EFF Europe

EFF has hundreds of donors and thousands of active supporters throughout Europe. As part of our expanded international work, EFF has been increasing its participation in European issues, providing publicity and logistical support for combatting bad European tech policy in co-operation with the many digital rights groups across Europe to fight effectively for consumers' and technologists' interests.

Our workload currently includes combatting the growth of invasive European intellectual property law and policies, addressing free speech and innovation issues in Internet filtering and blocking, defending the privacy of Europeans from international threats to the rights protected by the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC), and monitoring the effects of EU's introduction of data retention regime.

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Documents and Files

  • Internet Filtering and Blocking

    • December 12, 2007 Network Filtering: Limiting Cultural Industries, Damaging the Internet[PDF, 238.67 KB]
      Memo to MEPs, giving EFF's experience that filtering by ISPs is an overbroad, ineffective measure that will do little to practically address the concerns of major rightsholders while imposing serious costs on the individual rights of European citizens in their roles as consumers, artists and educators.
    • December 7, 2007 IFPI Letter to European Policy Makers [PDF, 212.13 KB]
      "ISPs - Technical Options for addressing online copyright infringement" - the recording industry's suggestions for filtering and blocking the European Internet.
    • December 4, 2007 Letter to EU CULT Committee[PDF, 18.66 KB]
      Letter from EFF Europe to European Parliament's Culture and Education Committee (CULT), expressing concern at the introduction of content filtering amendments in the Guy Bono report on the cultural industries in Europe.
  • Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive (IPRED)

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