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News and Updates

05/06/2018 - 09:17 7 hours ago
Syria: Hezbollah withdraws forces from Al-Qusayr which it controlled for 5 years
05/06/2018 - 09:14 7 hours ago
Somalia: Al-Shabaab fighters capture Elwaq town in Jubaland state
05/06/2018 - 09:10 7 hours ago
Iraq: 6 paramilitary troops killed in clash with IS fighters in the province of Salahuddin
05/06/2018 - 06:50 10 hours ago
Syria: IS-linked group claims attack in Al Heet, southern Syria
05/06/2018 - 06:42 10 hours ago
Ethiopia: State of emergency lifted after 4 months due to country's stability and calm
05/06/2018 - 06:34 10 hours ago
Iraq: IS claims attack near Mosul; 3 policemen killed
05/06/2018 - 06:18 10 hours ago
Syria/Iraq: Ahlut-Tawhid reports about Liege attack and other terrorist attacks in latest issue of 'From Dabiq to Rome' magazine
05/06/2018 - 06:13 10 hours ago
Serbia: A drug dealer shot injured in Belgrade
05/06/2018 - 06:05 10 hours ago
Somalia: US airstrike kills 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists southwest of Bosasso
05/06/2018 - 05:38 11 hours ago
Germany: Police seize 646 kilograms of LSD and detain 12 suspects in a series of raids carried out in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate
05/06/2018 - 05:21 11 hours ago
Colombia: 8 human rights activists and social leaders killed by alleged FARC dissidents across the country since mid-April
United Kingdom
05/06/2018 - 05:14 11 hours ago
United Kingdom: Al-Qaeda bomb-maker arrested after thwarted 2017 attack says he had a “message” for politicians
05/06/2018 - 05:04 11 hours ago
Mozambique: 7 people killed in a new jihadist attack in Cabo Delgado province
05/06/2018 - 04:45 12 hours ago
Syria: HTS announces having killed 22 IS fighters and having arrested 12 others in Salqin and Al-Dana
05/06/2018 - 04:23 12 hours ago
Nigeria: 5 people killed in clashes between cultists in Cross River state
05/06/2018 - 04:09 12 hours ago
Mali: Pro-government Tuareg groups killed 6 ISGS terrorists in Menaka region
05/06/2018 - 03:52 13 hours ago
Kenya: 3 police reservists killed and one man wounded by armed bandits in Turkana County
05/06/2018 - 03:48 13 hours ago
Libya: 8 soldiers killed in clashes in Derna; Operation Derna entering the second phase
05/06/2018 - 03:38 13 hours ago
Germany: Railway tracks have been sabotaged prior to a far-right demonstration in the state of Saxony-Anhalt
05/06/2018 - 03:24 13 hours ago
France: 3 women detained in a terrorism-related investigation in Toulouse
Transmigration in Belgium: An issue crossing borders
24/05/2018 - 11:21 2 weeks ago
The issue of transmigration is literally and figuratively crossing borders. In the recent years, due to do the dismantlement of the Jungle migrants camp in Calais (France) and a general increase of migrants traveling to Europe, the number of transmigrants has been steadily increasing in Belgium. As a consequence, the concerns regarding the security challenges of transmigration have been growing.
De Tijd: Belgische terreurexperts als ‘observator' bij verkiezing Azerbeidzjan
19/04/2018 - 10:52
Bij de presidentsverkiezingen vorige week in Azerbeidzjan zijn opmerkelijke Belgische waarnemers opgevoerd: twee terreurexperts uit ons land. Ze bejubelden de stembusslag.
MAP Express: La connivence entre le polisario et l’Algérie est connue de tous
12/04/2018 - 07:46
Bruxelles- La connivence entre le polisario et l’Algérie est connue de tous, a souligné, jeudi, Claude Moniquet, spécialiste des questions sécuritaires.
Sud Radio: C.Moniquet: 'Viser une petite localité est préconisé par Daesh pour rapprocher la terreur'
23/03/2018 - 12:58
Claude Moniquet (Spécialiste des questions terroristes et ancien agent de la DGSE) était ce vendredi l'invité de Philippe David lors de notre édition spéciale, consacrée consacrée à la prise d'otages de Trèbes.
Germany: Evolution of national counter-terrorism measures to tackle Islamist terror threat
20/03/2018 - 05:02
Since the beginning of 2018, a series of reports were issued by German security authorities demonstrating the evolution of national counter-terrorism policies since the Berlin truck attack in December 2016, which clearly marked a turning point in Germany's approach to the threat posed by Islamist terrorists. The first part of this briefing provides an overview of recently implemented counter-terrorism strategies and the second part outlines some challenges in relation to women and child returnees from areas (formerly) controlled by jihadists.
El Universal: Estado Islàmico aun no muestra su lado mas cruel
01/01/2018 - 12:46
Tres anos despues del mortifero ataque a la redaccion del seminario satirico Charlie Hebdo, Europa sigue sin encontrar respuesta a la campana de terror emprendida por el fundamentalisto islamico.
Gun violence: As American as cherry pie?
30/11/2017 - 09:48
Civilian firearms manufacturing, ownership and murder trends in context of the two deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. In the 1960’s, political activist H. Rap Brown described that violence “is as American as cherry pie”. This paper investigates the particularity of gun violence in the United States by consider-ing the prevalence of firearms laterally to an escalation in firearms murders. The preva-lence of firearms is assessed by considering trends in gun manufacturing and ownership. This examination takes place in the context of the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history taking place in Las Vegas on 1 October 2017, and the deadliest church shooting in Texas on 5 November 2017, which illustrate a recent escalation in gun violence. This paper will also consider the political discussions following the shootings, which highlight political points of interests in current U.S. gun legislation. The shootings were utilized by both those opposing current legislation and those who support it, with new dimensions introduced to the debate including bipartisan concerns regarding the transformation of assault rifles into automatic weapons.
Quelques réflexions au sujet de la tragédie de Bir al-Abed
27/11/2017 - 10:21
L’attentat commis contre une mosquée dans le petit village de Bir al-Abed (2500 habitants), non loin d’el-Arish, dans le Nord-Sinaï est effrayant à plus d’un titre. D’abord, bien entendu, il s’agit de la pire attaque terroriste de l’histoire égyptienne : samedi matin, le bilan, toujours provisoire, était de 305 morts (dont 27 enfants) et d’au moins 28 blessés. Il est un niveau auquel les chiffres se valent et il est vain de comparer ou de tenter d’établir un sinistre palmarès de l’horreur terroriste - un mort, bien entendu, c’est déjà un mort de trop – mais disons seulement, pour bien donner l’ampleur de cette tragédie que 305 morts, c’est, en une seule frappe, davantage de victimes que l’ensemble de celles tuées en Europe depuis le 7 janvier 2015 par le salafisme djihadiste.
Radicalization, polarization and xenophobia: the growing influence of the Nordic Resistance Movement in Sweden and Finland
16/11/2017 - 09:22
Europe has seen a steady increase in far-right movements in recent years, gaining prominence in politics and becoming more vocal and violent in protests and tar-geted attacks. The same phenomenon can be observed in Finland and Swe-den, where a salient shift in both the ideology and conduct of Neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) indicates an increasing radicaliza-tion in the far-right movement. Observed in tandem with an increase in popularity, the development indicates a growing polarization in society.
Europe: Private solutions to secure public spaces evolve in response to increasing vehicular attacks
04/10/2017 - 01:22
Since July 2016 vehicular attacks have fast become the deadliest and most widespread type of terrorist attacks in Western Europe, representing nearly 80 percent of fatal casualties in all terrorist incidents that happened at that period. Although this trend is far from new - Al Qaeda's Yemeni branch had encouraged its Western recruits to use trucks as weapons as early as 2010 - the phenomenon has proliferated since the Nice promenade truck attack on July 14, 2016, which killed 84 people and maimed 434 others, becoming an ‘inspirational exam-ple’ for the Islamic State propaganda and its followers
Attentati: Di Natala (esperto di intelligence), “un branco di lupi solitari” a servizio del “Califfato liquido”
22/08/2017 - 01:35
In Spagna ha agito non un lupo solitario ma un branco di lupi, radicalizzati da un imam, tutti giovanissimi, fratelli tra loro, pronti a uccidere e farsi uccidere ma incapaci di confezionare esplosivi sofisticati. Un fattore di debolezza tattica per l'Isis che però può contare in Europa di un vasto bacino di reclutamento. Sono giovani al servizio di quello che è diventato ormai un "Califfato liquido". Intervista a Leandro Di Natala, analista presso l’Esisc
Attentats en Espagne : "Daech a envoyé un signal très fort" Le Point - RTL
18/08/2017 - 01:31
Claude Moniquet, spécialiste du terrorisme, était l'invité de RTL pour livrer son analyse après le double attentat qui a frappé l'Espagne.
The diplomatic crisis in the Persian Gulf as a symptom of the shift in regional power dynamics
29/06/2017 - 12:58
The diplomatic crisis in the Persian Gulf, initiated by the severance of diplomatic and economic relations with Qatar by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Egypt, has rapidly escalated into the most serious rift among the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) since its creation in 1981. While marking the culmination of long-standing tensions between Qatar and its GCC neighbors over security and energy matters, the diplomatic crisis underscored the Iranian-Saudi rivalry in the region and highlighted the Iranian-Turkish role in the upcoming shift in power dynamics in the Gulf.
RTL TVI: ANALYSE: "Il y a une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle dans cette affaire"
21/06/2017 - 12:09
L'expert en contre-terrorisme Claude Moniquet décrypte le modus operandi des dernières attaques terroristes, et y voit un amateurisme grandissant, qui prouve le manque de moyens encore à disposition de l'Etat islamique, sur le point de tomber.
Germany and nuclear power: who lives by the sword, dies by the sword
15/06/2017 - 06:49
In 2011, the German government imposed a tax on processing nuclear fuel amounting to 145 euros per gram to be paid by the nuclear producers. The decision has now been declared unconstitutional and forces the government to pay a 6.3 billion euro refund.
German working parents’ struggle for Kindergarten places
07/06/2017 - 09:18
In the last few years, German working parents have had to fight to get their children a place in one of the childhood care institutions. The State’s efforts to cope with the problem have been undermined by massive immigration and have left the country’s citizens in utter dismay.
BFM TV: Attentat de Londres: "Ce n'est pas un mode opératoire récent"
04/06/2017 - 12:19
Les trois assaillants ont d'abord foncé sur les passants à bord d'un véhicule, puis les ont attaqués au couteau quelques centaines de mètres plus loin.
Social inequality is not an issue for German retirement system
02/06/2017 - 01:00
The German pension system is only an average performer among OECD countries and has to go through further reforms. A good starting point might be erasing the privileges of the civil servants.
«Quand les ONG nuisent aux intérêts de ceux qu’elles prétendent défendre»
22/05/2017 - 07:48
Etude de cas Fian-Belgium Les « dérives néocolonialistes » d’une ONG de développement
The re-emergence of Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis in Egypt illustrates the internal divisions of the IS Wilayat Sinai
18/05/2017 - 11:00
On May 3, a senior leader of the jihadist group Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis (ABM) Abu Hashem al-Tarbani issued an audio statement in which he criticized the ongoing conflict between the IS-affiliated Wilayat Sinai and the Tarabin tribe in North Sinai governorate. This statement underscored the recent return of the ABM group to the Egyptian jihadist scene and further disproved the notion of Wilayat Sinai being the only jihadist actor in the region.
President Maduro isolates himself domestically and internationally amidst rising civil unrest
15/05/2017 - 11:16
Since the beginning of April, Venezuela has been rocked by violent protests that have resulted in the death of at least 39 people and the arrests of over 1500 demonstrators and opposition activists. The brutality of the demonstrations and anti-riot police response has been condemned nationally and internationally, with experts and politicians calling into question the stability of the country’s democracy. Opposition activists are denouncing the executive and judiciary government branches’ overreach. While Venezuela’s unrest is not recent, a decision by the Supreme Court to adopt the National Assembly’s jurisdiction in giving President Maduro extended executive powers sparked a wave of dissent throughout the country which has not been subdued by the subsequent reversal the order.
In the second round of the election, we will vote for Macron to avoid catastrophe, but his platform with regard to security and international relations needs improvement
04/05/2017 - 02:08
It is without any qualms that we will vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the Presidential election. Our choice in the first round of the election was François Fillon, whose program we thought was the most developed, but the people have voted. To those who encourage a vote for Marine Le Pen, and to those who, encouraging abstention, will only favor her, we want to say that, although we understand their anger, a vote for the extreme right party is not a solution. Granted, Marine le Pen has changed a lot of things within her party and largely cut ties with her father’s ideas and rhetoric, but while FN voters are (of course) respectable, the party continues to attract and concentrate on unbearable people. An example of this is Jean-François Jalkh, an interim president that renounced his position after three days for revisionist reasons. In addition, Marine Le Pen’s European and economic program can only lead to irreversible results.
Au deuxième tour, nous voterons Macron pour éviter une catastrophe, mais son programme « sécuritaire » et international doit être amélioré
03/05/2017 - 02:56
C’est sans aucun état d’âme que nous voterons pour Emmanuel Macron au deuxième tour de la Présidentielle. Notre choix, au premier tour, s’était porté, on le sait, sur François Fillon qui nous semblait avoir le programme le plus abouti, mais le peuple a tranché. A ceux qui prônent le vote pour Marine Le Pen, ou à ceux qui, prônant l’abstention, ne feront que la favoriser, nous voulons dire que, si nous comprenons leur colère, le vote pour les extrêmes n’est pas une solution.
Traite des êtres humains, exploitation sexuelle et prostitution : le poids du crime organisé
26/04/2017 - 01:43
Rapport présenté le 4 octobre 2016 dans le cadre du colloque « The growing threat of trafficking in women, sexual exploitation and prostitution : protecting human rights of women and ending violence »
Euronews: Paris shooting could shift election security debate
22/04/2017 - 11:51
The French go to the polls this weekend but the country is still reeling from Thursday’s shooting in Paris. One terror expert told euronews that the killing of the policeman could shift the debate to the right over the next days and weeks.
Security, terrorism, defence, international relations and identity: why we will vote for François Fillon and not for Emmanuel Macron...
21/04/2017 - 12:23
While this topic has been curiously absent from the campaign of a majority of the candidates, terrorism invited itself over the past few days on the French political scene: on Thursday evening, April 20, at 20:45, an individual opened fire at policemen at the Champs-Elysées, killing one of them and severely wounding 2 others, while a U.S tourist was lightly wounded. Three days earlier, on Tuesday morning, April 18, 2 terrorists preparing an imminent attack were arrested in Marseille, shortly before acting on their plans.
Sécurité, Terrorisme, Défense, Relations internationales et Identité : pourquoi nous voterons François Fillon…
21/04/2017 - 10:04
Alors que le sujet a, curieusement, été très absent de la campagne de la plupart des candidats, le terrorisme s’est invité ces derniers jours sur la scène politique française : jeudi soir, vers 20h45, un individu a ouvert le feu sur des policiers, sur les Champs-Elysées, tuant l’un d’entre eux et en blessant grièvement deux autres tandis qu’une touriste américaine était légèrement touchée. Trois jours plus tôt, mardi matin, c’est à Marseille que deux terroristes préparant un attentat imminent ont été interpellés, avant leur passage à l’acte.
The Armenian Connection. Chapter 2: « Mr X », Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
19/04/2017 - 07:32
As was announced in a previous report devoted to the Armenian network which operates stealthily within the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, we reveal today the identity of Mister “X”, the pivotal figure of the clandestine network. Mister “X” is the Latvian Nils Muižnieks, who for more than 5 years has been the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights and who was an employee for Georges Soros.
Erdoğan’s months of long knives on the way to the Turkish constitutional referendum
13/04/2017 - 06:37
In the last months the Turkish regime has carried out a strategy of silencing the “No” referendum campaigners axed on five targets (political opposition, Kurds, media, intellectuals and security agencies) to pave the way towards a strengthened authoritarian rule.
The clock is ticking for Turkish secularization and EU membership
11/04/2017 - 08:36
Turkey is heading towards a controversial referendum on constitutional changes that will concentrate powers in the office of Presidency. If passed, the reform would lead to an authoritarian shift in the country that would sweep away the Kemalist Revolution and strain the relationships with the EU and NATO in a heartbeat.
For the EU the ISIS bell tolls
10/04/2017 - 09:41
Distracted by the disruptive potential of the EU elections, EU member states leaders could seem blind and deaf to the alarming threat posed by the return of ISIS foreign fighters to the EU.
Recent ship hijackings by Somali pirates illustrate a new increase of piracy threat in the Gulf of Aden
30/03/2017 - 01:39
On March 13 and March 24, 2017, 2 ship hijackings took place in Somali waters. These incidents highlighted the re-emergence of the piracy threat in the Gulf of Aden after a period of relative stability in the area. While the presence of international and regional naval forces has defused the piracy threat to a large extent since its peak in 2011, the phenomenon is far from being mitigated and the new increase in the Somali pirates’ activity has been observed particularly for the last 2 years.
El Universal: Londres, blanco del EI desde
25/03/2017 - 12:48
Luego de Paris, Bruselas y Berlin, era cuestion de tiempo para incluir a Londres en la vista negra de blancos golpeados por la yihad, asegura Evgenia Gvozdeva, experta en terrorismo del Centro de Seguridad e Inteligencia Estratégica Europea (ESISC).
Brussels, one year later...
21/03/2017 - 06:18
On March 22, 2016, war was declared in Brussels. Over the course of three explosions – two at 7:58 a.m., at the airport, and one at 9:11 a.m., at the Maelbeek metro station—32 people were killed and at least 360 others were injured. One year later, while hundreds of wounded are still being treated and many victims, their close ones, and first responders are tormented by the memory of the tragedy that shook their lives, it is time to commemorate; and to evaluate.
Bruxelles, un an après...
21/03/2017 - 04:57
Le 22 mars 2016, la guerre débarquait à Bruxelles. En trois explosions – à 7H58, à l’aéroport et à 09h11 à la station de métro Maelbeek – 32 deux personnes étaient tuées et plus de 360 autres blessées. Un an plus tard, alors que certains mutilés sont encore soignés et que beaucoup de victimes, de leurs proches et d’intervenants des services de secours ne cessent de revivre en boucle la tragédie qui a bouleversé leur vie, l’heure est aux commémorations. Au bilan aussi.
Is Germany a modern Atlas capable of holding up the task of giving the refugees a job?
20/03/2017 - 08:18
Since the outburst of the refugee crisis, few EU member states have been on the front line in the rescue and reception of asylum seekers. The next challenge ahead for the destination countries is represented by the integration of the immigrants into the national labour markets.
Can the Caterpillar of the new Syrian Constitution become a butterfly?
06/03/2017 - 11:17
The last significant step in Syria’s thorny path towards the end of the conflict that has devastated the country for the last six years was the peace talks held last February in Astana, Kazakhstan, which welcomed representatives from the Syrian government, the opposition and envoys from Iran, Russia and Turkey, the three major foreign powers leading the negotiations with UN assent.
The Armenian Connection: How a secret caucus of MPs and NGOs, since 2012, created a network within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to hide violations of international law
06/03/2017 - 08:21
For several years, a network of non-governmental organizations and its connections within the Council of Europe has led a merciless propaganda campaign against Azerbaijan to benefit Armenia. While no one assumes that Azerbaijan is a perfect and ideal State, it is clear that these unilateral and untruthful attacks are the tool of a hidden political agenda: to defend Armenia’s illegal occupation of Nagorny-Karabakh and to place the control of all Council of Europe activities in central and eastern Europe in the hands of a small clique that, despite appearances, hides its private interests behind the purview of the “defense of human rights.” In this first report, we will try to unveil the extent of these activities.
The myth of tolerant Europe is written on a blank page
28/02/2017 - 10:47
During the last Munich Security Conference, held in the Bavarian capital on February 17-19, 2017, Angela Merkel delivered a long statement on the European challenges and priorities. Among the several vectors of domestic and foreign policy that were announced, the Chancellor reiterated the policy of welcoming the immigrants inside German and EU borders. Although the intent to foster the European Union’s allegedly inner desire to become the unwavering supporter of tolerance, compassion and freedom worldwide is noble, some facts contradict the narrative telling the citizens that the hospitality of the immigrants is happening peacefully. And more than ever, the migrant issue is a “hot topic” nourishing the rise of populism in Europe. Thus, it must be “handled with care”….
Reina nighclub attack reveals high reactivity of Islamic State to adapt operation methods to changing security environment
21/02/2017 - 11:28
The arrest of the Reina nightclub shooter by Turkish police on January 16 and the latest results of the ongoing investigation, made public by Turkish media, confirm that the attack was not an act of a lone jihadist, but the result of coordination between the Turkish IS terror network and the operational centre in Syria.
Successive prison riots point to systemic failures of penitentiary system in Brazil and the war for drug trade monopoly
18/01/2017 - 02:28
Since the beginning of 2017, 123 inmates have been killed in 5 separate prison riots across Brazil. These incidents highlighted the systemic failure of a penitentiary system that is overcrowded and under-secured. As Brazil’s incarceration rate remains high and the construction of new prisons is straggling, penitentiary centers are often more than 50% above capacity and without appropriate staffing or security measures updates.
Berlin Attack: The failure of German security explained by the weight of history
22/12/2016 - 12:35
The Berlin tragedy was (and no doubt will still be) an opportunity for the extreme-right and populists across Europe to attack the migrant welcoming policy promoted by Chancellor Angela Merkel. It is a wrong and bad judgement. Of course, the 2015 influx of “Syrian refugees” was exploited by IS, and maybe by other criminal or terrorist organizations, to plant terrorists or rejects in Europe. This was the case for those who attacked Paris on November 13, 2015, or Brussels on March 22, 2016. Others have since been arrested—in Salzburg, Paris, or elsewhere. But how many are we talking about? Approximately twenty have been identified (and are either dead or in prison); European intelligence agencies estimate that a couple dozens of jihadists were able to enter the continent between the summer and fall of 2015 by impersonating refugees.
Attentat de Berlin: La faillite d’une sécurité allemande marquée par le poids de l’histoire
22/12/2016 - 09:34
Le drame de Berlin a été (et sera encore, n’en doutons pas) l’occasion pour l’extrême droite allemande et les populistes, partout en Europe, d’attaquer la politique d’accueil des migrants voulue par Mme Angela Merkel. C’est un faux et mauvais procès. Bien entendu, le flux des « réfugiés syriens » de 2015 a été exploité par Daech, et peut-être par d’autres organisations terroristes ou criminelles, pour infiltrer en Europe des terroristes ou des indésirables. Comme ceux qui ont frappé à Paris le 13 novembre 2015 ou à Bruxelles, le 22 mars 2016. D’autres ont, depuis, été arrêtés, à Salzburg, à Paris ou ailleurs. Mais de combien de personnes parlons-nous ? Une vingtaine ont été identifiées (elles sont mortes ou en prison); les services de renseignement européens estiment que quelques dizaines de djihadistes ont pu entrer en Europe entre l’été et l’automne 2015 en se faisant passer pour des réfugiés.
République d’Azerbaïdjan : Sur l’importance du référendum pour l’amendement de la Constitution du 26 septembre 2016
28/11/2016 - 02:07
Le lundi 26 septembre était une date d’une importance particulière pour la République d’Azerbaïdjan : les citoyens azerbaïdjanais étaient invités à se prononcer sur une série d’amendements de la Constitution. Cette réforme d’une Constitution qui se caractérise par le souci de la protection de la démocratie et des droits fondamentaux du citoyen constituait une démonstration incontestable de la volonté de l’Etat azerbaïdjanais de conforter les droits garantis par la Constitution à tous les citoyens, sans distinction de genre, d’ethnicité et de conviction philosophique et religieuse.
