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Bloggers' Roundtable
The Bloggers' Roundtable provides source material for stories in the blogosphere concerning the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Global War on Terrorism by bloggers and online journalists. Where available, this includes transcripts, biographies, related fact sheets and video.
September 2007
Sept. 19: U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner
Photo - U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner
Iraqi Citizens Crucial in Locating Terror Mastermind, Securing Country
WASHINGTON, Sept. 19, 2007 – Coalition forces have killed an al Qaeda leader who orchestrated a massive bombing in an impoverished Baghdad neighborhood, a U.S. military spokesman announced today. Story
Audio: Bloggers' Roundtable Transcript (pdf) Biography(pdf)
Sept. 18: U.S. Marine Maj. Gen. Douglas Stone
Photo - U.S. Marine Maj. Gen. Douglas Stone
Experts Work to Understand, Change Terrorist Detainees’ Minds
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18, 2007 – The general in charge of detainee operations in Iraq is working to understand the mindset of extremist terrorist detainees and cultivate a different way of thinking in dealing with them in what he calls “the battlefield of the mind.” Story
Audio: Bloggers' Roundtable Transcript (pdf) Biography(pdf)
Sept. 17: U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Gregory S. Zehner
Photo - U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Gregory S. Zehner
Sovereign Iraqi Government Depends on Rebuilding Strong Air Force
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2007 – Today’s assassination of an influential Sunni leader whose followers have been helping fight al Qaeda in Iraq will only bolster the war on insurgents, a chief spokesman of the Iraqi government said today. Story
Audio: Bloggers' Roundtable Transcript (pdf) Biography(pdf)
Sept. 13: Dr. Ali Mehdi Jawad Aldabbagh
Photo - Dr. Ali Mehdi Jawad Aldabbagh
Assassination Bolsters Resolve Against al Qaeda
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2007 – Today’s assassination of an influential Sunni leader whose followers have been helping fight al Qaeda in Iraq will only bolster the war on insurgents, a chief spokesman of the Iraqi government said today. Story
Audio: Bloggers' Roundtable Transcript (pdf) Biography(pdf)
Sept. 6: U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert R. Allardice
Photo - U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert R. Allardice
Iraqi Air Force Soars to New Heights
WASHINGTON, Sept. 6, 2007 – Iraq’s air force has added unprecedented personnel and aircraft in recent months and undertaken crucial missions, the commander of the Coalition Air Force Transition Team said today in Baghdad. Story
Audio: Bloggers' Roundtable Transcript (pdf) Biography(pdf)
Sept. 5: U.S. Army Col. Michael X. Garrett
Photo - No Photo Available
Coalition Rebuilds Iraq on Many Fronts
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7, 2007 – Rebuilding infrastructure, empowering local business leaders, and training Iraqi army forces are pieces of the full-spectrum approach being taken by coalition forces on the ground in Iraq, a U.S. military commander said this week. Story
Audio: Bloggers' Roundtable Transcript (pdf) Biography(pdf)
Sept. 5: U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Robert W. Cone
Photo - U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Robert W. Cone
Afghan Forces Take Lead to Secure Their Country
WASHINGTON, Sept. 5, 2007 – Afghan soldiers and police are increasingly taking the lead to bolster security in their country, U.S. military commanders said today from the Afghan capital of Kabul during a conference call with online journalists and “bloggers.” Story
Audio: Bloggers' Roundtable Transcript (pdf) Biography(pdf)
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