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How the Economy was Lost by Paul Craig Roberts
How the Economy was Lost by Paul Craig Roberts
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The US economy has disintegrated, and with it into the abyss plummet the blueprints of neoliberal economists, whose theories about "the free market" have now gone the way of medieval alchemy. No voice has been stronger, no prose more forceful, than that of Paul Craig Roberts in predicting collapse. His weekly columns in CounterPunch have won an audience of millions around the world, grateful for a trained economist who can explain lucidly how the well-being of the planet has been held hostage by the gangster elite. Now Dr. Roberts has written the shortest, sharpest outline of economics for the twenty-first century ever put between book covers. He traces the path to ruin and lays out the choices that must be made. There is the "empty world" of corporate exploitation, abetted by the vast majority of economists; or the "full world" of responsible management and distribution of our resources. Amid crisis, this is the guide you've been waiting for.
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Yellowstone Drift
Yellowstone Drift
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In a time when everything seems to be regulated, controlled, and monitored, Yellowstone Drift is a refreshing and often exhilarating look at the natural wonder of Montana's Yellowstone River. High above sea level in the mountains of the Yellowstone National Park plateau, the river tumbles and rushes down to the Paradise Valley just north of Livingston, Montana, before meandering through the northern high plains for well over five hundred serpentine miles to its confluence with the Missouri River in North Dakota. John Holt, the Hunter S. Thompson of fly-fishing writing, in his customary free-form, anecdotal style and oblique vision, takes the reader on a wild ride down this natural treasure, examining the wildlife, the people, the fishing, and the river itself.
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Waiting for Lightning to Strike
Waiting for Lightning to Strike
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The year that saw an African American run for the presidency—as a viable contender—for the first time in US history also witnessed a truly remarkable silence—one that was scarcely coincidental. In all the millions of words written about the political ascent of one black man, there was virtually nothing about the descent of black leadership into well-nigh total ineffectiveness. Barack Obama’s personal itinerary was mapped in the minutest detail. The larger itinerary of African Americans was mostly ignored.

Kevin Alexander Gray is a civil rights organizer in South Carolina. He is also a contributing editor to Black News, a former President of the SC ACLU, and was Jesse Jackson's SC campaign manager in 1988. There’s no keener mind, no sharper eye focused on the condition of black politics.
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End Times: The Death of the Fourth Estate
End Times: The Death of the Fourth Estate
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End Times describes the crisis of the old Fourth Estate: declining profits, lowered credibility,as evinced by the Judy Miller and Wen Ho Lee scandals. Wherever one looks, from the plunging profit margins of the New York Times, of the Los Angeles Times, to the death of the old alternative weekly market – marked by the take over of the Village Voice by Phoenix-based New Times – we find the omens of doom. St Clair and Cockburn set them forth and say Good Riddance. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.