US security institutions warn of possible lone wolf attacks in Europe during holiday season
24/11/2016 - 11:25
On November 21, the United States Department of State published a travel alert, warning US citizens of the heightened risk of terror attacks throughout Europe during the upcoming holiday season. This alert, set to expire in February 2017, was not unique in and of itself; in recent years, State Department has published numerous travel alerts for its citizens wishing to travel to Europe.
Год спустя: «война» не окончена...
13/11/2016 - 01:46
Год назад, 13 ноября 2015 в Париж пришла война. Ровно за 3 часа – с 21.17, когда первый смертник взорвал себя на стадионе - до 00.18, окончания штурма и освобождения заложников в театре Батаклан, исламскими террористами было убито 130 человек и ранено 683.
Un anno dopo, la "guerra" non è finita...
12/11/2016 - 08:22
Un anno fa, il 13 novembre 2015, la guerra è arrivata a Parigi. Nel giro di tre ore, tra le 21.17, ora in cui il primo kamikaze si è fatto esplodere allo Stade de France, alle 00.18, ora dell'assalto finale delle "teste di cuoio" della Brigata Ricerca e Intervento (BRI) al Bataclan e della liberazione degli ostaggi, il terrorismo islamista faceva 130 morti e 683 feriti.
One year later, the "war" is not over...
10/11/2016 - 03:27
One year ago, on November 13 2015, war came to Paris. At 21:17, the first suicide bomber blew himself up at the Stade de France. Almost exactly three hours later, at 00:18, the Research and intervention Brigade (BRI) launched their final assault on the Bataclan, liberating the hostages held there. In these three short hours, Islamic terrorism claimed the lives of 130 people and left 683 others wounded.
Un an après, la "guerre" n'est pas finie....
10/11/2016 - 02:48
Il y a un an, le 13 novembre 2015, la guerre s’invitait à Paris. En trois heures, montre en main, entre 21h17 – heure à laquelle le premier kamikaze s’est fait sauter au Stade de France – et 00h18 - assaut final de la BRI au Bataclan et libération des otages – le terrorisme islamiste faisait 130 morts et 683 blessés.
Atlantico: Pourquoi Daech se fait une gloire de sa barbarie alors que même les Nazis camouflaient leurs crimes
06/11/2016 - 02:19
En reconstituant la préparation et la réalisation des attentats de Paris et Bruxelles, Claude Moniquet, qui a bénéficié d’un accès privilégié aux dossiers des enquêteurs, cerne les motivations de Daech, démonte son fonctionnement, explique pourquoi cette organisation est la plus dangereuse que le terrorisme ait jamais enfantée. D'où vient l’État islamique et quels sont ses buts ? Le pire est-il encore à venir ? À la veille d’une période électorale propice à de nouvelles actions violentes, ces questions sont d’une actualité brûlante. Extrait de "Daech la main du diable", de Claude Moniquet, aux éditions l'Archipel 2/2
Daech: La main du diable
03/11/2016 - 03:37
Symbolic loss of Dabiq prompts adapted propaganda strategy for Islamic State
24/10/2016 - 09:59
One of the greatest tools of the Islamic State (IS) is its propaganda machine. Since its creation, IS has mastered the art of communication, especially on social media, through video production, and by positioning itself to be found during internet searches. It has adopted a communication strategy that is calculated, planned, and powerful. This strategy allows IS to recruit, to inform, and also to terrorize its enemies by releasing videos of mass executions and decapitations. In recent months, the coalition forces have begun to systematically dismantle this machine, both in terms of personnel and electronic infrastructure, forcing IS to adapt and focus more on private electronic messaging and on quality over quantity of materials published.
Analysis of Impact of pro-IS groups in North Africa on Spain
19/09/2016 - 10:38
Spain today is one of the European countries with a relatively low number of jihadist foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq. Meanwhile, the Islamist terrorist threat remains present in the country and security experts consider that it can be originated from several fronts: those foreign fighters who may return from international jihad zones unnoticed by authorities and possibly interested in perpetrating attacks (as in the cases of the November 2015 Paris attacks), lone-wolves inspired by the IS ideology (as in the case of the 2016 Nice attack), or even foreign fighters who leave Syria or Iraq for a different country.
Escalation of terrorist attacks in Mali demonstrates growing expansion of Ansar Dine
09/09/2016 - 10:22
The recent escalation of terrorist attacks carried out by Ansar Dine including the deadliest attack targeting military forces in Nampala and the first kidnapping of 5 Malian soldiers, show that the Mali-based terrorist group is significantly reinforcing its positions and gaining further legitimacy in the country.
Colombia: The Peace accord referendum, a dilemma between the cost of war and the price of peace
31/08/2016 - 02:19
On October 2, Colombians will vote in a national referendum whether to accept and support the peace accord reached by the government of President Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC guerrilla.
LES ECHOS Claude Moniquet : « Il est illusoire de croire qu'on peut protéger les dizaines de milliers d'endroits où, chaque jour, des foules se concentrent»
17/07/2016 - 11:39
Quand on arrive au terrain, il est déjà trop tard. Aucun dispositif physique ne permet d'éviter ces attaques, même si on peut « compliquer la vie » des terroristes. C'est en amont qu'il faut agir, en amplifiant le renseignement, la difficulté étant que les individus isolés passent facilement sous le radar des services.
Appointment of the new Taliban leader may open the way to the return of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan
26/06/2016 - 08:18
The latest developments in Afghanistan demonstrate not only the negative perspectives for national security but also trigger fears about a possible return to a situation similar to that before 9/11. In fact, despite the killing of the Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour, the new Taliban leadership is likely to provide unity to the insurgency. Furthermore, the increasing bonds between Taliban and Al-Qaeda could be harbinger of a return of the terrorist organization founded by Osama bin Laden to Afghanistan.
TIME: Orlando Shooting Carries Echoes of Bataclan Attack in Paris
15/06/2016 - 01:09
“It could be a coincidence, but it is difficult to believe that someone who shared the ideology of ISIS and says he is acting in the name of ISIS would just be using the same modus operandi, just by chance. I don’t believe it,” says Claude Moniquet, a longtime agent for France’s external intelligence service DGSE, who now runs a private intelligence company in Brussels. “He was clearly planning to do the same kind of thing” as the Bataclan, Moniquet told TIME on Monday. “Because it works.”
Le Parisien: Claude Moniquet réagit au double meurtre de Magnanville
15/06/2016 - 10:51
Pour l'ancien agent de la DGSE Claude Moniquet, Larossi Abballa, qui a tué un couple de policiers lundi soir à Magnanville (Yvelines), était un suspect indétectable par les services de renseignement.
Orlando: Winning 'DIY' terrorism strategy is applied by Islamic State
13/06/2016 - 03:02
On the night between June 12 and June 13, at least 50 people were killed and 53 more injured in a shooting, carried out by a lone attacker against a night club of the LGBT community in Orlando, Florida. The man, who claimed his allegiance to Islamic State, was shot dead by police. The first elements on the incident allow to draw a provisory profile of the man responsible for the worst mass shooting in US history and the deadliest terror attack committed on US soil since September 11, 2001. The attack, claimed by the Islamic State, will for sure have an impact on the "positioning" of the United States in the Syrian crisis.
Orlando : la stratégie gagnante du do-it-yourself du terrorisme appliquée par l’Etat Islamique
13/06/2016 - 11:34
Dans la nuit du samedi 12 au dimanche 13 juin, au moins 50 personnes ont été tuées et 53 trois autres blessées lorsqu’un homme a ouvert le feu dans une boite de nuit de la communauté LGBT de Orlando, en Floride. L’homme, qui s’est revendiqué de l’Etat Islamique, a finalement été abattu par la police. Les premiers éléments disponibles permettent de dresser un profil provisoire de l’homme responsable de la pire tuerie de masse de toute l’histoire américaine et du plus grave attentat commis sur le sol américain depuis le 11 septembre 2001, et de souligner la responsabilité de l’E.I. dans une action qui aura, n’en doutons pas, des conséquences sur le « positionnement » des Etats-Unis dans la crise syrienne.
A strange case in Kiev
07/06/2016 - 12:52
A strange case that took place this week in Ukraine triggers concerns over a possible "manipulation" from security services. On Monday, June 6, Vassil Grytsak, the head of the SBU (Sluzhba Bezpeky Oukrayiny), the Ukrainian domestic security and intelligence service, announced the arrest of "Gregoire M", a French national found in possession of an impressive arsenal and who allegedly plotted to commit 15 attacks (no less!) in France before and during the Euro 2016 competition. Among the potential targets of the attacks would be mosques, synagogues and public buildings.
Une étrange affaire à Kiev
07/06/2016 - 09:33
C’est une étrange affaire, aux forts relents de « manip » des services, qui vient d’éclater en Ukraine. Lundi M. Vassil Grytsak, chef du SBU (Sloujba Bezpeky Oukrayiny), le service de sécurité et de renseignement intérieur ukrainien, annonçait l’arrestation d’un certain « Gregoire M », ressortissant français trouvé en possession d’un arsenal impressionnant et qui aurait projeté de commettre une quinzaine d’attentats (pas moins !) en France avant et durant l’Euro 2016. Ses cibles : des mosquées, des synagogues et des bâtiments publics.
Rise of new rebel groups, backed by local ethnic and separatist movements risk to transform oil-producing Niger Delta regions into a hotbed of insurgency
27/05/2016 - 11:03
Since Goodluck Jonathan, the first president from the Niger Delta region, lost re-election in March 2015, and even more since the beginning of the year, the steady raise of violence in Nigeria’s southeast already demonstrated a new alarming trend for regional security. Following the latest attacks in the Niger Delta regions claimed by the newly-emerged Niger Delta Avengers group, this alarming trend has now reached a defining moment marking the revival of Niger Delta insurgency that risk to divert foreign investors from the region.
Competition with Islamic State pushes AQIM to expand south of the Sahel with a series of high profile attacks
25/05/2016 - 10:30
While Islamic State now holds the upper hand in the Middle East, Al-Qaeda maintains an advantage in Africa. Al-Qaeda’s position, however, has recently been threatened, with IS making significant efforts to expand deeper into the African continent. Over the last three years, there has been an increase in the number of loyal Islamic State cells operating in Somalia, Libya, Nigeria and even Tanzania.
Une guerre d'influence contre l'Etat Islamique pousse AQMI et ses diverses ramifications à se redeployer vers le sud du Sahel
20/05/2016 - 05:49
Là où l’Etat Islamique (EI) domine au Moyen-Orient, Al-Qaïda est à son avantage en Afrique. Toutefois, la position d’Al-Qaïda a récemment été de plus en plus menacée par l’EI qui tente d’accroitre son influence sur le continent africain. Ces trois dernières années, on observe une certaine croissance des cellules liées à l’Etat islamique notamment en Somalie, en Libye, au Nigeria, ainsi qu’en Tanzanie.
Les services secrets Pour les Nuls
20/05/2016 - 08:33
Counter-Terrorism : a « European FBI » is not the solution
21/04/2016 - 04:35
Since the January 2015 attack in Paris, many have called for the creation of a European FBI or of an EU-level counterterrorism organization. This would be, in my opinion, a bad idea for at least five reasons:
La fausse bonne idée d’un FBI européen
21/04/2016 - 01:44
Depuis les attentats de janvier 2015 à Paris, des voix se font entendre pour réclamer la création d'un FBI européen ou d'un grand service antiterroriste au niveau de l'Union. C'est, à mon avis, une fausse bonne idée et ce pour au moins cinq raisons :
Stop the Belgian Bashing, but Face Reality
01/04/2016 - 06:04
Since the attacks on November 13, Belgian authorities have been blamed for their “weakness” in the face of terrorist threats, their “naivety,” or, even worse, their “stupidity.” These critics and their disproportionate language, while being totally insignificant, are simply unfair. Within their legal framework and with the resources at their disposal, the Belgian intelligence services are no worse at their jobs, all else equal, than anyone else.
Arrêter le Belgian Bashing mais regarder la réalité en face
01/04/2016 - 04:28
Depuis les attentats du 13 novembre, les autorités belges ont été la cible de nombreuses attaques pour leur « faiblesse » face à la menace terroriste, leur « naïveté » ou encore, pour les plus désagréables, leur « stupidité ». Ces critiques et ces excès de langage n’ont guère d’importance mais elles sont injustes. Dans le cadre légal qui est le leur et avec les moyens qui leurs sont donnés, les « services » belges ne travaillent pas plus mal, toute chose étant par ailleurs égales, que les autres.
Prior security breaches at Brussels Airport were numerous and known
01/04/2016 - 04:16
It is not possible to assert that the attack on Brussels National Airport (also known as “Zaventem” after the municipality in which the airport is located) could have been avoided.
Claude Moniquet: Belgien ist unfähig, aber willig
01/04/2016 - 02:35
Die belgische Polizei - und nicht nur sie - ist mit der Suche nach möglichen islamisitischen Terroristen überfordert. Sie braucht ein besseres Konzept, meint der Geheimdienst-Experte Claude Moniquet im DW-Interview.
GRENZECHO: Attentate: „Brüssel war kein zufälliges Ziel“
01/04/2016 - 09:39
Naivität und Fahrlässigkeit der Behörden, gepaart mit einem latenten Misstrauen der Belgier gegenüber dem Staat, fehlenden Mitteln und einem Mangel an Sicherheitskultur: eine fatale Mischung, die den Nährboden für die Terroranschläge vom 22. März gelegt hat? Der Anti-Terror-Experte Claude Moniquet sagt: „Die Toleranz der Belgier hat sich als Schwäche herausgestellt.“
Les failles de sécurité à l’aéroport de Bruxelles étaient nombreuses et connues
31/03/2016 - 04:11
Il est impossible d’affirmer que l’attentat qui a frappé, le 22 mars, l’aéroport de Bruxelles –National (« de Zaventem », du nom de la commune sur le territoire de laquelle il est implanté), aurait pu être évité.
Claude Moniquet, expert en contre-terrorisme, répond à 20 Minutes...
30/03/2016 - 07:00
Attentats à Bruxelles: «Oui, la Belgique est le premier exportateur de djihadistes vers le Moyen-Orient» INTERVIEW Le Franco-Belge Claude Moniquet, expert en contre-terrorisme, répond à 20 Minutes...
NBC NEWS: Brussels Attacks: Bombers Filmed Nuclear Researcher, Expert Says
24/03/2016 - 09:31
Khalid and Ibrahim El Bakraoui were responsible for planting a hidden camera outside the Belgian researcher's house, according to Claude Moniquet, a French former intelligence official who was hired to investigate potential plots targeting Europe's nuclear sector.
L'Orient Le Jour: Quelles réponses possibles après les attentats de Bruxelles?
23/03/2016 - 11:29
L'expert belge en contre-terrorisme, Claude Moniquet, décrypte pour « L'Orient-Le Jour » la situation après les attaques qui ont ébranlé son pays.
Euronews: Attentats de Bruxelles: "un problème d'évaluation de la dangerosité des personnes"
23/03/2016 - 09:24
Les attentats de Bruxelles et soulèvent de nombreuses questions sur l’efficacité de la lutte contre le terrorisme. Euronews a interrogé Claude Moniquet, président de l’ESISC, un centre d’analyse des questions de sécurité .
Belgique : La Fusillade de Forest révèle l'existence d'un réseau en lien avec les attentats de Paris et noyau dur d'opérations terroristes
16/03/2016 - 03:35
Au lendemain de la fusillade de Forest dans laquelle 4 policiers ont été blessés, un suspect a d’ores et déjà été identifié, tandis qu’au moins 2, sinon 3, sont toujours en fuite. Cette fusillade est depuis l’assaut donné sur l’appartement de Saint Denis du 18 Novembre, le premier incident impliquant l’utilisation d’armes à feu.
Escalating violence in Niger Delta and Biafra regions represents a major security challenge for the oil-rich south of Nigeria
24/02/2016 - 01:37
Since the beginning of the year the steady raise of violence in Nigeria’s southeast demonstrate a new alarming trend for regional security since Goodluck Jonathan, the first president from the Niger Delta regions, lost re-election in March 2015. The latest incidents, in the context of dramatically decreasing oil prices and of the persistent Boko Haram insurgency in the northeast, represent a worrying situation for the Nigerian government. The possible consolidation of forces of pro-Biafra and Niger Delta rebels along with campus cult groups may seriously challenge security and stability of the region in the nearest future.
Somalia: Despite regional setbacks and internal tensions Al-Shabaab remains a challenge for regional security
17/02/2016 - 12:53
The events occurred in the past months in Kenya and Somalia show that Al-Shabaab, the Somalia-based terrorist group, is not only strengthening its influence in the region, but also expanding its ties with other Islamist terrorist groups present in Eastern Africa. In particular, the conduct of more high-profile coordinated attacks on diversified targets, including highly secured areas, suggests that Al-Shabaab is increasingly becoming an international terrorist threat.
The New York Times 'Cellphone Contacts in Paris Attacks Suggest Foreign Coordination'
04/01/2016 - 01:07
“We don’t know yet actually who was the real mastermind of the attack,” said Claude Moniquet, a veteran of France’s intelligence service and now the director of the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center. “It’s clear it was not Abaaoud and it was probably not a European,”
San Bernardino shooting highlights security challenges posed by 'lone wolf' attacks
17/12/2015 - 03:33
The mass shooting in San Bernardino on December 2, 2015, once again launched criticisms of the competency of security infrastructure in tracking “lone wolf” terrorist plots. Though it is possible attackers discussed jihadist leaning privately online before the shooting, the trail they left was so small-scale as to be negligible, and was undetected by authorities until after the fact. Faced with “lone wolf” attacks that are difficult to detect and even harder to prevent, security officials face the increasingly vital question of how to successfully counter individually orchestrated and perpetrated attacks.
Djihad : D'Al-Qaida à l'Etat Islamique, combattre et comprendre
23/11/2015 - 03:09
La Boite A Pandore 2015
Les attaques terroristes à Paris, « acte de guerre », baromètre des risques géopolitiques croissant pour la France
14/11/2015 - 08:43
Le vendredi 13 Novembre, une série d’attaques terroristes coordonnées d’une ampleur sans précédent a frappé Paris à 6 endroit différents, y compris au Stade de France ainsi qu’au Bataclan. 8 terroristes, dont 7 kamikazes ayant déclenché des charges explosives sont morts, et au moins 128 civils tués dont plus de 80 lors de l’attaque au Bataclan. Les assaillants étaient lourdement armés, équipés de fusils AK-47 et de gilets chargés explosifs au sein d’une opération complexe, multicouche, coordonnée et semble-t-il orchestrée par l’État Islamique.
Paris terrorist attacks, ‘an act of war’, highlight dramatically increasing geopolitical risks for France
14/11/2015 - 04:31
On Friday, November 13, a series of unprecedented coordinated terror attacks hit Paris in 6 different locations, including the Stade de France and the concert hall Bataclan. 8 terrorists were killed, including 7 who apparently triggered explosives charges, and at least 128 civilians died, including more than 80 in the attack on the Bataclan. Assailants were heavily armed, using AK-47 rifles, explosive vests and Kalashnikovs, in a complex, multilayered, coordinated operation apparently masterminded by the Islamic State.
La Libre "La France est un pays en guerre"
14/11/2015 - 10:15
Claude Moniquet, auteur spécialisé dans les questions stratégiques, le renseignement et la sécurité globale, analyse les multiples attaques qui ont frappé Paris ce vendredi 13 novembre.
Latest crackdown measures against PKK and IS reveal the security priorities for the Turkish
11/11/2015 - 01:04
The latest operations against IS terrorists and members of the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) reveal the 2 priority targets the Turkish government posed concerning the security of the country. The government of Justice and Development Party (AKP) and President Erdogan showed with their policy towards PKK and IS that these 2 groups are perceived as the main security threat. Already prior to the national elections of November 1st AKP introduced a hard-line policy towards PKK and IS which was announced that it would continue even more intensified after the election results, when AKP won the parliamentary majority.
Cyber-Jihad is becoming a priority for Islamic State
26/10/2015 - 01:03
The series of hacking attacks against US and British interests on September 11 and 12, as well as a series of hacking campaigns in October against Israeli interests, carried out by the new IS cyber unit, the Islamic Cyber Army, indicates that Islamic State pays increasing attention to cyber-jihad and in integrating hacking divisions in its organizational structure.
RIA Novosti - Claude Moniquet about Russian military involvement in Syrian Conflict
01/10/2015 - 10:43
Migrant crisis triggers fears over increase of terrorism threat in Western Europe
21/09/2015 - 01:31
In these recent months a record number of hundreds of thousands of migrants escaping violence and political instability across North Africa and the Middle East has entered into Europe. This flow of refugees into European countries has prompted concerns, fomented especially by far-right parties such as Italy’s Northern League, France’s National Front and UK’s UKIP, about the possible infiltration of Islamist terrorists, particularly Islamic State members, among the asylum seekers
Tajikistan : Mutiny of the renegade general Nazarzoda demonstrates increasing challenges for the the stability of the government of Emmomali Rakhmon
15/09/2015 - 09:27
A mutiny, launched by the renegade general Nazarzoda and his followers on September 4, that resulted in series of attacks against police posts and was followed by a large-scale search raid in Romit gorge, demonstrate that nearly 2 decades after the end of civil war Tajikistan today is again on the brink of new armed conflict.
BBC News - Viewpoint: New anti-terror approach needed after France train attack
24/08/2015 - 01:00
The failed attack against the Amsterdam-Paris Thalys train on Friday is a clear reminder for all of us: jihadist terrorism is the biggest security threat Europe has faced for decades. But it is also a sign that something is wrong with counter-terrorism, argues former French intelligence agent Claude Moniquet.
Egypt: Expansion of the Suez Canal and increased operational capabilities of IS terrorists raise concerns over the security of the strategic waterway
20/07/2015 - 01:34
The recent rocket attack on an Egyptian navy vessel and the arrest of suspected terrorists allegedly plotting bomb attacks along the Suez Canal raise serious concerns about the security of this trade route of strategic importance for Egypt.
France Info : Attentat déjoué : "On ne sera jamais à la hauteur de la menace"
17/07/2015 - 11:44
Un nouvel attentat a été déjoué sur le sol français. Trois personnes dont deux mineurs sont en garde à vue. Mais pour Claude Moniquet, ex-agent de la DGSE et expert en terrorisme, "on ne pourra pas éviter chaque fois que le drame se produise". Pour lui, "la France est une cible non pas seulement parce qu'elle est engagée militairement en Irak et dans le Sahel, mais parce qu'elle est un Etat laïc".
Burundi: Months of increasing violence amid controversial elections raise high concerns over security in the country
09/07/2015 - 05:29
A series of violent street protests, marred with police crackdown, shooting incidents and bomb attacks, that started in April this year, literally plunged Burundi into chaos. In a climate of widespread fears and intimidation and despite numerous calls for postponement from the international community, parliamentary and local elections took place on June 29. The prospect of a third 5-year term for President Pierre Nkurunziza puts in question security perspectives of the country, which has already a history of bloody ethnic conflict for more than a decade. Ahead of the presidential elections on July 15, the risk of an escalation of tensions remains high, reviving concerns over the possibility of a new civil war.
