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Hayworth Pulls Within 7 Points Of McCain In AZ

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JD Hayworth
JD Hayworth, the immigration enforcement candidate, has moved up 10 points in the last 30 days against pro-amnesty incumbent John McCain in the Arizona Republican primary senate race. Obviously conservatives in Arizona have had about enough of McCain - and his faux-conservative views - and are finally throwing their support behind a more conservative candidate.

A new Rasmussen poll shows that Hayworth is at 41%, with McCain at 48%. Momentum is on Hayworth's side.

McCain for his part has tried to slander Hayworth with falsities pointing to groups that have endorsed him. Regarding illegal immigration, McCain put out a press release claiming that the group Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) was funded by the KKK and racists. McCain received this data from sources like the Southern Poverty Law Center - a pro-amnesty and anti-American group known for falsely dubbing patriotic Americans as racists and groups of hate.

This prompted a response from the President of ALIPAC William Gheen.

"The American public and media has seen some pretty wild and fictitious claims coming out of the McCain campaign in the last few weeks," said Gheen. "They've shown us two important things. One, McCain is running like a candidate that is behind and losing. Two, McCain is using the same kind of D.C. insider dirty politics that Americans are sick of."

The fact that McCain would stoop to this level of attack and try to brand his opponent as a racist using false information should make everyone in Arizona's ears perk up. Flat out lies are what McCain is basing his campaign on. McCain was co-author, with the late Ted Kennedy, of the McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill. After Hayworth entered the race McCain tried to claim that he has never endorsed amnesty. Something that should make anyone over the age of 3 fall out of their chairs, as it was only a few years ago that he sponsored the bill in the senate.

I believe that issues - like a firm stance for enforcement of immigration laws - are what are driving Hayworth up in the polls. Arizonans have lived with McCain for the nearly 30 years and have realized that now McCain has gone too far to hide his liberal tendencies. There were even rumors just prior to September 11, 2001 that McCain was thinking of switching to the Democrat Party. That all changed after the terrorist attacks, but McCain's beliefs have not and Arizonans are coming out of their slumber.

You can support JD by going to the JD Hayworth for Senate website.

Posted March 18, 2010 07:28 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) |

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Defeat Amnesty In Four Days With Only A Few Minutes Of Your Time - Starting Friday

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With the coming march of illegal aliens and their supporters in Washington DC on March 21, it is time that We the American People stand up and be heard. NumbersUSA is running a campaign called S.T.O.P., a four day campaign to derail amnesty before it begins. Stop Stands for Speak Out, Teach, Organize and Protect and each item represents an action for that day.

This campaign will not take up much of your time, but will have a major impact on the coming amnesty push by those who support illegal aliens.

The first of those days is Friday, March 19 where hundreds of congressional offices throughout this country will be visited by those opposing amnesty at 1:30PM EST. This is not a large rally or protest, but a reiteration of the American people stating that they do not support amnesty for illegal aliens. Even if your congressional representative opposes amnesty you still should show up to remind them that you do as well.

Simply show up at your representative's office - preferably with a few friends - and make it clear that you do not support amnesty, that the majority of Americans do not support amnesty and that you expect them to oppose it in any form as well. Then deliver a signed letter of your statement. NumbersUSA has a sample of that letter you can use here.

I'll be heading to my rep's office even though he does not support amnesty, it is important to put this in their minds because they will be hearing word of illegal marching on Washington.

Saturday, NumbersUSA will be allowing you to fax congressional offices to oppose amnesty for free (it's always free) at their website NumbersUSA.com

Sunday, Roy Beck president of NumbersUSA will be on the Mall in Washington DC at the protest broadcast a webcast covering the illegal alien event.

Monday, a call in campaign to representative's offices in Washington DC. Give your congressiona rep a call and state that you oppose amnesty for illegal aliens in any form.

This campaign in total will only take a few minutes of your time, but could drastically change the course of the coming amnesty push. I ask that you participate and spread the word. Most of your representative's offices are not too far away and a 5 minute visit will make your voice be heard.