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Spell Albuquerque
Spell Albuquerque
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Spell Albuquerque is an inspiring memoir of one woman's struggle to overcome racism and institutional authority and to achieve what everyone said was impossible.
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Hammered by the Irish by Harry Browne
Hammered by the Irish by Harry Browne
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The true story of an act of conscience that touched hearts and minds, in an epic of popular resistance. Author Harry Browne is a journalism lecturer at the Dublin Institute of Technology.
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The Case Against Israel
The Case Against Israel
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The Case Against Israel by Michael Neumann, professor of philosophy at Trent University, systematically dismantles the rationales for Israel put forward by Alan Dershowitz and other defenders of the Zionist state. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.
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The Politics of Anti-Semitism
The Politics of Anti-Semitism
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The Politics of Anti-Semitism, edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, confronts how the slur of "anti-semite" has been used to intimidate critics of Israel's abuse of Palestinians. It includes essays by Uri Avnery, Edward Said, Michael Neumann and Bill and Kathy Christison and more. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.
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How the Irish Invented Slang: The Secret Language of the Crossroads
How the Irish Invented Slang: The Secret Language of the Crossroads
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In a series of lively essays, this pioneering book proves that U.S. slang has its strongest wellsprings in nineteenth-century Irish America. "Jazz" and "poker", "sucker" and "scam" all derive from Irish. While Demostrating this, Daniel Cassidy simultaneously traces the hidden history of how Ireland fashioned America, not just linguistically, but through the Irish gambling underworld, urban street gangs, and the powerful political machines that grew out of them. Cassidy uncovers a secret national heritage, long discounted by our WASP-dominated culture. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.
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Born Under a Bad Sky
Born Under a Bad Sky
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Enter a world that is part Hieronymus Bosch and part Georgia O'Keefe. This is not only a savage philippic against the foulers of Nature's temple, but an homage to the planet itself. There is beauty as well as horrors here. These dispatches are from the frontlines of the war on Earth. Gird yourself!
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Other Lands Have Dreams
Other Lands Have Dreams
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By Kathy Kelly. Other Lands Have Dreams: From Baghdad to Pekin Prison is Kathy Kelly's gripping account of her time in Iraq from the first Gulf War through the misery of 12 years of sanctions to US invasion that began with Operation Shock and Awe and continues with the bloody Occupation. Kelly, a founder of Voices in the Wilderness, returned to the US to face a federal prison sentence for protesting at the School of the Americas, the torture and assassin training-ground at Ft. Benning, Georgia. From her cell, Kelly recounts in vivid and harrowing detail the miserable conditions inside US prisons, where young mothers are sealed away in the name of the merciless war on drugs. A stunning book by a true American hero. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.
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Been Brown So Long It Looked Like Green To Me
Been Brown So Long It Looked Like Green To Me
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Been Brown So Long It Looked Like Green to Me by Jeffrey St. Clair is a merciless account of how politicians of both parties have waged war upon the environment, from Alaska to Yellowstone, from the redwoods to the coal mines of West Virginia. "St. Clair is the Seymour Hersh of environmental journalism." Josh Frank. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.
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Dime's Worth of Difference
Dime's Worth of Difference
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Why the Democrats lost to Bush and why it likely won't matter even if they somehow win back the White House and Congress. Essays by Alexander Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair, JoAnn Wypijewski, Vijay Prashad, Gabriel Kolko and more. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.
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A Bush & Botox World: Travels Through Bush's America
A Bush & Botox World: Travels Through Bush's America
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By Saul Landau. Foreward by Gore Vidal. Botox promoters promise to wipe away wrinkles, the signs of aging- the signs of time passing. Such "eternal youth" potions metophorically help erase the very notion of time itself. In a phony world, increasingly dependent on smoke and mirrors, it is no wonder we look at elected officials like a cheap circus act. Saul Landau travels in and out of America, from the stress-filled cultures of Southern California business people and poor towns in Texas, to the wildly booming streets of Hanoi and temples of Angkor Wat, to muse on just how low we have sunk. The book explores the ironies of a time in which science uncovers the genetic code and masters of physics of instant global communication technology, while bible thumpers and talkers to Christ advocate medieval crusades to spread their order to infidels. gore Vidal provides a scabrously funny introduction to a book by an author he "loves to steal ideas from."
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Serpents in the Garden: Liaisons with Culture and Sex
Serpents in the Garden: Liaisons with Culture and Sex
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A steaming collection of essays on sex, music, art, architecture and culture from the editors and writers of CounterPunch, including a trip inside the Kinsey Institute, an exposition on the links between Angelina Jolie and the French Revolution, the transcripts of the stage tapes from Bob Dylan's infamous electric performance at Newport in 1964 that prove they weren't booing him but the ridiculous Peter Yarrow, and much, much more. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.
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Al Gore: A User's Manual
Al Gore: A User's Manual
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What sort of a man is Al Gore? What's his real political record? This is the first unsparing look at the man whom his parents raised from birth to be president of the United States. Please see the book deals under other books to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.
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Five Days that Shook the World
Five Days that Shook the World

Five Days That Shook the World: Seattle and Beyond is Cockburn and St. Clair's gripping account of the WTO protests in Seattle and the crackdown by police there and in subsequent protests across the next year in Philly, DC and Los Angeles. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.
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Imperial Crusades
Imperial Crusades

Imperial Crusades: Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair is CounterPunch's scorching new chronicle of the last decade of war, from Clinton's assault on Yugoslavia to Bush Jr's wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.
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Audio CD Beating the Devil: The Incendiary Rants of Alexander Cockburn
Audio CD Beating the Devil: The Incendiary Rants of Alexander Cockburn
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Audio CD: This is a "wittiest of" maverick commentator Alexander Cockburn's talks. Whether he's skewering the fallacies of the drug war or illuminating the dark crevices of secret government, his erudite and extemporaneous style warms the hearts of even the stodgiest cynics of the left. Please see the book deals to avoid paying unnecessary shipping costs when purchasing two books.
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