Giornale di Sicilia: «Siamo in guerra ma non con l’Islam. Rischi molto alti anche in Italia»
03/07/2015 - 10:55
«Siamo in guerra con il terrorismo.Ma è una guerra che va combattuta con servizi di intelligence, forze speciali, attacchi di droni. Attenti, poi, a capire che il nostro nemico non è l’Islam, non sono i musulmani. Loro sono le prime vittime del Califfato». Leandro Di Natala, analista dell’Esisc — il Centro europeo di studi sulla sicurezza, con sede a Bruxelles — e dell’Istituto romano di ricerche «Machiavelli», mette in guardia da «generalizzazioni e allarmismi». Che sono sempre dietro l’angolo. Ancor più se a Roma e Milano,com’è avvenuto ieri, vengono scoperti e arrestati «qaedisti» impegnati nel progettare attentati e sospetti affiliati dell’Isis.
Risques d'attentats contre les intérêts français extrêmement élevés
01/07/2015 - 06:52
Quatre attentats particulièrement significatifs ont été commis ces vendredi 26 juin et lundi 29 juin: - Attaque d’une mosquée chiite au Koweït (25 morts 202 blessés). Cette attaque a été revendiquée par l’E.I. - Décapitation et tentative d’attentat suicide à Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, Isère (1 mort, 2 blessés), France, par Yassine Salhi… Plusieurs comptes Twitter identifiés comme étant utilisés par des sympathisants de l’E.I. se sont félicités de l’attaque et ont évoqué une « Bataille de France », mais aucune revendication officielle n’a été émise. Le procureur de la République de Paris, M. François MOLINS a confirmé mardi matin que cet attentat était lié à l’E.I. Il apparaît en effet, d’après certains témoignages, que Salhi avait été proche du groupe radical Forzane Alizza (« Les Cavaliers de la fierté »), dissous par le ministre de l’Intérieur le 1er mars 2012. Par ailleurs, Salhi a envoyé, après la décapitation de sa victime, deux clichés à un certain Sébastien-Yunès, un converti d’une trentaine d’année parti e n Syrie en novembre 2014 avec femme et enfant. Sébastien-Yunès se serait vanté, dans une communication téléphonique interceptée, d’être le « responsable » de l’attaque. Salhi a été mis en examen mardi soir pour « assassinat en relation avec une entreprise terroriste ».
El Watan: « L’EI veut empêcher la Tunisie de bâtir un état « laïc » et « démocratique » au sud de la Méditerranée »
30/06/2015 - 09:50
Claude Moniquet, cofondateur de « l’European Strategic intelligence and Security » à El Watan
Russia Today in French: Expert en sécurité globale: «l'auteur cherchait à commettre un empoisonnement massif»
29/06/2015 - 02:00
Une personne est morte et au moins deux ont été blessées dans un attentat commis contre une usine de gaz industriels en Isère. Claude Moniquet, expert en sécurité globale, estime qu'en matière de terrorisme, le risque zero n'existe pas.
Terrorist attack of Saint-Quentin-Fallavier: the first Islamic state-style beheading in western europe demonstrates that industrial sites are a new target for “lone wolf” terrorists
26/06/2015 - 08:11
The terrorist attack carried out on Friday morning at the entrance of a natural gas factory belonging to the US group Air Products, in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, demonstrates that industrial sites in Western Europe represent a new target for terrorists. Many messages of support for the attack have been expressed on the Internet by supporters of the Islamic State (IS) and Al-Qaeda. This raises fears of more similar attacks in the near future.
Attaque terroriste de Saint-Quentin-Fallavier: Première décapitation du type de celles de l'EI en Europe occidentale demontre que les sites industriels sont une nouvelle cible pour les attaques terroristes de loups solitaires
26/06/2015 - 05:16
L’attaque terroriste perpétrée vendredi matin à l’entrée d’une usine de gaz naturel du groupe américain Air Products, à Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, démontre que les sites industriels en Europe occidentale représentent une nouvelle cible pour les terroristes. De nombreux messages de soutien à l’attaque ont été exprimés sur le net par des sympathisants de l’Etat Islamique(EI) ainsi que d’Al-Qaeda. Ceci laisse craindre d’autres attaques de ce type dans un avenir proche.
Egypt: Fresh attacks in the Nile Valley demonstrate that tourist sites are becoming priority-targets for local terrorist groups
19/06/2015 - 01:23
The terrorist attack prevented in Luxor on June 10 and the following statements released by IS-affiliated groups threatening the touristic sites exemplify what is becoming the new terrorist strategy aiming to strike the economy of Egypt. Terrorist organizations seem to realign their actions and deploy new cells in the south of the country, especially in the Nile valley that used to be considered over the past decade as a relatively safe area. Through this strategy Is-affiliated groups set a new priority target and try to open a new front establishing new operative cells in the south. Egyptian jihadists are now turning toward so-called ‘soft targets’ that provide a broad media effect and risk to cause long-term consequences for the national economy.
L'islamisme l'emporte en Belgique
05/06/2015 - 08:53
Regarding a canceled conference: When Islamism prevails in Belgium
03/06/2015 - 05:57
On Wednesday 3 of June, Claude Moniquet and the MP Denis Ducarme were to take part in a conference in Verviers following an invitation by the local section of the Mouvement Réformateur (MR), a party which is a member of the Belgian government coalition.
Au sujet d'une conférence annulée : quand l'islamisme l'emporte en Belgique
03/06/2015 - 04:03
Ce mercredi 3 juin, Claude Moniquet et le député MR Denis Ducarme devaient donner une conférence à Verviers à l’invitation de la section locale du Mouvement Réformateur (MR) par ailleurs pivot de la coalition gouvernementale belge. Le thème de la conférence était le radicalisme et le djihadisme. Si le MR de Verviers avait décidé d’organiser, dans un lieu privé, cet évènement, ce n’est pas par hasard : c’est à Verviers, le 15 janvier dernier, qu’une cellule opérationnelle de l’Etat Islamique, qui préparait apparemment des attentats contre la police avait été anéantie et que deux terroristes récemment revenus de Syrie avaient été tués.
Bangladesh: Intensified activities of Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups risk to contribute to further radicalisation of Muslim population
02/06/2015 - 11:20
Since the beginning of May, series of security incidents triggered concerns over the rise of terrorism threat in Bangladesh. Challenged not only by the presence of already existing local radical islamist groups but also by the recent declared development of activities within the country of “international” terrorist organisations, Bangladesh is becoming another area of competition between Islamic State and Al-Qaeda, highlighting the global trend.
Jihad in België
23/05/2015 - 09:33
Claude Moniquet Horizon, 2015
Russia: Islamic State vs Al Qaeda; Deepening crisis in Imarat Kavkaz contributes to the reinforcement of IS positions in post-Soviet space
21/05/2015 - 01:31
The security developments of the past months in Northern Caucasus indicate two main trends: 1. The clear weakening of the positions of Al-Qaeda-linked Imarat Kavkaz and 2. The reinforcing positions of the Islamic State. Indeed, a recent string of counter-terrorism operations in Northern Caucasus, that resulted in the killing of numerous senior terrorist members of Imarat Kavkaz including the Emir Mukhammad, who succeeded Doku Umarov after his death, put the group in situation of harsh competition with the Islamic State who is increasing its presence in Russia.
Tanzania/Kenya: New Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group "Al-Muhajiroun in East Africa" issues threat against western targets
08/05/2015 - 10:33
In a statement, posted online on May 4, a recently created Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group named 'Al-Muhajiroun in East Africa' threatened to carry out attacks against western interests in the region, accusing UN forces of 'encouraging repressions against Muslims'. The group also threatened to carry out attacks against targets in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. The latest statement, that was published the same day as when a Tanzanian convoy was attacked by ADF rebels in North Kivu province in Democratic Republic of Congo, raises concerns over the threat presented by the new Al-Qaeda offspring in East Africa.
Peru: Rising protests in energy and mining sectors as a challenge to the ruling political party
06/05/2015 - 10:07
A series of protests, including violent ones, in the energy and mining sectors have been taking place in different Peruvian regions since the beginning of the year 2015. These demonstrations could challenge the newly sworn-in Primer Minister and the political party in power ahead of the 2016 Presidential elections. To recall, on April 27, Pedro Cateriano, won the vote of confidence in Congress with 73 votes in favour, 11 against and 39 abstentions. He had been chosen by Peruvian President Ollanta Humala following the censure of ex-Prime Minister, Ana Jara, over spying allegations on March 30. The fact that Cateriano is a supporter of Humala and that the next Presidential elections are to be held soon, in 2016, make the new Prime Minister as well as the ruling political party particularly vulnerable to future possible outbreaks of violence.
Brazil: Spillover effect of Petrobras corruption scandal suggests new political and economic challenges ahead of the 2016 Olympics
28/04/2015 - 10:53
Since the beginning of 2015, large protests have been taking place across Brazil targeting President Rousseff and her political party, the Workers’ Party (PT). These protests are addressing different issues but the disruptive factor has doubtlessly been the explosion of the Petrobras corruption scandal. Though the Petrobras corruption case opened last year in 2014, it is currently being the focus of media attention as arrests are being made and more information is being revealed. The scandal and its spillover effect could be a turning point in the country’s history and create new political and economic challenges ahead of the 2016 Olympic Games to be held in Rio de Janeiro.
Philippines: Latest security developments demonstrate that governmental peace deal with insurgent groups is under threat
16/04/2015 - 01:48
The recent string of insurgency events in Philippines show that the security context remains particularly tense, as the different terrorist groups and the government are involved in an open armed conflict. Indeed, Islamist terrorism is deeply rooted in Philippines namely in the southernmost regions, around Mindanao, Basilan, Jolo regions and other nearby islands. The most active Islamist groups in Philippines today are the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Moro National Liberation Front (MNL), Abu Sayyaf group, Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) and the recently emerged Justice for Islamic Movement group (JIM).
150 morts qui pouvaient être évités : Andreas Lubitz, la Lufthansa et « le facteur humain »
27/03/2015 - 11:33
Tous les professionnels de la sécurité qui ont été confrontés à des crises – attentat, crime, trahison, dysfonctionnement industriel grave – connaissent bien une vérité qui vient de se rappeler au souvenir de la Lufthansa et de sa filiale Germanwings : dans une majorité écrasante de cas, le problème, ce n’est ni la technique, ni la qualité des équipements ou leur maintenance, ni même les procédures mises en place pour gérer les situations « conformes » et les situations « non conformes ». Le problème, c’est le facteur humain...
150 victims that could have been avoided: Andreas Lubitz, Lufthansa and the "human factor"
27/03/2015 - 11:01
All security professionals who have dealt with crises - attacks, crime, treasons, serious workplace disasters – are familiar with a truth that was recently recalled by Lufthansa and its subsidiary Germanwings: in the overwhelming majority of cases, the problem is neither due to a technical failure, nor the quality of equipment or service, nor the compliance, or not, to procedures already in place. The problem is the human factor...
China: New Uyghur attacks and alleged links to the Islamic State
23/03/2015 - 10:06
The rise of the Islamic State in Syrian and Iraq is a matter of concern for Chinese authorities, who fear possible links between IS and Uyghur terrorists in Xinjiang. Over the past weeks, Uyghur extremists stroke again hence putting political and security authorities on alert...
We are all Tunisians!
19/03/2015 - 02:58
Two attackers, four hours of war scenes in the heart of the capital, some twenty people dead - the death toll less than twenty-four hours after the tragedy remains uncertain - and several dozen wounded: the attack that targeted Tunisia on March 18 was the bloodiest since that of Ghriba, on April 11, 2002 (19 dead, thirty wounded)...
Nous sommes tous Tunisiens !
19/03/2015 - 10:39
Deux attaquants, quatre heures de scènes de guerre en plein cœur de la capitale, une vingtaine de morts – le bilan, moins de vingt-quatre heures après la tragédie, reste incertain – et plusieurs dizaines de blessés : l’attentat qui a visé, le 18 mars, la Tunisie est le plus sanglant qui ait frappé le pays depuis celui de la Ghriba, le 11 avril 2002 (19 morts, une trentaine de blessés)...
Boko Haram abnd its pledge of loyalty to the Islamic State
11/03/2015 - 02:14
On March 7th, in a video posted on Twitter Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau pledged alliance with the Islamic State. The statement comes at a time when Boko Haram is put under an intense pressure by Chad and Niger new cross border offensive against the insurgency, which caused it to lose ground...
Denmark: Copenhagen shootings prove efficiency of “individual jihad” propaganda campaigns, launched by IS and Al-Qaeda
18/02/2015 - 10:52
The deadly shooting attacks in Copenhagen this weekend once again demonstrated the efficiency of individual jihad propaganda campaigns in Western Europe, that were launched by the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda...
Australia: Anti-Muslim sentiments increase amidst growing concerns over the radicalization of citizens
14/01/2015 - 11:30
Religious tensions have grown within Australia amidst concerns about radicalization of citizens and possible extremist activities occurring in the country. This has led to a strong response by police, anti-Muslim activists, and also Muslim communities, who are increasingly concerned about Australia’s treatment of Muslims...
7 Janvier : Le « 11 septembre » français
09/01/2015 - 08:59
La France a désormais son « 11 septembre ». La tuerie absurde perpétrée le mercredi 7 janvier 2015 à Charlie Hebdo a profondément marqué la société française, et, au-delà, le monde entier. Les rassemblements spontanés de dizaines de milliers de personnes à Paris, dans plusieurs grandes villes et dans de très nombreuses cités étrangères, mais aussi la floraison des « Je suis Charlie », le « Vive la France » de Barack Obama et tant de réactions horrifiées de millions de personnes – connues ou anonymes – à travers le monde en témoignent.
Central African Republic: Months of perpetual violence raise doubts over next year elections
17/12/2014 - 02:46
One year ago, a transitional government was appointed in the Central African Republic with the main mission of restoring security and organizing proper elections in February 2015, at the latest. Early September, the National Election Authority declared that the conditions for legitimate presidential election were not fulfilled and that elections in February would be “unthinkable”. Though insufficient funding was put forward as a reason for postponement of the election, the decision was certainly influenced by the security environment.
Conséquences pour la sécurité des intérêts américains à l’étranger
12/12/2014 - 12:45
Suite à la présentation mardi dernier au Congrès de la version publique du rapport de la Commission sénatoriale du renseignement sur les techniques d’interrogatoire de la CIA dans le cadre de la lutte anti-terroriste, les autorités américaines ont relevé leur niveau d’alerte pour protéger leurs installations militaires et diplomatiques à travers le monde.
Les intérêts occidentaux et iraniens dans la ligne de mire d’Al-Qaïda au Yémen
11/12/2014 - 09:43
Mercredi 3 décembre, le groupe lié à Al-Qaïda « Ansar al-Charia » a revendiqué un attentat à la voiture piégée commis le matin même devant la résidence du nouvel ambassadeur iranien à Sanaa, Hassan Sayed Nam...
Pakistani-linked terror groups target electoral process in Jammu and Kashmir
08/12/2014 - 12:25
13 people had been killed on December 5 in one of the deadliest wave of attacks carried out for years in the State of Jammu and Kashmir by suspected Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists.
La poussée djihadiste dans la plaine de la Bekaa menace à nouveau la stabilité du Liban
05/12/2014 - 09:59
Mardi 2 décembre, le groupe terroriste « Etat Islamique » (EI) a publié sur le forum islamiste « Al-Minbar » un appel au djihad visant explicitement les communautés chiites et chrétiennes du Liban. Depuis plusieurs mois, de nombreuses régions du pays vivent en effet au rythme des combats opposant l’armée ou les miliciens du Hezbollah aux terroristes de l’EI ou du front Al-Nusra. Ces dernières semaines, cette situation a donné lieu à de violents affrontements, dont le plus meurtrier a coûté la vie à au moins six soldats de l’armée libanaise ce mardi sur une route de montagne de Ras Baalbek, dans la plaine de la Bekaa, à proximité de la frontière syrienne.
La revendication de la mort de William Henderson démontre l’extension du combat djihadiste à travers l’Egypte
02/12/2014 - 05:26
Le groupe djihadiste égyptien « Wilayat Sinaï » (anciennement connu sous le nom d’Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, « Partisans de Jérusalem ») a revendiqué dimanche soir sur Twitter l’assassinat de l’ingénieur pétrolier américain William 'Bill' Henderson.
Police reform plan is “All or Nothing” for President Enrique Peña Nieto
01/12/2014 - 09:27
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto vowed on Thursday November 27 to undertake a vast reform plan to restore law and order in the country, so as to put an end to the endemic corruption of the local police forces.
La radicalisation des groupes Mapuche menace les intérêts internationaux en Argentine et au Chili
26/11/2014 - 03:10
Le 11 novembre dernier, un groupe inconnu jusqu’ici, la « Résistance ancestrales des Mapuches » (Resistencia Ancestral Mapuche - RAM), a revendiqué une série d’attentats perpétrés ces deux dernières années dans les provinces argentines du Rio Negro et de Chubut. Le groupe, qui se présente comme une émanation du mouvement autonomiste Mapuche du « Puel Mapu », a aussi menacé de mener dès à présent une véritable « guerre » contre les « Etats oppresseurs » de l’Argentine et du Chili, sur le territoire desquels s’étend le territoire ancestral de la nation Mapuche.
L’ « Etat Islamique » accentue sa campagne de propagande en direction des jeunes Français
21/11/2014 - 10:48
Mercredi 19 septembre, le groupe terroriste « Etat Islamique » (EI) a diffusé sur Internet une nouvelle vidéo de propagande montrant 3 combattants djihadistes présentés comme étant des citoyens français. Les 3 hommes – seulement identifiés sous leurs « noms de guerre » d’Abu Osama al-Faranci, Abu Maryam al-Faranci, et Abu Salman al-Faranci – y brûlent leurs passeports et leurs permis de conduire, et appellent leurs concitoyens musulmans à les rejoindre en Syrie ou à commettre des attentats sur le sol français. En dehors de leur langue, aucune indication ne permet à l’heure actuelle de confirmer la nationalité des 3 hommes, ou de déterminer leur identité réelle.
“Umbrella movement” approaches turning point in Hong Kong
20/11/2014 - 11:28
In the early hours of Wednesday November 19, a group of masked protesters attempted to penetrate inside Hong Kong’s Legislative Council (LegCo) following rumors about the impending vote on the proposed “Article 23” on Internet freedom...
La Vidéo de Serge Lazarevic renouvelle l’attention des médias français envers AQMI
18/11/2014 - 03:49
L’otage français Serge Lazarevic et un autre homme présenté comme l’otage néerlandais Sjaak Rijke sont apparus lundi dans une vidéo d’environ quatre minutes réalisée par le bras médiatique d’Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique (AQMI), « Al Andalus », et authentifiée dans la soirée par les services de renseignement français. Bien que la date de l’enregistrement du message ne soit pas connue avec certitude (Sjaak Rijke affirme qu’il parle le 26 septembre), cette vidéo constitue selon un communiqué publié dès lundi sur le site de l’Elysée « une preuve de vie récente qui était attendue depuis longtemps. »
L’ombre de l’Etat islamique menace New Delhi
07/11/2014 - 03:48
Au cours d’une interview donnée à l’agence Reuters le mercredi 5 novembre, le porte-parole autoproclamé du groupe terroriste pakistanais Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan Jamaat Ahrar (TTP-JA), Ehsanullah Ehsan, a menacé de perpétrer des attaques sur le territoire indien...
Une transition civile est-elle envisageable au Burkina Faso ?
05/11/2014 - 04:31
En dépit des condamnations internationales qui ont accompagné la prise du pouvoir par l’armée sous l’égide du lieutenant-colonel Yacouba Isaac Zida, commandant en second du régiment de sécurité présidentiel, Ouagadougou semble avoir retrouvé le calme en début de semaine, après 3 jours de troubles qui ont mené au départ en exil de l’ex-président Blaise Compaoré.
Drone Flights over French Nuclear Centers: Four Hypotheses
05/11/2014 - 02:47
During the past month and a half, drones have flown over French nuclear centers numerous times, and authorities have been incapable of determining who is responsible for piloting these machines. At present, four hypotheses seem possible to explain these mysterious intrusions into prohibited air space:
Survol d’installations nucléaires françaises par des drones : quatre hypothèses
04/11/2014 - 04:25
A de nombreuses reprises, depuis un mois et demi, des centrales nucléaires françaises ont été survolée par des drones sans que les autorités soient à même de déterminer qui pilote ces engins. Quatre hypothèses semblent, à l’heure actuelle, pouvoir expliquer ces mystérieuses intrusions dans des espaces aériens interdits :  L’action « ludique » de passionnés  L’action d’écologistes radicaux  L’action d’un groupe terroriste  L’action d’un groupe criminel ou voulant ridiculiser l’Etat 1) Les faits Les chiffres divergent, selon que l’on se réfère à ceux donnés par le gouvernement ou par les organisations écologistes, mais il semblerait que 14 centrales (sur les 19 que compte le parc nucléaire français) et un autre site lié à l’énergie nucléaire aient été survolées, certaines à plusieurs reprises.
The United Nations warn about unprecedented level of Jihadi recruitment
03/11/2014 - 03:39
On Friday October 31, the British daily newspaper “The Guardian” revealed passages of an un-published report from the UN Security Council’s committee in charge of monitoring the activities of Al-Qaeda...
Washington and Ankara begin to overcome differences in the fight against the Islamic State
30/10/2014 - 01:27
After weeks of waiting and uncertainty, approximately 150 Iraqi Peshmerga fighters bound for the Syrian city of Kobani were finally allow to enter Turkey early on Wednesday, October 29...
Terrorist organizations struggle to attract world media attention
29/10/2014 - 07:52
As Western governments tend to focus more and more of the risks associated with the “Islamic State“ (IS) terrorist group, several organizations linked to more traditional Al-Qaeda networks reiterated threats in recent weeks against the international transportation system...
Iguala’s protests indicated worrying exasperation amongst Mexican population
24/10/2014 - 02:44
On Friday October 24, Guerrero State governor Angel Aguirre announced his decision to step down, in order to create “a more favorable political climate to bring about the solution to the crisis.” Since the beginning of the week, thousands of Mexican citizens have staged protests across the state, to denounce the multiple and complex linkages between local politicians and drug cartels.
The shelling of a chemical plant marks the de-facto end of the cease-fire in Eastern Ukraine
23/10/2014 - 12:10
On Monday October 20, Russian media reported that a violent explosion had occurred at the Donetsk State Chemical Factory, causing damages over several kilometers but no reported casualties...
Clockwork orange jihad: the Islamic State comes to Canada
22/10/2014 - 03:18
While the facts have been largely ignored by European media, the “Clockwork Orange” style of jihad of the Islamic State made its debut in Canada at the beginning of the week. On Monday, a Canadian soldier was fatally wounded (and another one injured) after he has been hit by an known Islamist in his car. On Wednesday in the end of the morning, another serviceman was wounded when a man opened fire against the National War Memorial, in Ottawa. The man ran toward the Canadian Parliament which was closed. Nevertheless, witnesses say they heard “several gunshots” inside the building. It’s too early to assess the last event, but the first one is quite clear.
Djihad orange mécanique l’Etat Islamique débarque au Canada
22/10/2014 - 03:04
Les faits ont été largement ignorés par les médias européens, mais le djihad style « Orange Mécanique » de l’Etat Islamique a fait son entrée au Canada en ce début de semaine. Lundi, c’est soldat canadien qui a été mortellement blessé, tandis qu’un autre était grièvement blessé, par un islamiste connu des services de police les ayant percuté avec son véhicule. Ce mercredi, en fin de matinée, un autre militaire a été blessé après qu’un inconnu ait ouvert le feu à plusieurs reprises contre le National War Memorial d’Ottawa avant de prendre la fuite. Le parlement canadien, tout proche du mémorial a été fermé tandis que les forces de l’ordre se lançaient dans la chasse à l’homme. A l’heure où nous écrivons, aucun détail exploitable n’a été révélé sur le plus récent des deux attentats, mais on pejut déjà se livrer à une analyse du premier d’entre eux.