More at the NumbersUSA STOP page

Posted March 17, 2010 03:15 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) |

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Dick Armey: Illegals Should Be Able To Stay - Tancredo Destructive

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Dick Armey pro amnesty for illegal aliens

So, Dick Armey is running around bashing Tom Tancredo and anyone opposed to illegal immigration once again. It is par for the course for Dick Armey. He now says that when he was majority leader he was sure to clamp down on allowing Tancredo any time to talk about immigration - because Armey didn't agree with his views. Armey supports mass illegal immigration and amnesty. He is now saying that Tancredo is "destructive" to the Republican Party because he believes immigration laws should be enforced.

“When I was the majority leader, I saw to it that Tom Tancredo did not get on the stage because I saw how destructive he was,” Armey said of the Colorado congressman and 2008 Republican presidential candidate known for his opposition to illegal immigration.

Armey is the head of the group FreedomWorks, a group that has been trying to hijack the Tea Party movement to push their agenda and to push the Republican machine. This agenda for FreedomWorks includes amnesty for illegal aliens.

Armey recently pulled out the tired illegal alien pandering statement at the National Press Club that "this is a nation of immigrants" - a ridiculous statement that disavows all of the contributions to this country of those who were actually born here and have contributed. As a matter of fact Mr. Armey should realize that the majority of the people in this country are not immigrants, but those who were born on US soil.

From the 9/12/09 Tea Party in DC
Of course to people like Armey that is something that should be brushed aside as it doesn't fit into his emotional argument he is trying to lay on the American people that we are all poor immigrants living with holes in our shoes and pushing on through the dustbowl as we pound on railroad spikes the ground. *Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

As we all know only immigrants, both legal and illegal have ever done anything productive in this country right? The rest of us are just hangers-on. A statement that comes right out of the playbook of La Raza and MeCHA and other race based groups who want to paint Americans as evil, lazy and worthless people.

Armey went on to say that if you work and pay your taxes - and here is the key - “if you love America, love freedom”, you should be welcome in America.

And that is where Armey falls flat on his face. Let's destroy these arguments one by one shall we?

First, as the first act in coming to America, illegal aliens break the law. To me that shows that you don't value America, you don't love it.

Second, they are not coming here for the love of freedom, they are coming here to make money illegally to send back to their country. That is not a love of freedom.

Third, illegal aliens pay taxes? You have really got to be kidding me here Armey. Sure I'll give you that they pay sales tax, it is hard to get around that. But to think that illegal aliens file their taxes when they owe money is absolutely ludicrous. Who in their right mind would file taxes when they owe, made the money illegally and have no valid Social Security Number? The only time you will catch an illegal alien filing taxes is if they have a corrupt accountant that works with illegal aliens to bilk the American Taxpayers out of getting a refund through things like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EIC) which will give them thousands for simply having children. Illegal aliens pay taxes... pfft.

Fourth, work. There's not much to say here. Like everyone else in this country, there are illegal aliens who work and there are illegal aliens who don't work and then there are the illegal aliens who are working the system. Fraud and welfare and health care are all worked over by illegal aliens. There are many who work, but really, with all of the other detriments that illegal aliens bring to this country, working does not make up for them. There are plenty of Americans right now who would like to work too.

In the end it comes down to this. Dick Armey favors illegal aliens over Americans. If an American obeys the law, loves freedom, loves America, works hard and pays his taxes, well in Dick Armey's mind they should also be saddled with footing the bill for illegal aliens by having even more money wrung from their wallets and pocketbooks. It is an absolutely disgusting thing for someone to believe, but Armey said it himself.

As for Armey clamping down on Tancredo, well he said it outright at the beginning of this article. He believes Tancredo is destructive to the Republican Party on immigration. Because for Armey it is not about what is right for America, it is all about the Republican Party.

