Hart
Politicians often make my job easy. Now we have the curious case of former Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) and tickle champion

Will Democrats pass health care reform by the end of the week?

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Photo of Alan Reynolds
Tyler Cowen’s uneasy case for managed care - Alan Reynolds
I am usually a big fan of George Mason University’s innovative economist Tyler Cowen. But something peculiar seems to come over free-market fans when they start writing for The New York Times
Photo of Bob Maistros
Crystal ball: America joins the ‘Deem’ Team - Bob Maistros
What happens when Congress' actions trickle down to the masses?
Photo of Robert Laurie
The Grapes of ObamaCare - Robert Laurie
Why, when every political cliché suggests that self-preservation is job one, are congressional Dems ready to sacrifice themselves on the ObamaCare altar?
Photo of Dr. Mark Neerhof
Not one dime? - Dr. Mark Neerhof
When President Obama addressed Congress in September on health care, he assured them and the American people that he would not sign a plan that adds one dime to the deficit, neither now nor in the future
Photo of Robert Wright
Solution: Health insurance through life insurance policies - Robert Wright
What if we tied life insurance benefits to the level of lifetime health insurance claims?
Photo of Nicholas Thimmesch II
Slappy in Chief’s latest stand-up routine - Nicholas Thimmesch II
Nothing says that you have arrived more than when you have the POTUS on your side
Photo of John Rossomando
Sestak episode underscores Washington ethics problems - John Rossomando
Americans want a democracy, not an elected aristocracy that thinks it is above the law and can do what it pleases without consequences, and the actions of government officials in recent years seems to trend toward the latter
Photo of Jeanne Allen
The pitiful state of American politics - Jeanne Allen
How pitiful our political system has become—how completely it has veered from the intentions of our Founders—when the leadership of Congress can ignore the votes of members in order to pass a bill widely rejected by the American public while at the same time, a U.S. Senator’s attempts to reauthorize a successful, popular education program are reduced to amending an aviation bill
Photo of Frank Hill
What exactly to we want the federal government to do, anyways? - Frank Hill
The next decade will be even worse unless we slam on the brakes of federal spending right now and try to prevent it from being like one of those terrible Toyota incidents
Photo of Dr. Melissa Clouthier
Dems’ version of health reform will destroy America as we know it - Dr. Melissa Clouthier
I don’t think the American people got President Obama’s meaning exactly. They heard rhetoric of hope and change that sounded vaguely optimistic. They did not hear the ominous undertones. They did not hear the subliminal message: America is bad and must be changed to good, i.e. to my vision
Photo of Sallie James
Keep trade on the back burner, please - Sallie James
One might be forgiven for thinking free traders saw a glimmer of hope on international engagement from President Obama recently. First, he sent U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk on the offensive to pitch the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a new regional trade agreement with seven Asia-Pacific countries. Then he gave a major speech outlining the administration’s strategy for meeting their much-hyped goal of doubling exports within five years
Photo of Carrie Lukas
Voters ready to punish Members who cave on health care - Carrie Lukas
Wavering Members be warned: Your constituents can’t twist your arm or make creative threats, but they will be voting in November
Photo of Dave McClure
Regulating the Internet: Stop trying to fix what’s not broken - Dave McClure
The Internet works. Reliably, efficiently and economically. Yet Washington now wants to step in and “fix” what’s not broken, possibly subjecting the Internet to decades-old rules intended for the old Bell Telephone network
Photo of Richard Olivastro
The ayes of Texas - Richard Olivastro
Americans everywhere should applaud the Texas Board of Education action to reconstitute a more historically accurate (read: open and balance) traditional stamp on school curriculum taught in the Lone Star State
Photo of Daniel M. Rothschild and Eileen Norcross
New Jersey’s first step forward on pensions - Daniel M. Rothschild and Eileen Norcross
States across the country, with some notable exceptions such as Florida and Oregon, have massively underfunded state pension funds
Photo of Dino Teppara
Health care reform and ‘The Princess Bride’ - Dino Teppara
Many conservatives thought that the health care reform legislation died upon the election of Sen. Scott Brown to the Senate. But it turns out the bill was in fact only mostly dead. The bill has now been magically revived with a new student loan bill attached to it, after being stuffed with kickbacks and language relating to abortions that have absolutely no bearing to reforming our health care delivery system
Photo of Richard White
Congress in Wonderland - Richard White
If the House and Senate are able to return back through the “looking glass” one would envision that the House of Representatives will be forced to vote up or down, probably before the beginning of the March 26 congressional recess, on the Senate-passed health care reform bill with little or no assurances of Senate action on the changes sought through budget reconciliation