Regain de tensions entre les deux Corées sur fond de rumeurs au sujet de Kim Jong-un
21/10/2014 - 12:34
Lundi 19 octobre, le ministère sud-coréen de la Défense a indiqué que des échanges de tirs avaient éclaté la veille à l’intérieur de la zone démilitarisée intercoréenne (DMZ). Selon Séoul, une patrouille nord-coréenne aurait ouvert le feu sur des militaires sud-coréens qui leur enjoignait de s’éloigner de la ligne de démarcation.
Turkey’s prospects in face of IS’ advance on Kobani
13/10/2014 - 09:54
Day after day, the situation is becoming increasingly tense in eastern and south-eastern Turkey, in response to the events in Syria, as tens of thousands of Kurdish refugees fled the advance of the “Islamic State” (IS) terrorist group against the border city of Kobani.
Nouvelles craintes pour la sécurité maritime après le détournement d’un pétrolier vietnamien
09/10/2014 - 01:18
Jeudi 9 octobre, le département des affaires maritimes du ministère vietnamien des transports a annoncé que le pétrolier MT Sunrise 689 – porté disparu depuis son appareillage de Singapour le 2 octobre dernier – avait été relâché par des pirates dans la matinée.
Belgium shows commitment to combat terrorism during Sharia4Belgium trial
06/10/2014 - 11:12
As the trial of the banned Islamist group “Sharia4Belgium” began on Monday September 29, Belgian media focused their interest on Muslim radicalism and on the increasing risk of terrorist attacks across the country.
Aspects locaux et internationaux des menaces maoïstes/naxalites contre les Etats du sud de l’Inde
03/10/2014 - 09:44
Le ministère indien de l’Intérieur a averti cette semaine les Etats du Karnataka, du Kerala et du Tamil Nadu de l’existence d’un risque accru d’attaques maoïstes. Cette alerte résulte d’un long message dans lequel le « Comité central » du Parti communiste indien-Maoïstes (PCI-Maoïstes) fait état de l’ouverture d’un nouveau front de guérilla dans la zone qui sépare ces trois états, au niveau de l’extrémité méridionale de la chaine montagneuse des Ghats occidentaux (Sahyadri).
Philippines: Threats against German hostages raise the question of the changing nature of Abu Sayyaf Group
30/09/2014 - 01:15
On Monday September 29, German hostages Stefan Viktor Okonek and Herike Diesen – who are presumably held by the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in an unknown location in Sulu Island since last April – launched a distress appeal to the German and Philippine governments in an interview with Zamboanga city’s community radio dxRZ. Stressing that their health condition was worsening, they called German authorities to do “all they can” to ensure their release, adding that they were “not sure how long [they] can suffer”. The authenticity of the message, which was broadcasted trough the private network “Radio Mindanao Network” (RMN), was later confirmed by local police sources.
Colombia commits to peace process despite continuing violence on the ground
26/09/2014 - 09:26
The Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) used the opportunity of the United Nations General Assembly’s annual meeting in New York to publish on Wednesday September 24 the provisional content of a proposed peace settlement. President Juan Manuel Santos, who will address the General Assembly on Thursday, explained that confidentiality was no longer necessary, as the peace talks were “advanced enough” to ensure the continuation of the process started in November 2012 in Cuba’s capital city of Havana.
The Zaidi advance ushers in a new period of uncertainty in Yemen
25/09/2014 - 09:42
Whilst the world’s attention was focused on the barbaric atrocities committed by the “Islamic State” (IS) terrorist group in Iraq and Syria, the rapid advance of the Zaidi “Houti” insurgency – also known as “Ansarullah” – towards Sanaa also plunged Yemen on the verge of a new civil war.
Nigeria: Boko Haram and the threat of a new “caliphate”
24/09/2014 - 03:01
While the United States are fighting, with an international coalition, the so-called Islamic State terrorist group in Iraq and Syria, Boko Haram, the Nigerian jihadist group, is now directly threatening one of Nigeria’s main cities. This insurgency is holding territory after a series of victories against the Nigerian army and the proclamation, last month, of a “caliphate”. Despite the international outrage provoked by the kidnapping of more than 200 girls from a school in April 2014 and the declaration of the state of emergency since May 2013 in the states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa, the terrorist group continues to gain ground.
Islamic State: “the psychopaths speak to the psychopaths”
23/09/2014 - 04:53
During the Second World War, the BBC radio broadcasted every evening a program destined to occupied France audience and which started each time with the iconic formula “From London, The French speak to the French”. Well, the Islamic State innovated, on Monday 22nd September, by diffusing a threatening audio message to France (and in a broader sense to the West) which could be entitled “From Raqqah, the psychopaths speak to the psychopaths”.
Etat Islamique : « les psychopathes parlent aux psychopathes »
23/09/2014 - 03:02
Durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, la BBC diffusait chaque soir une émission destinée à la France occupée et qui commençait par une formule célèbre : « Ici Londres, Les Français parlent aux Français ! ». Eh bien l’Etat Islamique a innové, ce lundi 22 septembre en diffusant un message de menaces à l’égard de la France (et, plus généralement de l’Occident) qui pourrait s’intituler « Ici Raqqa, les psychopathes parlent aux psychopathes ».
Anti-IS coalition takes shapes despite huge number of uncertainties on the ground
19/09/2014 - 02:43
According to a statement issued by the press service of the Elysée Palace, French fighter jets carried out their first air strikes against Islamic State (IS – referred as “Daech”) positions in northern Iraq, early in the morning on Friday September 19. French media sources later reported that the operation was conducted by at least two Rafale aircrafts stationed in the Al Dhafra Air Base, near Abu Dhabi.
“Operation Appleby” highlights looming terrorist threat in line with Islamic State’s progression in Iraq
18/09/2014 - 03:42
On Thursday September the 18th, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced that police had detained 15 suspected members of a support network of the Islamic State (IS) terror group, in a major counterterrorism operation carried out early in the morning in Sydney and Brisbane...
Nigeria: Investigating the emerging trend of female suicide bombers in Kano
18/08/2014 - 10:36
Vietnam - China: The standoff continues
16/07/2014 - 02:14
Early on May China has started oil explorations off the Vietnamese coast near the contested Paracel Islands, in the South China Sea. The oil platforms moved in the area have triggered anti-Chinese protests in Vietnam and raised concerned among regional countries over China’s intentions...
Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis: the Sinai-based group that “introduces” itself into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
01/07/2014 - 06:05
While the Israeli government accuses Hamas of being directly responsible for the recent murder of three teens, in the West Bank, the Sinai-based group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis claimed responsibility on Tuesday for the triple murder (...°.
ANSAR BAIT AL-MAQDIS : Le groupe égyptien qui « s’invite » dans le conflit israélo-palestinien
01/07/2014 - 04:04
Alors que le gouvernement israélien accuse le Hamas d’être directement responsable de l’assassinat de trois adolescents, en Cisjordanie, le groupe égyptien Ansar Bait al-Maqdis a revendiqué le triple meurtre ce mardi. Dans le même communiqué, l’organisation revendique des tirs de roquette contre Israël depuis la Bande de Gaza et prête allégeance au « Calife » Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi...
Nigeria: Under the fire of Boko Haram
13/06/2014 - 01:31
More than 10.000 people have been killed since Boko Haram started its campaign to establish an Islamic state in Nigeria in 2002. In the most recent attack, about 200 people were reported killed, when Boko Haram gunmen stormed the villages of Goshe, Attagara, Agapalwa and Aganjara in Borno state on June 3. This latest attack brings the 2014 death toll at around 2.000 deaths...
Russia / Ukraine: Crimea as a new hotbed of radical Islam in post-Soviet space
22/05/2014 - 12:28
In a video that was recently posted on Youtube and on Russian jihadist websites emir of Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (JMA), Batallion of foreign fighters in Syria, Salahuddin Shishani, and his naib Abdul-Kerim Krimsky (Crimean) addressed to Muslims...
The Geopolitics of Military Spending
02/05/2014 - 09:49
In April 2014, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published its latest bulleting on Trends in World Military Expenditure – 2013. The bulletin shows that global military spending has been decreasing for the second year in a row.
Will the Crimean crisis reinvigorate transatlantic security?
09/04/2014 - 09:55
Since the end of the Cold War the two sides of the Atlantic have been gone through an identity crisis, similar to that experienced by NATO...
The Kunming attack and the rise of terrorism in China
11/03/2014 - 03:46
On Saturday, March 1, a group of knives-armed assailants attacked civilians at the Kunming train station, Yunnan province, killing 29 people and wounding more than 140. Some of the attackers were killed during the action, while others were arrested in the days after. Although Chinese authorities have blamed Uighur separatists, given the fact that a flag similar – although not exactly alike – to the East Turkestan Islamic Movement’s (ETIM) was found at the scene, no group has officially claimed responsibility for the attack...
Ukraine: Copy and Paste, same old story and reality denial
28/02/2014 - 09:21
The Ukrainian Revolution (with a capital “R”) ousted the dictator. The infamous Yanukovych has fallen.
Ukraine : copier/coller, vieilles rengaines et ignorance des réalités
26/02/2014 - 11:05
La Révolution (avec un « R » majuscule) ukrainienne a eu raison du dictateur. L’infâme Ianoukovytch est tombé (...)
Ukraine: On the verge of civil war
21/02/2014 - 01:31
Thursday, February 20, 2014, will certainly be remembered as one the bloodiest day in Ukraine’s most recent history. The final death toll of this week’s clashes between protesters and governmental forces is still uncertain, although early estimates refer that more than 100 people were killed and more than 500 were wounded...
China: The securitization of the Uyghur issue and its geopolitical implications
12/02/2014 - 09:41
The Xinjian Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) remains one of the most troublesome provinces in China. Officially established on October 1, 1955, the XUAR has a history of separatism lead by the Uyghur minority, who managed to establish the “East Turkistan Republic” in two successful occasions in 1933-34 and 1944-49...
Sochi: high threats but low risk
06/02/2014 - 01:35
The security paradox of Winter Olympic Games in Sochi is obvious to any observer of the Russian scene and to every security analysts: the threat level is very high...
Sotchi : menaces élevées mais risques faibles
06/02/2014 - 11:37
Le paradoxe sécuritaire des Jeux olympiques d’hiver à Sotchi est évident pour tout observateur de la scène russe et pour tout analyste de la sécurité : le niveau des menaces est très élevé ...
Ukraine: The rise of ultra-nationalist movements
27/01/2014 - 05:00
After a period of relative quietness, the upraising in Ukraine has registered a new wave of violence with at least five people killed and hundreds injured over the last couple of weeks. The new clashes were triggered by the government’s decision on January 17th to put new restrictions on protests till March 8th. Since then, the confrontation between governmental forces and the oppositions has become more intense...
Russia: Unconfirmed reports about the death of Doku Umarov several weeks ahead of Winter Olympic Games in Sochi
17/01/2014 - 03:32
A video, posted on Youtube and on numerous jihadist websites on Thursday, triggered a wave of rumors about alleged death of the leader of Imarat Kavkaz, Doku Umarov aka Emir Abu Usman.
Egypt: Toward a New Constitution?
15/01/2014 - 03:34
In a climate of tensions, Egypt opened polling stations on Tuesday to vote on a key referendum on a new constitution. The interior ministry deployed more than 200.000 policemen, 150 security units and 200 combat groups to secure the station from violence....
Libya and the security of energy infrastructures
07/01/2014 - 01:08
2013 was not a remarkable year for Libya’s energy sector. Indeed, it was quite the opposite. Libya’s energy infrastructures have been targeted since the beginning of last year by a heterogeneous group of actors including: rebels, ethnic minorities, employees and guards—each bringing different demands to the already unstable government lead by Ali Zeidan...
ESISC Presidential Election Mission in Azerbaijan
16/12/2013 - 12:48
ESISC has conducted an independent observation mission in Azerbaijan for October 9 Presidential elections.
South Africa after Mandela
11/12/2013 - 02:35
More than 91 world leaders gathered in Johannesburg for the farewell to former South African President Nelson Mandela, in a celebration easily comparable to those of Pope John Paul II and JFK. With South Africa now gathering world’s media attention for the loss of one of its most prominent political figure of the XX century, a question may arise: how will South Africa be looking like in the post-Mandela era? [...]
Ukraine: caught between a rock and a hard place
04/12/2013 - 11:30
Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have been taking the streets since November 21st, when President Viktor Yanukovych took the decision of not signing an association agreement with the European Union (EU) that would have enhanced cooperation between Kiev and Brussels. In an atmosphere of growing tension, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov stated that the situation is serious and the protests have «all the signs of a coup»...
Iran: The reactions to the interim nuclear agreement
27/11/2013 - 09:53
On Sunday, November 24, 2013, the 5+1 negotiator group (the United States, Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom and Germany) reached an interim nuclear agreement with Iran. [...]
Libya: “Cyrenaican Political Bureau” announces regional oil company
20/11/2013 - 01:43
On Sunday, November 10, 2013, the Prime Minister of the self-declared Cyrenaican autonomous government, Abd-Rabbo al-Barassi, announced the creation of the Libyan Oil and Gas Corporation.
Syria: Free Syrian Army set conditions to participate in Geneva II peace talks
15/11/2013 - 11:28
On Monday, November 11th, 2013, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) set its conditions to participate to the Geneva II Middle East Peace Conference (hereinafter Geneva II), which is expected to take place by the end of the year. With all parties now declaring their willingness to take part to the Conference, several issues have still to be solved by sherpas before its beginning. [...]
The Morsi Trial: a Geopolitical Perspective
07/11/2013 - 02:31
On Monday, November 4, 2013, Egypt’s former president Mohamed Morsi rejected the authority of the court due to try him and 14 other officials for their alleged involvement in the death of protesters demonstrating outside Cairo’s presidential palace last December.[...]
Washington and Islamabad to restart the strategic dialogue
23/10/2013 - 07:40
On Wednesday, October 23, 2013, the US President Barack Obama will meet with the Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to review bilateral relations between their two countries. Several issues are expected to be addressed during the important meeting, which should mark a new beginning after years of strained relations. [...]
Press Statement – ESISC Presidential Election Observation Mission in Azerbaijan
10/10/2013 - 10:53
As announced earlier, ESISC conducted an independent observation mission in Azerbaijan for October 9 Presidential elections. [...]
Remarks on the second interim report of the OSCE/ODIHR
05/10/2013 - 09:03
The European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center continues today its analysis of the political situation in Azerbaijan at the eve of the Presidential elections of October 9 (...)
Remarks on the first interim report of the OSCE/ODIHR
23/09/2013 - 08:51
In recent years the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center (ESISC) follows with great attention the political situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan. In many aspects, the present and the future of the country is of great interest for the political and economic actors of the Western countries.
The Republic of Azerbaijan: A model of good governance
09/09/2013 - 01:31
On October 9 2013, 4,9 millions of Azeri voters will go to the polls to elect their president and determine the future direction of their old but relatively recent independent nation.
China: Xinjiang’s violence, sub-state separatism or global terrorism?
03/09/2013 - 08:18
In the last few years, and particularly since the July 2009 deadly riots in Xinjiang’s capital Urumqi, the case of Uyghurs’ separatism and their Islamic radicalisation has gained considerable attention among political observers worldwide. [...]
Mohamed Alhoumekani is in danger, the European Union must demand his release
26/08/2013 - 03:10
We were shocked to learn on Sunday, August 25 the arrest in Yemen on Saturday, August 24 of Mohammed Saleh Alhoumekani Belgian citizen of Djiboutian origin (...)
Mohamed Alhoumekani est en danger de mort, l'Union européenne doit exiger sa libération
26/08/2013 - 01:28
Nous avons appris avec émotion, dans la nuit de dimanche 25 août à lundi 26 août, l’arrestation, samedi 24 août au Yémen, de Mohamed Saleh Alhoumekani, citoyen belge d’origine djiboutienne (...)
What is the real threat posed by "Jihadist hackers"?
06/08/2013 - 03:25
Latest reports on cyber incidents highlight the increasing prevalence of what we can call “Jihadist hacking”, meaning that states will need to “rearm” themselves and make determinant choices in the face of this slowly but surely growing cyber threat.
Belgium/Syria: New reports confirm increasing involvement of Belgian jihadists in Syria
01/07/2013 - 03:19
On June 27, the judge for the Spanish National Court, issued an arrest warrant against Ismail Abdelatif Al Lal, 38, in connection to the investigation of Jihadist recruiting network operating in Ceuta and Morocco dismantled last June 21.
London-Boston: Neo-Jihadists: a broad and long lasting threat
24/05/2013 - 02:09
A homemade bomb in Boston, a murder of unprecedented savagery in the streets of London: the "neo-jihadist" threat is rising (...)
Londres, Boston : les « néo-djihadistes » sont là : la menace est de grande ampleur et sera durable
24/05/2013 - 10:46
Une bombe artisanale à Boston, un meurtre d’une sauvagerie inouïe dans les rues de Londres : la menace « néo-djihadiste » s’installe (...)
United Kingdom: Knife attack against a soldier in South London highlights the threat of home-grown terrorism
23/05/2013 - 12:37
On Wednesday afternoon in John Wilson Street, in Woolwich, South London, a British soldier, whose identity has not been disclosed yet and aged around 20, was hacked to death by two black men shouting Islamist slogans. (...)
Terrorisme en Belgique : les convertis sont plus dangereux et plus nombreux (La Capitale)
15/05/2013 - 11:13
Al Shabaab on Twitter. The use of internet by Jihadist organizations
29/04/2013 - 10:47
At the beginning of February Somalia's Al-Qaeda linked Al-Shabaab insurgents have returned to Twitter with a new account, after they were suspended because using twitter to post a photographs of a French they had killed. [...]
The Tsarnaev brothers seen through the social media and the Islamists websites: welcome in a paranoid (and anti-Western) world
23/04/2013 - 05:48
Since the identification of the Tsarnaev Brothers as the main (and probably the only) responsibles for the attacks in Boston, thousands of messages of support flourished on the social networks as Facebook, YouTube or Twitter.
"Новые угрозы приходят не вместо прежних, а вместе с ними" (
23/04/2013 - 11:42
Moniquet : "On vit sous la menace d'un attentat" (La Dernière heure)
21/04/2013 - 12:02
Boston attacks [update] state of the play at 01:30 pm GMT and first profiles of the two suspects
19/04/2013 - 01:59
It is confirmed that the incidents in MTI and Watertown, last night and early this morning were all linked to Monday’s terrorist attacks.
Boston attacks and MIT incident updates
19/04/2013 - 08:39
Here is the last “state of the play” of the Boston attack investigation and the MIT Incident.
Terreur met spijkers en een kookpot (Nieuwsblad)
17/04/2013 - 11:38
Boston: "le but de ces explosions, frapper le plus de monde possible" (BFMTV)
16/04/2013 - 11:33
What we know on Boston attacks: a first assessment
16/04/2013 - 07:41
Around 02:50 PM (06:50 PM GMT), Monday, a loud explosion was heard on the north side of Boylon street, near the finish line of the Boston Marathon.
A new document showing the internal tensions of Al Qaeda
15/04/2013 - 04:25
ESISC discovered several days ago a new document highlighting the profound discontent that shakes al-Qaeda after the death of Osama bin Laden (...)
Un nouveau document illustre les tensions internes d'al-Qaïda
15/04/2013 - 11:51
L’ESISC a découvert ces derniers jours un nouveau document mettant en lumière le profond malaise qui secoue al-Qaïda depuis la mort d’Oussama Ben Laden (...)
Italy: Sicilian Cosa Nostra's interests in "Green Economy" and its low-profile strategy
10/04/2013 - 02:37
Cosa Nostra still has the feasibility and capacity to adapt to unfavorable circumstances, to reorganize itself to maintain a low profile and to infiltrate the economy through a “grey area” of white collars and entrepreneurs and a consolidated control of the territory.(...)
Central African Republic: The Seleka rebels take control of a country rich of mineral resources and foreign interests
04/04/2013 - 12:21
The fragile peace agreement reached between the rebels of the Seleka coalition and President Francois Bozize totally collapsed in the past two weeks.[...]
Claude Moniquet : "Il existe une réelle menace terroriste en Belgique" (Le Peuple)
30/03/2013 - 12:49
Dans les pas d’Hakim Benladghem (La Libre Belgique)
29/03/2013 - 12:54
Hakim Benladghem: solitary Jihadist or member of a multinational Network
28/03/2013 - 01:45
On Tuesday, March 26, at 14:30, a violent incident occurred on the A8 motorway (Brussels-Tournai-Lille) between an individual driving a Nissan 4x4 vehicle (...)
Hakim Benladghem : djihadiste solitaire ou membre d'un réseau multinational ?
28/03/2013 - 06:15
Mardi 26 mars, vers 14h30, un incident violent opposait, sur l’autoroute A8 (Lille-Tournai-Bruxelles) un individu au volant d’un véhicule 4x4 de marque Nissan (...)
Anti-money laundering operation proves links between Italian ‘Ndrangheta and IRA
07/03/2013 - 03:59
On Tuesday Italian finance police (Guardia di Finanza) arrested 20 suspected affiliates to ‘Ndrangheta, the powerful Calabrian mafia, in an anti-Mafia police operation called “Metropolis(...)
Pakistan: The challenges posed by bomb attacks against Shiites
05/03/2013 - 04:51
Pakistan has been facing a series of attacks against Shiites which threaten to spark sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shiites on the eve of the general elections (...)
Boko Haram and The risk of terrorism in northern Cameroon
01/03/2013 - 03:12
The kidnapping of the Moulin-Fournier family by men claiming to be Boko Haram members has highlighted the growing threat by the Islamist sect for security in West Africa(...)
Boko Haram et le risque terroriste au Nord-Cameroun
01/03/2013 - 02:17
L’enlèvement de la famille Moulin-Fournier par des hommes se réclamant de Boko Haram a mis en lumière la menace croissante représentée par la secte islamiste pour la sécurité de l’Afrique de l’Ouest(...)
Cameroon: The kidnapping of a french family shows amplification of the terrorist threath in West Africa
26/02/2013 - 10:12
On Tuesday, February 19, the kidnapping of a French family in Dadanga, in northern Cameroon, raises the specter of a destabilization of the entire West Africa (...)
Cameroun : L'enlèvement d'une famille française révèle l'amplification de la menace terroriste en Afrique de l'Ouest
26/02/2013 - 10:07
Mardi 19 février, l’enlèvement d’une famille française à Dadanga, au nord du Cameroun, a fait surgir le spectre d’une déstabilisation de l’ensemble de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (...)
Hezbollah must be designated "terrorist organisation" by the European Union
06/02/2013 - 06:24
The Bulgarian authorities announced on Tuesday, Feb. 5 that Hezbollah had "financed" the bombing on July 18, 2012 in Burgas (...)
Le Hezbollah doit être désigné "organisation terroriste" par l'Union européenne
06/02/2013 - 03:28
Les autorités bulgares ont annoncé ce mardi 5 février que le Hezbollah avait « financé » l’attentat commis le 18 juillet 2012 à Burgas (...)
Gilgit-Baltistan: Essential link of the Pakistan-China strategic axis
06/02/2013 - 09:55
Paper presented on occasion of an expert meeting hosted by ESISC and MEP Jürgen Creutzmann in the European Parliament on January 30, 2013.
