Tuesday, December 14, 2010

DOJ Sues to Make School District Pay for Teacher to Go to Hajj

Separation of Church and State does not apply to Muslims in the Obama administration:
The Justice Department is suing a Chicago-area school district for not allowing a Muslim teacher to take time off to make a religious pilgrimage to Mecca.
Would the DOJ sue to get a Christian teacher time off to visit the Holy Land? Or a Jewish teacher to visit the Wailing Wall?

Doubtful. But a Muslim teacher hired less than three years ago has a Constitutional right to worship the Cube. At taxpayer expense.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Madoff's Son a Martyr to Our Selfishness

Mark Madoff, 46, son of infamous Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff, apparently hanged himself in his Manhattan apartment.

Here's a man who became accustomed to a certain standard of living based, without his knowledge, upon crimes committed by his father. Following Bernie Madoff's conviction, most of his vast, ill-gotten fortune was confiscated by the government, leaving his family relative paupers.

Why should the children be made to suffer for the sins of the parents?

Madoff's despair cries out for passage of the DREAM Act, allowing the children of illegals to hang on to the manifold benefits of American society - stolen fair and square by their parents.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

7 December, 1941

Day of infamy. Day of destruction. Day of shock and death and terror that echoes through generations.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Barbarians at the Gate

This weekend in Syracuse:
Rashad Walker Jr. died in a child car seat as he sat with his parents in a minivan parked on a street in the territory of the 110 gang. The shooting was in retaliation for a shooting Friday night that injured two, Fowler said.

Rashad Walker Sr. is a member of the 110 gang, Fowler said. The shooter, Saquan L. Evans, 21, of 1818 S. Salina St., is a member of the Bricktown gang and is on parole, Fowler said.

Sunday evening, Evans fired a gun into the back of a Chrysler minivan, missing Walker Sr., Fowler said. A bullet struck Walker Jr. in the head, causing the child’s death, Fowler said.
And what would the baby's father say to the shooter if he had the chance?
Asked if he had anything to say to the alleged gunman, Walker replied, “Missed me.”
This is the difference between being a father and being a dad. Also, between being a decent human being and being a piece of shit.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bachmann Calls a Spade a Spade

While some in Congress hope to use the lame duck session to spread a little more pork on the Pigford II scam settlement, Michelle Bachmann isn't having any:

Monday, November 29, 2010

Millions of 'Closeted' Atheists in America?

Atheist activist David Silverman appeared on Fox News to insist to delectable newsbabe Megyn Kelly that there are "fifty million" atheists in the US, most of them "closeted." Silverman further claimed "millions" in the NYC area alone. That's why his organization put up this billboard:

Put aside the fact that Silverman, supposedly defending reason and logic, doesn't seem to realize that his sterile faith tradition recognizes no meaning or purpose in the universe, thus, his efforts are simply a symptom of his personal surrender of reason and logic to his own emotional turmoil.

What really beclowns Silverman is his insistence that the traditional greeting "Merry Christmas" is inappropriate and should be replaced with "Happy Holidays."

The word "holiday" comes from Old English "halig daeg," meaning "holy day." Now there's an atheistic greeting if I ever heard one.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Congress Moves Decisively During Busy Lame Duck Session to Honor Hobos

Dust off your bindles and get ready for some cutting edge melancholy harmonica sucking when your busy, busy Congress pushes aside major tax legislation (it's not even on the schedule) in order to address the vital National Homeless Persons Memorial Day issue.

Yeah, I know hobos aren't synonomous with homeless people, but I'm still fighting off the tryptophan and I didn't want to get into a discussion about the differences between hobos, tramps, bums, and the Democratic base.