Continue reading "Dick Armey: Illegals Should Be Able To Stay - Tancredo Destructive"

Posted March 17, 2010 01:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (21) |

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Bashing Tea Parties As Racist - Coffee Party Turns Out To Be Mostly White

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Coffee Party Arizona
Coffee Party Arizona

I find it quite hilarious that after a year of bashing the Tea Parties as being racist because they say that the majority of participants are white, the Coffee Party was not exactly a bastion of diversity. And it isn't the Tea Partiers pointing out this fact, one black fellow who attended a local Coffee Party pointed out the lack of diversity at the
"Coffee Party"

So is the Coffee Party a bunch of racists? I'll be waiting for commentary from the left wing media on this lack of "color" within their movement.

Coffee Party Florida
Coffee Party Florida

Palm Beach Post

“Diversity” was advertised as a prominent feature of the “coffee party” movement that held hundreds of gatherings Saturday to counter the conservative tea party movement.

But the meeting of about 40 people in West Palm Beach was predominantly white, and a perusal of Coffee Party USA photos from around the nation on Flickr.com shows mostly white faces.

I’m a little surprised that there aren’t more young people and more people of color. I’m glad to see these people, though,” said Phil Stelly of North Palm Beach, who is 54 and black. He left early from Saturday’s meeting at a Panera Bread restaurant, but said he remains interested in the nascent group.

The fact is you can't force diversity. The sooner people realize that the better. If someone "of color" feels they have something to lose they will stand up and fight for it! However, the left in this country is fighting for give-aways and there's not as fierce a reaction as when one is fighting for what they have earned. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

Coffee Party North Carolina
Coffee Party North Carolina

Tipped by: Joyce Kaufman

Posted March 15, 2010 02:40 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) |

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See Inside One Of Those 'Coffee Party' Meetings [Video]

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I have to admit, the first time I heard there was a bunch of lefties starting a "Coffee Party" "Movement" I laughed out loud. Mainly because these were the same group of people who accused he grassroots Tea Party movement of not knowing their history. They were saying that Tea Partiers didn't understand the Boston Tea Party.

This same group of people then goes off and opens a "new Movement" based off of the Tea Party name that has absolutely no historical relation to anything at all. There was no "Boston Coffee Party". So it just boggled my mind that these hypocrites were going to try to base something of off the modern Tea Party movement with no catalyst. The catalyst for the Tea Parties was Rick Santelli of CNBC going off on the floor of the Chicago Exchange about how things are so bad we need a Tea Party... and so it began.

There was no catalyst for the "Coffee Party", other than some low level lackey of Obama who decided it sounded like a good idea. And of course the Tea Party, with millions of participants across the country last April, was totally ignored by the press. The "Coffee Party"? Well they got top billing every hour on CNN all day for their little, tiny meetings.

The "Coffee Party" has no prime objective. The Tea Parties were for limited government, low taxes and for the government to get the hell out of our daily life and our way so we can continue producing in this country.

The "Coffee Party"? Well they do have a few things mentioned...

Daily Caller

One participant ... said the biggest difference between the Coffee Party and the Tea Party is that they believe the federal government is not something that should necessarily be demonized.

There is a huge difference here. I believe every single decision the government makes should be questioned with skepticism. It is a representative government and you should always question what your representative is doing. To believe that the government is your good friend and only does good things is really quite ignorant. And yes, when they make a bad decision they should be demonized and rallied against.

Another participant said the United States should not even exist.

... one participant said he feels strongly about immigration reform, explaining “everyone should live where they want to live.”

That is exactly what he is saying above, the United States shouldn't exist. There should be no borders and everyone should live wherever they want.

The people mentioned above wonder why there is a split in this country. There is a split because someone like myself cannot work with non-thinking emotional wrecks like those above. One thinks it would be great if 50 million tribal people moved into my neighborhood and started performing ritual sacrifice. Hell, with his statement, they should even be able to move right into my house with me, without my permission. The other guy thinks everyone should just bow down to the government.