Despite probe into Burgas bombing, E.U. leaders noncommittal on Hezbollah designation (JTA)
05/02/2013 - 02:27
Fall of northern cities opens challenging new phase in Malian conflict
04/02/2013 - 10:13
The French-led military offensive in northern Mali has gained significant momentum in recent days as the cities of Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal fell without much opposition(...)
Kazakhstan: Authorities recognize growing threat of domestic terrorism
30/01/2013 - 12:59
Over the last couple of months Kazakh authorities introduced series of measures targeting to modify counter-terrorism policy and to prevent the development of religious extremism across the country(...)
Egypt: Two separate protests challenge president Morsi's leadership
29/01/2013 - 03:20
Egyptian President Morsi is currently facing one of the worst challenges to his leadership since he has been elected last year (...)
North-East Asia: Nationalist rhetoric submitted to a reality check
25/01/2013 - 06:19
After a series of naval incidents at the end of last year, the beginning of 2013 was marked by a new peak in tensions between China and Japan(...)
Asie du Nord-est : le discours nationaliste à l’épreuve des faits
25/01/2013 - 06:14
Après l’accumulation d’incidents navals à la fin de l’année dernière, ce début d’année 2013 a été marqué par de nouveaux pics de tensions entre la Chine et le Japon(...)
On a "scandal" which is not one
24/01/2013 - 02:06
Social networks have made a "buzz", the media feasted and the usual pacifist who would like one to face absolute evil (...)
Sur un « scandale » qui n’en est pas un
24/01/2013 - 11:41
Les réseaux sociaux en ont fait un « buzz », les médias leurs choux gras et les habituels pacifistes qui voudraient que l’on affronte le mal absolu (...)
La Cosa Nostra continuing presence in waste-disposal business industry in New York City
23/01/2013 - 09:21
FBI considers the Italian Mafia, also known as La Cosa Nostra (LCN) in the United States, “the foremost organized criminal threat to American society”(...)
The Obama administration's reshuffle and centre of gravity in foreign policy
21/01/2013 - 11:13
President Barack Obama’s second term in office, which will officially begin on 21 January 2013, offers him the unprecedented opportunity to reshuffle his team in charge of foreign policy and national security.
Remaniement et centre de gravité de l'administration en politique étrangère
20/01/2013 - 11:00
Le second mandat du président Barack Obama, qui a officiellement débuté le 20 janvier 2013, lui offre une occasion sans précédent de remanier son équipe en charge de la politique étrangère et de sécurité nationale.
Update on the situation in In Amenas
18/01/2013 - 04:45
Friday, January 18th at 13:00 GMT, the utmost confusion still reigns over the drama that has been unfolding since Wednesday in Amenas, in the south of Algeria.
"Une telle attaque reste un exploit" (La Libre Belgique)
18/01/2013 - 02:29
Le point sur la situation a In Amenas
18/01/2013 - 01:25
Vendredi 18 janvier à 13h00 GMT, la plus extrême confusion régnait encore sur le drame qui se déroule depuis mercredi à In Amenas, dans le sud de l’Algérie. [...]
The Armenian Job
17/01/2013 - 01:44
The role of the Armenian lobby in the pattern of enmity in South Caucasus.
The Armenian-Iran Relationship
16/01/2013 - 11:00
Strategic implication for security in the South Caucasus Region.
Mali: Update on Operation "Serval"
16/01/2013 - 03:43
On the sixth day of Operation Serval, the French Minister of Defense Jean-Yves Le Drian announced that ground troops were marching towards the town of Diabali (...)
Mali : Point de situation sur l'opération Serval
16/01/2013 - 03:39
Au sixième jour de l’opération Serval, le ministre français de la défense Jean-Yves Le Drian a annoncé qu’une colonne de blindés avait pris la direction de la ville de Diabali (...)
Syria: The speech of a cornered President
09/01/2013 - 04:13
On Sunday, January 6th, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad spoke for the first time on television for more than seven months(...)
Syrie: Le discours d'un président acculé
09/01/2013 - 04:08
Dimanche 6 janvier, le président syrien Bachar el-Assad s’est exprimé pour la première fois à la télévision depuis plus de sept mois(...)
Usury: The Bank system of Camorra
20/12/2012 - 01:36
The economic crisis and the consequent difficulty for entrepreneurs not having access to bank credit has been a precious asset for the various Italian mafias (...)
Egypt: The Army between military future and political destiny
13/12/2012 - 09:48
The Arab and Western media quickly relayed a statement issued by the Egyptian army on its Facebook page (...)
Egypte : L'armée entre avenir militaire et destin politique
13/12/2012 - 09:45
Les médias arabes et occidentaux ont relayé très rapidement un communiqué publié par l’armée égyptienne sur son site Facebook (...)
International disputes eroding prospect for military intervention in Northern Mali
06/12/2012 - 05:13
On Tuesday, December 4, emissaries from various belligerents involved in the Mali conflict met in Ouagadougou (...)
Les désaccords internationaux hypothèquent l'intervention militaire au Nord-Mali
06/12/2012 - 05:10
Mardi 4 décembre, des émissaires de différentes parties qui participent au conflit malien se sont réunis à Ouagadougou (...)
UN vote on Palestine: Mahmoud Abbas' Victory or springboard for Hamas?
03/12/2012 - 10:32
By 138 votes in favour, 9 against and 41 abstentions, the United Nations General Assembly has granted Observer status to Palestine (...)
Vote de l'ONU sur la Palestine : Victoire de Mahmoud Abbas ou tremplin pour le Hamas ?
03/12/2012 - 10:29
Par 138 voix pour, 9 contre et 41 abstentions, l’assemblée générale des Nations Unies a accordé le statut d’Etat observateur à la Palestine (...)
Precarious cease-fire in Gaza
23/11/2012 - 12:57
Calm reigns in Gaza since the entry into force of a cease-fire on the evening of November 21 (...)
Cessez-le-feu précaire à Gaza
23/11/2012 - 11:49
Le calme règne à Gaza depuis l’entrée en vigueur d’un cessez-le-feu dans la soirée du 21 novembre (...)
The underside of a new crisis in Gaza
16/11/2012 - 11:08
The resumption of intensive shelling of rockets and mortar shells into southern Israel has caused the most serious escalation of violence (...)
Les dessous d'une nouvelle crise à Gaza
16/11/2012 - 10:36
La reprise de tirs intensifs de roquettes et d'obus de mortier vers le sud d'Israël a provoqué la plus grave escalade de la violence (...)
Risk of a new war in the Golan
14/11/2012 - 04:40
On Monday, November 12, an Israeli tank destroyed a Syrian mobile artillery unit in response to the fall of several mortar shells on the Golan Heights (...)
Risque d'une nouvelle guerre pour le Golan
14/11/2012 - 04:35
Lundi 12 novembre, un tank israélien a détruit une pièce d’artillerie mobile syrienne en riposte à la chute de plusieurs obus de mortier sur le plateau du Golan (...)
The impact of the new international sanctions on Iran
02/11/2012 - 02:08
The Syrian blood-bath and the critical danger of overflow of the crisis to the Middle East(...)
L'impact des nouvelles sanctions internationales sur l'Iran
02/11/2012 - 02:03
Le bain de sang syrien et le danger critique de débordement de la crise à l’ensemble du Proche-Orient (...)
Lebanon threatens to sink back into violence
24/10/2012 - 10:49
Lebanon is slipping back into turmoil since the bloody attack perpetrated in downtown Beirut on Friday, October 19 (...)
Le Liban menacé de sombrer à nouveau dans la violence
24/10/2012 - 10:13
Le Liban est plongé dans la tourmente depuis l’attentat sanglant perpétré au centre de Beyrouth le vendredi 19 octobre (...)
How French influence is receding: The media battle against Google
19/10/2012 - 07:13
If we assume that one of the vectors of a country’s influence is language and culture, then France may well see what remains of its influence recede further (...)
Comment l'influence française recule: La bataille des medias contre Google
19/10/2012 - 10:05
Si l’un des vecteurs d’influence d’un pays est la langue et la culture, alors la France risque bien de voir encore reculer ce qui lui reste d’influence.
American presidential elections 2012: What would a second term in office of president Obama mean for foreign policy?
19/10/2012 - 09:31
In American politics, a president’s second term is generally perceived as offering an opportunity to assert oneself in the domain of foreign policy and, thereby, to make one’s mark on history.
Presidentielle americaine 2012: Quelles perspectives pour un second mandat du president Obama en matiere de politique etrangere?
19/10/2012 - 09:30
En politique américaine, le second mandat présidentiel est généralement perçu comme offrant à son titulaire une opportunité de s’affirmer dans le domaine de la politique étrangère et, par ce biais, d’entrer dans l’histoire. (...)
Toward an external intervention in Northern Mali
10/10/2012 - 05:10
The deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in Northern Mali has been raised dramatically during the general debate (...)
‘Nu wordt Sharia4Belgium pas echt gevaarlijk’ (Nieuwsblad)
09/10/2012 - 11:18
Islamisme radical en France : "l'affaire Merah a fait sauter un verrou" (France 24)
08/10/2012 - 01:31
France : le nouveau visage du jihadisme (RFI)
08/10/2012 - 01:25
Crisis worsens in East Congo
08/10/2012 - 10:38
On Monday October 1st, Tutsi rebels from the March 23 movement (M23) threatened to march on the city of Goma (...)
La menace terroriste est plus que jamais présente en France (et en Europe) (
07/10/2012 - 11:12
‘Neo-jihadism’ in France: lessons from an anti-terrorist operation
07/10/2012 - 07:22
Early Saturday (10.06) morning, the “Sous Direction Anti-Terroriste” (SDAT, the French anti-terrorist unit) of the judicial police (...)
Le « neo-djihadisme » en France : leçons d’une opération antiterroriste
06/10/2012 - 01:49
Tôt ce matin, la Sous Direction Anti-terroriste (SDAT) de la police judiciaire et la Direction Centrale du Renseignement Intérieur (...)
Israel-Iran, a war in the making
04/10/2012 - 03:58
Following several weeks of rising tension between Israel and Iran, feelings are running high. Jerusalem is threatening to deliver (...)
Israël-Iran, une guerre attendue
04/10/2012 - 03:54
Depuis quelques semaines, la tension entre Israël et l’Iran est à son comble. Jérusalem agite la menace d’une frappe préventive (...)
Diplomatic prospects after United Nations General Assembly's annual debate
03/10/2012 - 12:37
The General Debate of the United Nations’ General Assembly 67th session has taken place in New York from Tuesday September 25 to Monday October 1.
Bloody day in Pakistan in the name of love for the Prophet
01/10/2012 - 06:53
The excerpt of the film “Innocence of Muslims” that was broadcasted on Youtube at the beginning of September provoked an outburst (...)
Journée sanglante au nom de l'amour du prophète au Pakistan
30/09/2012 - 10:00
La diffusion d’extraits du film « L’innocence des musulmans » sur Youtube au début du mois de septembre (...)
Menaces pour la paix mondiale en mer de Chine
28/09/2012 - 05:03
La mer de Chine orientale connait un pic de tensions géopolitiques spectaculaire depuis le début du mois de septembre (...)
Le Kazakhstan est à son tour la cible des islamistes (La Libre Belgique)
28/09/2012 - 11:03
Threats to world peace in the East China Sea
27/09/2012 - 08:51
The East China Sea has witnessed a spectacular crescendo of geopolitical tensions since the beginning of the month of September (...)
Foire musulmane, sources d'inquiétudes ? (La Libre Belgique)
26/09/2012 - 10:31
How did America react to the attack in Benghazi?
26/09/2012 - 08:29
The dissemination on Youtube of extracts of the Arab language version of the polemical film “Innocence of Muslims” set off (...)
Quelles réactions américaines après l'attaque de Benghazi ?
26/09/2012 - 08:26
La diffusion sur Youtube d’extraits traduits en arabe du film polémique « Innocence of Muslims » a provoqué une flambée (...)
22/09/2012 - 10:00
Large-scale international deployment of military forces off Iran
21/09/2012 - 02:40
The largest naval exercise ever organized in the Middle East began on Monday September 17 in the Gulf of Aden and the Sea of Oman (...)
Déploiement international d’envergure au large de l’Iran
21/09/2012 - 02:34
Le plus grand exercice naval jamais organisé au Moyen-Orient a débuté le lundi 16 septembre dans les eaux du golfe d’Aden (...)
The “islamophobic” film crisis: a textbook-case of the clash of civilizations
21/09/2012 - 02:25
If you read the wire services dispatches or flip back and forth between 24 hours television news channels, these days (...)
Film “islamophobe”, caricatures du prophète : un cas d'école du choc des civilisations
21/09/2012 - 02:21
A lire les dépêches d’agences ou à zapper entre les chaînes d’information continue, on ressent, ces jours-ci (...)
Did French Alps murder victim's secret work on space satellite contract make him prime assassination target? (Mail Online)
08/09/2012 - 10:17
‘Islamist terrorism is the biggest threat in Europe’ (RT)
30/08/2012 - 12:03
Tunis à l'heure salafiste (Valeurs actuelles)
09/08/2012 - 11:09
06/08/2012 - 02:10
Careers / Internships
28/06/2012 - 12:45
Career No vacancies   Internship   Vacancy: ESISC is looking for interns Job description • Full-time  internship or part-time internship • Location: Brussels • Term: for full-time : One-month trial period,
American presidential elections 2012: Mitt Romney’s foreign policy
25/06/2012 - 10:44
Following the recent withdrawals from the Republican primaries of Messrs Gingrich and Paul, as well as his victory in Texas (...)
Présidentielle américaine 2012: la politique étrangère de Mitt Romney
25/06/2012 - 10:35
Avec les récents retraits de MM. Gingrich et Paul de la primaire républicaine ainsi que sa victoire dans le Texas (...)
Printemps arabe, printemps pourri
01/06/2012 - 01:15
Claude Moniquet. Editions Encre d'Orient, 2012
Urban violence: status report
02/05/2012 - 12:57
In 1950, 30% of the world’s total population lived in cities. Now more than half of the population resides in urban areas (...)
Violence urbaine : un état des lieux
02/05/2012 - 12:52
En 1950, 30% de l’ensemble de la population mondiale vivait en ville. Aujourd’hui plus de la moitié de la population réside (...)
Serbia - Kosovo: a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel?
03/04/2012 - 11:36
Finally! On 24 February 2012, Serbia and Kosovo succeeded in reaching their first overall agreement (...)
Serbie - Kosovo : une lueur au bout du tunnel ?
03/04/2012 - 11:30
Enfin ! La Serbie et le Kosovo sont parvenus, le 24 février 2012, au premier accord global (...)
Faut-il craindre Sharia4Belgium ? (La Libre Belgique)
30/03/2012 - 11:32
The American Presidential campaign, 2012: the Republicans and foreign policy
26/03/2012 - 12:47
Though they are rarely decisive, questions relating to foreign policy and national security remain an essential element (...)
Présidentielle américaine 2012 : les Républicains et la politique étrangère
26/03/2012 - 12:43
Si elles sont rarement décisives, les questions relatives à la politique étrangère et à la sécurité nationale (...)
Terrorisme : « Il y a quelques dizaines de personnes dangereuses en Belgique » (Le Soir)
23/03/2012 - 01:15
Toulouse: «Individual terrorist» arrives in France
21/03/2012 - 01:52
The prime suspect in the killings in Toulouse and Montauban is a young self-declared “salafi” French Muslim (...)
Toulouse : le «Djihad individuel» debarque en France
21/03/2012 - 01:47
Le principal suspect dans les tueries de Toulouse et Montauban est donc un jeune Français musulman se réclamant du « salafisme » (...)
Bosnia-Herzegovina : the new government put to the test
13/03/2012 - 01:15
A plume of white smoke was spotted in Sarajevo on 28 December 2011: an agreement was finally reached between the two entities (...)
Bosnie-Herzegovine : le nouveau gouvernement au pied du mur
13/03/2012 - 12:50
La fumée blanche est donc apparue le 28 décembre 2011 à Sarajevo : un accord était enfin trouvé entre les deux entités (...)
Gender equality in the Palestinian territories: a sine qua non condition to peace
08/03/2012 - 12:46
“We stress the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and in peacebuilding (...)
Asia-Pacific: The next decades’ theater of power confrontation
20/02/2012 - 12:50
On January 5, the United States (U.S.) unveiled their new defense strategy[i]. The new document is aimed are resetting (...)
Au sujet de l’université « libre » de Bruxelles et de l’islamo-fascisme qui veut s’y imposer
09/02/2012 - 10:55
Mardi 7 février, l’Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) a été le théâtre d’un « incident » (...)
About the « Free » University of Bussels and the Islamofascism which wants to prevail
09/02/2012 - 10:00
On Tuesday February 7, the Free University of Brussels (ULB) was the scene of an “incident” (...)
Do not play the Sorcerer's apprentice in Syria!
02/02/2012 - 11:32
For almost a year, the increasingly extreme opposition between the Syrian regime and the Syrian National Council (SNC) (...)
Ne jouons pas les apprentis-sorciers en Syrie !
02/02/2012 - 11:30
Depuis un an, la montée aux extrêmes qui oppose le régime syrien, d’une part et le Conseil National Syrien (CNS), d’autre part (...)
Inter-institutional and budgetary interactions between the European free trade association and the European Union – a synopsis
31/01/2012 - 01:20
This document offers an easily-accessible synopsis on the interactions between EFTA institutions and the European Union (...)
The Haqqani network: assessment of a multipolar strategy
17/10/2011 - 11:53
In recent weeks the United States (U.S.) and Pakistan relations have reached another low point since the operation (...)
La CIA se militarise mais risque d'y perdre son âme (AFP)
30/09/2011 - 10:24
Astana recognizes reality of domestic threat
28/09/2011 - 08:19
Kazakh authorities stated on Friday September 2 they had killed a Jihadi terrorist and arrested 18 others (...)
Italy: Drug trafficking situation and trends
13/09/2011 - 08:24
In August 2010, ESISC published a briefing on the BALKAN DRUG ROUTES, focusing on the role of Balkan countries (...)
Guerre secrète : services secrets, diplomatie parallèle et opérations spéciales dans la guerre contre le terrorisme depuis le 11 septembre 2011
11/09/2011 - 02:10
Claude MONIQUET. Editions Encre d'Orient, 2011
Après-11 septembre - Claude Moniquet : "Au lieu de se simplifier, la situation s'est complexifiée" (Le Point)
11/09/2011 - 11:20
United States: change in the role of the CIA and of the Pentagon in the fight against terrorism
11/09/2011 - 10:14
On 30 June, Leon Panetta left his post as director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to become Secretary of Defense (...)
Etats-Unis : évolution du rôle de la CIA et du pentagone dans la lutte contre le terrorisme
11/09/2011 - 09:43
Le 30 juin dernier, Leon Panetta quittait la direction de la Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) pour devenir secrétaire à la Défense (...)
"Allume la télé, c'est la guerre" (La Libre Belgique)
10/09/2011 - 11:28
PKK terrorist organisation: tactics, strategy and the future
06/09/2011 - 08:28
The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorist organisation is one of the most outspoken terrorist groups present in Turkey (...)
Nigerian Pirates main suspects behind upsurge of piracy in Gulf of Guinea
04/08/2011 - 08:31
Following the recent surge in pirate attacks off the coast of West Africa and in the Gulf of Guinea (...)
Temen en Europa a 'lobos solitarios' (Reforma)
26/07/2011 - 11:04
L’Amérique centrale face a l'insécurité : une coopération régionale élargie
25/07/2011 - 09:31
Les 22 et 23 juin derniers, la ville de Guatemala a accueilli la Première Conférence de Soutien à la Stratégie de Sécurité (...)
Central America confronting insecurity: expanded regional cooperation
24/07/2011 - 10:00
On 22 and 23 June, Guatemala City hosted the First Conference of Support for the Security Strategy of Central America (...)
The impact of the Arab Spring on Israel's security
11/07/2011 - 08:43
Since the beginning of the uprising in the Arab World, Israel, the “sole democracy in the Middle East” has been rather cold (...)
The Syrian crisis: the moment of truth for Bashar el-Assad and for the opposition
27/06/2011 - 12:34
Over the past few years, Syrian President Bashar el-Assad tried to reposition Syria on the international stage (...)
La crise syrienne : l’heure de vérité pour Bachar el-Assad et pour l’opposition
27/06/2011 - 12:28
Ces dernières années, le président syrien, Bachar el-Assad, avait tenté de repositionner la Syrie sur la scène internationale (...)
L'Iran : un Etat terroriste ?
01/06/2011 - 09:18
Claude MONIQUET. Editions de Passy, 2011
Kosovo: the Republic built from a kit. What credit should be accorded to the political class of Kosovo?
27/05/2011 - 12:59
A government which does not manage to achieve stability, factions which tear one another apart (...)
Kosovo : une République en kit. Quel crédit accorder à la classe politique kosovare ?
27/05/2011 - 12:22
Un gouvernement qui n’arrive pas à se stabiliser, des factions qui se déchirent sur fond de crime organisé (...)
Mexico: Amid increased control over remote communities, cartels move in on agricultural products
26/05/2011 - 09:18
After oil and mining, the Mexican drug cartels are once more diversifying their business as they scope to take advantage (...)
Barack Obama’s assertion as Commander-in-Chief
18/05/2011 - 11:08
On 28 April, President Barack Obama announced the replacement of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (...)
L’affirmation de Barack Obama en tant que commandant en chef
18/05/2011 - 11:01
Le 28 avril dernier, le président Barack Obama annonçait le remplacement du secrétaire à la Défense Robert Gates (...)
Libya: we get the allies that we deserve. But still...
09/05/2011 - 01:36
To get things straight: the ESISC has always supported and still supports the allied operation in Libya (...)
Libye : on a les alliés qu'on peut. Mais quand même...
09/05/2011 - 01:29
Soyons clairs : l’ESISC a soutenu et soutient toujours l’opération alliée en Libye (...)
Libya: who are our new allies in reality?
09/05/2011 - 09:27
In a book to be published this week, our friend and colleague Laszlo Liszkaï disclosed interesting facts on the new “friends” (...)
Libye : qui sont vraiment nos nouveaux alliés ?
09/05/2011 - 09:23
Dans un livre à paraître cette semaine, notre collaborateur et ami Laszlo Liszkaï apporte de troublantes révélations (...)
Operation Bin Laden: a tactical success, but a strategic defeat
05/05/2011 - 01:23
The elimination of Osama Bin Laden (OBL) is obviously good news and has even been welcomed (...)
Opération Ben Laden : un succès tactique, une défaite stratégique
05/05/2011 - 01:17
L’élimination d’Oussama Ben Laden (OBL) est évidemment une bonne nouvelle (...)
Ook Belgische politie moet nu extra waakzaam zijn (Gazet van Antwerpen)
03/05/2011 - 10:32
Bin Laden and the Pakistani double game
03/05/2011 - 09:31
One could think that with allies like Pakistan, you don’t need enemies (...)
Claude Moniquet : "Le Jihad survivra à Ben Laden" (L'Avenir)
02/05/2011 - 11:24
Operation against Osama bin Laden hints at mistrust between US and Pakistan
02/05/2011 - 09:40
ESISC earlier quoted US military sources close to Sunday’s operation which led to the death of Osama bin Laden (OBL) (...)
Tactical details emerge on Bin Laden death
02/05/2011 - 09:35
The statement of U.S. President Barack Obama and sources in the Pentagon allow to begin to get a clear picture of what happened (...)
