EMILY's List endorses Colleen Hanabusa

State Senator Colleen Hanabusa has made a name for herself in Hawaii politics since her first election in 1998. Now she's in the HI-01 open seat race and will face a tough primary opponent and needs our help now to ensure victory come election day.

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Learn more about Colleen Hanabusa.

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EMILY's List Blog

Read My Lipstick: The EMILY's List Blog

Emily | Oct 16, 2009 |

Insurance company to applicant: Get sterilized

We were shocked to learn about a Senate hearing yesterday, during which a witness testified that a prospective insurer denied her application for coverage because she'd had a C-section. Even more outrageous? The insurance company actually suggested -- in a written letter -- that she be sterilized!

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Emily | Oct 15, 2009 |

Coakley lands SEIU endorsement

Coakley lands SEIU endorsement

Martha Coakley has been racking up key endorsements recently, and the Coakley campaign just announced an exciting new addition. The Service Employees International Union backed Coakley today, adding to a number of labor endorsements Coakley has received, including the Teamsters.

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Emily | Oct 14, 2009 |

Massachusetts leaders rally around Coakley

Massachusetts leaders rally around Coakley

And the good news just keeps coming…

I’m thrilled to hear Martha Coakley’s campaign has even more exciting developments in the works. In addition to picking up union endorsements left and right, Martha has also been endorsed by 88 state legislators from across Massachusetts.

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Emily | Oct 13, 2009 |

Obama praises Coakley's work as attorney general

We all love getting compliments -- but it's pretty hard to beat the one Martha Coakley received last week. Obama invited Coakley and three additional attorneys general to the White House for a meeting about the future of financial regulations.

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