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Reader comments (9) on this item

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too long, and overly alarmist in certain areas [491 words]A BhardwajAug 8, 2009 15:00
"Follow the MONEY trail" [177 words]Robert CarlJul 25, 2008 17:41
The US Government: Patron of the PLO? [155 words]YnnatchkahFeb 21, 2008 02:53
A MEMORABLE QUOTE [69 words]DANIEL REDMONDOct 28, 2007 17:47
The islam Flu [119 words]charles tuckerOct 3, 2007 17:49
reality check... [129 words]donvanOct 29, 2007 12:47
Dangerous Mistake [62 words]SinghaFeb 7, 2006 11:03
Famous Last Words [37 words]Bonny DonnellyAug 12, 2002 10:25
God and Islam [157 words]john freedmanOct 4, 2007 17:30

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