Morocco says Marrakech blast an act of terrorism (The Independent)
29/04/2011 - 11:52
"Pour les djihadistes salafistes, Marrakech est symbole de débauche" (
29/04/2011 - 11:19
Craintes de nouveaux attentats au Maroc (La Tribune de Genève)
29/04/2011 - 09:53
The Marrakech attack: is terrorism returning in Morocco?
28/04/2011 - 09:45
The terrorist attack in Marrakech could be the sign that terrorism is returning to the Kingdom, after years of relative calm (...)
The situation in Syria: an assessment
15/04/2011 - 10:05
In Syria, the situation has not calmed down: unrest escalates, repression becomes harsher and armed groups have emerged (...)
Somalia: can the creation of Azania prevent the regional expansion of Al-Shabaab?
05/04/2011 - 10:12
With the creation of a third semi-autonomous region, named Azania, on Sunday, Somalia could face further disintegration (...)
The terrorist threat linked to the Libyan crisis
31/03/2011 - 10:52
On March 24, 2011, the British Security Service (BSS also known as MI5) warned of possible retaliation attacks (...)
The terrorist threat linked to the Lybian crisis
31/03/2011 - 10:16
On March 24, 2011, the British Security Service (BSS also known as MI5) warned of possible retaliation attacks by “Libyan expatriates” (...)
Libya: Operation "Odyssey dawn"; major developments from day 6 to day 10
29/03/2011 - 10:20
On March 24, French Foreign Minister, Mr Alain Juppé said that he believes the military operations “may take weeks, but not months” (...)
Libya: operation "Odyssey dawn" days 4 and 5
24/03/2011 - 11:25
Military operations continued on March 22 and 23 and are due to continue in the coming days (...)
Attack in Jerusalem: the hand of Tehran?
23/03/2011 - 12:38
Today, just after 03:00 PM (O1:00 GMT) a bomb exploded in Jerusalem, injuring at least 25 peoples (at least 4 to 8 of them seriously)(...)
Libya: Operation "Odyssey dawn", days 2 and 3
22/03/2011 - 12:41
International coalition’s military operations continued over Libya Sunday March 20 and Monday March 21 (...)
Les alliés coupent la route au bourreau de Benghazi (La Tribune de Genève)
21/03/2011 - 11:48
Libya: Operation "Odyssey dawn", day 1
20/03/2011 - 12:45
Operation Odyssey Dawn began Saturday March 19, in the afternoon with the announcement, shortly after 03:00 PM that French jets (...)
Libya/UN: full text of the draft adopted tonight in the Security Council
18/03/2011 - 12:51
Libya: DRAFT SCR (...)
Libya: what's next?
18/03/2011 - 12:48
This could be the turning point in the civil war which ravages Libya (...)
Menaces libyennes en Méditerranée: des gesticultations inquiétantes (AFP)
18/03/2011 - 11:51
French recognition of the Libyan rebels is a gamble
10/03/2011 - 01:00
We don’t know if French President Nicolas Sarkozy is a poker player but he obviously gambled today (...)
Colombia: gold rush in Antioquia department as FARC and criminals gangs invest in "Mining"
10/03/2011 - 12:56
The abduction of 23 oil workers in the eastern Vichada department earlier this week proves once more that criminal groups (...)
Afghanistan - Status and prospects in 2011
10/03/2011 - 11:49
The year 2010 ended as one of the most significant years in the latest conflict in Afghanistan (...)
Democratic Republic of the Congo: rumours and very little facts as government speaks of attempted coup
01/03/2011 - 01:06
Sunday’s attack on the residence of President Joseph Kabila and the Kokolo military base in the capital of Kinshasa (...)
"Military options" against Libya: gunboat diplomacy or real possibility?
01/03/2011 - 01:04
Various declarations and statement in the last days highlighted the increased chances of a Western military intervention in Libya (...)
Libya: dictatorship or chaos?
21/02/2011 - 01:10
The ongoing events in Libya are not similar to those which happened in Tunisia in January and in Egypt a few weeks ago (...)
Egypt: double or quits for President Hosni Mubarak?
29/01/2011 - 01:13
Even if the situation is extremely tense and volatile in Cairo and other Egyptian cities, the game is not yet over for President Mubarak (...)
From Tunisia to ‘the Arab world’: anger, dangers and progress
28/01/2011 - 11:53
Ever since the evening of 14 January and the announcement of the unexpected departure of President Ben Ali (...)
De la Tunisie au « monde arabe » : colère, dangers et progrès
28/01/2011 - 11:41
Depuis la soirée du 14 janvier qui vit l’annonce du départ inattendu du Président Ben Ali (...)
Moscow attack could be linked to "succession war" in Chechen terrorism; it questions security level in Russia and in Airports (Worldwide)
24/01/2011 - 01:17
An explosion obviously linked with terrorism occurred today in Domodedovo airport, near Moscow (...)
Attack shows 'major security loophole' at airports (MSNBC)
24/01/2011 - 12:54
Tunisie: le retour du parti islamiste interdit (La Libre Belgique)
19/01/2011 - 12:56
Tunisia: the day after
15/01/2011 - 01:20
Hours after President Ben Ali fled the country, the situation appeared to be absolutely out of control in Tunisia (...)
Tunisia: what's next?
14/01/2011 - 01:22
According to a statement of Tunisian Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi, President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali had decided (...)
Bosnia and Herzegovina likely to persist in deadlock over forming a central government
10/01/2011 - 01:24
The deadlock in which Bosnia and Herzegovina has plunged since last October’s general elections (...)
Two French hostages killed in Niger during an attemp to free them
08/01/2011 - 01:27
The two French nationals kidnapped Friday night in a restaurant in the Niger capital, Niamey, were killed Saturday (...)
Claude Moniquet : «Le Maroc, une cible principale de l’Aqmi» (Aujourd'hui Le Maroc)
06/01/2011 - 01:01
Unlikely bedfellows: Are some Saharan Marxists joining al Qaeda operations in North Africa? (Foreign Policy)
03/01/2011 - 12:58
Elements underscoring Cartel involvement in Pemex pipeline blast
23/12/2010 - 01:29
The explosion of a Pemex-owned pipeline near the city of San Martin Texmelucan, located in the central Puebla State (...)
Tensions on the rise ahead of South Sudan Referendum
14/12/2010 - 01:32
The United Nations-African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur (UNAMID) expressed strong concerns over increased violence (...)
Suecia teme ser diana del terror de Al Qaida (ABC)
13/12/2010 - 11:59
What the terrorist attack in Stockholm tells us on a possible new threat and on a terrorist weakness
12/12/2010 - 01:34
Two explosions rocked the center of Stockholm Saturday night. This attack underlines both a new possible threat (...)
Consequences of the social crisis for Algeria's stability
09/12/2010 - 01:37
The increase of civil unrest incidents reported daily across Algeria has emphasized the scale of the social crisis (...)
Light on the Balkan drug routes
08/12/2010 - 01:40
At least 100 alleged members of two drug rings were arrested and about €320 million worth of drugs were seized in mid-November (...)
Brésil : la défense, une affaire… d’Etat
06/12/2010 - 10:26
Initié en 1999 par la création du ministère de la Défense durant la présidence de M. Fernando Enrique Cardoso (...)
Brazil: Defence, an issue… of state
06/12/2010 - 10:20
The process of modernising, or aggiornamento of Brazil’s Defence organisation began in 1999 (...)
Russia: terrorism trends show extension of threat far beyond Northern Caucasus
02/12/2010 - 01:07
The growing number of terrorist attacks reported over the last months in Northern Caucasus Federal reflected alarming trends (...)
Colombia: an overview of the Farc's military structure
01/12/2010 - 01:10
The Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) have vowed to prepare “an intense end of the year” (...)
Des métropoles en état d'alerte (Le Matin)
30/09/2010 - 12:04
The resumption of construction in the settlements threatens the security of Israel
28/09/2010 - 07:16
The government of Mr. Netanyahu has yielded to its most radical wing once again by ending the moratorium on settlement.
La reprise des constructions dans les colonies menace la sécurité d’Israël
27/09/2010 - 07:03
Le gouvernement de M. Netanyahu a donc, une fois de plus, cédé à son aile la plus radicale en mettant fin au moratoire sur la colonisation.
Ce que cache l'insécurité au Sahel (Le Figaro)
23/09/2010 - 12:08
Le raid contre AQMI au Mali trahit une coordination défaillante (L'Express)
27/07/2010 - 12:05
Premières leçons de l’affaire des « illégaux » russes aux Etats-Unis
29/06/2010 - 12:11
On ne fait que commencer à tirer les enseignements de l’affaire d’espionnage qui vient d’être révélée aux Etats-Unis (...)
First lessons from the affair of the Russian ‘illegals’ in the United States
29/06/2010 - 12:06
We are just beginning to draw some conclusions from the espionage scandal which has developed in the United States (...)
Euro Atlantique ou Moyen-orientale ? La Turquie à la recherche d’un compromis stratégique
28/06/2010 - 10:52
La récente crise turco-israélienne, survenue au lendemain de l’affaire de l’attaque de la flottille à destination de Gaza (...)
Euro-Atlantic or Middle Eastern? Turkey seeks a strategic compromise
28/06/2010 - 10:42
The recent Turkish-Israeli crisis which occurred immediately after the attack on the humanitarian assistance flotilla (...)
United States: the resignation of Dennis Blair and the shortcomings of the position of Director of Intelligence
08/06/2010 - 11:01
On 21 May, Dennis C. Blair announced his resignation from the post of Director of National Intelligence (DNI)(...)
Etats-Unis : la démission de Dennis Blair et les carences de la fonction de directeur du renseignement
08/06/2010 - 10:57
Le 21 mai dernier, Dennis C. Blair annonça sa démission du poste de directeur du renseignement national (...)
"Sharia4Belgium": an atypical but extremist salafist organisation steps on the Belgian stage
21/05/2010 - 11:11
This Saturday, May 22 2010, will be a test for the fledgling organisation Sharia4Belgium, after it has applied (...)
"Sharia4Belgium", une organisation salafiste atypique mais extrémiste fait ses débuts en Belgique
21/05/2010 - 11:06
Ce samedi 22 mai 2010 sera un test pour la jeune organisation Sharia4Belgium, qui a déposé une demande d’autorisation (...)
Clotilde Reiss, ‘Pierre Siramy’ and national Defence secrets
17/05/2010 - 01:50
After being held for ten months by the Tehran regime, Miss Clotilde Reiss was freed and arrived back in France (...)
Clotilde Reiss, « Pierre Siramy » et le secret de la défense nationale
17/05/2010 - 01:44
Après avoir été retenue durant dix mois par le régime de Téhéran, Mlle Clotilde Reiss a été libérée et est arrivée en France (...)
Kyrgyzstan: the Rosa Revolution
10/05/2010 - 11:00
On 24 March, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the tulip revolution which brought him to power, (...)
Kirghizistan : la Révolution de Rosa
10/05/2010 - 10:51
Le 24 mars dernier, à la veille du cinquième anniversaire de la révolution des tulipes qui l’avait porté au pouvoir (...)
The Polisario Front and the development of terrorism in the Sahel
03/05/2010 - 11:26
For the past thirty-five years, the conflict surrounding the Western Sahara has disturbed North Africa and caused tension (...)
Le Front Polisario et le développement du terrorisme au Sahel
03/05/2010 - 11:17
Depuis trente-cinq ans, le conflit autour du Sahara occidental agite l’Afrique du Nord et entretient les tensions (...)
Attentat potentiellement très meurtrier évité de justesse à New York (RFI)
02/05/2010 - 12:07
Un rapport de l'OLAF met à nu les mécanismes des détournements de l'aide européenne destinée aux camps de Tindouf (ESISC) (Agence Maghreb Arabe Presse)
30/04/2010 - 12:13
L’OLAF accuse le Polisario et l’Algérie de détournement (Le Quotidien d'Algérie)
30/04/2010 - 12:09
The Tindouf refugee camps: the responsibilities confronting Algeria and the Polisario Front
26/04/2010 - 11:10
For more than 30 years, the Polisario Front and Algeria have systematically and categorically turned down requests (...)
Les camps de Tindouf : l'Algérie et le Front Polisario face à leurs responsabilités
26/04/2010 - 11:06
Depuis plus de 30 ans, le Front Polisario et l’Algérie refusent systématiquement et de façon catégorique les sollicitations (...)
Géorgie : le président Mikhaïl Saakachvili, plus isolé que jamais
21/04/2010 - 12:40
Samedi 13 mars 2010. 20 heures. Tbilissi. À l’heure où les chaînes de télévision diffusent leur traditionnel journal du soir (...)
Georgia: President Mikhail Saakashvili, more isolated than ever
21/04/2010 - 12:33
Saturday, 13 March 2010. 8.00 pm. Tbilisi. At the time when the local television stations broadcast their traditional evening news (...)
Kabylie: repression and a plan for autonomy
15/04/2010 - 12:47
Many demonstrations are expected to take place on 20 April 2010, in Algeria, most notably in Tizi-Ouzou, Vgayet and Bouira (...)
La Kabylie : répression et projet d'autonomie
15/04/2010 - 12:44
Le 20 avril 2010, plusieurs manifestations sont prévues en Algérie, notamment à Tizi-Ouzou, Vgayet et Bouira afin de commémorer (...)
Libya releases 214 ex-militants (Arab News)
25/03/2010 - 01:16
Libya releases ‘rehabilitated’ Islamists (The Jerusalem Post)
24/03/2010 - 01:18
Central Asia: between myths and realities, the state of the islamist threat
22/03/2010 - 10:18
All during 2009, American strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, better known by the abbreviation Af-Pak, dominated (...)
Asie centrale : entre mythes et réalités, l’état de la menace islamiste
22/03/2010 - 10:13
Si tout au long de l’année 2009, la stratégie américaine pour l'Afghanistan et le Pakistan, plus connue sous le diminutif (...)
Coup de filet en Europe contre la «mafia russe» (RFI)
15/03/2010 - 01:21
Alleged al-Qaida Terrorist Cell on Trial in Brussels (VOA NEWS)
08/03/2010 - 01:23
The Islamic Republic of Iran: a challenge to stability in the Gulf
18/02/2010 - 10:25
One about-face follows another as the Islamic Republic of Iran re-shuffles the deck. Yesterday Mahmud Ahmadinejad played the card (...)
La République islamique d’Iran : un défi pour la stabilité du Golfe
18/02/2010 - 10:21
De volte-face en volte-face, la République islamique d’Iran brouille les cartes. Un jour, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad joue l’apaisement (...)
Chile under Sebastian Pinera: shifts within a policy of continuity and really innovative aspirations
15/02/2010 - 10:33
On 11 March, Chile will have a new President of the Republic, Mr Sebastian Piñera Echenique. (...)
Le Chili avec M. Sebastian Piñera : des changements dans la continuité et une réelle ambition novatrice
15/02/2010 - 10:30
Le 11 mars prochain, le Chili aura un nouveau président de la République en la personne de M. Sebastian Piñera Echenique. (...)
At the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan: the grand game against terrorism
10/02/2010 - 10:39
'It is a formidable challenge to turn the page in Afghanistan and in Pakistan. This can be achieved only through concerted national (...)
Aux confins du Pakistan et de l'Afghanistan : le grand jeu contre le terrorisme
10/02/2010 - 10:36
« Tourner la page en Afghanistan et au Pakistan est un formidable défi. Cela ne pourra être réalisé qu’à travers une action (...)
L'Amérique, cible de choix du révisionnisme (Le Figaro)
25/01/2010 - 01:30
Kazakhstan/OSCE: a closely watched presidency
24/01/2010 - 10:56
On 30 November 2007, the annual OSCE Ministerial Council meeting held in Madrid took the historic decision to entrust its presidency (...)
Kazakhstan/OSCE : une présidence sous haute surveillance
24/01/2010 - 10:53
Le 30 novembre 2007, la décision historique du Conseil annuel des ministres de l’OSCE, réuni à Madrid, de confier sa présidence (...)
Abu Adam Saifoula interviewed by French TV (Global Jihad)
19/01/2010 - 01:31
Is Syria undergoing change?
04/01/2010 - 10:50
During these past few years, and even more so during these past few months, the Syrian regime has engaged in a vast operation (...)
La Syrie est-elle en train de changer ?
04/01/2010 - 10:47
Ces dernières années, et plus encore ces derniers mois, le régime syrien s’est engagé dans une vaste opération de séduction (...)
HIGHLIGHTS : Airport security technology (Reuters)
29/12/2009 - 01:37
What the flight 253 case teaches us on air security and Al-Qaeda
29/12/2009 - 11:55
The attempt to blow up a U.S. airliner, on Friday, December 25 is teaching us various lessons we must learn (...)
Ce que l’attentat manqué contre le vol 253 nous apprend sur la sécurité aérienne et sur Al-Qaïda
29/12/2009 - 11:49
La tentative d’attentat contre un avion de ligne américain, le 25 décembre, nous donne plusieurs leçons (...)
Turkmenistan: gas under pressure
21/12/2009 - 12:07
In October 2008, an audit by the British company Gaffney, Cline and Associates - GCA propelled Turkmenistan to the rank (...)
Turkménistan : le gaz sous pressions
21/12/2009 - 12:03
En octobre 2008, un audit de la firme britannique Gaffney, Cline and Associates - GCA, propulsait le Turkménistan au deuxième rang mondial(...)
Democratic Party of Albania selects a staunch communist as leader (Albania Examiner)
18/12/2009 - 01:43
An open letter to Swiss citizens and to those who praise them excessively for the vote on minarets
09/12/2009 - 12:09
I have the feeling that I am about to say something you will find painful. And that I am going to disappoint (...)
Lettre ouverte aux citoyens helvètes et à ceux qui les portent aux nues au sujet d’une votation sur les minarets
09/12/2009 - 11:59
Je sens que je vais vous faire de la peine. Et que je vais décevoir ceux, nombreux, qui, depuis le 29 novembre, m’ont demandé (...)
Swiss xenophobia reflected in the vote to ban minarets (The Media Line)
01/12/2009 - 01:54
Armenia: the Turkish deal of President Sarkissian
19/11/2009 - 12:34
It took a bit less that three years for the wish expressed in 2006 by Serge Sarkissian, at the time Defence Minister of Armenia (...)
Arménie : la marche turque du Président Sarkissian
19/11/2009 - 12:30
Il aura fallu un peu moins de trois ans pour que le souhait exprimé, en 2006, par Serge Sarkissian, à l’époque ministre arménien (...)
Fort Hood rampage: 'The most destructive terrorist act committed on the American soil since 09.11'
09/11/2009 - 12:39
Looking beyond the tragedy, the massacre at Fort Hood appears extremely interesting for any expert in terrorism (...)
La tuerie de Fort Hood : "L'acte terroriste le plus grave commis aux Etats-Unis depuis le 11 septembre 2001"
09/11/2009 - 12:36
Au-delà de la tragédie, l’affaire de Fort Hood apparaîtra comme extrêmement intéressante à tout expert du terrorisme (...)
Caspian Sea: the headache of sharing it out
22/10/2009 - 11:43
N Korea: In Deep, Illicit Water (ISN Eth Zurich)
28/09/2009 - 01:10
Les cas de Jacques Monsieur, de l'ANL Australia et de l'Arctic Sea : un éclairage sur la stratégie d'acquisition d'armes de Téhéran
08/09/2009 - 11:46
Au début du mois d’août, un porte containers australien, l’ANL AUSTRALIA était intercepté aux Emirats arabes unis (...)
The cases of Jacques Monsieur, the ANL Australia and the Artic Sea: shedding some light on Tehran's strategy of arms procurement
08/09/2009 - 11:12
At the beginning of the month of August, an Australian container ship, the ANL AUSTRALIA was intercepted in the United Arab Emirates(...)
New evidence reopens monks' massacre case (The New Zealand Herald)
20/07/2009 - 01:13
Is Iranian Shiite expansionism a threat to the Arab countries?
08/07/2009 - 11:31
On 6 March 2009, Rabat severed diplomatic relations with Tehran. This kind of measure is extremely grave and is taken (...)
L'expansionnisme chiite iranien : une menace pour les pays arabe ?
08/07/2009 - 11:16
Le 6 mars 2009, Rabat rompait ses relations diplomatiques avec Téhéran. Cette décision – d’une extrême gravité (...)
Peru: causes for concern
07/07/2009 - 11:43
In this beginning of the second part of his presidential term, Mr. Alan Garcia faces a difficult domestic situation (...)
Pérou : motifs d'inquiétude
06/07/2009 - 11:41
En ce début de seconde partie de mandat présidentiel, M. Alan Garcia se voit confronté à une situation interne difficile (...)
Women, God, the Burqua and the veil: divergent signals from Paris and Brussels
30/06/2009 - 01:31
The Islamic veil has again come under the spotlight of the media at this very beginning of summer (...)
Bruselas, un nido de espías (El Periodico)
30/06/2009 - 09:08
Legislative elections in Albania: any change in prospect?
23/06/2009 - 12:30
Albania is now officially integrated within NATO. Just a few weeks ago it put forward its candidacy for the European Union (...)
Elections législatives en Albanie : le changement ?
23/06/2009 - 12:27
Récemment intégrée officiellement à l’OTAN, l’Albanie vient de déposer il y a quelques semaines sa candidature à l’Union européenne (...)
The Lebanese elections. The defeat of Hezbollah: is this a new turn of events for the land of Cedars?
11/06/2009 - 12:36
The Lebanese legislative elections held last week-end elicited great interest on the part of the electorate as we see from the high (...)
Elections libanaises. Défaite du Hezbollah : un nouveau départ pour le pays du Cèdre
11/06/2009 - 12:32
Les élections législatives libanaises du week-end dernier ont suscité un grand intérêt de l’électorat comme en témoigne le fort taux (...)
La femme, Dieu, la burqa et le voile : signaux divergents de Paris et Bruxelles
09/06/2009 - 01:26
Le voile islamique est revenu à la une des médias en ce tout début d’été. Avec des signaux totalement divergents (...)
For now, spies downplay French jet bomb scenario (Reuters)
06/06/2009 - 09:10
Ipoteze privind cauzele disparitiei in Atlantic a avionului Air France (România libera)
04/06/2009 - 12:34
Flight 447: No hint of bomb (News 24)
04/06/2009 - 12:26
Especialistas acham improvável que bomba tenha derrubado o Airbus (Reuters)
04/06/2009 - 09:14
Gaza : le grand mensonge
01/06/2009 - 09:20
Claude MONIQUET. Editions La Boîte à Pandore, 2009
Asie centrale : la bataille de l'eau
25/05/2009 - 11:36
Trois réunions récentes ont placé au tout premier plan, tant au niveau mondial - le 5ème Forum mondial de l’eau (...)
Central Asia: the battle over water
24/05/2009 - 10:00
Three recent gatherings have moved the issue of managing and sharing water resources to the very foreground of attention (...)
2 Français accusés de terrorisme contre Roissy: "La France est une cible pour Al-Qaida" (Le Post)
12/05/2009 - 09:17
Tajikistan: the weak link
21/04/2009 - 11:54
After the terrible bloodshed of a civil war came to an end in 1997 having bled the country white, having claimed more than 50,000 lives (...)
Tadjikistan : le maillon faible
21/04/2009 - 11:48
Sorti exsangue, en 1997, d’une terrible guerre civile - plus de 50.000 morts en cinq ans et le dixième de sa population (...)
Choudary, Ghannouchi, Wilders and the ‘British malady’
07/04/2009 - 01:44
There was a time when Great Britain was led by Sir Winston Churchill, and that was the Age of Resistance and of Glory (...)