Umm, no thanks. You can take your latte and shove it.

Below is a video inside a "Coffee Party" These people are griping about little insidious things that are not a top priority threatening this country. And this group wonders why nobody is going to take them seriously.

Posted March 15, 2010 01:17 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) |

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US Consulate Worker And Husband Killed In Mexico

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Mexico is dangerous. Don't go there. And if you ignore my advice and do go there, watch your back if you go to a birthday party or you may be gunned down in a drive-by shooting as a husband and wife attached to the US Consulate were on Saturday leaving their child an orphan and crying in the back seat.

It has now escalated to the point where the drug cartels are attacking and killing American Consulate workers. This is simply outrageous and if you are not a little perturbed let me flip the story around... what if a Mexican Consulate worker and her husband were executed while driving away from a birthday party here in the United States? America would be branded as a hateful nation and there would be those coming out saying it was some right wing extremists.

Don't go to Mexico. More people died in the wars in Mexico last year over control power and drugs than two 9/11 attacks. More died than we lost servicemen in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. 7,600 according to the press in Mexico for 2009. This doesn't take into account the sheer terror many live under in that country. Why would you want to voluntarily go there?


Three people connected to the U.S. consulate in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, were killed in a drive-by shooting in the violent border city...

One of the victims was an American employee at the consulate. Her husband and the husband of a Mexican employee of the consulate were also killed. The shooting happened Saturday afternoon, the official said.


"The President is deeply saddened and outraged by the news of the brutal murders of three people associated with the United States Consulate General in Ciudad Juarez," National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer said in a statement Sunday. "He extends his condolences to the families and condemns these attacks on consular and diplomatic personnel serving at our foreign missions. In concert with Mexican authorities, we will work tirelessly to bring their killers to justice."

Sure, whatever Obama. Why don't you go there and appologize for having consulate workers in their country, after all isn't it always America's fault?

And secure the damn border already! This stuff is happening just blocks away from El Paso on the other side of the border.

Other Commentary:

One Old Vet

Posted March 15, 2010 12:42 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) |

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Illegal Aliens Cost LA County Over $1.5 Billion Per Year - Not Including Education

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Michael Antonovich
One county in one state, that is what Los Angeles County is in the grand scheme of things. Just one county among the 3,100+ that encompass the whole of the United States. This one county though is facing an unparalleled burden of shouldering over $1 billion dollars per year in spending on illegal aliens and their children. This number does not even include the costs of education and other expenses not mentioned in the report below by Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.

LA County spent $50 million in January alone for food stamps and other welfare services. That's per month. Lets calculate this... 50 x 12, $600 million, then add in the $500 million for the health care mentioned int e report below and the $350 million for public safety... I have no problem stating that the true numbers are probably more than $1.5 billion annually - still not including education. And that's just public spending through the government, imagine the private costs people are paying in terms of higher insurance rates to cover all the illegal alien drivers without insurance who get in accidents... or the expense people are paying due to being victims of identity theft when an illegal steals their identity to get a job or housing (and the depression that occurs when you get a tax due notice from the IRS for monies you didn't earn).

So it's $600 million a year now eh? I've been following this trend for a while. In April 2007, LA County reported that illegal aliens were using $35 million per month in CalWorks and Food Stamps. By August 2008 that number had crept to $37 million per month. A year and a half later it is now up to $50 million per month. If you've been hearing that illegal aliens are leaving the United States, you're being lied to. The numbers prove out the truth.

This is all fraudulent monies obtained by illegal aliens and if there is a mass amnesty passed for illegal aliens this number is surely to triple or quadruple. I kind of wonder exactly how friendly Los Angelenos are going to be to their new legal residents when they bring their whole families to the county and push that number above to $3-$4 billion per year. Of course people who live there are not thinking logically or thinking ahead. Many of them are sympathetic supporters of illegal aliens. If they thought parts of Los Angeles were bad now, wait until a tripling of public service users hit their county.

