The UK public has donated £79 million to the East Africa Crisis Appeal and this has helped 2.3 million people. Fundraising for this appeal is closed and money raised will be spent up to July 2013.

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Recent Appeals - Updates

  • 02/08/2012

    Pakistan: Two years after the 2010 floods, as member agencies conclude their DEC-funded work, we highlight the challenge of preventing and limiting future disasters.

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  • 12/07/2012

    Ethiopia: DEC member agency Tearfund working with local partners using appeal funds to build wells providing safe drinking water for 13,500 people.

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  • 11/07/2012

    Ethiopia: DEC member agency Age International is supporting vulnerable older people with cash grants and food items using East Africa appeal funds in Borena.

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How we spend your money

The DEC raises funds for its 14 member charities which are the UK's leading aid agencies.  We spend in the order of 90% of the money we raise on overseas aid work including supplies, staff and transport.

The DEC never spends more than 5% of the money it raises on fundraising. Our member agencies never spend more than 7% supporting their aid efforts from the UK.  This means the minimum spent on aid delivered overseas is 88%.

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What we do

The DEC brings together the leading UK aid agencies to finance relief for people affected by major disasters in poorer countries.

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DEC Blogs

More than 18m people in Niger, Mauritania, Mali, Chad & Burkina Faso face struggle for food.
Concrete examples of how our member agencies used the money you donated to provide help in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya.

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