Choudary, Ghannouchi, Wilders et la « maladie anglaise »
07/04/2009 - 01:39
Il fut un temps où la Grande-Bretagne était dirigée par Sir Winston Churchill, et ce fut l’âge de la résistance et de la gloire.
Binghamton slaughter: could it be an al-Qaeda linked attack?
04/04/2009 - 11:57
At first sight, the Binghamton slaughter seemed to be a very “classical American tragedy" (...)
Central Asia: big Russian manoeuvres
03/04/2009 - 12:07
Against a background of Russian-Western rivalries, struggles for influence to control the immense energy resources of Central Asia (...)
Aise centrale : les grandes manoeuvres russes
02/04/2009 - 12:01
Sur fond de rivalités russo-occidentales, de luttes d’influences pour le contrôle des immenses ressources énergétiques de l'Asie centrale (...)
Berbères : réveillez-vous ! (Nord Eclair)
10/03/2009 - 10:19
Opération "Plomb durci" à Gaza : analyse et perspectives
01/03/2009 - 01:11
Le début de cette année 2009 a été marqué par une nouvelle secousse tellurique aux relents de soufre dans ce Moyen-Orient (...)
Operation "Cast lead" in Gaza: analysis and prospects
01/03/2009 - 09:11
The beginning of 2009 was marked by a new earth tremor and a stench of sulphur in the Middle East where violence has not ended by undermining our make-believe ideas (...)
Georgia: somber prospects for 2009
24/02/2009 - 09:22
If 2009 seems likely to be a more delicate year due to the worldwide economic crisis touched off by the financial crisis (...)
Géorgie : sombres perspectives pour 2009
24/02/2009 - 09:18
Si 2009 s’annonce comme une année des plus délicates en raison de la crise économique mondiale engendrée par la crise financière (...)
The Israeli elections: Kadima has carried the day (for the time being) but Likud is winning the election
11/02/2009 - 09:39
Concerned as they are about the security situation, the Israelis were not very interested in these elections (...)
Elections israéliennes : Kadima l’emporte (provisoirement) mais le Likoud gagne les élections
11/02/2009 - 09:34
Les Israéliens – préoccupés par la situation sécuritaire – se sont désintéressés de ces élections (...)
Iran to probe into Parachinar 'genocide' (Press TV)
07/02/2009 - 10:21
Hamas the armed wing of Iran
20/01/2009 - 09:54
By winning the legislative elections of January 2006 and then taking control of the Gaza Strip during a bloody Putsch in June 2007 (...)
Le Hamas, bras armé de l'Iran
20/01/2009 - 09:51
En remportant les élections législatives de janvier 2006 puis en s’emparant de la bande de Gaza lors du putsch sanglant de juin 2007 (...)
Barack Obama and the temptation of politicising Intelligence
19/01/2009 - 10:00
More than a month after having named the principal senior officials of his administration in charge of national security (...)
Barack Obama et la tentation de la politisation du renseignement
19/01/2009 - 09:57
Plus d’un mois après avoir désigné les principaux cadres de son administration en charge de la sécurité nationale (...)
The Arab media and the Arab public confront the Gaza crisis
15/01/2009 - 09:46
How are the Arab media dealing with the crisis in Gaza? To what extent is the Arab general public following the lead of its intellectuals? (...)
Les médias et la "rue arabe" face à la crise de Gaza
15/01/2009 - 09:42
Comment les médias arabes traitent-ils de la crise à Gaza ? Comment la « rue arabe » fait-elle écho à ses intellectuels ? (...)
Gaza: selective indignation
11/01/2009 - 03:00
The nearly one thousand deaths in Gaza – including, certainly, too many civilians – is arousing emotions around the world (...)
Gaza ou l’indignation sélective
11/01/2009 - 02:48
Les presque mille morts de Gaza – dont, certainement, trop de civils –suscitent l’émotion du monde. C’est légitime (...)
The terrorist threat resulting from the Gaza crisis and the security risk in the medium term
06/01/2009 - 10:06
It seems obvious to us that Operation ‘Cast Lead,’ which risks causing a great many casualties in the days to come (...)
La menace terroriste découlant de la crise de Gaza et le risque sécuritaire à moyen terme
06/01/2009 - 10:03
Il nous semble évident que l’opération « Plomb durci », dont le bilan humain risque fort de s’alourdir dans les jours à venir (...)
Israel is (always) wrong, stupid!
05/01/2009 - 03:03
If you put aside the United States, the Czech Presidency of the European Union – which expressed the view on Saturday,January 3 (...)
Ne nous posons pas de question : Israël a (toujours) tort !
05/01/2009 - 02:53
Si l’on excepte les Etats-Unis, la Présidence tchèque de l’Union européenne – qui estimait samedi 3 janvier que l’opération (...)
Gaza: the inevitable confrontation
04/01/2009 - 10:12
More than a week after the start of Operation ‘Cast Lead,’ an unprecedented confrontation between Hamas and the State of Israel (...)
Gaza : l'inévitable confrontation
04/01/2009 - 10:09
Plus d’une semaine après le début de l’opération ’’Plomb durci’’, une confrontation sans précédent entre le Hamas et l’Etat d’Israël (...)
The threat coming from Afghanistan is serious
18/12/2008 - 12:51
The ‘false alarm’ of the Printemps department store in Paris should not be allowed to act as the trees that conceal the forest (...)
La menace venue d'Afghanistan est sérieuse
18/12/2008 - 11:39
La « fausse alerte » des grands magasins « Printemps » à Paris ne doit pas se transformer en arbre qui cache la forêt (...)
Albanie : l'adoption du nouveau code électoral compromet la tenue d’elections libres
17/12/2008 - 02:58
Le 17 novembre dernier, le parlement albanais adoptait le nouveau code électoral, inspiré par la réforme constitutionnelle initiée (...)
Paris shaken by bomb scare (The Baltimore Sun)
17/12/2008 - 10:33
Dynamit in Pariser Kaufhaus (Sueddeutsche Zeitung)
17/12/2008 - 10:31
Alerte à la dynamite dans un grand magasin parisien (24 heures)
17/12/2008 - 10:29
Dynamite found in bomb scare at French department store (Los Angeles Times)
17/12/2008 - 10:27
Terroristes présumés devant la Chambre du Conseil de Bxl (RTBF)
17/12/2008 - 10:26
Mystérieuse menace d’attentat au Printemps Haussmann (L'Humanité)
17/12/2008 - 10:24
Franse terreurverdachten hebben banden met El Aroud (De Morgen)
17/12/2008 - 10:23
Des explosifs découverts à Paris (Le Journal du Dimanche)
16/12/2008 - 10:34
All Roads Lead To Pakistan (CBS News)
15/12/2008 - 10:36
Terrorists thwarted, say Belgians (The Sydney Morning Herald)
13/12/2008 - 10:37
14 al-Qaida suspects held as Europe's leaders gather in Brussels (The Guardian)
12/12/2008 - 10:49
14 al-Qaida suspects detained in Brussels (The Seattle Times)
12/12/2008 - 10:48
6 Alleged Islamic Extremists Charged in Belgium (ABC News)
12/12/2008 - 10:46
Belgian police foil suicide bombing (Brisbane Times)
12/12/2008 - 10:45
Online Jihadist arrested (The Times)
12/12/2008 - 10:43
14 al-Qaida suspects detained as Belgian police foil suicide attack (Irish Examiner)
12/12/2008 - 10:42
Bélgica prende 14 em ação antiterror (O Estado de S.Paulo)
12/12/2008 - 10:40
The dismantled network in Belgium was probably aiming to target the European presence in Afghanistan
11/12/2008 - 03:17
The investigation that lead to the arrest of about fifteen people from jihadist networks in Belgium early on Thursday (...)
Le réseau demantelé en Belgique visait sans doute la présence européenne en Afghanistan
11/12/2008 - 03:13
L’enquête qui a abouti à une quinzaine d’interpellations dans la mouvance djihadiste, en Belgique, dans la matinée de ce jeudi 11 décembre (...)
14 Alleged Al Qaeda-Linked Extremists Detained in Belgium (Fox News)
11/12/2008 - 11:32
Terror Arrests Ahead of E.U. Summit (The New York Times)
11/12/2008 - 11:31
La branche belge d'Al-Qaida démantelée: Malika El Aroud, 'LA' djihadiste belge, interpellée (RTL)
11/12/2008 - 11:28
14 alleged Islamic extremists detained in Belgium (Herald Tribune)
11/12/2008 - 11:27
Turkmenistan: the October revelation
08/12/2008 - 03:24
Saparmurad Niazov, the eccentric and grotesque Turkmenbashy who, from 1985 until his death in December 2006 reigned supreme over Turkmenistan (...)
Turkménistan : la révélation d'Octobre
08/12/2008 - 03:20
Feu Saparmourad Niazov, l’excentrique et ubuesque Turkmenbachy qui, de 1985 à sa mort en décembre 2006, a régné sans partage (...)
Retour sur les attentats de Bombay (France Info)
28/11/2008 - 11:34
First lessons of the Mumbai carnage
28/11/2008 - 10:26
As these words are being written, on Friday morning, the situation in Mumbai remains extremely confused as operations are still underway (...)
Premiers enseignements de la tuerie de Mumbai
28/11/2008 - 10:19
A l’heure où nous écrivons, ce vendredi matin, la situation reste extrêmement confuse à Mumbai où les opérations sont toujours en cours (...)
Greva e urise, Topalli "hap" dyert e Kuvendit (Koha Jonë)
15/11/2008 - 11:37
“Në Shqipëri PD-PS zëvendësojnë sistemin e vjetër të një partie” (Gazeta Panorama)
15/11/2008 - 11:35
Le phénomène des femmes kamikazes
06/11/2008 - 10:29
La multiplication des attentats suicides, depuis quelques années, suscite bien des interrogations. Est-ce un phénomène nouveau ? (...)
Electoral hold-up in Albania
04/11/2008 - 12:58
The two dominant parties on the Albanian electoral scene, the Democratic Party of Prime Minister Sali Berisha (...)
Hold-up électoral en Albanie
04/11/2008 - 12:54
Les deux partis dominants de la scène électorale albanaise, le Parti démocratique du Premier ministre Sali Berisha et le Parti socialiste(...)
De marxistes, les séparatistes se transforment en organisation islamiste. Le nouveau visage terroriste du Polisario (Maroc Hebdo)
27/10/2008 - 11:38
La place de la politique étrangère dans le duel John McCain-Barack Obama
19/10/2008 - 10:22
Depuis le 11 septembre 2001, la sécurité et les intérêts nationaux n’ont jamais été autant au cœur du débat politique américain (...)
The place of Foreign Policy in the duel between John McCain and Barack Obama
19/10/2008 - 09:48
In 2000, during his first electoral campaign, George W. Bush defined an isolationist policy aiming at withdrawing American troops from the Balkans (...)
Albania: when a reform of the electoral code weakens democracy
15/10/2008 - 10:29
Nearly twenty years after the fall of Communism, the process of democratisation of Albania is once again under threat (...)
Albanie : quand une réforme du code électoral affaiblit la démocratie
15/10/2008 - 10:26
Près de vingt ans après la chute du communisme, le processus de démocratisation de l’Albanie se trouve une nouvelle fois menacé (...)
Kazakhstan: a Tsar is born
12/10/2008 - 11:41
The disintegration of the Soviet empire in 1991 opened a new era with respect to international relations in Central Asia (...)
Kazakhstan : un Tsar est né
12/10/2008 - 10:33
La désintégration de l’empire soviétique, en 1991, a ouvert une ère nouvelle en matière de relations internationales en Asie centrale (...)
El Salvador : le retour des Comandantes pour bientôt ?
02/10/2008 - 11:50
Alors qu’une bonne partie du monde suit avec attention la campagne présidentielle américaine, l’un des plus petits pays d’Amérique latine (...)
El Salvador: will the Comandantes soon be returning?
02/10/2008 - 11:45
While a good part of the world is closely following the American presidential election, the declaration by one of the smallest countries (...)
The Front Polisario: a destabilising force in the region that is still active
01/10/2008 - 02:39
More than thirty years after the departure of the last Spanish administrators, the conflict which disturbs the Western Sahara still has not been resolved (...)
Front Polisario : une force de déstabilisation régionale toujours active
01/10/2008 - 02:29
Plus de trente ans après le départ des derniers administrateurs espagnols, le conflit qui agite le Sahara occidental n’a toujours pas été résolu (...)
Etats-Unis : transition présidentielle et implications pour la sécurité nationale en 2008-2009
29/09/2008 - 11:56
Avec l’investiture de John McCain et Barack Obama par leur parti respectif, s’ouvre une période, hautement sensible (...)
United States: presidential transition and implications for national Security in 2008-2009
25/09/2008 - 12:00
With the nomination of John McCain and Barack Obama by their respective parties, there begins a highly sensitive period (...)
Georgia: assessment of a disastrous military adventure
24/09/2008 - 12:21
On the evening of August 7, when the whole world was preparing to direct its attention to Beijing for the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games (...)
Géorgie : bilan d'une désastreuse aventure militaire
24/09/2008 - 12:08
Le 7 août dernier au soir, alors que le monde entier s’apprêtait à tourner les yeux vers Pékin pour la cérémonie d’ouverture (...)
Is change possible? Crise Georgie/Russie (US foreign policy)
17/09/2008 - 10:42
Obama's Foreign Policy: a forward looking analysis
16/09/2008 - 10:42
According to many observers the Democratic presidential contender seems to act, on the foreign front, as if he is already in office (...)
"La nuit appartient aux talibans en Afghanistan" (RTL)
20/08/2008 - 11:38
Georgian adventurism
11/08/2008 - 12:04
In just several hours, during the night of 7 /8 August, by using force to try to solve a problem which was not really urgent (...)
Aventurisme géorgien
11/08/2008 - 12:01
En quelques heures, dans la nuit du 7 au 8 août, le président Mikhaïl Saakachvili est parvenu, en utilisant la force (...)
Amenintarea terorista planeaza asupra aurului negru (Faclia)
08/08/2008 - 11:51
Ouzbékistan : oublier Andijan ?
18/07/2008 - 11:21
Le 13 mai dernier marquait le troisième anniversaire de la sanglante répression des émeutes d’Andijan, une ville d’Ouzbékistan (...)
Uzbekistan: shall we forget Andijan?
18/07/2008 - 11:18
May 13 marked the third anniversary of the bloody repression of riots in Andijan, a city in Uzbekistan nestled in the FerghanaValley (...)
La menace terroriste sur l'or noir (Le Temps)
15/07/2008 - 11:53
Iran ready to hit UK (Daily Express)
13/07/2008 - 11:56
Una 'yihadista' usa las palabras como arma en Internet (El Pais)
12/07/2008 - 12:21
Canada's new geopolitics: when a green country becomes a petroleum country
02/07/2008 - 11:56
Canada has always projected an image of a green country with vast open spaces and with politicians supporting the environment (...)
La nouvelle géopolitique du Canada : quand un pays vert devient un pays pétrolier
24/06/2008 - 11:25
Le Canada a toujours véhiculé une image de pays vert avec de grands espaces et des politiques volontaristes en matière d’environnement (...)
Eine Frau wirbt ungehindert für al-Qaida (Welt Online)
01/06/2008 - 12:23
Georgian legislative elections: Saakashvili's grand slam
01/06/2008 - 12:05
For the second time in less than five months, the Georgians went to the polling stations on May 21. (...)
Elections législatives géorgiennes : le grand chelem de Saakachvili
01/06/2008 - 12:02
Pour la deuxième fois en moins de cinq mois, les Géorgiens se sont rendus aux urnes le 21 mai dernier. (...)
Al Qaeda Warrior Uses Internet to Rally Women (The New York Times)
28/05/2008 - 12:33
La Belge Malika El Aroud, l'une des plus influentes djihadistes sur Internet (Le Vif l'Express)
28/05/2008 - 12:25
Belgian woman wages war for Al Qaeda on the Web (Herald Tribune)
27/05/2008 - 12:27
Kuwaït: a foreseeable disaster and some politically incorrect reflections
22/05/2008 - 12:10
The lesson that Kuwait has just given us should be clear: what the Arab world needs is not ‘free elections’ (...)
Koweït : un désastre attendu et quelques réflexions politiquement incorrects
22/05/2008 - 12:06
La leçon que vient de nous donner le Koweït devrait être claire : ce n’est pas « d’élections libres » dont le monde arabe a besoin (...)
Paraguay: Fernando Lugo, from good Pastor to populist Caudillo?
15/05/2008 - 12:14
The general elections of April 20 will no doubt be considered as historic in modern Paraguay (...)
Paraguay : Fernando Lugo, du bon pasteur au Caudillo populiste?
15/05/2008 - 12:09
Les élections générales du 20 avril dernier mériteront sans doute le qualificatif d’historiques dans l’histoire moderne du Paraguay (...)
Tajikistan: caught in a downward spiral
12/05/2008 - 12:24
The food crisis that is hitting directly forty or more countries around the world and which recently has been featured in the international media (...)
Tadjikistan : dans la spirale infernale
12/05/2008 - 12:20
La crise alimentaire qui frappe de plein fouet une quarantaine de pays dans le monde, et qui fait depuis peu la une de nombreux médias (...)
The next challenge in Iraq: countering Iran's growing influence
11/04/2008 - 12:46
General David Petraeus's presentation to Congress on Monday, April 7th, was supposed to offer US lawmakers compelling evidence (...)
Le prochain défi en Irak : déjouer l'influence de plus en plus marquée de l'Iran
11/04/2008 - 12:29
La présentation du Général David Petraeus devant le Congrès, le lundi 7 avril, était supposée apporter aux législateurs américains (...)
Arménie : le douloureux et difficile apprentissage de la démocratie
07/04/2008 - 10:30
Le syndrome des révolutions de couleur dans le Caucase du sud et en Asie centrale serait-il contagieux ? (...)
Prepared to pay to bring her home (The New Zealand Herald)
02/04/2008 - 12:37
Learnings from the departure of Admiral Fallon from the central Command
01/04/2008 - 10:42
On Tuesday, March 11, Admiral William ‘Fox’ Fallon relinquished his duties as Chief of the U.S. Central Command (...)
Les enseignements du départ de l'amiral Fallon du commandement central
01/04/2008 - 10:34
Mardi 11 mars, l’amiral William « Fox » Fallon démissionnait de ses fonctions de chef du Commandement central (...)
Tibet: the last revolt?
28/03/2008 - 11:54
The anniversary of the riots in Lhassa of 1959 and of the departure in exile of the Dalai Lama has been marked by an uprising of the Tibetan Opposition (...)
Tibet : la dernière révolte ?
28/03/2008 - 11:49
L’anniversaire des émeutes de Lhassa de 1959 et du départ en exil du Dalaï Lama est marqué par un soulèvement des opposants tibétains (...)
Will Turkmenistan continue to open up to the outside world?
25/03/2008 - 12:01
On March 10 and 11, the President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, made a state visit to Uzbekistan (...)
Le Turkménistan va-t-il confirmer son ouverture internationale ?
25/03/2008 - 11:58
Les 10 et 11 mars derniers, le président turkmène, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a effectué une visite d’Etat en Ouzbékistan (...)
Cartoon, Pope rows lead bin Laden to target Europe (Reuters)
20/03/2008 - 01:42
Bin Laden: Europa en la mira (Deutsche Welle)
20/03/2008 - 01:39
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: is it a paper tiger or the birth od a dragon?
20/03/2008 - 12:11
It would appear that the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (OCS) last year in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on August 16 (...)
L’Organisation de Coopération de Shanghai : tigre de papier ou naissance d’un dragon ?
20/03/2008 - 12:03
Le sommet annuel de l’Organisation de Coopération de Shanghai - OCS - (Shanghai Cooperation Organization - SCO), le 16 août dernier à Bichkek au Kirghizstan (...)
Winograd, révélateur d'un "désengagemnt démocratique" et d'un effritement de l'Etat-Nation ?
17/03/2008 - 12:15
Le 30 janvier dernier, la commission Winograd a remis au gouvernement israélien son rapport final (...)
"L'espoir vient de Tunisie" (Paris Match)
13/03/2008 - 01:44
Czas cyberwywiadu (Dziennik)
08/03/2008 - 01:47
Women, a bulwark against extremism and fundamentalism: the example of Tunisia
04/03/2008 - 12:27
La femme, rempart contre l'extrémisme et l'intégrisme : l'exemple de la Tunisie
04/03/2008 - 12:22
Le monde musulman est en proie, depuis des années, à une maladie qui menace de l’isoler, d’en faire un objet de répulsion pour le reste de l’humanité (...)
Moroccan crackdown on terrorists shows converging threats (Baltimore Sun)
02/03/2008 - 01:49
Paris observe avec inquiétude la montée des périls (Sud Ouest)
28/02/2008 - 01:51
Independence of Kosovo: does it set a dangerous precedent?
28/02/2008 - 11:17
Broadcast live on February 17 by most of the Western television channels, we watched the joy mixed with pride and the communion of a people celebrating an independence that was so much desired for so long (...)
Suspension du prononcé pour l'agresseur d'un expert passé sur RTL (7 sur 7)
27/02/2008 - 01:52
Can President Musharraf survive the election results of February 18 politically?
26/02/2008 - 11:25
On February 18, Pakistan held the ninth general elections in its history. Due to the political and security crisis which rocked the country, this vote took on considerable importance (...)
Le président Musharraf peut-il survivre politiquement aux résultats des élections du 18 février ?
26/02/2008 - 11:21
Le 18 février dernier, le Pakistan organisait les neuvièmes élections générales de son histoire. Du fait de la crise politique et sécuritaire qui secoue le pays, ce scrutin a revêtu une importance considérable (...)
The accession to power of Lee Myung-Bak heralds a renewal of the American-Korean Alliance
18/02/2008 - 11:34
On February 25, President Elect Lee Myung-bak will be officially inaugurated as South Korea’s head of state, taking over from President Roh Moo-hyun (...)
L'arrivée au pouvoir de Lee Myung-Bak annonce un renouveau de l'alliance américano-coréenne
15/02/2008 - 11:29
Le 25 février prochain, le président élu Lee Myung-bak sera officiellement investi à la tête de l’État sud-coréen, succédant ainsi au président Roh Moo-hyun (...)
Iran at the centre of George W. Bush's visit to the Middle East
13/02/2008 - 10:51
By visiting a region which has been unquestionably altered by his tenure in office, President George W. Bush has demonstrated once again the growing importance of the Middle East for the United States and its security (...)
L'Iran au centre de la visite de George W. Bush au Moyen-Orient
13/02/2008 - 10:45
En se rendant dans une région qui aura incontestablement marqué son mandat, le président George W. Bush a démontré une nouvelle fois l’importance croissante du Moyen-Orient pour les Etats-Unis et leur sécurité (...)
Un problème avec l'Islam ? (France 24)
11/02/2008 - 01:54
Does the end of the cease-fire leave any prospect for peace in Sri Lanka?
11/02/2008 - 11:00
On Wednesday, January 2, the Sri Lanka government renounced the cease-fire agreement concluded on February 22, 2002 with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)(...)
La fin du cessez-le-feu laisse-t-elle encore une perspective de paix au Sri Lanka ?
11/02/2008 - 10:55
Le mercredi 2 janvier dernier, le gouvernement sri-lankais dénonçait l’accord de cessez-le-feu conclu le 22 février 2002 avec les Tigres de libération de l’Eelam Tamoul (Liberation Tigers of tamil Eelam - LTTE) (...)