Education expenses can't be ignored though as they are so large as to dwarf any talk of the costs of enforcing immigration laws or building a border fence. illegal aliens cost California nearly $9 billion a year in education expenses, according to a 2004 report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform. A report from the same group in 2005 entitled "Breaking the Piggy Bank: How Illegal Immigration is Sending Schools Into the Red" put the national costs - not include free and low cost lunches or English as a Second Language (ESL) - at $28.6 billion per year. Mind you these reports are years old and the population of illegals and their children has grown substantially.

The Signal

Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich released figures from the Department of Public Social Services showing that illegal aliens' children born in the United States collected more than $50 million in welfare benefits (CALWORKS + Food Stamps) for the month of January.

Approximately 23 percent of all CALWORKS and food stamp issuances in Los Angeles County are made to parents who reside in the United States illegally and collect benefits for their native-born children.

"When you add this to $350 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year - not including the millions of dollars for education," Antonovich said.

Posted March 12, 2010 10:51 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) |

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The 'Anti' Slander

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There's nothing more untruthful or telling about a persons character than when they use any tactic they can to win an argument - particularly when they don't have logic or public opinion on their side . This is quite clear in recent debates over key issues in this country. Reason and facts go out the window and one side simply tries to demonize the other and paint them in as negative a light as possible. This doesn't just come down to putting images of their opponent out there as Hitler or in some other negative light, but in the slight of speech they roll of their tongues with ease.

In the immigration debate this can be seen quite clearly by what I call The "Anti" Slander. Those in favor of our laws being enforced, with good reason, are labeled by the press and their opponents as anti-illegal immigration at best and simply anti-immigration or racist at worst. They use the word "anti" because it is a negative term and they hope to paint their opponents arguments - and the people delivering them - in as bad a light as possible.

Those actually calling for immigration laws to be enforced are pro-enforcement. They simply want the laws enforced and have many facts to back them up as to why. Their opponents though would never use such a term as "pro" to describe them though as it includes a positive connotation. The insinuation from them that pro-enforcement immigration activists are anti-immigration though is totally ludicrous and false and those spewing it are anti-truth.

Sure there are some in the pro-enforcement community who want to stop legal immigration for a time until we can get our borders and system under control. They have logical concerns, from homeland security to fiscal reality to assimilation issues. Those people aren't anti-immigration at all, they are pro-reform and many have no problems with immigration continuing once the system is fixed.

It doesn't take much to see this playing out on other issues as well. When flipping around the TV this morning and skipping past MSNBC I noted that they didn't refer to Democrats opposed to health care reform because of the public funding of abortion as pro-life, no they dubbed them anti-abortion. Another negative slam simply because NBC thinks that the president's health care reform should be passed. They couldn't refer to them as pro-life Democrats because that would sound a little too positive and give their arguments some credibility to be thought about by the average liberal watching MSNBC (who in general agree with them and like the little snide negative remark).

Those using such terms know what they are doing and are quite conscience of their actions. It is telling about their character in the long run though, that their position is so weak that they must go into the swamp of disgust and pull out every slimy tactic they can.

Posted March 12, 2010 10:16 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) |

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Letter From A Californian On Illegal Immigration

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I received this from Andrea, a third generation American whose grandfather came to America legally from Armenia. She has watched her state and town deteriorate under the weight of illegal immigration.


As a 3rd generation California resident, (my family has been here since my grandfather escaped the Armenian Genocide and came to the U.S. legally), I have seen the damage done to our neighborhoods due to the illegal aliens.

It's amazing that now that most jobs in the San Fernando Valley won't even hire you unless you speak Spanish. My Grandfather always spoke English once he arrived to this country, and would never speak Armenian, because he said he was a American now.

My grandfather also never wanted the taxpayers to pay for his services, that is why he payed for his children, and his grandchildren to attend private schools. He loved the U.S. because of all it had to offer, and the fact that he could come here work hard, and have a better life.

