American politics

Democracy in America

Iran policy

Shirin Ebadi on Obama and Tehran

Shirin EbadiOVER the weekend, I had a chat with Shirin Ebadi (pictured), Iran's Nobel-prize-winning campaigner for women's rights and democracy. I'd met her before, but a few things she said this time round surprised me. 

First and foremost, she thinks that America has been focused far too much on nuclear policy. She wouldn't say, or even speculate, whether the West was right to suspect weapon-building. (She said this is impossible to know because of the secretive nature of the regime.) But she doesn't think that that is the key issue; the struggle for democracy is. 

She asked me if people in America even cared about human rights in Iran. I'm not usually surprised by questions from interviewees, but this did take me aback. She didn't seem aware that certain news outlets and blogs had covered the greens with near-obsession. I told her so, but said that from the White House's point of view,  the dilemma was balancing nuclear discussions with the government you do have against the hope for a new regime you one day might get. She, in reply, was 100% certain that the democratic movement in Iran would eventually succeed—but the trick is that she could not say when. It would depend on the American relationship, the nuclear negotiations, the price of oil, and Russia and China's role, she said. She supports sanctions like those that would deny visas to the Revolutionary Guards and other regime figures, and confiscate their foreign holdings. But she opposes sanctions that would hit the population as a whole (presumably including refined petroleum sanctions, though she did not mention them by name).

Ms Ebadi repeatedly compared the green movement to the struggle for black civil rights in America, and was convinced it would triumph in the same way. I asked if the leaderlessness of the movement (she doesn't consider Mir Hosein Mousavi or Mehdi Karroubi its leader) was a strength or a weakness; she thought it a strength, since leaders can be imprisoned or intimidated. I pointed out that the black movement had a world-famous (indeed Nobel-winning) leader; she countered that it continued on without him. I thought the analogy inexact; could the movement have gathered the strength it did without Martin Luther King?

Perhaps the most interesting point from the perspective of American policy is that she simply does not think this government can or will negotiate nuclear issues in good faith with America. Mahnaz Afkhami, another women's-rights campaigner working with Ms Ebadi and joining our interview, noted that anti-Americanism is one of the few claims on legitimacy the government has left. This is why neither of them thought the Americans should waste time talking about nukes when the government can never agree, and why America should instead focus on supporting the greens. 

Ms Ebadi has been out of Iran since the day before the election, when she came to Spain for a conference. After the election, people began telling her it would be better not to come back, and she has stayed away ever since. She says "all of my phone calls are being tapped", but hinted that there were ways she could communicate nonetheless.  Her husband and one child are still in Iran; the other daughter is studying in Atlanta. 

Hm, an exiled, charismatic and tough-as-nails (but modest) leader, communicating with followers at home waiting for the right time to return to Iran. While we've discussed Europe in 1989 as an analogy for Iran these days, could Iran itself in 1979 offer parallels too? Ms Ebadi is no Ayatollah Khomeini in a dozen different ways; but she is patient, clever and brave, and Iran's protests aren't going away just because of the fizzle on Revolution Day. Watch this space.

(Photo credit: AFP)

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bampbs wrote:
Mar 11th 2010 7:33 GMT

We ought to speak out to deplore Iran's abuse of its citizens, but without overtly supporting the opposition, which would only compromise them. It is important that authoritarian governments know that they are being watched. Of course, I hope we're providing as much covert aid as is wise.

Kouroi wrote:
Mar 11th 2010 7:57 GMT

Given the security problems that Iran faces, almost any regime would be inclined to aquire nuclear weapons. A regime entirely suported by US, like the one run by Pahlavi (or Saudis) would though not be so inclined, but a democratic Iran would be inclined to go ahead with nuclear work.

forsize wrote:
Mar 11th 2010 8:30 GMT

lol kouroi, a democratic iran. now that's delusion. thanks for laugh.

g cross wrote:
Mar 11th 2010 8:50 GMT

Everyone who isn't completely naive already knows that Obama is deliberately ignoring the pro-Democracy movement and hoping that it goes away so that it will no longer pose an inconvenient distraction from negotiating with the regime about nuclear weapons; this is because Obama cares more about achieving a diplomatic victory so that he can have a feather in his cap than about the plight of the oppressed citizens of Iran.

(Hey, since cherny no longer posts on these forums, someone had to say it!)

MaverEcon wrote:
Mar 11th 2010 8:55 GMT

"[She] noted that anti-Americanism is one of the few claims on legitimacy the government has left. This is why neither of them thought the Americans should waste time talking about nukes when the government can never agree, and why America should instead focus on supporting the greens."

You cannot say, "The current government with Iran derives legitimacy by being anti-American. THEREFORE, Americans should support a democratic movement in Iran in order to further American goals."

If being anti-American is the way to gain legitimacy in Iran, I don't see how fostering a democratic movement in Iran benefits the U.S.

Personally, I think it's terrible what Iran's government has done to it's people. However, it's hard to argue that a democratic Iran would be more beneficial to American foreign policy than the current autocratic Iranian government, when, even these pro-Western reformers will admit, being anti-American is the way to ensure popularity.

MaverEcon wrote:
Mar 11th 2010 8:56 GMT

forsize, I don't speak for Kouroi.
However, I'm pretty sure that when he wrote, "a democratic Iran", he was speaking of it as a hypothetical rather than describing the Iran of today as "democratic."

Mar 13th 2010 5:01 GMT

'. . . the black movement had a world-famous (indeed Nobel-winning) leader; she countered that it continued on without him. I thought the analogy inexact; could the movement have gathered the strength it did without Martin Luther King?'

Sounds like the same ol' discredited 'Great Man' theory of history - do you really think that African-Americans would still be living in a Jim Crow South if MLK, Jr. had been killed in 1958, rather than 1968? Leadership, or its lack, may affect a movement's timeline but cannot abolish its broader aspirations for human rights.

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