Laborc „lélektani problémákat” okozhat a NATO-ban (Magyar Nemzet Online)
07/02/2008 - 01:56
Capitalism or Etatisme?
04/02/2008 - 01:14
There is reason to be worried about the atmosphere of collective hysteria with respect to the Société Générale affair (...)
What terrorist menace in East Africa?
31/01/2008 - 11:10
The Black Continent, which has been a priori marginalised in world affairs, assumes a strategic interest in the matter of the struggle against terrorism (...)
Quelle menace terroriste en Afrique de l'Est ?
31/01/2008 - 11:06
Le continent noir, a priori marginalisé du monde, revêt un intérêt stratégique en ce qui concerne la lutte contre le terrorisme (...)
After Annapolis, what is Syria's role in the Middle East?
23/01/2008 - 11:21
The international community has the feeling that Syria is an isolated country, because it never participated in the informal international conferences on the Middle East (...)
Après Annapolis, quel rôle pour la Syrie au Moyen-Orient?
23/01/2008 - 11:17
La communauté internationale a le sentiment que la Syrie est un pays isolé, car cette dernière n’a jamais participé aux conférences internationales informelles sur le Moyen-Orient(...)
Turkmenistan: year One of the post-Niazov era
21/01/2008 - 11:36
Though it was 10 days in advance of the official calendar, very likely the date December 21, 2006 will long remain the symbolic point of beginning of the year 2007 in Turkmenistan(...)
Turkménistan : l'an 1 de l'après-Niazov
21/01/2008 - 11:25
C’est très vraisemblablement la date du 21 décembre 2006 qui restera, avec 10 jours d’avance sur le calendrier officiel, comme le point de départ symbolique de l’année 2007 au Turkménistan (...)
Financement partagé pour la base d'Abou Dhabi (France 24)
17/01/2008 - 01:58
Do recent changes in Russia's military machine spell the country's return as a major power ?
09/01/2008 - 12:41
In the course of his annual three-hour televised encounter with his Russian compatriots on October 18, Vladimir Putin took his time dealing with questions of defence (...)
Evolution de l'outil militaire russe, un regain de puissance ?
09/01/2008 - 11:40
Au cours de son rendez-vous télévisé annuel de trois heures avec les Russes, le 18 octobre dernier, Vladimir Poutine s’est attardé sur les questions de Défense (...)
'Terreurdreiging België zeer serieus' (De Telegraaf)
07/01/2008 - 02:00
Georgia: deciphering an election that has already been contested
07/01/2008 - 12:48
Without surprise, late in the evening of January 5, first estimations of the results of the early Presidential election announced by the Georgian institutions based on exit polls suggested that Mikhail Saakashvili will be victorious (...)
Géorgie : décrypyage d'une élection déjà contestée
07/01/2008 - 12:45
Sans surprise, tard dans la soirée du 5 janvier, les premières estimations du résultat de l’élection présidentielle anticipée, annoncées par les instituts sur la base des sondages sortie des urnes, laissaient entrevoir la victoire de Mikhaïl Saakachvili (...)
US ELECTION WATCH: the significance of the Iowa Primary
04/01/2008 - 01:03
As we observe the outcome of the Iowa Caucus, which surprised many observers by putting presidential candidates Barak Obama and Mike Huckabee in the lead of their respective parties, here are some key considerations (...)
U.S. ELECTION WATCH : les leçons des primaires de l'Iowa
04/01/2008 - 12:58
la lumière du résultat des caucus de l’Iowa, qui ont surpris nombre d’observateurs en plaçant les candidats Barak Obama et Mike Huckabee en tête de leur parti respectif, voici quelques considérations majeures pour étayer notre analyse (...)
Iran: what credit should one accord to the about-face in American Intelligence?
04/01/2008 - 12:54
By stating that Iran ended its military nuclear programme in 2003, the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)the main conclusions of which were published at the end of November, marked a spectacular about-face in the evaluation of the Iranian threat by the American intelligence agencies (...)
Iran : quel crédit doit-on accorder au revirement du renseignement américain ?
04/01/2008 - 12:51
En affirmant que l’Iran avait mis un terme à son programme nucléaire militaire en 2003, la National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) dont les principales conclusions ont été publiées à la fin du mois de novembre marque un revirement spectaculaire dans l’évaluation de la menace iranienne par les agences de renseignement américaines (...)
"La menace terroriste en Belgique était réelle. L'annoncer fut prématuré" (Paris Match)
28/12/2007 - 09:11
Belgium frees 14 held in terrorism plot (Herald Tribune)
22/12/2007 - 09:14
Belgian authorities arrest 14 in terror probe; security heightened (Herald Tribune)
21/12/2007 - 09:18
Belgium frees 14 terror suspects (USA Today)
21/12/2007 - 09:16
La CIA ha recuperado su bola de cristal (ABC)
15/12/2007 - 09:21
Préserver la liberté de parole (Le Soir)
13/12/2007 - 09:24
American Intelligence (The Wall Street Journal)
13/12/2007 - 09:22
La liberté d'expression n'est pas négociable
12/12/2007 - 12:02
Le 12 septembre 2004, à la sortie d’un plateau de télévision à Bruxelles, Claude Moniquet était violemment agressé (...)
Freedom of speech is not negotiable
12/12/2007 - 11:57
On September 12, 2004, when leaving the television studios in Brussels, Claude Moniquet was violently assaulted (...)
Algerian bomb blasts linked to al-Qa'ida (Belfast Telegraph)
12/12/2007 - 09:25
Algeria, or opportunistic terrorism
18/10/2007 - 11:06
The return of terror to Algeria proves to what extent Islamic terrorism can show itself to be opportunistic (...)
L'Algérie ou le terrorisme opportuniste
18/10/2007 - 11:04
Le retour de la terreur en Algérie prouve à quel point le terrorisme islamique peut se montrer opportuniste (...)
A French sickness: anti-sarkozy-ism has its best before it
24/09/2007 - 11:25
Few French politicians – in any case few heads of the executive branch with the notable exception of Pierre Mendès-France (...)
Un petit côté "années trente" : l'anti-sarkozysme a de beaux jours devant lui
24/09/2007 - 11:08
Peu d’hommes politiques français - et en tout cas peu de chefs de l’exécutif, à la notable exception de Pierre Mendès-France (...)
A threat always present
05/09/2007 - 11:21
London, Copenhagen then Frankfurt: three times, in a little more than two months, Islamist terrorism has come back (...)
Une menace toujours présente
05/09/2007 - 11:19
Londres, Copenhague puis Francfort : à trois reprises, en un peu plus de deux mois, le terrorisme islamiste est venu (...)
Libye : le crime paie
24/07/2007 - 11:28
D’abord, bien entendu, on se réjouira de la libération des infirmières bulgares et du médecin d’origine palestinienne
Bernard Borrel: the truth, twelve years later!
20/06/2007 - 11:38
Sometimes justice makes haste slowly. In the Borrel affair, it took twelve years to begin to recognise a truth (...)
Bernard Borrel : la vérité, douze ans après !
20/06/2007 - 11:30
Parfois, la justice se hâte lentement. Dans l’affaire Borrel, elle a mis douze ans à commencer à reconnaître une vérité (...)
Civil war in Gaza
19/06/2007 - 11:44
For several weeks, if not months, the European media have given serious thought to the question of whether ‘Gaza is headed towards civil war.’ (...)
Guerre civile à Gaza
19/06/2007 - 11:40
Depuis des semaines, sinon même des mois, les médias européens s’interrogent gravement sur le thème « va-t-on vers la guerre civile à Gaza ? » (...)
Enough! Madame Royal’s irresponsible statements are not democratic
04/05/2007 - 12:09
Is it the vision of defeat? Is it a fit of rage over having failed to convince the electorate? A simple demonstration (...)
Assez ! Les déclarations irresponsables de Madame Royal sont antirépublicaines
04/05/2007 - 11:47
Est-ce le spectre de la défaite ? Une bouffée de rage de n’avoir pu convaincre ? La simple démonstration d’un mode de pensée (...)
Bad signals from Rome and London: why are we losing the war of ideas
12/04/2007 - 12:13
The war on terrorism is first and foremost a war of ideas, an offensive to win over the minds of those would might be tempted (...)
Les mauvais signaux de Rome et de Londres : pourquoi nous perdons la guerre des idées
12/04/2007 - 12:11
German courage, italien cowardice
21/03/2007 - 01:24
Terrorist events of recent days have highlighted a startling contrast: when faced with the same problem (...)
Courage allemand, lâcheté italienne
21/03/2007 - 01:21
L’actualité du terrorisme nous offre, ces jours-ci, un contraste assez frappant : confrontées à la même problématique (...)
Selective immigration: where is the problem?
21/03/2007 - 01:19
With his customary fieriness, Nicolas Sarkozy has given his adversaries a stick to beat him with: in advocating the creation (...)
Immigration choisie : où est le problème ?
21/03/2007 - 01:17
Avec sa fougue habituelle, Nicolas Sarkozy a tendu à ses adversaires les verges pour se faire battre : en prônant la création (...)
Turkey : it is time to tell Ankara the truth
06/03/2007 - 01:28
The European Union has been taking Ankara for a ride, allowing the Turkish side to believe that joining the European Union (...)
Turquie : il est temps de dire la vérité à Ankara
06/03/2007 - 01:26
L’Union européenne s’est engagée dans un jeu de dupes avec Ankara, laissant croire à la partie turque qu’une l’adhésion (...)
A friend has left us
23/01/2007 - 01:41
Last night journalist Marie-Rose Armesto, 46, passed away, succumbing to the cancer that she had tenaciously battled (...)
Une amie s'en est allée
23/01/2007 - 01:37
La journaliste Marie-Rose Armesto est morte cette nuit, à l’âge de 46 ans, des suites d’un cancer contre lequel elle se battait (...)
Saddam and his executioners: a tale of tribal savagery
23/01/2007 - 01:35
Let’s start by making one point perfectly clear: the point of this editorial is not to offer pity to Saddam Hussein (...)
Saddam et ses bourreaux : chronique de la sauvagerie sauvage
04/01/2007 - 01:32
D’abord, qu’un point soit clair : il n’est pas question ici de plaindre Saddam Hussein ni, comme trop de belles âmes européennes(...)
Pourquoi le Tchad d'Idriss Déby doit être défendu
27/11/2006 - 11:44
Depuis quelques jours, la crise larvée qui oppose, au Tchad, un gouvernement légitime – celui de M. Idriss Déby (...)
Why Idriss Déby's Chad must be defended
27/11/2006 - 11:40
For the last several days, the latent crisis that has pitted a lawful government– that of Mr Idriss Déby – against an armed "opposition" (...)
Si nous laissons aller les choses, un jour, nous serons pris entre l'islamisme radical et l'extrême droite
23/10/2006 - 10:52
On aimerait pouvoir écrire, de temps en temps, sur autre chose que sur l’islamisme radical. Malheureusement, les jours se suivent (...)
If we let things continue the way they are going, we will be trapped between radical islamism and the extreme right wing
23/10/2006 - 10:49
From time to time we would like to be able to write about something other than radical Islamism. Unfortunately, as the days go by (...)
Enough! Blasphemy is right, and has to remain one
29/09/2006 - 10:57
Two weeks ago, a reference by Pope Benedict XVI to an obscure controversy a thousand years old provoked the anger (...)
Assez ! Ou : le blasphème est un droit et doit le rester...
29/09/2006 - 10:55
Il y a deux semaines, la référence faite par le pape Benoît XVI à une obscure controverse vieille d’une dizaine de siècles (...)
Les juges, la loi, la société
25/09/2006 - 11:01
Personne ne niera, probablement, que la situation sécuritaire n’est pas, en France, ce qu’elle devrait être (...)
Judges, the law and society
25/09/2006 - 10:59
No-one will deny that the security situation in France is not all it should be. Day after day, aggression and damage are carried out (...)
The iraqisation of Gaza has started: has the hour of Al-Qaida and/or The Hezbollah come?
25/08/2006 - 11:06
A few days ago, we underlined the very particular aspects of the last taking of hostages in the Gaza Strip (...)
L'irakisation de Gaza a commencé: l'heure d'Al-Qaïda ou/et du Hezbollah ?
25/08/2006 - 11:03
Il y a quelques jours, nous soulignions les aspects très particuliers de la dernière prise d’otage en date dans la bande de Gaza (...)
There won't be a miracle in Rome: unfortunately, the war will continue
26/07/2006 - 11:11
While the ground operations are going on, things appear to speed up at a diplomatic level. But these stirrings and the declarations (...)
Il n'y aura pas de miracle à Rome : la guerre, hélas, va continuer
26/07/2006 - 11:08
Alors que les opérations se poursuivent sur le terrain, les choses semblent s’accélérer au plan diplomatique (...)
Why does Israel do the dirty work: the law without the power to enforce it, is useless!
20/07/2006 - 11:25
Not a day, nor an hour goes by without television hitting us with the horrible images of the destruction that Tsahal (...)
Pourquoi Israël fait le sale boulot : la loi, sans la force pour l'appliquer, n'est rien !
20/07/2006 - 11:21
Pas un jour, pas une heure qui passe sans que les télévisions nous assènent les images horribles des destructions que Tsahal (...)
Behind Hamas and the Hezbollah lie the shadows of Syria and Iran
13/07/2006 - 11:30
It would be wrong to view the war that is gradually taking a grip on the Near East as a simple « police operation » (...)
Derrière le Hamas et le Hezbollah, cherchez la Syrie et l'Iran
13/07/2006 - 11:27
On aurait tort de ne voir dans la guerre qui semble peu à peu s’installer au Proche Orient qu’une simple ...)
Why weaken the security services in the war against terrorism or Libération plays devil's advocate
06/07/2006 - 11:37
As a Paris court sits in judgement of six young Frenchmen who spent time in Al Qaeda camps and were detained at Guantanamo Bay (...)
Pourquoi affaiblir les services spéciaux dans la lutte antiterroriste ? Ou quand Libération se fait l'avocat du diable
06/07/2006 - 11:33
Alors qu’un tribunal parisien juge 6 jeunes Français qui avaient séjourné dans les camps d’Al-Qaïda et qui ont été détenus (...)
Axiome : les Isaéliens sont méchants
29/06/2006 - 11:42
La cause est entendue. Pour la majorité des médias occidentaux, une fois de plus, le « méchant » est clairement identifié.(...)
Axiom: the Israelis are the bad guys
29/06/2006 - 11:39
The position is clear. For the majority of Western media, once again, the "bad guy" is easily identifiable. (...)
Al-Zarkawi, or the end of a symbol
09/06/2006 - 11:47
It is still too soon to forecast the medium-term consequences of the death of Abu Musab al-Zarkawi on the Iraqi jihad (...)
Al-Zarkaoui ou la fin d'un symbole
09/06/2006 - 11:44
Il est encore trop tôt pour prévoir ce que seront les conséquences à moyen terme de la mort d’Abou Moussab al-Zarkaoui (...)
Hostages, the state, the secret services, money and the media
24/05/2006 - 09:36
Reading the papers is never a let-down. They are quick to denounce scandal and injustice, to hand out bouquets and brickbats (...)
Les otages, l'Etat, les "services", l'argent et les médias
24/05/2006 - 09:33
On n’est jamais déçu par la lecture de la presse. Prompts à dénoncer scandales et injustices, à distribuer bons et mauvais points (...)
The spectre of racism is haunting Europe
13/05/2006 - 09:41
Racism these days is a deadly matter. Our politicians, faced with hatred that dares to speak its name openly (...)
Un spectre hante l'Europe : celui du racisme
13/05/2006 - 09:39
Aujourd’hui, le racisme tue. Face à cette haine qui s’exprime ouvertement, nos politiques portent une lourde responsabilité (...)
Zacarias Moussaoui : un procès exemplaire
04/05/2006 - 09:44
Après Joe Van Holsbeeck, combien de morts faudra-t-il encore ?
24/04/2006 - 09:49
Cette société est malade. Est-il encore nécessaire de le souligner ? Une société dans laquelle un jeune homme de 17 ans (...)
Pour un islam de tolérance : exclure les prêcheurs de haine !
24/04/2006 - 09:45
Le député (de l’aile libérale du Mouvement Réformateur) Denis Ducarme déposera prochainement au Parlement belge une résolution (...)
Kaboul ou le choc des civilisations
24/03/2006 - 10:53
Si la question n’était pas taboue et le débat absolument interdit par les gardiens de la sacro-sainte pensée unique (...)
The real issue of the "Erdal affair": the tolerance shown in Brussels to some forms of terrorism
07/03/2006 - 10:58
The Erdal Affair, from the name of the young Turkish terrorist of the extreme left who fled in rather picaresque circumstances (...)
La vraie question de "l'affaire Erdal" : la tolérance de Bruxelles face à certaines formes de terrorisme
07/03/2006 - 10:55
L’affaire Erdal, du nom de cette jeune terroriste turque d’extrême gauche qui s’est enfuie dans des conditions assez rocambolesques(...)
Le terrorisme, l'extrême gauche, les médias et l'Etat : le cas Joëlle Aubron
03/03/2006 - 11:00
Le traitement médiatique de la mort de Joëlle Aubron est un véritable cas d’école. Il est révélateur de la difficulté (...)
Le Londonistan, encore et toujours…
13/02/2006 - 11:03
Si les autorités britanniques croient réellement avoir tourné la page du Londonistan, qui avait fait de leur capitale le rendez-vous (...)
Caricatures : Europe, où est ton courage ?
06/02/2006 - 11:05
Pour l’Europe de la politique extérieure qui peine à se construire, la crise des caricatures de Mahomet est un test (...)
Au sujet des caricatures de Mahomet
30/01/2006 - 11:06
En septembre dernier, la publication de caricatures de Mahomet par un quotidien danois (l’une d’elles le représentait avec un turban (...)
Autorité palestinienne : l'heure de vérité
26/01/2006 - 11:09
Les urnes ont donc parlé : le Hamas pourrait se trouver en position de former le future gouvernement palestinien (...)
Pratiques secrètes de la CIA: un secret de Polichinelle, selon des experts (AFP)
24/01/2006 - 12:35
La guerre
20/01/2006 - 11:13
Si les mots ont un sens, alors la France a admis hier, par la voix de Jacques Chirac qu’elle était en guerre (...)
Belgische Terroriste was getrouwd met radicale (Het Laatste Nieuws)
30/11/2005 - 09:32
Suicide bomber "was Belgian woman" (Yhe Daily Telegraph)
30/11/2005 - 09:30
Le rapport qui met out le Polisario (Aujourd'hui le Maroc)
22/11/2005 - 09:34
"Nous poussons des jeunes dans le camp de l'islamisme" (France Soir)
06/09/2005 - 10:00
"Il me paraît évident que Bruxelles soit menacée" Paris Match
28/07/2005 - 08:42
Brussels prepares for terror attacks (The Bulletin)
14/07/2005 - 08:44
Palabras que matan (ABC)
10/07/2005 - 08:46
Les spécialistes du terrorisme privilégient la "piste irakienne" (Le Monde)
09/07/2005 - 08:49
Europe's radical young Muslims turn to violence (Financial Times)
09/07/2005 - 08:47
Le retour des djihadistes européens d'Irak inquiète les "services" (Le Monde)
26/06/2005 - 08:50
Djihad et islamisme en Belgique
01/06/2005 - 09:22
Claude MONIQUET. Editions Jourdan Le Clercq, 2005
"Des cellules terroristes existent partout en Europe" (Aujourd'hui en France)
11/03/2005 - 10:20
Europe Faces Its Terrorists (The Wall Street Journal)
28/01/2005 - 10:22
Une dizaine d'attentats majeurs ont été évités en Europe depuis 2001 (Le Monde)
10/12/2004 - 09:28
Al-Qaïda : la relève ouvre un nouveau cycle de terreur (Le Soir)
08/12/2004 - 10:30
In a country with homegrown terror, investigators struggle to sort out Spanish attack (The Boston Globe)
03/11/2004 - 10:34
Madrid bombings carry al-Qaida hallmark (UPI)
03/11/2004 - 10:32
"La guerra de Iral era necesaria para democratizar la region" (ABC)
27/09/2004 - 09:35
Europeans refuse to play Bin Laden Deadline Game (Reuters)
14/07/2004 - 09:37
Le Djihad : histoire secrète des hommes et des réseaux en Belgique
01/06/2004 - 09:24
Claude MONIQUET. Editions Ramsay, 2004
"Alemania sacara el tema a debate en la cumbre europea"
08/05/2004 - 09:43
Paris: Ricin find "non lethal" (CNN)
08/05/2004 - 09:39
France arrests 13 in Morocco suicide attacks (Los Angeles Times)
06/04/2004 - 09:45
"Le 11 mars a prouvé que l'Europe était une cible des islamistes" (La Libre Belgique)
05/04/2004 - 09:46
Member states' failure to share intelligence saps Europol work (European Voice)
25/03/2004 - 10:50
EU chiefs step up terror fight (The Washington Times)
25/03/2004 - 10:48
De wereld na Madrid (Humo)
23/03/2004 - 10:52
Espana: tensiones e investigaciones (BBC Mundo)
20/03/2004 - 10:55
El jefe del servicio secreto italiano dice que un informe de Al Qaeda apuntaba a Espana (El Pais)
20/03/2004 - 10:53
El Centro Europeo de Inteligencia asegura que el Gobierno obligo al CNI a mentir (ABC)
19/03/2004 - 10:56
Madrid move heightens risk of further bombings (Irish Examiner)
18/03/2004 - 11:00
Claude Moniquet is founder of the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center (The Bulletin)
18/03/2004 - 10:59
"Le réseau a remporté une victoire politique" (Le Temps)
16/03/2004 - 11:02
Finding the bombers depends on forensic analysis of devices that caused carnage (The Independent)
13/03/2004 - 11:04
Europol et Interpol évoquent une opération majeure d'Al-Qaïda (Le Monde)
13/03/2004 - 11:03
Who's behind Madrid bombings? (CBC News)
11/03/2004 - 11:09
Spanish authorities struggle with blame (Herald Sun)
11/03/2004 - 11:08
Attentats terroristes : comment Al Qaida se propage (VSD)
24/12/2003 - 11:11
Why the resistance will increase (Asia Times)
20/12/2003 - 11:12
Europe tightens security following Turkish blasts (The Christian Science Monitor)
05/12/2003 - 11:22
Un nouveau rapport : Al-Qaïda deux ans après le 11 septembre 2001 (
13/09/2003 - 10:26
Russe oder Ami - einer lauschte mit (Focus)
19/05/2003 - 10:24
Histoire de l'espionnage mondial, Tome II : De la guerre froide à la guerre antiterroriste
01/06/2002 - 09:37
Claude MONIQUET et Genovefa ETIENNE. Editions du Félin et Luc Pire, 2002
La Guerre sans visage : de Waddi Haddad à Oussama Ben Laden, les réseaux de la peur
01/06/2002 - 09:29
Claude MONIQUET. Editions Michel Lafon, 2002
Histoire de l'espionnage mondial, Tome I : Les services secrets de l'Antiquité à la Seconde Guerre mondiale
01/06/2000 - 09:34
Claude MONIQUET et Genovefa ETIENNE. Editions du Félin et Luc Pire, 2000
Histoire des Juifs soviétiques
01/06/1989 - 09:33
Claude MONIQUET. Editions Olivier Orban, 1989
Touvier, un milicien à l'ombre de l'Eglise
01/06/1989 - 09:31
Claude MONIQUET. Editions Olivier Orban, 1989

World Terror Watch

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