How is it, that many people come to our country, the wrong way, skipping the legal process, and expect us to just hand them everything our great country has to offer? It's funny to me, that the immigrants who come here legally, tend to be hard working and end up being very successful, but the ones who sneak into this country, tend to do nothing but complain that they are being held back, and are being stripped of their rights?

As for the people who claim we get so much from illegals coming to this country and working, I would love to know exactly what they think most of us paying our taxes are getting out of it exactly? As for the fruit and vegetables I tend to buy, there is usually a sticker saying that my produce came from another country on it, not from the US. I don't have a maid, so I clean up after myself. I don't eat fast food, (but during my teen's I used to work at one), so I don't need whoever is behind the counter that is barely speaking English to serve me.

My lawn is maintained by my husband, so no gardener for us. It seems like the only thing I'm getting out of the illegals are high taxes to pay for their stays in prison (over 60% off gang members are illegal aliens), paying for their children to attend public schools, giving them affordable housing, their medical bills (meanwhile hospitals are just disappearing due to the lack of funding), and higher car insurance rates because so many people are driving around without it.

I'm not opposed to people coming to this country, but they should be coming here legally (don't start your new life here by breaking the law), and show some pride in this country. Remember the old saying, "When In Rome...."


Posted March 12, 2010 12:21 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) |

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Lindsey Graham Tells Obama Time To "Step It Up" On Amnesty

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Passing the torch for amnesty

John McCain is facing re-election in Arizona and has stepped back from his wildly unpopular stance on being the front man for amnesty for illegal aliens. Therefore he has temporarily passed the torch on to SC Senator Lindsey Graham for the time being in order to avoid the issue. That's how it's panning out on the Right Side of the aisle in the Senate.

On the Left Side of the aisle, the amnesty torch that Ted Kennedy left upon his death has been picked up by NY Senator Chuck Schumer.

Thus we have gone from the McKennedy amnesty bill to the Scrahmnesty amnesty bill for illegal aliens.

Graham and Schumer have been putting their time over the last 6 months into trying to figure out how to fool the American people into thinking that amnesty for the 20-30 million illegal aliens (and then an influx of 50 million once their families are brought here) will somehow be to their benefit and not have any impact on their daily lives, taxes, services, congestion or jobs. Another thing they have been trying to figure out is how to fool the American people into thinking that after this amnesty the immigration laws will actually be enforced - something the American people were lied to about in 1986 when the first "one time amnesty" occurred.

Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice...

Any citizen in this country who actually believes that the immigration laws will actually be enforced if another amnesty for illegal aliens is passed is a complete and utter fool. I don't say that lightly either. I generally believe that most people are intelligent enough to figure things out, but with the continued reoccurring of amnesty legislation - and without massive public outcry at the current immigration laws not being enforced - it makes me wonder. Sure, poll after poll finds that more than 80% of Americans oppose an amnesty, but you sure wouldn't know that by looking at the streets. A lot of talk and no action.

Will this time be different though? Will people actually get out there and speak out before it comes down to having to shut the Capitol switchboards down as we did in June 2007? Can we shut down amnesty before it even reaches the floor? I sure hope so.

Graham is going around shooting his mouth off recently telling Politico that Obama needs to "step it up" on a push for amnesty for illegal aliens. Graham and Schumer are going to meet with President Obama on Thursday to put forth their plans, tactics and proposals for another amnesty. Illegal aliens and their supporters are also planning a march in Washington on March 21, 2010 to push for amnesty.

I hope that you will join with other Americans in the coming days to shut down this ridiculousness before it even gets started.


“At the end of the day, the president needs to step it up a little bit,” Graham told POLITICO on Tuesday. “One line in the State of the Union is not going to do it.”

For the past six months, Graham and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) - who meet with Obama at 3 p.m. Thursday - have worked on a reform framework. Their plan, which hasn’t been introduced yet, includes a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants

Posted March 11, 2010 12:58 AM | Permalink | Comments (3) |

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