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European politics

  • French politics

    The new government

    by S.P. | PARIS

    WHEN François Hollande, the French president, boldly appointed Manuel Valls, a reformist centre-left moderate, as his new prime minister on March 31st, he promised a fresh, lean “combat government”. Yet the team unveiled today by Mr Valls is odd. Most leading ministers kept their jobs. There were few newcomers. And the incoming finance minister, Michel Sapin, who replaces Pierre Moscovici, will share the building with Arnaud Montebourg, the meddling industry minister, who not only keeps that title but adds responsibility for “the economy” too.

    Those who stay in their posts include Laurent Fabius, as foreign minister, and Jean-Yves Le Drian at defence.

  • French politics

    A bold move

    by S.P. | PARIS

    CRUSHED by defeat at French local elections, President François Hollande reacted this evening with uncharacteristic boldness, firing his prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, and replacing him with Manuel Valls, the ambitious, centre-left interior minister. Mr Hollande’s rout at the polls on March 30th, when his Socialist Party lost over 150 big towns to the right and far right, made it impossible even for the cautious president to continue with the old regime. His choice of Mr Valls is as risky as it is potentially encouraging for economic reform in France.

    The decision to appoint the 51-year-old Mr Valls came at the end of a long day of consultations and rumours in Paris.

  • Turkey's local elections

    A referendum on Erdogan's rule

    by A.Z. | ISTANBUL

    TURKEY’S prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, claimed victory after his party performed strongly in nationwide local polls that were billed as a referendum on his rule. With 98% of the ballots counted, his ruling Justice and Development (AK) party had bagged just over 45% of the vote. This strong showing in the face of corruption allegations against Mr Erdogan, his children and senior AK officials gives Mr Erdogan a mandate to run for the presidency when it becomes free in August.

    Addressing party supporters from the balcony of his party’s headquarters in Ankara, a triumphant Mr Erdogan hinted that his next move would be upstairs to the Cankaya palace, the seat of the president.

  • France's local elections

    Devastating losses for the Socialists

    by S.P. | PARIS

    A CRUSHING defeat at French local elections has intensified pressure on François Hollande to reshuffle his government. At a second round of voting on March 30th, Mr Hollande’s Socialist Party lost over 150 towns, most of them to the opposition centre-right. This morning, the French president was holed up at the Elysée, the presidential palace, consulting close advisers over reshuffle plans, which could be announced as early as today.

    The Socialist losses were devastating. Although, as expected, the party hung on to Paris, where Anne Hidalgo becomes the capital’s first female mayor, the rest of the country snubbed the ruling party.

  • French politics

    How to read today's local-election results

    by S.P. | PARIS

    THANKS to a law on local political representation passed after the 1789 revolution, France has more than 36,000 elected mayors across the country. But the final results this evening after the second round of voting in local elections will be determined by voting in just a fraction of them. Which are the towns to look out for? And where are the critical battlegrounds for President François Hollande’s governing Socialist Party?

    The most symbolic city that the Socialists hope to keep is the capital, Paris. For its all-female run-off, polls have consistently favoured the Socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo, against her rival from the centre-right UMP party, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet.

  • French politics

    Marine Le Pen's triumph

    by S.P. | PARIS

    FOR Libération, it was a “slap in the face”. For Le Monde, another daily newspaper, it was an “earthquake”. The first round of voting in French municipal elections on March 23rd was a clear snub to François Hollande, the French president, whose Socialist Party did worse than polls had predicted in several towns. If there was a symbolic victor ahead of the second round of voting on March 30th, it was Marine Le Pen (pictured), the leader of the populist National Front.

    First-round voting is only a partial guide to final results next weekend. But a few early conclusions can be drawn after the polls closed last night. The first is that the French are fed up with Mr Hollande.

  • Europe, Russia and sanctions

    Limp wrist diplomacy?

    by Charlemagne | BRUSSELS

    “WHEN you throw a punch you hurt your wrist,” David Cameron, the British prime minister, told fellow EU leaders at a summit dinner in Brussels this week as they agonised over whether to impose economic sanctions on Russia. President François Hollande of France made the point differently: “For sanctions to be effective, they must hurt those they target and those who impose them.”

    Such is Europe’s fear of economic pain, and of retaliation by Russia, that its leaders held back from imposing economic penalties on Russia for its annexation of Crimea. They added 12 names to the list of people subject to visa bans and having their assets in Europe frozen.

  • The Dutch far-right

    A step too far?

    by M.S.

