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Darwin Awards
A Chronicle of Enterprising Demises
Honoring those who improve the
accidentally removing themselves from it!
August 2009 Culling the Herd.

Literary Quotes

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Darwin Awards Next Evolution: Chlorinating the Gene Pool. Hardback. Available in retail bookstores, and online at Amazon, Barnes&Noble, etc.

Darwin Awards 4: Intelligent Design. Paperback. Available in local retail bookstores, and online at Amazon, Barnes&Noble, etc.

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Wendy Northcutt, author of the Darwin Awards, describes her occupation as "writing obituaries." Wendy is prone to speaking freely, so we have allowed her the following paragraph:

A troll is a troll is a troll. "Financed by Big Business, the agenda is pure sabotage: derail conversation at Town Hall meetings, stifle debate at all costs. I am concerned by the emergence of TROLLS in the physical world, particularly trolls organized by business concerns. On the Internet, we have learned to ignore trolls. Engaging them only makes the problem worse. Will the Internet solution work or is a new solution needed? PLEASE DISCUSS." Wendy

Within These Portals Lie 771 Enterprising Demises.
Ninja Deer Hunter (near miss)
Texas | A man was out hunting in his favorite spot, a climbing stand in an open creek bottom. One morning he heard a deer blow at his back. He waited until the large buck sauntered just under the tree... Read on.
Not Even Half Baked (near miss)
After an extended night shift, our heroine, a working mother, decided to stay up until the kids came home from school. Being a thoughtful mom, the tired woman groggily decided that this was the time to bake a cake... Read on.
Short Circuit (darwin award)
South Carolina | Michael Anderson Godwin was a lucky murderer whose death sentence had been commuted to life in prison. Ironically, he was sitting on the metal toilet in his cell... Read on.
Fool's Gold (darwin award)
India | For lottery agent Pravin Kuse, his number was up when he followed his dream and decided to dig for a pot of gold. Kuse had dreamed that an ancient pot of gold was buried beneath an abandoned 100-year-old house... Read on.
Cats Land on All Fours (near miss)
California | 24-year-old Mike, an operator for a gravel company, did not intend to perform a death-defyiing stunt with a 40-ton construction machine. He was only trying to free a stuck bulldozer... Read on.
License to Spill (near miss)
New Jersey | Traffic officer Michael Trotter responded to assist the Newark Fire Department with a man who had suffered injuries from a crash--while driving a motorized barstool! Read on.
Halloween and Darwin Awards go together like blood and guts. We wacko's at Darwin Award Central thought it might be fun to manufacture a set of Darwin-themed costumes for Halloween. But we were stumped for ideas.
What's your idea for a Darwin Award costume?
Hot Buns (near miss)
Welcome to Sweden. Home of Swedish massage, Swedish cuckoos, and one Swedish meatball who decided to warm himself in an industrial strength oven. The incident took place in freezing February... Read on.
Payback (darwin award)
Serbia | 23-year-old Strahinja Raseta was wanted by Croatian police for murder, as well as for a spectacular robbery of a central post office. He fled to Serbia to evade the law. But even bad guys have friends... Read on.

"Just think how stupid the average person is,
and then realize that half of them
are even stupider!"
--George Carlin

Mortar Fire (near miss)
This moment of blissfully pure and unadulterated stupidity happened while I was building custom exhausts on a series of hot rods. Due to the exacting workmanship required, I did these jobs after hours when I wasn't distracted... Read on.
Chutes and Spills (near miss)
Iraq | A group of Marines located some surplus parachutes that had been taken out of active circulation. The silk chutes were good for nothing more than providing shade in Iraq--or midsummer mischief... Read on.
There is occasional dissatisfaction with the Darwin Awards Rules age limit, normally set at 16. Says moonflake, "It's a pity. This ex-idiot is a perfect candidate, but was only 15: 'The group of boys said they were train surfing in memory of three friends who died doing the same thing last Friday. One boy fell off the train and died on the scene.' I have no words."

What do you think, should this fifteen-year-old win a Darwin Award?

Changes in Status:

Some true stories are unconfirmed until alert fans supply references. Other stories are labelled "confirmed" but new information reveals I was fooled. And some just shouldn't have been posted. Here are the latest updates:

Removed 'Severely Faithful'.

18 New Apropos Quotes!

Literary Reference

"Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." -Peter Ustinov

Don't miss our mottos!
"Chlorinating the Gene Pool"
"Where Evolution Hits the Pavement"
"Die and Learn"
"The Tree of Life is Self-Pruning"

Wendy "Darwin" Northcutt -- Interviews:
SV Mag > CNN >

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