
Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights:  

An International Civil Rights Movement for the Victims of Jihad and Islamization


About Dhimmitude

Dhimmi is the status given to Jews and Christians under Islam. Throughout history, these religious minorities in Muslim lands have been oppressed and victimized.  Ending the culture of dhimmitude is a prerequisite for achieving peace and justice for all people in the Islamic world.


See the suffering of the Dhimmi under radical Muslim rule

Learn more about the history of the Dhimmi.

Join the struggle for religious equality and civil rights for all people in the Islamic world:

Sign our United States Petition for the Separation of Religious Rule from the State

Sign our European Union Petition for the Separation of Religious Rule from the State (English)

(French)     (German)    (Swedish)

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The Journal for the Study of Dhimmitude (JSD)


Articles that Review the Changes of Indigenous Cultures by Islamization


The Journal for the Study of Dhimmitude is an outlet for scholars and other observers to document the history, culture and civilization of those living in dhimmitude.  The Journal aims to promote an understanding of the contributions made by dhimmi peoples in Muslim dominant societies and to facilitate a dialogue between scholars on both sides of the umma/dhimmi divide.

Scholars and cultural observers are invited to submit articles that document the history, culture and civilization of those living in dhimmitude; promote an understanding of the contribution of dhimmi peoples to the culture and societies where Islam is dominant; facilitate dialogue between individuals on both sides of the umma/dhimmi divide; reveal the minority perspective of those living in Arab/Islamic societies; study the development of dhimmi cultures in Diaspora, and promote the preservation of their heritage; promote research into the classical languages which served as vehicles of the civilizations of the dhimmi peoples (Syriac, Coptic Spanish, Hebrew, Armenian, Aramean, Greek, Serb, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Avesta and Pahlavi; and, expose stereotypical notions regarding the dhimmis in Islamic lands.

The Editorial Board has set the content standards and view point. Our Editor will review and post to the web site, www.dhimmi.com monthly. Past articles will be available in the JSD Archive.  Submit to Editor: cdhr@dhimmi.com

Editorial Board: Owen Jones, Editor;  Bat Ye’or;  Suhail Ahmad Banglori;  Mary Beth Roderick


Current Articles

*Beginning May 1, 2007


