American politics

Democracy in America

America and Israel

Mind the gap? Or find the overlap?

LIKE Roger Cohen, I had a meeting with Ron Nachman, the mayor of Ariel, last week. (In fact, Mr Nachman told me he'd come from Mr Cohen's office to mine.) Like Mr Cohen, I was told of Mr Nachman's "Jordanian option": divide the West Bank between Israel and Jordan, each side's salients reaching out to the major (respective) Jewish and Arab populations, interlocking "like a zipper", as Mr Nachman put it. He simply doesn't believe in any Palestinian state whatsoever. (Never mind that the Jordanians in no way want any part of the West Bank or its Palestinians.)

Is Mr Nachman crazy? He's not a member of some far-right party; he is a member of Mr Netanyahu's, Likud. Which brings up the question Mr Cohen asks. Where is Likud's heart, its centre? What does it see as Israel's vital interest? Is Mr Netanyahu, calling for a Palestinian state so shrunken and so humbled (completely demilitarised, with the IDF on its eastern border with Jordan), the left flank of Likud? With Mr Nachman, presumably, on the right? That would mean that the centre of Likud suspects even Mr Netanyahu is an Arab-appeasing softie, and everyone else—Kadima, not to mention Labour (or heaven forbid the New Movement-Meretz)—downright pro-terrorist.

If the centre of the governing party were the centre of Israel, we would be in trouble. There would be no possibility of America joining negotiations to help Israel find a workable two-state solution. Fortunately, that isn't Israel's centre. There is a huge "left", admittedly hardened by Palestinian truculence, violence and continuing anti-Semitic, Israel-deligitimising teaching in Palestinian textbooks, that nonetheless is able to see Israel's present and future for what they are, and is ready to cut a deal. Quiz for Abe Foxman: who said the recent crisis was an "insult to the institution of the presidency, which no American can forgive"? Since Mr Foxman is "shocked and stunned" by America's "gross overreaction", shouldn't the president of the Anti-Defamation League address this obvious anti-Semitic calumny? Its source is Yoel Marcus, writing in Ha'aretz.

Remembering that this is Democracy in America, not Democracy in Israel, let me close with just one wish for my fellow America-based commentators: that Americans could discuss the crisis with the same parameters and the same freedom from character assassination that Israelis can. If that were so, we might just be able to come up with ideas that America, Israel and the Palestinians could all tolerate, and make them the basis of a deal. And fortunately we know what those ideas look like, since Ehud Barak, Yasser Arafat and Bill Clinton got so close in their final go-round at Taba. But if the discussion in America must be so stunted that honest critics of Israel, no matter how historically Zionist (or even Jewish), spend half their time defending themselves from accusations of anti-Semitism, it's gonna be a long peace process.

Update: Speculation here and some (anonymously sourced) White House reporting here that the Obama administration might be trying to crack Shas and Yisrael Beiteinu from the Netanyahu coalition and get Kadima into it instead. That would indeed be a coalition with a centre closer to Israel's, and closer to a deal with the Palestinians, not to mention closer to American interests.

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bampbs wrote:
Mar 16th 2010 4:49 GMT

Foxman and the AIPAC crowd are only going to get more hysterical as they continue to lose control of American Jews. Imagine ! Jews disagreeing openly and loudly ! What a nightmare !

Doug Pascover wrote:
Mar 16th 2010 4:54 GMT

Well, that's a pretty wish, but it doesn't work if you tell people.

Winchester73 wrote:
Mar 16th 2010 5:58 GMT

They still need to prisoner swap out Marwan Barghouti to make Fatah politically viable. But this potential move to the center would be good. One step at a time...

smokingotter wrote:
Mar 16th 2010 7:55 GMT

I am getting kind of sick of hearing about Israel. I can imagine headline from The Economist in year 2050: "Israel-Palestinian Peace Deal Foiled Yet Again" doh!

There's a bigger world outside Israel.

SirWellington wrote:
Mar 16th 2010 8:47 GMT

I'm getting very tired of Israel, too.

deanquill wrote:
Mar 17th 2010 7:37 GMT

I hope our blogger is right about the location of Israel's centre. I'm not sure where it is. Kadima might be the biggest party, and made up largely of former Likudniks who came to realize that Jordan won't save the day, but the right-wing bloc is bigger -- and mostly to the right of Netanyahu. Maybe it's best then to look at the direction the centre is drifting, and hope it's drifting away from Ariel.

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