    GEERT WILDERS' party barely even took part in Wednesday’s municipal elections but, as usual, the far-right populist managed to make himself the centre of attention. In a post-election speech in The Hague, one of just two municipalities (out of 403) where his Party for Freedom ran candidates, Mr Wilders took his anti-immigrant rhetoric to a new low. “In this city and in the Netherlands, do you want more or fewer Moroccans?” he asked the crowd. “Fewer! Fewer! Fewer!” the crowd roared back. “Then we’ll arrange that,” he finished. The crowd laughed, as though the ethnic threat were some sort of comedy routine.

  • EU and Russia sanctions

    Putin untouched

    by Charlemagne | BRUSSELS

    “YES, the United States is from Mars and we are from Venus. Get over it.” Thus did the Polish foreign minister, Radek Sikorski (pictured), dismiss questions about why Europe was more cautious than America in its response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and its “illegal” referendum on secession.

    Indeed, the attempt by the EU and America to co-ordinate their announcement on March 17th of sanctions against Russian officials served mostly to highlight their differences. America’s list of seven Russian and four Ukrainian officials subject to visa bans and seizure of assets overlapped with the EU’s 21 names.

  • Car ban in the French capital

    Paris in the smog

    by S.P. | PARIS

    SPRINGTIME in Paris is usually a celebratory moment when the city turns inside out, pavement cafés put out their tables and diners prolong their lunch breaks in the sun. The past week, however, as a menacing smog has set in over the city, the warm weather has brought concern and irritation. On March 17th, for the first time in 17 years, the government enforced new rules allowing only motorists driving cars with odd-numbered registration plates to enter the French capital and use the roads in the surrounding departments.

    Worries about smog began after pollution exceeded safe levels for five straight days.

  • Germany's Hoeness trial

    Uli goes to jail

    by A.K. | Berlin

    THREE and a half years in jail for Uli Hoeness. That is a shock, not only to Mr Hoeness but to the many well-wishers he has, including most fans of FC Bayern Munich, the world-class football club over which Mr Hoeness (still, for now) presides. The prosecution had asked for five years and six months in this tax-evasion case, which has kept Germany in thrall since it came to light early in 2013. Mr Hoeness's friends were hoping right up to the last minute—and even demonstrating publicly—for either a verdict of not-guilty or a symbolic sentence of probation. But for that the case had become too big.

  • French politics

    From Sarkoleaks to Sarkogate

    by S.P. | PARIS

    FIRST, conversations of Nicolas Sarkozy (pictured), France’s former president, were secretly recorded by one of his own advisers. Now it turns out that he has had his phone bugged for nearly a year by investigating judges. More than the first snooping affair, these latest bugging revelations, published in Le Monde, a newspaper, on March 7th, could damage Mr Sarkozy’s chances of a comeback ahead of the 2017 presidential election.

    The latest affair is unprecedented for a former president of the Fifth Republic.

  • EU, Russia and Ukraine

    Embracing Yats

    by Charlemagne | Brussels

    RUSSIA gambled everything on trying to prevent Ukraine from signing a trade pact with the European Union and the opposition from gaining power and legitimacy. But to judge from the European summit on March 6th, Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine have hastened the very processes he was trying to block.

    Arseniy Yatseniuk was invited to the summit in Brussels, and welcomed as Ukraine’s prime minister (with caveats such as “temporary” or “transitional”). Moreover, Mr Yatseniuk convinced EU leaders to sign key parts of the “association agreement” with Ukraine—the proximate cause of the crisis—within the coming days or weeks.

  • French politics


    by S.P. | PARIS

    JUST two weeks before voters go to the polls for the first round of countrywide local elections, the French political right is struggling to assess the fall-out from what has been dubbed “Sarkoleaks”. On March 5th transcripts of private conversations between Nicolas Sarkozy, the former centre-right president, and some of his advisers were leaked to the French press, prompting anger, indignation and embarrassment.

  • Europe and Russia

    Speak loudly, carry small stick

    by Charlemagne | BRUSSELS

    THE European Union’s foreign ministers on March 3rd were long on condemnation of Russia’s takeover of Ukraine, but short on tangible responses. After about five hours of emergency talks in Brussels, their communiqué declared:

    The European Union strongly condemns the clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity by acts of aggression by the Russian armed forces as well as the authorisation given by the Federation Council of Russia on 1 March for the use of the armed forces on the territory of Ukraine.

About Charlemagne

Our Charlemagne columnist and his colleagues consider the ideas and events that shape Europe, and the quirks of life in the Euro-bubble


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