Rielle Hunter: A scandal in review [SLIDESHOW] - The Daily Caller

Army changes basic training for first time in 30 years - AP

Army aims to toughen recruits from a more sedentary generation by revamping its basic training for the first time in thirty years

Fed pledges to keep interest rates at record low - Reuters with

The Federal Reserve held benchmark rates near zero Tuesday and renewed a promise to keep them exceptionally low for an extended period while pointing to increased momentum in the economy's recovery

DC on TV: Opinion Editor Moira Bagley on Obama's FOX interview

Opinions Editor Moira Bagley was featured on the Canadian Broadcast Corporation(!) show Connect with Mark Kelley

Arrest made in connection with Corey Haim’s death - Toronto Star

An arrest has been made in connection with the investigation of Toronto-born actor Corey Haim, a spokesman for California’s attorney general said Wednesday

Spacemen - MSNBC

Put the cell phone down, drop the Blackberry, cease the nonstop tweeting. Space out! Why daydreaming is so important

Edwards' other women - The Daily Beast

John Edwards has admitted one affair, but an ex-aide now claims that the former presidential candidate had additional mistresses

Bummer, dude - The Daily Caller

If House passes health bill, Obama can't yet celebrate

The DC Smoking Room: La Flor Dominicana Mysterio Oscuro - The Daily Caller

With its pigtail head, natural Habano tip, and dark, ultra-shiny oscuro wrapper, the Mysterio by La Flor Dominicana is as much a work of art as it is a cigar

The Slaughter House reprise - The Daily Caller

Republicans have seen the 'Slaughter solution' before, when they voted in favor of a 'self-executing rule' while they controlled the House

The Daily Caller / Slate Debate: Week 9

Topics: Health Care, Israel, and Tiger Woods

Date: Wednesday, March 17th, 2010 Time: 3:30pm EST

Blockbusted - Austin Business Journal

Blockbuster says bankruptcy is a possibility

Kucinich backs down

Rep. Dennis Kucinich announced he will support the health-care bill despite his objections to its contents

Al Sharpton becomes Obama's secret weapon - The Wall Street Journal

President Obama has turned towards Rev. Al Sharpton to improve his reach to the African American community

Citizens United premieres movie [Video] - The Daily Caller

Citizens United premiered the movie 'Generation Zero'

Bill kill: vol. 2 - The Daily Caller

Tea Partiers return to Capitol to protest health care, storm congressional office for friendly visits

Harry Reid firing back at slave labor ads - FOXNEWS

Two online ads unveiled Monday emphasize that Harry Reid is backed by MGM Mirage which is partially owned by Dubai World

Senate passes jobs bill - The Hill

U.S. Senate passes $15 billion jobs bill 68-29

AT&T wants to plant trees - and kill vampires too! - MarketWatch

Latest 'green' initiatives will sharply reduce paper waste and energy costs, company says

States' rights making a comeback - The New York Times

In recent months, states across the country have taken more aggressive stands against the federal government

Holder: Osama will not be captured alive [video] - The Daily Caller

Attorney General Holder said Tuesday that if Miranda rights were read to the top terrorist it would only be to his corpse

Specter says top Dems may have committed felony - The American Spectator

'There's a crime called misprision of a felony. Misprision of a felony is when you don't report a crime'